Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Today Mankind has Shown The First Signs of an Evolutionary Rise The Intelectual Scale of All Things Living by Comuting Multiple Death Sentences of Innocents.

Tuna fisherman Yukinobu Shibata(柴田幸信)
Tuna fisherman Yukinobu Shibata(柴田幸信) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Humpback whales in North Pass between Lincoln ...
Humpback whales in North Pass between Lincoln Island and Shelter Island in the Lynn Canal north of Juneau, Alaska. This is a group of 15 whales that were bubble net fishing on 18 August 2007. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A recent decision in The Hague Has ordered the Japanese Fleet to  shut shut down all of its Whaling ships and place them in the dock.This will end the long time "scientific"killing of the dwindling whales in the worlds oceans.The last few decades have seen the rest of the worlds whaling pretty much comming to the conclusion that maybe there is no known reason to hunt and kill the peaceful whales that are remaining.

Japan however seems to be caught in some kind of ideology that there is an endless supply of sea life to plunder without any end.The world has changed these past hundred years for the oceans and it's life giving salty brine.The Japanese nation is privy to some very exclusive products of the sea.

One of them is tuna.Japan has been given a license to fish for a certain type of tuna that is exclusive to only be served in that country.The rest of the world is outlawed to fish or posses the type of tuna they can dine on.It is the nearly fished into extinction Blue fin found in the Mediterainean sea.The Japanese halfway around the world have exclusive fishing and possing legal rights to these actual tuna.The rest of the world eats other lesser quality tunas.Kind grinds on anyone loving a nice dietary tuna sandwich or salad,doesn't it?

So why is Japan so determined to kill off the whales?well they still eat certain tiny parts of the largest creatures now in existence.it is a delicacy to the nation i suspect.with fukashima now radiating the entire world with poison,one wonders at the apparently dwindling belief in the spiritual world of their ancestors.The old belief that living things are all connected.The long time friendship with the sea is
poisoned and now providing the Karma due such erresponsible actions.

As I said in a Prior Blog,The days of the whaler is past.It is time to learn to live with those creature with much larger brains than ours.They might even teach us top of the killing chain Primates,just how to possibly live in Freedom and peace  as they have done for centuries.

hoping you to find Freedo and peace in Your life.
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