Showing posts with label Oceanography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oceanography. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We Can Stop Hunger Worldwide if We Explore & develope Aquaspace

Image of plankton (light green) in the oceans;...
Image of plankton (light green) in the oceans; archaea form a major part of oceanic life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The popular belief,based on reports and statistics state some pretty bleak predictions the Human populations future.The most popular prediction is that the world will run out of water,followed by the animal stocks food.Next of course is the meat producing stock.Veggies and dairy would disappear completely as a result of the food-chain breakdown.

The Ocean food would fall under a massive attack to close up the demand for food.The massive demand on the sea would be devastating to the fragile environment of an already abused ecosystem.
The long term results of all these dark natured doomsday tales is a rather obviously tragic end of a lovely planet.It would leave a planet not too different from the planet mars....Hmmmm you don't suppose..? Another dead planet is born!

Well,I don't think it has to happen like that if we do some preliminary planning,exploring and actually go forth to build what we need.Lets explore this idea to begin with.

The oceans are currently under a massive attack from many directions,There is the much discussed over fishing,whaling by Japan,medical waste that is dumped into the ocean from barges,sewage from ships,gas,oil,and the rest of the nasty gunk that is not good for children and other living things.Bet you just are dying to get a drink of water right now,don't you?

Here is the idea for you to mull over in your minds eye.The ocean is the only place on earth that uses 3/4 of the surface of our planet.It has the most life swimming per inch of anywhere else .The soupy brine of the salt water supports more life per inch than anywhere or anything on earth.It is without a doubt the foundation of the food chain.If it dies the food chain falls and never recovers.So how can we save this nefarious death of the planet from occurring?

Farm the oceans in deep water with people that want to farm the new frontier of the ocean farms.
With proper techniques and cities built to withstand the ocean depths,people woube bornunder the sea,live their lives both under the surface of the oceans and on the land.We will ned facilities like many that are now ur the sea for research and military use.The cities would be build to handle the needs of the folks that live there.Food would be produced by the most modern applications of science techniques.The people would use mini subs to travel from place to place.The cities would use the most modern methods to assure safety from sea quakes etc.

The food that would be produced has now in the present day,much more protein than many land produced meat products.You might look up the word spirulina.It's the most protein content per ounce that I have read about. I believe it is a form of algae.Your under sea mom will say .,"sit right there till you eat your algae,do you know how many land folks are wishing they had that wonderful food".

The cod farms,shrimp farms,tuna hatcheries,Lobster beds and oyster,crab etc. would be the saving of the world.Whales would roam freely in the oceans waters without any need to kill such beautiful creatures most of the fishing techiques used today would not even be needed anymore.They would become as obsolete as whaling windjammers have in our time.

The oceans have never been completely explored to find all the wonderful and mysterious life in the depths.We have the abilities to explore even the deepest of depths with our machines.We have the technologies to develope means of living,breathing and having a great life anywhere.The ocean is simply another world on our own planet.It's closer and easier to live on that mars,which will probably never be livable by humans.It is also cheaper to live in the sea than to shoot through space for a year only to roughly land on a planet where there is no chance of rescue from earths Humans.

The future does not belong to the Martian Planet  a year away.The robots dying on that planet might one day rebuild it self to return like the ones in the movies.We humans won't be living there any day I forsee.
Humans will be force to look elsewhere for survival in the future.I see the oceans and the seas as our safest and most easily developed environmental refuge for mankind. Lets go where No man has gone before.We can become the new Atlantians of the future if we truly want to survive the forecasts of the dooms sayers.I say'"nay Captain Nemoe, Dive to the depths of the dark sea and dwell there in the cradle that spawned thee...,Go home to the endless depths of the unknown fathoms that beckons thee".

I have a strange,sudden craving for a wonderful seafood dinner with scallops,calamarie,giant shrimp and maybe a really nice seafood alfredo with clamsauce.I wonder what brought that on?
We'll be talking soon bye for now friends.

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