Showing posts with label Pollution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pollution. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The News Attacks Continue on the Entrenched Newly Elected United States President But I Do Firmly Disagree with The 2 Pipelines Routing

The USA news in a eggshell  Has been peculiar but these events below are less reported.The opinion is based on a person who has

Well now,Lets see now:An attack on a ten year old,then continual attempts at a coup by poor losers and the media.Next when that wont work we Have some politicians throw a temper tantrum when their tired old ways are not listened to. OK on three, everybody hold your breathe,we will have our way,NO FAIR!
Then an attack on an industrious women who just happens to be the daughter of the President.Imagine the street mobs if that was the last sitting president?

But it is fair game now for reasons that are very much known or at least suspected to those who have been out here these last few years.Where are Those they have dubbed the silent majority.Yeah you know who you are..The Trump voters that made it happen.Those I even being harassed in a Doctors office.WE need to send guidance to that President on things he is far out of touch with...We live far simpler than those with Billions to live on.

There is some political news which will never happen even with polosi and friend huffing and puffing will never happen because it is all just that.California and the west coast of the USA are threatening to leave the United States and form their own country.That won,t happen though.Who would they blame for all the imagined mistreatment they face.Please leave and take the faces in search of their 15minutes with you.It is growing old and no one really gives a crap.But I digress...

I am writing to ask where all those people are who were the silent majority this last election?You may ponder this for a while if you wish to do so.It may not be something that is immediately  not a situation familiar to you. So let me clarify my thought on this matter.

I will start by asking those reading just how much time do you have to protest in the street?How does that work anyway?Just call into the boss and explain to them that you are not going into work today because you need to vent in the street.By the way boss I may be arrested and have my face in the paper or on the many news cameras in the street.(not unlike vampires in a slaughterhouse).

Hey, by the way boss can I wear my company shirt with your name on it.Great publicity for the reputation of the company profile. by the way boss can I get you to help bail me out of jail after they catch me near a vandalizing group in the mob. (After all You will be there in the mob an the police just know you are there with a mob.Don,t blame those police for doing their job.They don,t know you from poop)

.Boss,I may need $250grand for my fine and can I get some vacation time with pay boss ole buddy.Its a felony and I am gonna need about 10years for my felony vacation.what do you say boss?HELLO,Hello,are you there?Can You hear now boss?

Yeah I can see that happening.....Not. Maybe you just take the hit on not getting paid for the day Call in sick,yeah that's it..After all your kids don't need to have  an example of the right way to file a legal grievance.The significant other can point you out to the friends an relatives as the  TV shows your sorry,foolish butts being loaded unceremoniously into the paddy wagon for your new Hardcore friends in the holding tank.Have fun rabbit, see you in the morning for arraignment!

I think "the said to be" millions protestors signatures on a petition to the powers that be might have been more effective than a mob in the street that was not even jointly together in what was being demanded.
Of course they would need several sheets of paper to list all the various references.

To my original thought on a recent decision to put an oil pipeline under the lake in the Dakotas.There is no reason with what those lines will make to not route around the water source that will be threatened in a pipe line failure event.That pipeline is going under a fresh water lake.Keyword is Freshwater.Not bottled,It is fresh from the source of Mother nature.No chemicals,no crud,No Flint water poison.

The cost is not a problem with oil lines as the sales of the product far outweighs the additional costs of protecting those lands promised on a treaty with the Native Americans and their families.It is not urgentcy,It is greed
We do not need another Excel Valdez incident.Oil never leaves an area that is contaminated.The gulf of Mexico never fully recovered and the fishing economy was devastated costing thousands of jobs.Can you even imagine how many states will be destroyed by an oil leak under that lake.The water flows  and connects to many other places.

We do not need another oil slick destroying a natural water source as in other parts of this country.That line could easily be piped around the lake with very little loss over the next year.It will only take one pipeline failure to FUBAR the water of a region that is one of the last in the continental frontier.

I am sure that I stand with those who protested on something very important after the Flint Michigan water  boondoggle.How much do we need to poison our water and food before we learn that there is no short cuts
to keeping our resources as pure as is possible in a very screwed up world.Do we really need to  say that it must be something in the water?I say to you my red brothers and sisters of the Sioux and other tribes in danger.fight on!
HOO-DA-HEYA.Keep your heads up and your hearts faithful.

I would ask Those who read this blog to surf the web to find the folks who are in danger.Lives do not seem to matter when oil is involved.

Oklahoma was supposed to be "INDIAN" territory as many other places according to treaties between the various tribes in the late 1800s and early that was to be not messed with by outsiders.The Natives were hoodwinked out of their land by shysters who realized the Natives did not have a knowledge of money values.Money is an imaginary value held in the minds of those who worship it.Not for people who live by the values of the Earth.

When oil was discovered on "INDIAN" lands the Money Vultures swooped in and basically traded millions in junk for the rights to the multi-millions in oil rights.It was all for the "GOOD OF THE COUNTRY". First People have been painfully made aware of the way Money talks and their rights walk, under  the same Bull
crap as it  repeats itself.

I believe the water cannons that were used on Human beings in frigid temperatures protesting to save everyone's safe water was OK.Just don't do it overseas or it will bring the human rights folks down.There would be far more than just verbal jousting for the media photo op.

WE THE PEOPLE are looking away from this situation with a third eye blind to the future.This time its on THOSE PEOPLE way out there in the middle of nowhere.Flint wasn't.The gulf oil spill wasn't.The pacific coast wasn't.Where do WE THE PEOPLE open our eyes to carefully move into the future before we have nowhere to turn it all around.

Each time we have had a disaster from oil we do have repercussions that are lasting and effect us all.One incident has both health and future effects on the population for generations.Don't believe it?OK let me give you just one example that will effect the families effected for generations.

You and I will be paying for the care and the genetic damage to those generations that suffered physical damage and brain damage from that Poisoning inside their bodies.Do you hear any media coverage regarding those people effected.To busy with the coup to go there again.just not good copy.

Lead and heavy metals in the body and particularly the brain development were in the Flint Michigan water.
Those people who drank that foul water trusted the Pipelines providing water to be safe.The adults were made sick.The children of which there is thousands are at the mercy of WE THE Peoples Judgement.A growing child is now permanently damaged and it to late to "FIX IT". Money settlements just do not put back what is taken.

Children must follow as we instruct with complete trust in those adults leading them.However,The greed of some in power has been known to victimize those who trust their words and judgment.That judgement is based on greed. The Unholy Dollar that has been responsible for more carnage than all the terrorists in history.

Those people/Children will be damaged for their lives,Genetically the children  then bear will carry those heavy metals damage and then to the next generation.You dear reader will be paying for that judgemental screw-up in medical costs.Never happen without some one in charge of our safety trying to Pinch a penny to it made poor old  Lincoln squeal like a pig.The finest living at the expense of those who have not.The protection of the children who live far above the have nots at the expense of the children of lesser gods.

WE THE PEOPLE need to see changes that have for many decades been arrested by political gridlock.But never at the cost of our health and welfare.Lets pull it together may silent brothers and sisters.It is time to break the silence and speak your peace before you can't.

Please write or phone the White House to Ask politely to Please think this pipeline over or be held responsible for a major resource being compromised.Please be polite and professional.That number is on the White House Website.

To next time dear readers.Keep the faith.

Robert J Pickering