Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Look At All The Lovely People Where Do They All Belong.Or should they Be?

The growing activity in the country is by any other standard wrong.We look at the nightly news after a hourly trashing and degradation of anything in our Government.Then it follows with one sided news of how awful one group is against another.Pick a group for either side.If you listen to the news you might think those news people still lived in post Civil War days.

I was under the impression that citizens all could go to any school and get an education.work for it and it will be yours.The sob stories we all are plastered with by the media these days sorta misses the immigrants who legally arrive in this country with only a suite case can build empires to raise their kids.Many becoming leaders who are successful.

Guess they didn't spend time driving around shooting at folks or running cars into crowds.

The fair and equal news these days makes many of us feel like we were personally responsible for the history of the world.Right or wrong every country has a blotch in the history that's not pretty.We need to learn from it,not try to bury it.

Isis is destroying monuments of historical value.SO ARE WE.Babylonian or Confederate,History doesn't go away.If It's covered/buried to knowledge that it happened,then there is a very old saying that goes like this,"Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it". Bury it and you make it a martyr.It will rise again to reteach the point forgotten.

Read the story of King tuts burial crypt.His successor switched crypts only to give the boy king the better UN-looted crypt.The pendulum of things will swing back to correct things in time every time.

Please let me clarify the following to make clear my words else these days they be misconstrued.
I nor do I know anyone who ever owned bought or sold slaves.I own sheets that would be very noticeable at the meetings some attend.I have never nor do I approve of lynch mobs..I beleive strongly that people are all as close to God as beach sand is to the stars.

I have never found anyone who didn't work very hard at being hateful to be hopeless.I have had people whom I thought were my long time friends  feel free to go to dinner with me many times.Then at some point we were approached by his Afro American Friends.He tells me I wasn't going to be welcome with his friends.My long time friend walked away with his new friends.Whatever was said he never spoke again.I took his side when his back was against the wall.Whose the racist?

Another friend that shared beliefs and worked with me for years.I took time to teach him to drive so he could advance in life.He mentioned he was going to be a minister in his church.I asked if he minded if I showed up to vouch for him.He said it is an all black church and I wouldn't be welcome.Funny really,that church would have mobs rioting if it was anyone else s church run like that.I didn't know God had a color?Obviously I wasn't the one with racist thoughts there.

As I have many times stated in my blogs there is racism on enough to go round in this world because of the multiple standards that are set up to,not allow all people to be equal.Then there is the continual hammerings of the tiny group of fruitcakes in the street that need to have their faces in the media.The media who glories at the cars killing and dragging someone down the blacktop.Yup! we can run that 25time in the special report to make it all known to the rest of the fruitcakes.Bigger more violent crowd and we get more deadly videos to run special reports....FEED THE FIRE.

When I was homeless,I came up for a Housing voucher that would have helped me off the street,given me an address to get a job.I waited patiently 2yrs out in the elements.I didn't get arrested or get into drugs.I took showers at the YMCA.I earned small amounts of legal money to survive doing odd jobs..A steady job requires a permanent address to even get red cross help or foodlink.

The people in charge called my one link to help my cellphone one day saying that I finally would get help.My apartment was available.I cleaned up and went to the appropriate office to sign the papers.As I sat at the workers desk she came into the room.I knew that something was wrong by the expression and body language she was using. I am so sorry to tell you this after you have been so patient waiting these years she said.

I can't give this apartment to you.There is an single Afro American women with no husband and two children that just walked into the office and I am Legally bound to give her the apartment.It is not fair as she doesn't need to be put on a waiting list as you were.Struck hard hearing this I asked Why?The answer was this,"she is a single female minority with fatherless children.She has priority over you.There wasn't anyone rioting or pillaging when I lost my chance to "PSEUDO PRIORITIES" that day.I just walked past the women who didn't even give me a hello and into the cold. No racism there though.

I know the children needed shelter and I felt disdain for the mother who had two children with out a family.It is irresponsible to put children through that.The Father,let me om-mend that...The Father as anyone can generally be a "Father". It takes a DAD to stay and fight to raise some good kids.Not a gutless dog that runs away from that responsibility.In fact even most dogs will raise their young.That really needs fixing in any social order.

but am I any less a human worth saving if those kids were not involved?Veterans who should be before me are left in the street  with a chance to die a second time from this system of preferential status.Are we responsible for the social malfunctions of pieces of our society that moan about their short comings and point fingers at the rest of the world in blame.Seems that self help is usually found in our own backyard.I learned that the hard way a short time back.Also I must add this :for the grace of GOD go I.

I could feel the intense frustration at this event.Those years that I needed only a restart in life the story for jobs,education and even food to survive was the same.Every time the people in charge were punished with their lively hood, for not going along with the program.

Every-time some one was put in front of me and others I knew.Some were left out so long they gave up.Others succumbed to poisoned dumpsters to prevent food salvaging.(yes they,the good people in pizza and restaurant places do poison the homeless.Who would prosecute someone who wasted those dirty beggars?Right?). Most times no one even bothers to follow up with an investigation.THOSE PEOPLE" didn't pay taxes.Just another John or Jane Doe in a potters field or just dumped.

Now even our countries history is being altered to placate some isis type ideology that we all should have nothing before them.I use the word "THEM" The system is teaching us all about "them!"The social systems being set up and placed into law is whats causing the hatred in the world.People follow what is trending as the system makes life unequal.It is really titillating news on all our little electronic gadgets.

My prediction is this.In time there will be a clashing of US and THEM with flucuating  sides.Because there are no  Sides anymore than the people in the path of the madmen called isis or isil. Whatever they fancy calling themselves.Other terrorists by whatever fabrication of  professed victims who deem themselves so.

The 1990s brought the self/me generation and now we are left with the residual fertilizer ideas that everyone's first in line just because..... 

In 1936 those ideas began the bloodbath with racial biased type hatred.The finger pointing the shaking fists from various groups.No one stepped in and the world was plunged into a shit storm that still rears its ugly head to stink up our lives.A very good question are our leaders going to allow the chaos to overtake our freedoms in what could and maybe a very bloody end to our country.I  Pray that is not the case.No one wins a uncivilwar

Chaos and hate does not have pity or compassion.It has no reason or care.It destroys without forethought then has no remorse.It does not know loyalty and only has self love.iChaos does not discriminate.It cares not for who or what you are. Everyone is destroyed.,men, women,children the old.Chaos is a void that can not create.Chaos only destroys.It leaves empty all that was alive,hopeful,growing living.

WE can change the world if we try.There's better ways to accomplish that then violence and screaming in the street.Blessed are the peacemakers folks.

Till next time dear readers,There's much to do and very little time to do it.Hope I am wrong on that.