Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

Political Subtrifuge in Our Capital to Misdirect What?

Okay we are now in the third month of a new President.The media,not all,but still to many are still beating the same pre-election drums.Every move is scrutinized and scalpaled by the same old congressional deadwood.Those who really have been in the political throne room just too long.In office just too long dragging the whole country into conflict.

A finger pointing 20 years of deadwood building into a political deadwood dam.Clogging up our nation with arguing and bickering without anything accomplished. Deadwood  is many times found on beaches bleached white from being afloat to long.It may make great Art props but is not usually any good for structuring anything.It's good for decoration and border trims.

I was reminded of the many clad in white who refused to participate when the President of the United States spoke to address them.I was ashamed of their childish behavior.I was ashamed that I once voted for that group.I was ashamed that,that is an example of whats going on in this country.

But I have a long term solution to end this kind of deadwood behavior.It will send a very clear and present message to those in the future this is not what WE THE PEOPLE want or find to be except able in office.

 There's no office I have been in that is not a conversation about how stupid the goings on in Washington plays out.No matter what is put forth it is demonized by those same deadwood floaters.If a plan is put forth,it is wrong.If it is revamped it is attacked.The situation is really easy to fix. so here is my solution to this ridiculous scenario.

Lets let them occupy themselves with all the bickering while we build and plan to make a few changes to their future,sit on their butts and bitch jobs.WE THE PEOPLE spoke in volumes a few months ago.

I guess they can't believe the reality or they simply chose to ignore the roar of the crowd.
The silent majority is usually just ignored.The silent eaters that just do the work and procreate more eater/workers.That is till last November.

Well lets replace these long time bleached out,deadwood floaters next election so we can get something done in Washington.Many from Kalifornia have been ready for retirement for way to long.There's a few more that need to be voted out for the good of our country before we fall to far to recover. There is no fate but what we make,The future is what we make it.[Terminator famous quote.]

Maybe there is another solution.Maybe there is a miracle left for us to believe will come.I have written in the past that the aliens (if they actually exist)are just too smart to get involved with the human hamsters who run the treadmill of political hamster wheels.

A clean out the deadwood Election will more than likely sort out future deadlocking of any changes that might help our country.I am one of those that will be effected by those changes.I have always found  that a good swift kick in the virtual pants gets the mental juices going.If you think you will loose everything,most people either sink or swim.That which has adapted through out time has not been the ones to become extinct or go out of business.

This article is meant to make the reader either boiling angry or reflect on a possible action that does not require marching and freezing your dairy Aires in the cold.If your angry then it is a positive thing.If your put to thought then your one step ahead of the angry heads.

My advise would be to focus all that energy to the future and either contribute to the changes or find ways to adapt.There's no choice.Adapt or go extinct like the dinosaurs did.

As I have stated in the past.Don't like your life
Change it.
don't like a situation,Change it or work to change it.
Don,t like your world?it takes only one person to change it.
IE:Mother Teresa,Dali Lama,JFK,MLK, an a long list of others.They all changed the world.
There are many more still changing the world.Even if it is only a small change at a time.
So can you.

It only takes One determined person to change the world either for the good of all or the evil dark of all.YOU DECIDE


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sequestering and Its Effects,A FEW Suggestions to Bring Washingtons Elite to Their Senses

The sequester in Washington  by our beloved politicians has effected many parts of our country.The military has lost funds to run it's bases,support our troops and families.
The freeze has effected the abilities of returning soldiers to get veterans benefits for college,health care,and retirement benefits.The militaries abilities to keep our country safe has been compromised by taking funds meant to guard and protect us from threats.The soldiers themselves have been cut to the bone for the things that are needed by their families to have a good life.

The TSA has been hit by cuts,Even with all the bad reports about their ideas of searches and what constitutes legalities.They have made a difference.I decided never to take that first flight for this reason.The freeze is an opportunity for a security slip and a real threat to get through.I do not want to be on that particular plane...

When it does so.

The border guards have been cut on the money to run the safety of our nation.Those walls won't hold determined entry.Lack of border guards breeds the vigilantes that destroy lives.We need those border guards till we hash out how to allow freedom for those who are not harmful to those who are citizens.Most Americans can identify with what freedom means to us.ut we still need to weed out the thugs and gangsters
killing and shooting up Mexico.Again we sort out terrorist threats from the good folks who just want freedom.

Housing and the support for the aging,homeless and disabled.Those are the people that are easiest victims to
disenfranchise.There isn't the organizations thee once was to speak on behalf of them.It is not seen as profitable in this day and age.They are the ones left behind when the column moves on.Once called the walking wounded.They were left behind in this sequester column.

The recent lavish vacation to Africa is the front page news.It has taken front and center in most news papers of our world.The president and the first family will cost us around a hundred million dollars for all the special equipment and security.$100,000,000.I wonder how may families with out of work parents that would employ?I wonder how many homeless it would feed?I wonder how many people dying without insurance that would save or at least comfort?How many small companies would continue to run and employ people
with that much money.How many food cupboards would stay open and feed the hungry.i do not deny nor would I deny anyone in this position of responsibility.But responsibility may be a key word here.I can understand returning to your Roots and showing your children from which your family sprang.The middle of
a job that all your assets of everyone else is hardly a good time to do is a judgement call you may be reminded of often by those effected in your retirement years.There will other  more prudent times in the future

We have a crisis in this country and around the globe.The world is monetarily struggling to survive for the next 100years of social development.Without a little restraint by our leaders in power,it will become chaos.
A world ruled by the folks who merrily dance through life with not a care for anyone but their own.I believe
 our country once had a group of folks not regarded as anything, but property to be used as income labor.
The elite prospered at the expense of the workforce.nothing was shared of that prosperity from above.
The situation had been serfs and Kings till it changed a couple centuries ago when a tiny group said ENOUGH.WE THE PEOPLE are the descendants of those folks.

I suggest we raise money by selling all federal lands not used by military,or commercial companies.
next I believe Those in a position to find a solution should share our sequestering effects.That would be
done by cutting those responsible to work part time at half their wages and have them donate any other
income from bonds,investments, a fund.That fund being like a Swearing jar.
A swearing jar for those unfamiliar,is a jar that you place an amount of money in each time you cuss.
 It helps to raise household money and breaks a habit.
I next suggest the IRS  be held to the same persistence they have held the Americans to.All of the property,
assets and anything of value be confiscated and sold at auction to help the economy.It is only equal justice after all the years of destruction done by this entity to people that were broken by them.

Next we must hold the politicians feet to the  fire.They need to be reminded of their promises to us,the voters.And yes I am a voter.Very sad for the present situations going on,but a wiser man for it.
For too many decades,we hear of the proverbial Chicken in every pot promise with that chicken turning out to be Crow.

History shows us that the only way to save a nation is to Cut the fat at the top.That nation found leaders that would charge up the hill as an equal citizen when the chips were down.No people can stay as we are for long.This kind of let the eat cake speaks louder than words.If we don't support the infrastructure of our great
and floundering nation,This nation will fall as others have in the dusty annals of the past.

Those who fail to learn from the past,are destined to repeat it

For now that is all I have to say.You can appeal to the politicians by googling their E-mails and politely asking 

for a clear explanation of hats going or demanding a change to save your countries.We in the USA are not the only struggling people.The Worlds People need to pull together before we have nothing to work for work for.