Monday, June 18, 2012

Has Anyone Seen The Latest Positive Newscast?

LAS VEGAS, NV - APRIL 24:  A Kermit the Frog c...
LAS VEGAS, NV - APRIL 24: A Kermit the Frog character dressed as The Lone Ranger appears on stage during an announcement that there will be a 'Muppets 2' movie at a Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures presentation at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, April 24, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
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Image by alexcoitus via Flickr

Has  anyone found a newscast that has positive events to report.I can't believe the negative reporting by just about anyone on the tv or radio these days.I remember listening to the radio in the days when radio and tv was trying to uplift the population(masses) with positive things.Events such as the Kennedys happenings were even made to be positive.with the event of their deaths being the exception of course.Through out the years news and programs have gone from the Lone Ranger and Tonto,Jack Benny,more recently the voice of the great Paul Harvey.Both senior and Paul Junior were a daily listen for me when I was traveling around the various parts of the United States and Canada.
It seems that the broadcasters today seem to value the caustic sarcasm style of people bent on acting like that relative your family tries not to invite for holidays.You know,thatperson that spends their time whining and bemoaning everyone that has a different view on lifes many facets.Apparently their viewpoint is without color or dimension.I can only imagine that their mindset is the drabbest shade of greasey grey goo.I heard a broadcaster that ranting about a singer that I have grown to listen to sing.They were saying  very uncomplimentary things about her.Everything from the meat outfit she wore to the way she sings.Blah,blah,blah etc
Forget the fact that she is an inventor,extremely smart and has a heck of strong voice for a pint size powerhouse.I will not mention her by name because the stars have become targets for the nobodies sitting in deadend jobs with no hopes of anything in the future.
The media has become a dumping ground for degrading the people that we used to look up to.The lifestyles of the famous has become the focal points of their humaness  instead of the things they can do.The services and talent they provide to us everyday.We search for the slightest imperfection to start degrading and demonizing them.I have no idea as to why this has become so popular these days.We may never return to those thrilling days of yesterday.Perhaps that's why our society is in chaos with bullies in the news and School shooting copy cats making our headlines.The constant barrage of negative input is melting our Spiritual Conciousness.Would we see empty shells if our vision could see  the spiritual outlines of our being.
This leaves  themselves degraded while they try to make everyone as low as they think of themselves.Maybe Our bullies have learned too well, from the political radio folks or the announcers that show them how to degrade others to help them feel better about their own opinion of themselves.Teach your children well,Their parents hell...a popular song was singing on the station that the announcer above spoke.I guess that lesson escaped  him .
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Ontario County NY Left out of program to replace Old Unsafe Mobile Homes

The Ontario County N.Y. program to replace the old and unsafe mobile home trailers is in jepordy..Many people that have lived in these "trailers have been there for decades.They are now aging,retired,disabled with reduced incomes.They are still very Independent but need a little help financially to replace the long unsafe trailers with modern updated units.The local code have change over the years to improve the safety of housing.These places are being provided money through the Governmental offices to make your neighborhood safer by replacing the units that now have corroded water pipes,worn sewer lines and possibly electrical standards that were great decades ago.Without the county allowing the funds to be given out residents face substandard housing while other counties are reaping harvests that upgrade the local tax assessments on land for the neighborhood.It not only provides better living conditions for many who would do so if they still could,it makes safer neighborhoods to live in.People are not going to be to Irate about the house next door burning down till it catches their castle on fire.That sweet little old couple next door would burn to death because the politicians withheld some funds that might just have saved them burning.That same older couple would not have to suffer another poorly insulated  aging home and a deadly cold winter..
It is without a doubt that most of these folks love the fact that they have their independence at a home they took years to pay for.they have been good citizens and simply cant  restart life at this stage in life.
The Federal,State and Local Programs have no trouble building Projects that soon become disasters.
These folks have worked for years to be good citizens Time has simply worn out their housing.It is now far more costly to repair and refurbish the aging modulars and mobile homes.The housing standards are far more strict than in recent years.replacing the old units will benefit all those concerned with safety.
You may examine this information at this website to verify what I say is information free to the public from New York State DHCR Statewide Manufactured Home Replacement Initiative .The web address is maybe a program for you if your interested where ever you may live.
Theres also a petition online(no profit) @ ,that you may examine and sign if you agree.
If there's other  Places doing this then get on the net and lets see what we can accomplish.Information is power and we the people need to use it wisely.
Bye for now and take care of you and yours.

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: The petition was taken down when the person was told the state only gives funds to counties that are not prosperous....I guess no one really cares if an elderly person burns in a home that is
not up to code from that persons condition...Mankind,The word is such an oxymoron! 

constitutional rights eroded by dictation without recourse

Map of daily truck traffic on United States hi...
Map of daily truck traffic on United States highways in 1998. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
An example of a truck driver log book in the U...
An example of a truck driver log book in the United States. "PTI" is short for "pre-trip inspection", as the driver is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is fit to be driven (i.e., no flat tires, loose bolts, or broken parts). "On duty" time includes fueling, repairs, loading and unloading. "Off duty" time incudes meals and rest stops. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
US truck - California 2007
US truck - California 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The newscaster stated that our President has bypassed the system to place into existence  a law that limits our Constitutional Rights.It may seem shocking to hear that those in charge of the masses can just yank the slats out from the constitution.The people who have the Job of keeping this country running have been under the gun for years.They are a couple hundred thousand strong doing their jobs every day with the rules dumped on them by bureaucrats. Bureaucrats that run the dedicated people lives by computerized virtual reality.These particular bureaucrats can destroy a work background with the simple push of a computer key.
This action leaves a destructive mark on a federal record that cant be fought by the now unemployable worker.
Your no doubt are  wondering who these hard working and dedicated folks are that are living with this shadow hanging over them.Read on and remember that these folks have regulations that have quietly been in effect without recourse.

The CDL Trucking industry was infected by a new reporting department that is call ,unlike the older DAC record has no recourse if your ticketed.You are guilty without any way to protect yourself from the wrath of any D.O.T. officer that got out of the wrong side of bed.That Is also the power it gives to trucking companies to destroy the older more experienced drivers.The older drivers must be paid more for their years on the road.Anyone that has driven tractor trailers for any amount of years would have noticed the huge rise in inadequate driving schools.If you know what a puppy mill is then you can easily identify my example.
There is more people being turned out as drivers than ever before.they get a government backed loan,goto several weeks of "school" and are now professional drivers.They may then goto a few more weeks of a driver with possibly 6months experience riding with them.The older "blackballed" driver is left sitting at home in an unemployable state while the company merrily puts a rookie in his old truck.I have many pictures of these Pro's with their new rigs stuck under bridges and in the ditches.
Who ever passed the CSA rules new there wasn't anyone to protest the unconstitutional value of a law that didnt effect anyone outside the CDL jobs.
That said folks....Hows it feel to have it visit your life?There,s an old saying that has several para-phrasings.I will paraphrase a new version:when they came for the homeless folks  rights,no one spoke up.When they came for the People in the streets rights,no one spoke up.When they came for the CDL drivers rights no one spoke up.When they came for my rights,there was no one left to say anything,Because they found they no longer had a right to speak.
Don't let those who would destroy the greatest nation in history do the dirty deed without speaking out ,before you no longer have a right to do so.
When good folks do nothing,evil prevails.

You may find my other blog site interesting also it is wordpress.rjpickerings/

Till next time,talk again soon to you
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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Romney,More Smoke and Mirrors,Part II,Lifetime Anti Gunner With a NRA Membership

4 inch Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Patch - HOTL-PPL1001 (Google Affiliate Ad)
WE ARE ALL VICTIMS OF THE MEDIA MADMEN...By Robert L. Huffstutter (Photo credit: roberthuffstutter)
ST. LOUIS, MO - APRIL 14:  Juliann Atkins hand...
ST. LOUIS, MO - APRIL 14: Juliann Atkins handles a SIG Sauer P238 during the NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits April 14, 2012 at America's Center in St. Louis, Missouri. More than 60,000 people are expected to attend the convention, which runs through Sunday. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
Granny's Got a Gun
Granny's Got a Gun (Photo credit: Impact Tarmac)
I wish to inquire as to how a lifetime member of the NRA can also be the same person that backed so very many gun bans.It seems that there is many times that our man in government has voted for those of us who truly are hunters and sportsmen to lose our firearms rights.I have not hunted for even food in many years.I would never deniy those who do.I am not in an office that would have people trying to elect those whose word is true.The facts of this mans story is written all over the media.

My dad was a life time member of the NRA during Charleton Hestons years.I always thought organizations that had Lifetime members checked a little bit better.why would any Orgaization
representing the gun owners rights let a politically opposed person use them to win an election.
Kinda like letting the fox into trust of the hen-house to watch the chickens!

The NRA now continues to alllow  a person who obviously is many times over a gun banning voter.Someone that would shut them down in a heartbeat with force of arms if need be.
There is a very interesting piece of paper that in itself is not worth much.Just a paper to anyone that
figures on re-writing it in their own image of freedom.

To those of us that can read it in awe of the intelligent beings that foresaw so many things that could
be developed in the name of freedom.They knew through the faith in the dream of a free land.Those brilliant people had the abilities to write a set of rules based on the nature of mankind and events through-out history.Events that told of madmen and tyrants that preyed on the innocent.They lived in a time when people had to forage and hunt with weapons.They also were living in a time of oppression and tyrannies.They made sure that would never happen again by allowing the people to
posses and use firearms.The right to bear arms became and still is the right of the free man to defend and protect his family,

Madmen will always exist in the societies we live in.It is part of the world we have yet to understand.
The mass majority of  gun owners live their whole lives without others even being aware they own firearms.It still is a basic right of ownership that is a constant political battle to keep our constitutional rights  from being eroded by fox in the hen-house politicians.

So while Mitt Romney is a lifetime NRA politician,He still has a rather long record of banning ,or trying to ban one of  our constitutional rights.Just think...those citizens that were good legal citizens
registered your firearms.we will lose them when they are made illegal.Our registered guns will have a name and address to find the owner at home...Only a Nation that fears it actions on it's people will disarm it's citizens.

I hope we have a president in the White House That May not like firearms,but understands the Aurora type of events that make us feel the police are sometimes not enough,not in time to help...

My E mail will finally be clear of everyone in the Democratic Party trying to out do each other sending me donation notices for the party that I already support..

Take care of your self my friends till next we meet...
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