Showing posts with label Minister. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minister. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Why Are Those Who are so Successful at the Top Having Such a Hard Time of Rebooting Our Country?

The stories of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford,and others who have been at the top of their field to success.would they still succeed in the world today?Would the playground finger pointing already in this world stop them? Are the breakdown of families values from the economy or something more Human.More hidden out of view.Read on  dear reader.

Bear with me and I will try to clarify this long story,short.

There is not a absolute family equation for a perfect family.Nor is there a perfect equation on how to survive when the fertilizer hits the fan blades regardless of that situation.I truly wish there were.Forming groups to isolate people isn't a functional way to live either.

My example I will give here is a personal one which has often been presented to me.I was talking to a new neighbor the other day when she asked me what religion I was.A bit taken back by this quest for my spiritual roots I politely answered her in a careful quiet tone.I simply stated that I kept my own values but didn't  feel it was needed to avoid or abused others with non destructive beliefs.

She had told me of her Christian search and presented her opinion on not being one of "Those People" who are full of sin.Not of Jesus you Know.I told her that I was an ordained Minister and I quoted a scripture.

I said you know...A women was going to be stoned by the "good Folks" of her town for being one of "THOSE People" Jesus picked up a rock and said ,"let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
You could have heard a pin drop at this statement.I saw the anger in her face at once.I didn't agree and if it was physical ,would have heard a huge door slam shut.I was one of "THEM".......LIONS AND TIGERS AN BEARS OH MY!

I rarely do this to most folks.Everyone has an opinion.That's good till it degrades another person.Then I am forced to feed them a healthy course of humble pie.She then ask me to define what my beliefs were and what I excepted as "Christian"I referred back to my quote.

She then said that they should turn away from the sins to be saved and go to heaven.I reminded her that the same bible we read states that Not even the Angels occupy the creators heaven.You may be asking why this wandering story is written today.Here is the punch line on a pin head.I also referred to the Hail bob devotees who also were to have their castrated selves swooped up and leave our poor condemned souls to the whirlwind.That didn't quite go so well,but the point was taken.

Several days prior when I offered to help her family to move into her apartment.
I was given to understand that they didn't need any help and she had loudly spoken up telling me that the two women helping her were married and weren't interested.I asked to assist in moving...nothing else.I didn't have ulterior motives.Just doing a good turn.

Next few days she is banging on my door saying she doesn't trust me but asking me to share my internet and cable connections.(You may be reading ahead of this story but not where I am going .Stay with me now.) won't have a cup of coffee but needs my internet.I politely declined saying that I had my own things on the computer and didn't think it a good idea.She says,"well I guess I will have to figure out how to pay for that.Yeah I guess you will I am thinking.

The point of this is this....My past encounters with that type of so called Christian leaves me with a very bitter taste in my spirit.Everyone else is crap unless they believe as that cult believes.Everyone else is going to Hell except their little group.Everyone else is a sinner but them because they cannot see themselves in the frosted mirror of their own self denial.

There has been more death/murder in the name of some imagined god historically or hysterically,than any other reason.All because of the human peculiarity of "them and us". Even the Holocausts of history would not overtake all the death caused by humans who presume to know Gods will.It is not a God but a primitive tribalism that runs through us all. It is the jungle tribalism that permeates even the highest offices of this world.US and THEM instead of WE THE PEOPLE.WE THE HUMANS.
The alleged highest order-of being on this planet is still spiritually living in the darkest of all Jungles.

Tribalism is in our very being.Whether political,or religious,or sexual preference,or who we are,what color, where we were infinity.How much imaginary worth we have. Wealth is the biggest imagination.You build your wealth all your life only to die and then someone else starts over again.It was never really yours only in your imagining.We truly only posses and use what is imagined as ours.

I don't hold anything against the women she doesn't see The cult/tribalism anymore than those in ISIS see the wrong they do.It is all a mindset of the tribe.Go with the tribal ruling.THOSE PEOPLE.No one is perfect.Not you and certainly I am far from perfect.But to look down on folks as Children of a lesser god is not What any master power that created us would expect of its creation.
whether God,Goddess,or whatever your thoughts are.

Tribal law negates logical.It is fired up by superstition,fear and ignorance.It has no reasoning.The tribe is always forgiven by its god.It does no wrong as long as it acts in gods name.Listen to the tribal leader to hear the voice/choice of god.Small(g) means there is many false prophets.Pick one if you wish.That god is named chaos.It exists to divide and degrade.

Convert or eliminate them.The tribe determines the ruling, be it, shunning or the more severe Lynch mob hanging or beheading.The tribes laws are not subject to question or your next.Been to the meeting and got the ruling.Kicking me out put me in a far better place to look back and see the lost wandering tribes of sheep. The tribe is always right.Just ask them and they may tell you if you wish to be converted for shearing.

The world is in a pile of very serious trouble with every moment a bit more dumped on our minds to divide people into groups that conflict with each other.Wars,politics,even our so called religious leaders contributing to the cesspool of conflict.I wished there was a growing group of folks who just wanted to progress into a more defined future than what our tribal minds create.Next time you sit watching children play,watch for the actions of the tribe/gang to see what is driving the world to it's future.teach your children well their fathers Hell as the old rock and roll song went.

Yours as usual my friends till next time