Showing posts with label National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. Show all posts

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Supreme Court Of The USA Gives the Military Permission to detain American Citizens indefinitly without Constitutional Rights..America is Dying

Los Angeles (vicinity), California. Baggage of...
Los Angeles (vicinity), California. Baggage of Japanese-Americans evacuated from certain West coast areas under United States Army war emergency order, who have arrived at a reception center at a racetrack. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
First and Front Streets, San Francisco, Califo...
First and Front Streets, San Francisco, California. Exclusion Order posted to direct Japanese Americans living in the first San Francisco section to evacuate. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Flag of the United States (1867-1877)
Flag of the United States (1867-1877) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The president of the United States allowed a supreme court ruling to hold United States citizens indefinitely by the military without trial or do process.The prisoners would be held in detention centers without provision.The persons being grabbed would have no recourse for the Constitutional rights or any other United States mandated laws.

The people called cranks and nut jobs all these years are not so nutty now. Look into section 1021(b)(2) of the NDAA or National Defense Authorization Act.You will find that as of the signing of this,ACT,You no longer live in the world that you remember.This world is a scene out of a very fictional world somewhere far off in another place.

Fascism has entered the world we once pledged allegiance to.To the country we once vowed to fight for.To the country other country folk risk dying to reach for a breathe of freedom.
It means that our liberties are now forfeit to cooperate power.The laws will soon be who ever can pay the most to rule our lives.

More information can be found on the Truth Dig website.You can also google it and find the Supreme Court website using the above section numbers.I am going to do a great deal of soul searching on this one....The article on the Truth Dig describes the same ruling that this justified using internments camp for the Japanese Americans during WWII.

The Types of people to be interned is listed as those who are labeled terrorists who disagree with any part of the current government.The Black bloc,activist's,and anyone else so labeled.The time of internment is stated to be until the end of time....For short folks till death do you part!

There are political leadership classes being given to teach you how to organize and lead people into changes that will be needed to restore our Constitution in the elections to come.
They may be our last chance to restore a lot of damage done to our country.

You will not get anywhere grabbing a gun and running up the hill.A famous Man ounce said the Pen is mightier than the bow.We need to get our butts into gear,switch off Hitlers Mind morphine for the Masses (we call it a television).Hitler thought it would be great for pacifying large ,masses of humanity to make them easier pickings....Was He right about you???

There is huge changes going on in our country.The worst surprise you will ever get is to be ratted out by some one who has a problem with you.You wake up with the storm troopers restraining you and loved ones.They then slam a black bag on all your heads and drag you into darkness.Imagine your wife,lover and maybe your kids screaming in may never again know of their condition.You wont even know if they are alive..You are now a terrorist even though the country you live in and supported is now terrorizing you.I guess whom the real terrorist is may be a matter of perspective.This government is out of control.
WE THE PEOPLE must join together and fight for our Constitutional Rights to be restored.

WE THE PEOPLE must shrink the monster growing in OUR capital of Washington.It is our Capital city.not those who are making our freedoms a mockery of the fascists who would rule us.WE are still free people,with the blood of true freedom fighters.

Join the renewed fight for our Constitutional Freedoms.Become active in the coming fight to overthrow the ridiculous laws that impose us into criminals in our own country..

This may be your last opportunity to reclaim something you will never have the privilege of regaining once lost........FREEDOM.

Something else in the back pages of the news is this little ditty:
The state of Michigan has outlawed family farms and off the grid folks from raising any kind of livestock to be self supporting.Those living with  a few chickens or a family cow,ETC have been ordered to get rid of the animals by court order.It is a court order for the state of Michigan.

The article States that it is the first of such things to be written as orders in many states.I have written many articles with documentation from the sources for readers to verify......These two articles should lead you to many such new laws for you to be criminalized for...The Revolution begins in earnest,join it and feel the price of freedom.
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