Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Have You Asked Your Military Child If They Were Ordered To Do So Would They Open Fire On You, Their Parents.It Could Happen AGAIN

Atlas Drop aerial delivery familiarization, Fe...
Atlas Drop aerial delivery familiarization, February 2011 (Photo credit: US Army Africa)
Parents with child Statue, Hrobákova street, P...
Parents with child Statue, Hrobákova street, Petržalka, Bratislava (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was listening to a friend who had been in the Peace marches of the 1960s.I do not remember just how the conversation started.Perhaps something on the Television .The program was a documentary on that time period.The so called"Hippies"were placing flowers in the barrels of National Guard rifles with fixed bayonets.A very pretty young women very slowly walked up to the line of Guards .She very carefully slid the stem of a beautiful fully opened flower into the rifle barrel.The next scene left me speechless.
That guard tipped his barrel down and fired point blank into the women.I remembered Kent State and the Deaths there.Unarmed peacemakers and armed officials in massacre mode.

The scene is being played out all over the world these days.Young folks sworn in to follow orders without question.To keep despicable secrets that harm the very people that protected them while growing up.The very folks that guided them into adulthood and tried to find better ways to  let them live.

My question is,In light of the recent events of this ever shrinking world with all its soap opera twists and turns,What is the state of mind of your children.Do you really know what those precious minds are being programmed to think.

Television has become a garbage heap for nonsense,with no particular plot differences.
Hollywood has turned out reams of movies with many creative ways to destroy,kill and maim.
Really bugs me when the explosions,automatic gunfire and high speed chases have a lack of any reality.Police never seem to interfer.When it is all over,the "Good Guy"just walks or rides off into the sunset..Scot free with the bodycount behind.It is good for a prequal or secqual I guess...
I also like action movies.I like video games,but don't spend much time playing them.
It is not reality and that is the difference.If I was hearing a re-enforced scenario everyday a Stockholm Syndrome could happen to anyone trapped in such an evironment.Even a prisoner of thier own devise..

Our Video games have conditioned them to kill as an instinct of survival.When the game finds them hesitating to kill on command then they forfeit thier virtual lives.In reality as we know it,you die and it is end game.In the conditioning virtual world you just pop the reset and are motivated to not hesitate again.Your mind now begins to reason that killing is the only way to progress.

Heres a little surprise that you may not know,The police,Military,NSA,and other agencies also play those types of games.and online with those growing children.They play For the very same reasons.To condition the "players"to kill without hesitation.To study and gather information on players for future use.Future use that is currently unknown.

The military also pounds it into every body that blind obedience is vital to"fill in the Blank".

Since a Presidential new order was signed to call for martial law at the drop of a hat. Now how do you suppose your children would feel about raising thier rifles and sighting on a disarmed protestor or you just trying talk to them at gunpoint
Then pulling the trigger of  one of those automatic firearms that have been labeled to be used to kill humans. If you dismiss the chance to stop the reason for that scenario.Stop the need to guard those
People that would collect information making information worth more than a human life.Kill the gathering of information before the information has many more morally honest folks running for thier lives.Sign the partition to stop the spying of our communications and our private lives now.


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