Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Meat That You Have Read About In The Other Countries May Be On Your Table Soon,U.S. Courts to Decide to Slaughter Horses For Human Consumption

English: Photograph from the mid-1870s of a pi...
English: Photograph from the mid-1870s of a pile of American bison skulls waiting to be ground for fertilizer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A feral horse herd in the western United States
A feral horse herd in the western United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Smoked horse meat in package, bought in a Dutc...
Smoked horse meat in package, bought in a Dutch supermarket; it is usually eaten in a sandwich in the Netherlands (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I sat along the Cattle road a few years ago in the great Basin of Nevada.I noticed a cloud of dust that seemed alive and heading straight at me from a distance away.The cloud was moving at a pretty good clip for anything natural.

The clouds detail became more into view as the herd closed in on my location.I observed strong detailed bodies that seemed to be set into motion by an unknown mystic wind.The herd of mustang were running free and was a hypnotic piece of poetry in motion with defined sculpted bodies full of powerful muscle and colors that were natures true colors.The herd ran along the road as if racing my mechanized vehicle and mocking the very thought of such a complex contraption compared to their fluid motion so sleek and simple

The lead horse was a black as coal.The herd stopped and circled him as his harem would do in admiration.He stood there for minutes I sat frozen on this summer day.There I was looking at the decedents of Spanish Conquistadors steeds .The great plains tribes that were so much the free people of this place long ago.The proud stallion stood looking at me for the longest time and I sat looking with admiration at the vision of true freedom.The old world and the old west that was there sitting proudly in front of me.A part of Americana that is about to be brutally slaughtered and fed to you in meat shops and stores all over the world.

Yes sir come right on  down to bub bas belly bustin horse burgers.where you will find the rare and quickly disappearing American horse burger sold to undeserving folks all over the world.
no need to think about the lovely creature that helped to make this Nation possible.Dont even think about the contributions of the war effort when called to serve the call of our country.That was yesterday and today they will become a butchered,bloody burger for your dining pleasure.

We round them up,herd them into slaughterhouses where they are humanely spiked or sledgehamered in the head,skinned and gutted while they still are dying. But don't worry about that poor suffering creature because its a nuisance to a few ranchers and farmers that forgot the horse was there long before them.The horses ancestor was here for settlers to use as beasts of burden.Pony express riders,Stage coach riders and Ranchers to herd the other animals,including more horses.Natives and imigrants hunted the mighty Buffalo Herds into near extinction with the horse and steam engine.Its a shame we learned nothing from that part of history either....once gone and it is gone forever.Teddy Roosevelt where are when we need you...You would save the horse herds as you did Tatonka herds

The noble animal pulled cannon and caisson into battle into the first world war.Calvary it was called
in those days.These days the noble horse has been reduced to a recreation and a wagering item.
Now the horse which was eaten in times of extreme destitution is to become a delicacy on the table for Europeans,Canadians and people that have no idea of the noble American horses value to history and this country...Let us never surrender our national treasures to those who are ignorant[as in the term uninformed] of its value to us..The native Americans still value their horses as an asset.

People in countries that live in poverty become aware of the horses value when fuel,and transportation is scarce.When the economy has crashed and the gasoline stops..horses and mules still work.

With the extensive availability of food resources available,i must ask the unfathomable Question asked by many 5year olds to an adults vague half truth...WHY?Why is it needed?There is no reason these animals can't be managed as other wildlife things are being.Transport the most healthy of the herds and place them on federal lands to live free.Free as they once did.

There is millions of acres of federal lands available that is doing nothing.The herds would live in areas away from populations and take care of themselves.once a year they could be check for medical problems and treated for health problems.

Africa has vast federal parks for the wild life to live as they always have.America can't do what the 3rd world countries have done to preserve their history and habitants? So we kill and sell our horses that are a part of our heritage to other countries for hamburger...Did you read that European Taco Bell already used Horse meat?Google it.It is a truth reported by news groups.I refuse to eat a horse or the mules and burros that are mixed into burgers of the future.I see lawsuits for any company that is stating one ingredient and substituting another.I just could not eat a horse if I knew the difference.
they are just to majestic and intelligent.There species have earned the status of national assets.without them we would still be dragging mancarts as the Mormons did on the trail west.The great Horse tribes would never have existed.The spanish exploreres would never reached Colorado.
About eating horses and my passion for such animals even though I can't be a vegan...
I once tried the vegan way and within 6months found myself hospitalized for a protein deficiency.
I am just one of those omnivores that nature made sure that I would be using my canines But I draw the lines at horses.Far to useful in this world even today.

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Vietnam Vetrerans File Lawsuits to remove a Longtime California Korean War Monument,Stated Reasons are...You Decide...

Mount Soledad Easter Cross
Mount Soledad Easter Cross (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 28, 2009) Sail...
English: SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 28, 2009) Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen recite the pledge of allegiance during a naturalization ceremony at the USS Midway Museum. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Cutberto Orozco led the pledge of allegiance for ninety-three San Diego based service members representing thirty-two countries during the ceremony. (U.S. Navy photo by Legalman 1st Class Jennifer L. Bailey/Released) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A sign at the front entrance of Mount Soledad ...
A sign at the front entrance of Mount Soledad in San Diego, California. Image taken on January 20, 2007 by Nehrams2020. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Cross, the center of much controv...
English: The Cross, the center of much controversy, sits atop Mount Soledad (Orig: Picture-011) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mount Soledad is near the city of San Diego California.The area is hilly sandy desert,arid and hot.
Mount Soledad sits high in the view,where it can plainly be seen for miles.long ago people thoughtful,with grateful open hearts decided to build a monument to the men and women who had given their lives for those in a far away country.

The idea was to say thank you Honorable fifty plus thousands of soldiers for your service.Thank you for going to the aid of those oppressed.Thank you for risking your all or giving their lives and futures to others.

The people also had a sense of God and Country.They remembered the Pledge of Allegiance words that used to say One Nation Under God.A decision to use the cross to symbolize the fallen going to
a better place than the Hell they fell in.Meant only as a jester of God Bless You soldier.Perhaps even a wish to hope the soldiers will find the paradise that is hoped for by most people,after life ends.
There are also those that did survive and returned home.Shouldn't they see something tangible saying God Bless You SIR.We appreciate your sacrifices.Thank You in a pitifully unequal way,but thank you.

There are many monuments over the Heroic soldiers that fell in Battle.Think about what this will mean if these 2 men are able to remove such symbols of our Fallen Hero's.Will the next disgruntled
person file to have all military cemeteries symbolic items removed?Will the honored dead be left to the whims of a couple malcontents who think the world must go as they think...

There is always those that return from war in a state of mind scrambled by what they experienced.
Many I have spoken with have either lost faith by expecting to see miracles in wars that are horrible and hellish.They must have missed the miracles that are always there in plain sight,if you look with eyes open and a willing heart.Missing that vision would void any idea of a more than normal event such a child born in a war torn place.A bullet that missed you by fractions of an inch.returning as the only survivor.your task in life is not done and you life is to go on for an unknown task.

To miss the "miracles" in life can leave one bitter and resentful of others who try to fill in the unknown blanks of our destinies in life.

The symbols we put up help us never forget those who have filled a destiny to open the doors for those surviving to carry on. Should the  courts represented by 2 individuals determine the sacrifices for the thousands who did not return to cause the memories their fellow veterans to be torn down and forgotten.

This is a case of dictated Laws eroding the Constitutional Rights.The statue is a symbol of the eternal hope of mankind.It is directed at those who made that sacrifice to save those who died for others in an unselfish as an  elevated spirit...A hidden religious meaning would have to be in the mind of some one  rebellious and disappointed at their own lives.

It seems those two guys are bent on punishing fellow veterans for their military service to this country.I think they need to visit A symbol of the war they were in..Perhaps if that to counts as a monument to honor the fallen they might feel differently.

If these guys have there way an monuments with symbols are tore down that honor the fallen...
wont the wall in Washington an Arlington National Cemetery  also fall under the same law when it spreads across the country as a dictated law?? Then what, tear the cross from churches so it wont offend these two American Veterans...

The spree decor ,ETC of their specific units must not have meant anything at all to these men.

it is things like this that distract us from the issues that actually matter.A statue on a desert hill that has stood for decades and thousands of folks peacefully passing it over time.Then a couple disjointed
people with nothing else to do tie up courts with an argument over it standing.

Your Honor,I implore you to throw the case and plaintiffs out on their Dari airs and get on with the important things in the state.


I have not found much more on this situation.Hope they did not get their way...

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Friday, December 13, 2013

No Nation Is Perfect This is The Flip Side Of One of My Prior Blogs,There is Always Two Sides To Any Story,American Intern Camps

I have written about the Japanese Situation in 1941 an the monster coming out of the ocean.There is another story that is seldom told.If it is told it is told in tones that mimic the Native Americans lives.

In the years of what became World War II,America rounded up Lifelong American citizens.These folks had no criminal record.They had excellent work records.Many were long time business owners with families and friends.Many had homes with the usual things any other American families enjoyed.

These people were not all new immigrants.They were integrated into American culture as Americans.
Some had ancestors going back to the building along with Chinese that provided labor for  railroads decades before.others had families that left the old cultures behind and adapted the new life in the wonderful USA.It was a promise of anew world and a chance at a new life for the descendants.

Then one day in December7th,1941 a day that will live in infamy  said President Roosevelt.The memories of that war will be selectivly be remembered.The Nazi camps will take the front stage as
horrible deathcamps.That is undeniably true.The Japanese prison camps of burma would later become the subject of movies,books and soldiers descriptions.That is true also.

I have yet to see the long hidden reports of the good people that were unjustly penned up as animals for the paranoid reasons of people fueled by propaganda.

Japanese folks were placed into these camps and later showed their worth as soldiers in what I think was the 144th. The interned people that were finally released as Free American Citizens went on to
do their best to rebuild shattered lives.They did not attack others and were unce again citizens.
Can you even imagine the mental and emotional trauma left in the hearts of those folks.
I do understand the war was with Japan.I don't think it was with Americans that were of Japanese Ancestry.Most imigrant descendents that call themselves Americans also have distant relations overseas.

Anyone can be labeled an enemy of the state if there is a need for the masses to be focused in a particular direction that provides a little substrafuge to what is actually happening...ANYONE!

There are few photos of American Internment Camps Apparently.

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The News is Reflecting The Growing Gap In the Social Split in America between The priveledged Rich and Those Who Are Not

texas our texas
texas our texas (Photo credit: jmtimages)
English: A representation of an award bar worn...
English: A representation of an award bar worn by some law enforcement officers in the United States. Made using Photoshop. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
shoplifting (Photo credit: Hailgumby)
An American judge talking to a lawyer.
An American judge talking to a lawyer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The news from Texas,a state I hold as special in my opinion has changed as has the rest of the USA.
The trees have become to short for lynchings and the judges have become to paid for to sentence fairly.

A teen ager shoplifted beer from a store,stole the family vehicle and proceeded to kill 4 people who were just walking along the road.

Lets see now,As a non-lawyer and speaking as a citizen,if it was most folks we know they would bury you under the jailhouse for this hideous crime.That is if you fall under the specter of  being silently  labeled the child of a lesser god.Those who can not buy their way to freedom.A better lawyer,better judge or just be above the usual punishment/reward of all the lesser people.

This kid had a lawyer that actually pleaded that this murderer of several people was just a spoiled child that had never been taught any different.He was sentenced to 10 years Probation at a place his victims probably never could afford if they had committed a hideous crime of DWI homicide.let alone multiple homicide that he actually did without any doubts about it.

I wonder like others that have talked about this if the judge is personally attached to the family.I wonder if the judge has perhaps been in their seat a bit to long.I wonder if the judge has health problems that impair their judgement to reality.I would hope there is no other judgement impeding substance involved.

The families of those killed will be left without their loved one.This is Christmas Season and the families will  be forced to  celebrate the holiday as a funeral.A death that was completely senseless.
The Murderer is protected,The the victims buried without Justice and the families left to wonder where the justice has gone.murdered victims and families that need to fight for justifiable closure.

This deal reminds me of the southern "trials that the good ole boys ''used to call justice.A  privileged [or whatever label you wish] kid kills another human being,in this case several human beings.The
local police take that murderer into custody and the Good Ole  Boy judge does a hearing for justice[wink,wink].The perp is slapped on the hand and forced to hear a scolding and let go.

After all the boy is a poor?spoiled kid that didn't know any better.?I do have a suggestion on this terrible condition.

Since the parents are wearing this as their fault and sonny boy did the dirty deed, don't you think
there is shared guilt here?A set of parents who failed to teach a set of values beyond the holy buck.
A set of parents that failed to correct a child who is old enough to stealbeer and vehicles.a kid who is now 17years old and still acting as a boozed up spoiled brat.a young adult not accepting responsiblity for a crime of murder among other things.The parents actually agreeing with the kids crime by hiring a high priced lawyer to get the kid off after killing folks.The apple apparently did not fall far from the tree in this case....I wonder if there was a pay off offer some where?

My suggestion would be a poetic justice for this individual.Place the parents in the same jail as the boy.The blame game will never bring the dead back to their families.It does not matter Who is to blame or why.What matters is that responsibility has been handed to the parents and the crime is by the murderer. Both are guilt of those now dead human beings.

The time not spent raising a responsible child will be lost when all three can learn the togetherness and general population of prison.Not a white collar vacation,PRISON,but a place for murderers and those similar irresponsible thugs,spoiled or not.It would give the family time to rethink their values and perhaps find the family that the victims families will never regain.

What has happened in the heart of Texas?I think those who died at the Alamo have just turned over in their virtual graves at the injustice taking place in this great state.Where are those voices that have in the past cried foul and unfair for others murdered with Elite characters involved.

It should never be a case of color,race creed,social status,beliefs,color,ETC,ETC.Justice is depicted as a women that wears a blindfold...I do not believe the sculture was thinking justice would turn blind eyes to what is right and proper..

WE THE PEOPLE need to see this sort of judicial injustice is allowed.I would urge you dear reader to Google search for this story and write to the Governor of Texas to demand justice for the Victims.

 Governor Rick Perry
Office of the Governor
P.O.Box 12428
Austin,Texas 78701

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