English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un sans domicile fixe à Paris. Tiếng Việt: Một người đàn ông vô gia cư ở Paris Polski: Bezdomny mężczyzna w Paryżu See below for more translations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: A homeless person's shelter under a fallen Willow tree along in New South Wales, Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sans abri à Tokyo. Español: Persona sin hogar, en las calles de Tokio. Türkçe: Evsiz adam, Tokyo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman) |
Yesterday I went with someone close to me to a gathering of organizations that provide "HELP?"for people that are looking to buy a first time home and can not afford castles costing millions.The people there were
dressed nicely..You know 'like professional office people do.I thought ,well now we have some one[s] to help out.Knowledgeable and all that.Probably a main person in the organization.So much for first impressions...Read on please,it only gets better.
The first information booth was a new bank that advertises very low cost loans for handicapped and folks not able to afford a hundred thousand dollar home.They might be newly weds on a budget looking for a small cottage.Great right? They asked what income was available for repayment and we told them it was retirement social security.They said absolutely nothing was available.SORRY!
The next booth was habitat for humanity,An oxymoron that supposedly helps the homeless to build homes with sweat equities.The common advertised idea is that anyone seeking help to own a home can work it off by working 400hours with builders to build homes.Not so bad.Helping yourself and others to find a home to call your own.
They asked if we had a property and said they're company was a loan company that did not for any reason help out the homeless or anyone on a fixed income such as retirement or Social Security.The loan has to be paid back the same as any other loan institution,with the applied interest.I think they need to change that name to maybe Habitat for the not so underprivileged or: if you have retired forget it Habitat builders.I visited their store awhile ago and was amazed at all the appliances that did not go onto the new houses.Appliances were being sold to those who could afford the MIA purchases of' those who originally thought they would use them.Is that legal?
I then past a booth that had the Path stone people low budget loans for folks . Again when you pin them down to facts,they are only a loan company with a different ad campaign going.Same restrictions as any other loan program with the same discrimination's against those on limited incomes.
Last couple booths were the Bishop Sheen group that just didn't show up.The New Pope has yanked a lots of funds from the Catholic Church helping people as it once did.The evidence is in the many Catholic Schools being closed around the country and the donation centers for the poor getting barely enough to survive.The order of Jesuit Nuns that are being kicked around by the New Papal order.
Lets see now....A Jesuit Pope,Dedicated to the poor and so forth,living in a place that has many borrowed Precious & priceless antiquities A place that has more wealth than many countries and much of our worlds religious past locked away in secrecy.A place that many sultans would envy.Time to liquidate some assets Your Holiness.That's what the booths implied .Leadership is by example and comes from the top sir.
The Volunteer folks are hard at work trying to cover all the places and people in dire need of help to survive.someone needs to write a book of the volunteers who do their best with very little.There are organizations that never get enough public relations with what they do.They work out of kitchens and borrowed places to cut costs.Everything costs these days.Perhaps if our leaders also lead by example we might find our way to a future that will work to pull everyone up by their bootstraps.For some folks we may need to first help them afford the boots for their feet.We currently would find most folks under the most severe stress just to live in this world.Life is tough,No one has ever made it out alive.But does it really have to stay that way?
Where have the charitable people gone that I remember leaving a package on the porch .A package with food and things to help an elderly person or family in trouble.
What has happened, is my generation got older. We are the ones needing help now.The children we had were not raised in hardship to realize that life can get hard for some folks.Now we find that we did not teach our children well,their parents hell:Quote.There are people who simply have not learned to care .We can not blame the machines we build for making us remote and cold for the needs of others.It lies in the heart and mind of mans greedy self centered nature.There are to many people thinking only of themselves and what they can get out of doing anything.Institutions are thought of as cold and concrete places.They have multi million dollar buildings.The average person struggles and has no bailout available.Politicians spend our money
like it was theirs on all sorts of nonsense.Expensive and lavish meals,vacations that cost many times what would be reasonable. A vacation for you and I might cost hundreds.That same vacation on politicians plan would cost us millions of dollars.WE THE PEOPLE PAY for such luxuries that will never be ours.
The machine that needs to be repaired is the one that allows our freedoms and makes us realize the exceptional unique people we are.We have in the past been called the most generous people in the world.
We have given the lives of our sons and daughters to free those tortured & in chains.We have sent medical help into parts of the oppressed societies for those suffering.We have done all this and so much more....
Why is it those in Elected office can not see how much we are being harmed by the childish self centered results of their acts.
We can begin to change our world when we change our natures.We can begin to change our natures by reaching out to others in ways that may
be frightening at first.The only fear we have is of fear itself,Sir Winston Churchill was said to say.My first time going to a soup kitchen was a tense experience.I saw the same videos on the news as you did.The guy talking to himself and the dirty looking guy wiping his face on his sleeve.I could also see folks much worse eating in the local burger joint.Stereotypes are everywhere....I return often and plan on something really
special to help out.they are business's and do not care for anything but how much money thy can drain out of people.We must change that or we will self destruct on ourselves.
Example of greed:
It is about like the dog that carried a bone in his mouth while crossing a bridge.He paused to noticed a dog with a bone crossing the bridge also.That dog had a bone also.what great day this will be thought the dog.
Two bones would be better than one.So opening his mouth to give out a terrifying growl that would scare the other dog away.......the first dog drop his bone into the water under the bridge.His greed had made him not realize that the other dog was his own reflection.
INSTITUTIONS will always put themselves first for the most money and the last to help anyone not making them wealthier.They are rarely benevolent or good Samaritans by design[With some minor exceptions].It is just business,nothing personal.
That's all for now folks,You can change the world if you just take a first step of faith..
There is an old Chinese saying that the journey of a thousand miles,begins with a first step.
Have faith when others fail you, Ground yourself in the belief that your prayers are heard.
WE THE PEOPLE can change the world for the better.Believe It,,Live it.
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