English: NWP teachers at work (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 03: U.S President Barack Obama (L), congratualtes the 2011 National Teacher of the Year recipient, Michelle Shearer as Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (R) looks on during a ceremony in the Rose Garden on May 3, 2011 in Washington, DC. Shearer who is a chemistry teacher at Urbana High School in Frederick, Maryland, received the 2011 National Teacher of the Year award. Presenting the award has been a presidential tradition since Harry Truman. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife) |
They should be satisfied with the long and unpaid hours they spend without gratuities.They are lucky to be over supervised,media maligned by a few teachers that abuse the teaching profession and get attention nationwide.(For All the wrong reasons).Whats wrong with those teaching materials they use?They worked okay for the last 20years.
The classrooms are just a little more ummm,err, cozy with the 50 or so students in class.It must make it far more church like to have all those students crammed into the same size room as their parents had those 20plus years ago.There were only 30 students or so then.Whats a feww more students.The more the merrier,right?
A word about those benefits being paid to those teachers.You would think With the ez job of chasing bullies down,tutoring some students,spending their evenings with paperwork,skipping a social life and being unemployed at the drop of a hat,Well...You would think those teachers would be more great-full to the system of supervisors that cut their pays.After all You wouldn't expect a pay cut for those supervisors.Don't even think of laying off those supervisors.Just because they have not upgraded the system during their time to current standards.
This all takes me back to my time as a student in class....Those teachers that had time to help me when I would not have made the grade.Those teachers that were not prevented from defending students from bullies.Those students that became the people that run our country.All taught by the
ungreatful bunch of hooligans we see striking for a decent chance to lift our country out of this mess
we are in currently.
When you read this,it may make you laugh,cry or just get mad....Good!These folks have educated for the task of teaching the young people of our world.They have sacrificed many opportunities to be anything they wished.It is America after all.That is what it's all about.living a dream.
No one in this reality expects to have a golden highway to the future.Teachers are no different.Teachers as my posts have reflected are the path to the future.The build the educational infrastructure that young minds of any age need to compete in this world.The teachers watch as the years pass and their students become all that they have could have been if they were not teachers.
This sacrifice of their own future possibilities are what they ask compensation for.It is not a great amount in comparison to what they would've earned elsewhere.They only ask for what will make their lives a little more comfortable in the years that are given in service to their students.It is a very small compensation in comparison.
Hooligans?These teachers are in good company if you compare them to the unionized coal miners of the 1930's.Auto workers of past years.Truck drivers in Europe.Actually any organized group of people that are being taken for granted.
The schools are in need of upgrading.Teachers should receive proper compensation for services rendered.Schools should be a priority in communities.Those children will need support for the rest of their lives if you don't teach them to support themselves.Feed a man for a day and he will be hungry again tomorrow.Teach him how to fish and he will never be hungry again.It's a very basic concept.
School has begun,The summer didn't bring any changes that should fall into place without delay.
Class rooms are overcrowded,tensions among students will cause problems.Teachers are under the gun to preform the same lessons with outdated materials.Students that have excess to electronics have huge advantages over those that don't.How is a teacher suppose to compensate for that?They can't afford to go out and buy what is needed.The materials just can't be used.The lessons take longer,with both teacher and student at a loss.Many times causing frustration for the teacher.The student may lose interest and just quit.This subtracts from the entire countries future.
I do have an idea as to how these wonderful giving folks can be compensated.Cut the deadwood out of any excess supervisors.Teachers are forced to preform with less.There is no difference here.
find the Cubical Commando's that have crappy track records and dump them.Jettison the dead weight!Find the teachers that don't measure up and change it.The good teachers should take care of that among themselves.
Next:bring those in the community that are actually interested in schools being more that a place to dump the kids for babysitting daycare.The first group are the cornerstones of you, building a task force.
Next step is to let the interested folks approach the "daycare" folks as representatives.Maybe a small handful will see the need for involvement.This is something teachers just don't have time for during school months.They already have enough to do.All without pay to much of it.
Last step is this,These teachers must teach with the hope of giving their students more information to work with then they had.This demands they must constantly update themselves on the subject information.We need to pay for their upgrade in education as they require it.For us to expect them to have the tools to work without helping them is ridiculous. Help the people that give people like me a chance to live a dream by talking to the world :)
The proper educational tools to provide students a competitive future are teaching aids,safe places to learn,and resources to bring the world knowledge and history to the students mind.
The most important tool of all,the one we most need provide is the Teacher.For all their humble service that goes unnoticed and taken for granted are the noble Teachers that guide us to our future.
We are stone aged nothings without our teachers,scholars and modern educators.If we don't provide for them,we are lost to other nations that do take care of theirs....
we'll be talking again my dear friends,take care and keep the faith,
PS,teacher/Judy Kirkwood,How do You Like Me Now???
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