Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Word on WordPress Where My other Blog Seems Lost to Robots

Way before I blogged On Google There was WordPress.I wrote articles on different things with my ite called robert pickerings/teliquan.A name that I used in a scifi story I wrote some time ago.Probably has some actual meaning,I never looked it up.But it was and still is my WordPress Blog site.Until the robots messed it up.

I have for the passed year tried to write in that blog.The robots keep saying my password or my user name is wrong.So.. I changed it.wrote a blog and logged out.

The next time I signed in again the robots said I had the wrong password and user name.So I went through the song and dance that WordPress thinks is so safe.sending the info to your phone then you have to except it on your fone.then you have to punch in the new information on your fone with those tiny virtual keys.then you have to log-in using your phone.then you have to confirm that is what you want.then you have to goto your computer to relog-in then the robots once again tells you with an ever so annoying swaying back and forth like the face of  little kid acting brattie when fed unwanted food. 

So then you punch in for yet another reset hoping you might usurp the completely un-needed and obtuse system.surely its like any lock.If there someone who is good enough to learn how to hack it the only people locked out are those who simply need to use it as intended. I would imagine you are thinking why didn't he ask the people at wordpress to help?

I have tried to contact them repeatedly.There' seems to be only robots with vague Q&As trying to hit contacts only directed me to the same cycle of robotic Q&As.It would seem that these companies would have some way of communication with those of us out here.If there is a simpler way to sign in then it should be available to us. without all the overkill complex tomfoolery that I have had to contend with just to get my ability to work on my intellectual material/Blog.

I rather doubt that WordPress will even see this article the amount of  readers have not been what it used to be since ad-sense was discontinued.My Word-press blogs will continue  on this blog which has more options which google has dropped.Ad-sense, Zemanta,and several other things I can't recall right at this moment.Things which made it a very easy to use and a simple site.The ability to find readers has dropped to an all time low at Google.At least since the add-ons departed this site.

My goal in the next few months is to find a Blog site that has all of the a fore mentioned goodies and a few more to boost search engines eye-site.Without the mumbo-jumbo,hocus pocus sigin/logon crap.

hoping you have better luck.