Showing posts with label Southern California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southern California. Show all posts

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Memorial Honoring the Veterans of the Korean War is Once Again under Heavy Attack by People Who would Dismantle it

2008 Hate Crime Survey, written by Human Right...
2008 Hate Crime Survey, written by Human Rights First's Fighting Discrimination Program. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The memorial of the Merced County Vet...
English: The memorial of the Merced County Veterans Memorial, , USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Continued law suites on the veterans different monuments and memorials is still going .Folks  that are attempting to deny the honor due to those who gave their lives to help others  Brave hero's who gave their able bodied futures to suffer till death.

It is my personal belief and many others that the Cemetery's,funerals and memorial disruptions should be listed as hate crimes when they are attacked by folks not excepting the symbolic images as what they are.They represent the gratitude of the world for the job that no one wanted,but they did their best under the most dreadful conditions imaginable.

We make movies that try to depict the hellish conditions that those people have experienced.
I have friends that saw combat and it left them with huge holes in their souls.They were returned to friends and family broken,disheartened and in at least one case mentally broken.
The simple statue that would be replaced to the vague satisfaction of a few.The same people who will sit through the imaginary movie battle scenes and catsup blood oozes.They would deny the soldiers a tiny bit of honor and gratitude because there is no actual debt they feel they owe those long dead.This is today and that was then.The new values seem to overshadow those who died.

The idea of suing till you win in cases such as this against  veterans should be looked as a hate crime against those people who were or are uniformed soldiers of The United States.There is no difference in this legal action then there is in a foreign enemy ravishing one of our embassies.There is no difference if it was a matter of race,sex,religion.It is done for hates sake and serves no other purpose after all these years.Any other time a ideology was so fought against it would be called a hate crime.To dismantle those monuments is a useless and frivolous waste of court time and money.The  Korean monuments are in Southern California',San Diego,New Mexico And other places.around the USA. We THE PEOPLE should hold in protective custody from those who have no respect for our American Veterans.The Constitution does say that we ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD.It does not even exclude those who can not believe in anything except Their self centered selves.

The other hateful practice is the disrespectful ghouls that haunt the military funerals of the fallen heroes and their families.That too should be called a hate crime with the perpetrators being punished in the laws prescribed for it.No loved one should be exposed to that kind of harassment in a time of grief.There are not many WWI,WWII,Korean veterans left to remember their fallen Sisters and Brethren. Most are in their later years of life and many are not able to fight a bunch of malcontents kicking the things many hold to be symbols of remembrance.There are many veterans of Vietnam and the ARAB wars.I hope they fight for their comrade's in arms...

WE THE PEOPLE are the last barrier to the memorials and monuments being pulled down by the people who think they have any resemblances to true pagans....They do not.There are no atheists in battle when mortally wounded ,the first words are said to be "OH God Help Me"

Defend the places that honor is defined...Or the soldiers lives may be forgotten by the rule of dictated law from a judges bench.Constitution be damned by a few Malcontents...
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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Vietnam Vetrerans File Lawsuits to remove a Longtime California Korean War Monument,Stated Reasons are...You Decide...

Mount Soledad Easter Cross
Mount Soledad Easter Cross (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 28, 2009) Sail...
English: SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 28, 2009) Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen recite the pledge of allegiance during a naturalization ceremony at the USS Midway Museum. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Cutberto Orozco led the pledge of allegiance for ninety-three San Diego based service members representing thirty-two countries during the ceremony. (U.S. Navy photo by Legalman 1st Class Jennifer L. Bailey/Released) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A sign at the front entrance of Mount Soledad ...
A sign at the front entrance of Mount Soledad in San Diego, California. Image taken on January 20, 2007 by Nehrams2020. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Cross, the center of much controv...
English: The Cross, the center of much controversy, sits atop Mount Soledad (Orig: Picture-011) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mount Soledad is near the city of San Diego California.The area is hilly sandy desert,arid and hot.
Mount Soledad sits high in the view,where it can plainly be seen for miles.long ago people thoughtful,with grateful open hearts decided to build a monument to the men and women who had given their lives for those in a far away country.

The idea was to say thank you Honorable fifty plus thousands of soldiers for your service.Thank you for going to the aid of those oppressed.Thank you for risking your all or giving their lives and futures to others.

The people also had a sense of God and Country.They remembered the Pledge of Allegiance words that used to say One Nation Under God.A decision to use the cross to symbolize the fallen going to
a better place than the Hell they fell in.Meant only as a jester of God Bless You soldier.Perhaps even a wish to hope the soldiers will find the paradise that is hoped for by most people,after life ends.
There are also those that did survive and returned home.Shouldn't they see something tangible saying God Bless You SIR.We appreciate your sacrifices.Thank You in a pitifully unequal way,but thank you.

There are many monuments over the Heroic soldiers that fell in Battle.Think about what this will mean if these 2 men are able to remove such symbols of our Fallen Hero's.Will the next disgruntled
person file to have all military cemeteries symbolic items removed?Will the honored dead be left to the whims of a couple malcontents who think the world must go as they think...

There is always those that return from war in a state of mind scrambled by what they experienced.
Many I have spoken with have either lost faith by expecting to see miracles in wars that are horrible and hellish.They must have missed the miracles that are always there in plain sight,if you look with eyes open and a willing heart.Missing that vision would void any idea of a more than normal event such a child born in a war torn place.A bullet that missed you by fractions of an inch.returning as the only survivor.your task in life is not done and you life is to go on for an unknown task.

To miss the "miracles" in life can leave one bitter and resentful of others who try to fill in the unknown blanks of our destinies in life.

The symbols we put up help us never forget those who have filled a destiny to open the doors for those surviving to carry on. Should the  courts represented by 2 individuals determine the sacrifices for the thousands who did not return to cause the memories their fellow veterans to be torn down and forgotten.

This is a case of dictated Laws eroding the Constitutional Rights.The statue is a symbol of the eternal hope of mankind.It is directed at those who made that sacrifice to save those who died for others in an unselfish as an  elevated spirit...A hidden religious meaning would have to be in the mind of some one  rebellious and disappointed at their own lives.

It seems those two guys are bent on punishing fellow veterans for their military service to this country.I think they need to visit A symbol of the war they were in..Perhaps if that to counts as a monument to honor the fallen they might feel differently.

If these guys have there way an monuments with symbols are tore down that honor the fallen...
wont the wall in Washington an Arlington National Cemetery  also fall under the same law when it spreads across the country as a dictated law?? Then what, tear the cross from churches so it wont offend these two American Veterans...

The spree decor ,ETC of their specific units must not have meant anything at all to these men.

it is things like this that distract us from the issues that actually matter.A statue on a desert hill that has stood for decades and thousands of folks peacefully passing it over time.Then a couple disjointed
people with nothing else to do tie up courts with an argument over it standing.

Your Honor,I implore you to throw the case and plaintiffs out on their Dari airs and get on with the important things in the state.


I have not found much more on this situation.Hope they did not get their way...

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