Showing posts with label NewYork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NewYork. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Time For a Worldwide Library Survival/Reference For The Homeless

English: A homeless person on the streets of S...
English: A homeless person on the streets of Shirley, New York, or at least somebody who is forced to resort to living like one. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A homeless person sleeping on a street in Clev...
A homeless person sleeping on a street in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless man in New York with the A...
English: A homeless man in New York with the American flag in the background. Français : Un homme sans domicile fixe à New York. Un drapeau des États-Unis est visible en arrière plan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
The news today has announced the fact that the billionaire mayor of New York Has 50,000 people sleeping on the streets each night since being elected.Thats far more than before.The food stamp program is stretched to its limits now and costing over 1.5billion dollars.The homes in NewYork state are going up for sale as a  result of economy and flight to states that still respect the Constittuion of The United States.The biggest problem is thenfact that there is no manual or place that many people could go and either learn the art of survival.Perhaps the homeless person would even find how to reboard the now derailed life they once had.
Each night that these folks spend on the street with no-one caring for them.Each night there is a chance that they will become a victim of a terrible crime.The statistics are quite clear that the homeless person is more likely to become a victim of a crime than commit anything more than just vagrancy.Vagrancy:the crime of not belonging anywhere that society cant see and hate you for not reminding them that they could be there at any time themselves.The folks who look at the downtrodden,believing it only can happen to "those people".!!
The refernce would provide a place to find specific information on how to find shelter,food,medical help,whatever they would need in the place they travel to.the reference might be divided into states,cities,Federal and stae Burueas ,Charities that assist,shelters that are rated by safety and availability.
I would also add to this reference a lot of things to make the best of natures abundant resources.I read a while ago about a family that found mushrooms growing in the woods they camped in.The Asian family thought the mushrooms were like those in their homeland.The poison in the Mushrooms killed them all.
The Information in the reference would contain pictures,information on finding,testing,and preparing it to use.
How to build a shelter,How to handle social situations the street person faces.The reference would be upgraded weekly to include income/job places.Shower facilities,soup kitchens.Clothing places for barter.
The reference library could be reached from any smartfone or computer.Wifi is free in most places and those places would not find a person that was blending in the crowd.Many disenfranchised persons are smart enough to hang onto their electronics or use a library.Those who are alcoholics,drug addicts or mentally afflicted.The dark side of the homeless persons are those that prey on the helpless and like being homeless.
They live under the radar and use their homelessness to commit terrible things on newbies that just hit the streets.The law inforcement in many places add to this problem sometimes brutalizing those that are already
in a world of trouble.Who do you call when a cop beats you up with a club?The homeless can not usualy carry anything to protect themselves.being homeless,armed and without any representation in an invitation for
"Resonable Cause".The usual routing being ask for ID.No Id,Run the name and social security,address,etc.
A disarmed person living on the streets are as vulnerable as if the lived in the woods.The coyotes are with
4 and 2 legged variety.The reference would clue anyone into how to stay out of the spotlight for trouble.
The centralized library would serve different regions as it grew and would ask for contributions of information
from those both in the system and out of the sytem.The sites like the and other places joined together would serve to unite the resources of many worlds.
It might even create a foundation for those who want better for themselves and their families to regain a foothold on the lives they still dream of.
The dark side followers that prey on others would also have a place to have their pictures shown and short writeups of their nefarious natures.
The final article would be a place to show those who have come up lost  in a world that can destroy anyone that is not determined to over come anything they negative incounter.councelors would have a place to
work on the most lost in our society.They now live in a world those counselors would have to live in as street folks do.They could never understand the emotions and isolation till they live it.Challenge to the High end
counselors:leave all your credit cards fancy clothes,bmw or whatever,and take a bus to the biggest city you can.Then trade your nice clothes to a salvation army store.leave your fone a cheap used lapptop and a new prepaid fone.(no contacts for a month).You must become lost to all those that knew you.If you were
broke,those friends would leave you anyway after awhile.Then start to learn where to sleep,eat and live as you grow more more desheveled.The look will take about 2weeks and the clothes will too.
This is a pseudo reality,this will be purely an experiment for you counselor as you know that a warn home and a life still awaits you,back there....If it were real in your life,that would never be certain...Good luck councelor,may your experiment become an awakening of the world of the fallen and forgotten,the shunned and forsaken by all but God.
I am going to start that website in the next few weeks to get this idea rolling.I am going to have to learn how to manually link sites together.It is a worthy project.any Ideas would be wonderfully excepted

Well I am once more finding myself at the end of a Blog.Please take a moment to think of those sleeping (some with
Children )in the cold tonite.Many do not even have blankets for their children.If you can donate or lend a hand ,Please do so and God bless.
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