Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Why Are Those Who are so Successful at the Top Having Such a Hard Time of Rebooting Our Country?

The stories of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford,and others who have been at the top of their field to success.would they still succeed in the world today?Would the playground finger pointing already in this world stop them? Are the breakdown of families values from the economy or something more Human.More hidden out of view.Read on  dear reader.

Bear with me and I will try to clarify this long story,short.

There is not a absolute family equation for a perfect family.Nor is there a perfect equation on how to survive when the fertilizer hits the fan blades regardless of that situation.I truly wish there were.Forming groups to isolate people isn't a functional way to live either.

My example I will give here is a personal one which has often been presented to me.I was talking to a new neighbor the other day when she asked me what religion I was.A bit taken back by this quest for my spiritual roots I politely answered her in a careful quiet tone.I simply stated that I kept my own values but didn't  feel it was needed to avoid or abused others with non destructive beliefs.

She had told me of her Christian search and presented her opinion on not being one of "Those People" who are full of sin.Not of Jesus you Know.I told her that I was an ordained Minister and I quoted a scripture.

I said you know...A women was going to be stoned by the "good Folks" of her town for being one of "THOSE People" Jesus picked up a rock and said ,"let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
You could have heard a pin drop at this statement.I saw the anger in her face at once.I didn't agree and if it was physical ,would have heard a huge door slam shut.I was one of "THEM".......LIONS AND TIGERS AN BEARS OH MY!

I rarely do this to most folks.Everyone has an opinion.That's good till it degrades another person.Then I am forced to feed them a healthy course of humble pie.She then ask me to define what my beliefs were and what I excepted as "Christian"I referred back to my quote.

She then said that they should turn away from the sins to be saved and go to heaven.I reminded her that the same bible we read states that Not even the Angels occupy the creators heaven.You may be asking why this wandering story is written today.Here is the punch line on a pin head.I also referred to the Hail bob devotees who also were to have their castrated selves swooped up and leave our poor condemned souls to the whirlwind.That didn't quite go so well,but the point was taken.

Several days prior when I offered to help her family to move into her apartment.
I was given to understand that they didn't need any help and she had loudly spoken up telling me that the two women helping her were married and weren't interested.I asked to assist in moving...nothing else.I didn't have ulterior motives.Just doing a good turn.

Next few days she is banging on my door saying she doesn't trust me but asking me to share my internet and cable connections.(You may be reading ahead of this story but not where I am going .Stay with me now.) won't have a cup of coffee but needs my internet.I politely declined saying that I had my own things on the computer and didn't think it a good idea.She says,"well I guess I will have to figure out how to pay for that.Yeah I guess you will I am thinking.

The point of this is this....My past encounters with that type of so called Christian leaves me with a very bitter taste in my spirit.Everyone else is crap unless they believe as that cult believes.Everyone else is going to Hell except their little group.Everyone else is a sinner but them because they cannot see themselves in the frosted mirror of their own self denial.

There has been more death/murder in the name of some imagined god historically or hysterically,than any other reason.All because of the human peculiarity of "them and us". Even the Holocausts of history would not overtake all the death caused by humans who presume to know Gods will.It is not a God but a primitive tribalism that runs through us all. It is the jungle tribalism that permeates even the highest offices of this world.US and THEM instead of WE THE PEOPLE.WE THE HUMANS.
The alleged highest order-of being on this planet is still spiritually living in the darkest of all Jungles.

Tribalism is in our very being.Whether political,or religious,or sexual preference,or who we are,what color, where we were infinity.How much imaginary worth we have. Wealth is the biggest imagination.You build your wealth all your life only to die and then someone else starts over again.It was never really yours only in your imagining.We truly only posses and use what is imagined as ours.

I don't hold anything against the women she doesn't see The cult/tribalism anymore than those in ISIS see the wrong they do.It is all a mindset of the tribe.Go with the tribal ruling.THOSE PEOPLE.No one is perfect.Not you and certainly I am far from perfect.But to look down on folks as Children of a lesser god is not What any master power that created us would expect of its creation.
whether God,Goddess,or whatever your thoughts are.

Tribal law negates logical.It is fired up by superstition,fear and ignorance.It has no reasoning.The tribe is always forgiven by its god.It does no wrong as long as it acts in gods name.Listen to the tribal leader to hear the voice/choice of god.Small(g) means there is many false prophets.Pick one if you wish.That god is named chaos.It exists to divide and degrade.

Convert or eliminate them.The tribe determines the ruling, be it, shunning or the more severe Lynch mob hanging or beheading.The tribes laws are not subject to question or your next.Been to the meeting and got the ruling.Kicking me out put me in a far better place to look back and see the lost wandering tribes of sheep. The tribe is always right.Just ask them and they may tell you if you wish to be converted for shearing.

The world is in a pile of very serious trouble with every moment a bit more dumped on our minds to divide people into groups that conflict with each other.Wars,politics,even our so called religious leaders contributing to the cesspool of conflict.I wished there was a growing group of folks who just wanted to progress into a more defined future than what our tribal minds create.Next time you sit watching children play,watch for the actions of the tribe/gang to see what is driving the world to it's future.teach your children well their fathers Hell as the old rock and roll song went.

Yours as usual my friends till next time

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sequestering and Its Effects,A FEW Suggestions to Bring Washingtons Elite to Their Senses

The sequester in Washington  by our beloved politicians has effected many parts of our country.The military has lost funds to run it's bases,support our troops and families.
The freeze has effected the abilities of returning soldiers to get veterans benefits for college,health care,and retirement benefits.The militaries abilities to keep our country safe has been compromised by taking funds meant to guard and protect us from threats.The soldiers themselves have been cut to the bone for the things that are needed by their families to have a good life.

The TSA has been hit by cuts,Even with all the bad reports about their ideas of searches and what constitutes legalities.They have made a difference.I decided never to take that first flight for this reason.The freeze is an opportunity for a security slip and a real threat to get through.I do not want to be on that particular plane...

When it does so.

The border guards have been cut on the money to run the safety of our nation.Those walls won't hold determined entry.Lack of border guards breeds the vigilantes that destroy lives.We need those border guards till we hash out how to allow freedom for those who are not harmful to those who are citizens.Most Americans can identify with what freedom means to us.ut we still need to weed out the thugs and gangsters
killing and shooting up Mexico.Again we sort out terrorist threats from the good folks who just want freedom.

Housing and the support for the aging,homeless and disabled.Those are the people that are easiest victims to
disenfranchise.There isn't the organizations thee once was to speak on behalf of them.It is not seen as profitable in this day and age.They are the ones left behind when the column moves on.Once called the walking wounded.They were left behind in this sequester column.

The recent lavish vacation to Africa is the front page news.It has taken front and center in most news papers of our world.The president and the first family will cost us around a hundred million dollars for all the special equipment and security.$100,000,000.I wonder how may families with out of work parents that would employ?I wonder how many homeless it would feed?I wonder how many people dying without insurance that would save or at least comfort?How many small companies would continue to run and employ people
with that much money.How many food cupboards would stay open and feed the hungry.i do not deny nor would I deny anyone in this position of responsibility.But responsibility may be a key word here.I can understand returning to your Roots and showing your children from which your family sprang.The middle of
a job that all your assets of everyone else is hardly a good time to do is a judgement call you may be reminded of often by those effected in your retirement years.There will other  more prudent times in the future

We have a crisis in this country and around the globe.The world is monetarily struggling to survive for the next 100years of social development.Without a little restraint by our leaders in power,it will become chaos.
A world ruled by the folks who merrily dance through life with not a care for anyone but their own.I believe
 our country once had a group of folks not regarded as anything, but property to be used as income labor.
The elite prospered at the expense of the workforce.nothing was shared of that prosperity from above.
The situation had been serfs and Kings till it changed a couple centuries ago when a tiny group said ENOUGH.WE THE PEOPLE are the descendants of those folks.

I suggest we raise money by selling all federal lands not used by military,or commercial companies.
next I believe Those in a position to find a solution should share our sequestering effects.That would be
done by cutting those responsible to work part time at half their wages and have them donate any other
income from bonds,investments, a fund.That fund being like a Swearing jar.
A swearing jar for those unfamiliar,is a jar that you place an amount of money in each time you cuss.
 It helps to raise household money and breaks a habit.
I next suggest the IRS  be held to the same persistence they have held the Americans to.All of the property,
assets and anything of value be confiscated and sold at auction to help the economy.It is only equal justice after all the years of destruction done by this entity to people that were broken by them.

Next we must hold the politicians feet to the  fire.They need to be reminded of their promises to us,the voters.And yes I am a voter.Very sad for the present situations going on,but a wiser man for it.
For too many decades,we hear of the proverbial Chicken in every pot promise with that chicken turning out to be Crow.

History shows us that the only way to save a nation is to Cut the fat at the top.That nation found leaders that would charge up the hill as an equal citizen when the chips were down.No people can stay as we are for long.This kind of let the eat cake speaks louder than words.If we don't support the infrastructure of our great
and floundering nation,This nation will fall as others have in the dusty annals of the past.

Those who fail to learn from the past,are destined to repeat it

For now that is all I have to say.You can appeal to the politicians by googling their E-mails and politely asking 

for a clear explanation of hats going or demanding a change to save your countries.We in the USA are not the only struggling people.The Worlds People need to pull together before we have nothing to work for work for.


Have Aliens Taken Over Our Worlds Governments & Where are those WHom We Trusted To Lead Us

English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un...
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un sans domicile fixe à Paris. Tiếng Việt: Một người đàn ông gia ở Paris Polski: Bezdomny mężczyzna w Paryżu See below for more translations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless person's shelter under a f...
English: A homeless person's shelter under a fallen Willow tree along in New South Wales, Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop...
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sa...
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sans abri à Tokyo. Español: Persona sin hogar, en las calles de Tokio. Türkçe: Evsiz adam, Tokyo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
I remember a while ago rooting for the Politicians of my choice.I was sure that the people speaking the doublespeak would soon verify and smooth out the problems we were facing.Doublespeak is a new and guarded language that politicians use in an increasing manner to confuse what they have no idea how to fix Politicians also have nothing in common with those they are making promises too.The following is an example of the camouflage that is out there to supposedly to help the down trodden to rise up in  a  society.

Yesterday I went with someone close to me to a gathering of organizations that provide "HELP?"for people that are looking to buy a first time home and can not afford castles costing millions.The people there were  
dressed nicely..You know 'like professional office people do.I thought ,well now we have some one[s] to help out.Knowledgeable  and all that.Probably  a main person in the organization.So much for first impressions...Read on please,it only gets better.

The first information booth was a new bank that advertises very low cost  loans for handicapped and folks not able to afford a hundred thousand dollar home.They might be newly weds on a budget looking for a small cottage.Great right? They asked what income was available for repayment and we told them it was retirement social security.They said absolutely nothing was available.SORRY!

The next booth was habitat for humanity,An oxymoron that supposedly helps the homeless to build homes with sweat equities.The common advertised idea is that anyone seeking help to own a home can work it off by working 400hours with builders to build homes.Not so bad.Helping yourself and others to find a home to call your own.

They asked if we had a property and said they're company was a loan company that did not for any reason help out the homeless or anyone on a fixed income such as retirement or Social Security.The loan has to be paid back the same as any other loan institution,with the applied interest.I think they need to change that name to maybe Habitat for the not so underprivileged or: if you have retired forget it Habitat builders.I visited their store awhile ago and was amazed at all the appliances that did not go onto the new houses.Appliances  were being sold to those who could afford the MIA purchases of' those who originally thought they would use them.Is that legal?

I then past a booth that had the Path stone people low budget loans for folks . Again when you pin them down to facts,they are only a loan company with a different ad campaign going.Same restrictions as any other loan program with the same discrimination's against those on limited incomes.

Last couple booths were the Bishop Sheen group that just didn't  show up.The New Pope has yanked a lots of funds from the Catholic Church helping people as it once did.The evidence is in the many Catholic Schools being closed around the country and the donation centers for the poor getting barely enough to survive.The order of Jesuit Nuns that are being kicked around by the New Papal order.

Lets see now....A Jesuit Pope,Dedicated to the poor and so forth,living in a place that has many borrowed Precious & priceless antiquities A place that has more wealth than many countries and much of our worlds religious past locked away in secrecy.A place that many sultans would envy.Time to liquidate some assets Your Holiness.That's what the booths implied .Leadership is by example and comes from the top sir.

The Volunteer  folks are hard at work trying to cover all the places and people  in dire need of help to survive.someone needs to write a book of the volunteers who do their best with very little.There are organizations that never get enough public relations with what they do.They work out of kitchens and borrowed places to cut costs.Everything costs these days.Perhaps if our leaders also lead by example we might find our way to a future that will work to pull everyone up by their bootstraps.For some folks we may need to first help them afford the boots for their feet.We currently would find most folks under the most severe stress just to live in this world.Life is tough,No one has ever made it out alive.But does it  really have to stay that way?

Where have the charitable people gone that I remember leaving a package on the porch .A package with food and things to help an elderly person or family in trouble.

What has happened, is my generation got older.  We are the ones needing help now.The children we had were not raised in hardship to realize that life can get hard for some folks.Now we find that we did not teach our children well,their parents hell:Quote.There are people who simply have not learned to care .We can not blame the machines we build for making us remote and cold for the needs of others.It lies in the heart and mind of mans greedy self centered nature.There are to many people thinking only of themselves and what they can get out of doing anything.Institutions are thought of as cold and concrete places.They have multi million dollar buildings.The average person struggles and has no bailout available.Politicians spend our money
like it was theirs on all sorts of nonsense.Expensive and lavish meals,vacations that cost many times what would be reasonable. A vacation for you and I might cost hundreds.That same vacation on politicians plan would cost us millions of dollars.WE THE PEOPLE PAY for such luxuries that will never be ours.

The machine that needs to be repaired is the one that allows our freedoms and makes us realize the exceptional unique people we are.We have in the past been called the most generous people in the world.
We have given the lives of our sons and daughters to free those  tortured & in chains.We have sent medical help into parts of the oppressed societies for those suffering.We have done all this and so much more....
Why is it those in Elected office can not see how much we are being harmed by the childish self centered results of their acts.

We can begin to change our world when we change our natures.We can  begin to change our natures by reaching out to others in ways that may
 be frightening at first.The only fear we have is of fear itself,Sir Winston Churchill was said to say.My  first time going to a soup kitchen was a tense experience.I saw the same videos on the news as you did.The guy talking to himself and the dirty looking guy wiping his face on his sleeve.I could also see folks much worse eating in the local burger joint.Stereotypes are everywhere....I return often and plan on something really
special to help out.they are business's and do not care for anything but how much money thy can drain out of  people.We must change that or we will self destruct on ourselves.

Example of greed:
It is about like the dog that carried a bone in his mouth while crossing a bridge.He paused to noticed a dog with a bone crossing the bridge also.That dog had a bone also.what great day this will be thought the dog.
Two bones would be better than one.So opening his mouth to give out a terrifying growl that would scare the other dog away.......the first dog drop his bone into the water under the bridge.His greed had made him not realize that the other dog was his own reflection.

INSTITUTIONS will always put themselves first for the most money and the last to help  anyone not making them wealthier.They are rarely benevolent or good Samaritans by design[With  some minor exceptions].It is just business,nothing personal.

That's all for now folks,You can change the world if you just take a first step of faith..
There is an old Chinese saying that the journey of a thousand miles,begins with a first step.
Have faith when others fail you, Ground yourself in the belief that your prayers are heard.
 WE THE PEOPLE can change the world for the better.Believe It,,Live it.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

Will You Be Taking a Politicians Luxury Vacation This Year?

English: Michelle Obama served food at Miriam’...
English: Michelle Obama served food at Miriam’s Kitchen, a local non-profit organization that provides healthy, nutritious meals to the homeless in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
identification (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
Senate Soup Kitchen
Senate Soup Kitchen (Photo credit: (Carrie Sloan))
soup kitchen
soup kitchen (Photo credit: chiricahua sky island)
The spring weather is fast approaching and we are all dreaming of a warm spring day that will not require a coat.Many of us are dreaming of the wonderful places we would just love to go.A warm place to sit on the beach at sunset with a cool glass of"lemonaide" and a lovely lady nearby getting a tan in the evening sunset.The sun slowly sinking into the sea as the waves rythmicaly roll on the shore.Ahhhh,the dreams of the average man or woman.Then we wake up and paradise is once more lost to reality
Have you ever wondered what that same day is for a politician.yeah I know...the debates and schedules with everyone and their mommas calling you about the problems in bugtussel USA.The white hair and rapid aging
in less than 4years.being the office of this powerful person  does has its problems.
I was also reading about the perks of political office.Just the other night as one Senator attempted to rally his
 supporters The Whitehouse was serving Lobster Thermador and garlic potatoes,Among other things.
Most politicians travel on extensive tours all over the world and eat dinners such as the lobster meal.The same dinner for joe citizen type  folks were eating Macaroni and instant cheese.prehaps with only a little ketchup on it for lack of cheese or sauce.

Many politicians send out panhandlings for funds to fuel their goals and limo's.
while the man on the street would get arrested for panhandling to buy a cheap hamburger for himself or his wife and child.

Politicians forget the people that are sleeping under a bridge and eating in soup kitchens.

Did you know that many of the so called humanity organizations were actually rather progressive money making institutions.I accompanied a disabled person who has lived on 700dollars a month disability.
This person has their own home,such as it is.It is a 80year old home that has many repairs needed.They were told that An organization called the habitant for humanity hailed as a wonder by former president Jimmy Carter.We walked in and waited our turn to speak with a rep.We were taken into an office and sat in front of a desk with a computer on it.The lady ask how much my friend made in wages and what she could put down.We were told with a condascending tone that poor people under the 14000dollar a year was not elidgable and that they were a for profit organization that was protected.A 400hour sweat equity would also be required for the addition to payment. as well as EZ payments for years.Homeless people need not apply as they had not addressETC.

My second example of the sideways Helping organizations is this:I also went with a person into the red cross
donation center.They provide people with donated things to make life better and tide you over.We hear about The wonderful deeds of the Red cross workers all over the world.I have given to them in the past myself.I was amazed that the person asking for help was required to show an envelope with a current date on it and an active drivers license.I asked if I was homeless could they still help me out.The lady behind the desk snarled the following.I guess that that person had better find another organization because we wont help them.I guess it would be different if that homeless person was in another country with those donated American Dollars.

I have told friends about this and they find it hard to believe till a bit of homework is done.

The katrina victims,and N.J. &Long Island folks lost all their belongings,were homeless and many had no ID due to totally losing everything they owned.The tornado in Missouri.The questions could go on and on,with the same questions asked.Do the same standards for help, stand for all people requiring my donated funds for help stand in other countries as well as ours?For example:haiti has had people helping rebuild that island for  how many generations?countries over seas have been existing on our "donations"for how many years?

Do soldiers over seas require a local address and current ID?Does the countries needing assistance have to sit down with a worker when thier skeletal bodies walk for a day to get help and go through a financial examination?Did the Ethiopians die of starvation a few years back when religious organizations had them on
the television with their starving babies.

It is not surprising that we see the refugees in camps that are starving,and living in filthy shacks.I never knew the key to the getting help was a couple pieces of Identification to reasure the bureaucrat behind the desk.They go home to comfort after a nice hot home cooked meal.

I have lived as a homeless person during the last recession.I have eaten in soup kitchens where you were only allowed to choose a single dessert and 2 breads.the tables are loaded with baked goods and bread.
After everyone picks up the alloted pitence,the preacher says,"ok now grab what you want.The priveledged
people have already grabbed everything but the bread.Man can not live on bread alone...but it is whats left over after the special favored folk pick it over.Heres the topper,After the 15minutes of folks trying to plan what wont spoil or mold,a man picks up the donated food and puts it in his borrowed shopping cart to feed his hogs and goats.Should it not be given to old age homes to suppliment their crappy and degraded existance.Yeah its old,but with the help of a microwave its as good as the animals really need the

Where do the donations go that you give????Is your generousity being dumped down a bureaucratic sinkhole.

I was flabbergastid during my time in the donated society.I was warned not to stay in the local flophouse the social welfare dept. ran or I would be robbed by the other folks in the place.I was warned that no one would recover any stolen articles because of the status of those sleeping there.My social worker liked me and knew that I was not conning her about my life.She left there to go back to college for another level of social work.I wish her well..she hadnt sold her soul yet.

I really believe the organizations that call themselves  benevelent are few.Most are sent up to be benefitial
to only a few and under very limited guidelines at best.I will give the Catholic Organizations a pat on the back.Although I am not of that religion,I found a lot of help from church organizations more so than the conventional places.The soup kitchens are far better run and disciplined than others

Please do not be afraid of the church soup kitchens.They are clean and well run for the most part.The folks eating there are not freeloaders,bums or whatever the imagination can dump on them.many are old,alone and just hoping to eat better than if they tried to cook a dinner only to eat it alone.

Soup kitchen Diners are  people that have come from all walks of life.Engineers that have been hurt,Nurses that are out of work.I remember eating dinner with an ex para medic that was recovering from a back injury.He said he didnt recieve enough money from disability to get by.His family had left him while he was recovering
You can believe that you really get to know your friends when the chips are down.
I challenge you to just dress in your everyday casual clothing and finding a soup kitchen.The food is good and you may find a qualified person looking for that job that you just cant find anyone for...The Homeless
are not elidgable for workforce or anything else that would put you and them together.But a soup kitchen is a unique opportunity to perhaps solve two situations with one fairly good meal and everyday folks to share a meal after prayers together.

If you feel that you are mooching a meal or out of place there,You can always donate after the meal and then it will not be as tough on you.If you find a new worker that turns out to be a genius at his/her job,so much the better.You get a bargain and life is a continual gamble at best..

Thats all for now,and as my favorite journalist,Paul Harvey used to say,and thats the rest of the story.(for now anyway).

Please Note the Lady in one of these Photos is our current first lady working in a community soup kitchen.
whether for a photo op or because her heart is truly pure.She is there and helping.The creator Knows all our hearts and is the only one to judge us.I Think she was there because she truly knows where her heart is.
Thank You for giving those at the bottom of the ladder hope and for not making us feel we need to look up from a kneeling position  at someone who cares.
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