Showing posts with label Our forfathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our forfathers. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Government Leaving People to Survive W/o Benefits

English: People eating at a soup kitchen. Mont...
English: People eating at a soup kitchen. Montreal, Canada Français : Personnes mangeant dans une soupe populaire. Montréal, Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11:  A protestor holds a si...
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11: A protestor holds a sign during a demonstration against unemployment benefit cuts on July 11, 2012 in Oakland, California. Dozens of protestors with the group Union of Unemployed Workers staged a demonstration to protest cuts in unemployment benefits. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11:  A protestor holds a si...
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11: A protestor holds a sign during a demonstration against unemployment benefit cuts on July 11, 2012 in Oakland, California. Dozens of protestors with the group Union of Unemployed Workers staged a demonstration to protest cuts in unemployment benefits. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
The headlines in the paper read Unemployment benefit funds to be cut on many American Citizens.The paper further said how difficult life would become for those effected by the cuts.I am one of those people that have  been effected directly by  the job cuts in the USA.I have many friends that have been out of a job for quite some time.I have been more fortunate than most for reasons of  my own.

Theres a saying made into a popular song by Kelly Clarkson. The words say" anything that doesn't kill you,Makes you stronger".That is the way we(unemployed) are.Many of the unemployed here In the USA are in desperate ways.Those of the people that have fallen from social grace are living in campers,with relatives or in tents.They are eating in soup kitchens.Single Free Meals per day, For people provided by charities.There is only the food being served in these Food Kitchens.No choice of menu and people that often don't share any idea of Homeless folks predicament.Depending on who is cooking at the time.
The soup kitchens only provide a meal which is limited to 45minutes to an hour in which to eat.This time includes going through the long lines of people standing to be fed. A forced prayer is said by the people in charge before the hungry are allowed to eat.The people  are then ask to leave no matter the weather outside.Rain or shine.100degrees or below freezing.The rule is "eat and get out".

The unemployed that are just hitting the ends of their savings ,emergency funds,borrowed funds,friends and family.These things get increasingly harder to find as time goes on.Many jobless have or will soon lose their homes from not being employed.No pay check,no money,no job.This may not seem so bad till you realize that if you have no address,it is impossible to get any benefits from anywhere.The Social "Support" system in USA will not help anyone that can not  provide a picture ID,and a permanent address'.These folks  can not apply for any kind of  help.This leaves many people with the additional stress of looking for a place to sleep,eat and,find safe haven.The alternative is too find an empty lot to use as your"address"Thus you learn to fabricate to use the system.Your mind soon shifts into survival mode regardless of the moral dilemma it places on your honesty .many  Individuals are are hard pressed.The Social programs Have priorities read like a sinking ships escape rule would have.Justice for all goes right out the window. The priorities for benefits are roughly as follows

1).Disabled folk have 1rst priority asthese folks would have the worst time of surviving.Many have mental or physical disabilities to cope with.survival of the strongest is jungle rules.It maybe an asphalt jungle,but we are not animals to that degree i would hope.

2).Returning soldiers&families have next priority. Many soldiers are paid so little,their families are already on welfare.These people should be paid the highest wages in the country.The United Nations seem to have soldiers do their dirty work without the pay they truly deserve.The US government considers them possessions This should be change asap being uque anspecialized persons.

Next eligible persons for benefits are the families with children. You may think adults would be staying together for increased benefits.The stress breaks up even the best families.There are many fatherless families here.

last but not least are the single people with absolutely no benefits left to get.So single men in particular are left to fend for themselves.The only other option is to move in with others.Without a job it doesn't last long before friction has that man drifting again.Single women can sometimes find womens shelter to stay at till they can get on their feet again.It' even more dangerous for a woman being homeless.The reasons are really obvious with a little thought.

There is millions of empty homes that need people living there in just  Unite States.The banks have kicked the occupants out and left them vacant.Some are without utilities.The weather plays havoc on vacant buildings.Jobs are now mostly through temporary agencies.This means a job without any benefits.These jobs are exactly that,temporary....The temp agencies hire only the youngest,people that can or will do the mundane jobs given.lifetime experience is not as or welcome.Do your job without question lead by someone who just learned that mundane job last month.It a job after all.An income to hold your place in desperation. No hope of retirement to look forward to.No chance of a restart to your life.If any despicable former employer has put anything real or imagined on your work record
You are also Blackballed or blacklisted from working.

This information in mind,I impart the following suggestions to change the system overnite.First a baseline or foundation on which to build this set of ideas and changes.

First and most importantly :If you have not chance of ever experiencing another persons situation,it is almost impossible to do anything but empathize his ordeal.Lets make all political jobs a Part time job.
The politicians can spend more time being among the masses to talk about life.They can empathize from looking for jobs like the rest of us.They can also be fired if they dont do the job we hired them for.Fired with the same pink slip at the door you and I would get.The same kind of"don't let the door hit your backside on the way out atitude. Next lets make it a law that all business is barred from election funds that have out of country factories subtracting from their Mother country.The companies will be required to  also limit the huge amounts of fat from going to a few individuals at the top of the companies.This would be put into a fund providing the workers with upgrades to manufacturing standards for the workers.The rest of the funds would be used to hold the companies workforce during the tough economic times.the CEO would share the workers pain.This would ensure the workforce of a future.In some societies the CEO would commit suicide for the foopah.We wont ask that just yet....

Until the people get control of the unemployment situation it wont change.There are a few things to change in society first.deny companies from just picking up and dumping workers and taking the mint of money with them.

Hold those responsible for the mess to be "responsible".If you are in charge of a business,You should also except the responsibilities involved.

To stop the homeless and unemployment all over the world,we need to revert to many basic rules that brought our forefathers into this century.The values that gave the world it's competitive edge on this life we lead.It's a hurdle to be overcome in the battle to break down the walls that make us appear so far apart.I challenge the suite on the radio and media to walk for a month in the shoes of another human as an unemployed person without their media idenity and no help from their people or connections.No credit cards,money.Just the clothes on your back.lets see you return to life as you knew it.Yours would never be a true separation because you would know that you would return to that which you left.It would be a novel experiment and not a life changing hit on your life.

Thats all for now,I hope this inspires thought for you.and don't worry about us unemployed.It will make us much stronger when we look out world cause sooner or later,Here we come .....

We'll be talking again soon

The days of my father and mothers work were filled with people that contributed to their companies and were handsomely rewarded for their articulate abilities.That generation was built on incentive of the population.The companies of this century will get rid of anyone that tries to improve the company with a new idea.The flip-side of this is that contract workers have to sign on when hiring to give the employer any profit from the workers ideas.This lawyers, swindle kills incentive.Why would a person working for a company not be able to directly  profit from that idea?Do away with the swindling of workers  incentive.Watch the company grow in leaps and bounds as the workers embrace their job Pardoners.Instead of moving out of the base country,move to a cheaper area that has tax breaks.Maybe it will keep the companies running longer.

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