Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Could Your GRANDMA afford the look of some politicians wives?

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth Presid...
English: Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. Latviešu: Abrahams Linkolns, sešpadsmitais ASV prezidents. Српски / Srpski: Абрахам Линколн, шеснаести председник Сједињених Америчких Држава. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Last night I saw a Presidential candidates wife give a speech for the support of her husband.It is an admirable trait for this to happen under most circumstances.The family image,togetherness,etc.It's very admirable indeed.Till you put into perspective the idea behind the whole supporting wife thing.
Lets explore the idea for a few moments in time.That election will start a newly elected start a new dynasty of the elite for her family.Think about it and consider the background. of this family.

The speech was to show that First it means they are a family unit in appearance at least. "She" said they too have had their moments of discontented life.All folks do in time even after 40 years of marriage.&kids and etc.etc.etc.Great.they can have a raft of offspring to satisfy their belief system.So this is not a virtue that brings anything to the political table.It won't solve our countries political arguments.It won't bring jobs to our population of the unemployed.So what? My last cat had 7kittens.

Next we were told what a bang up businessman her husband was.I remember the speech her husband gave regarding his passion for buying up companies that were struggling and firing the employees.He stated he really enjoyed that.Such compassion for the downtrodden as we have never heard in a possible future president.The unemployed will really look forward to jobs they won't be able to keep.If firing employees and not refurbishing the responsible management is his method of business.

I doubt very much that President Obama has that kind of track record behind him.I know that when I wrote him with no expectations of any reply to my problem,His reply  was very prompt.He asked not what color,religion,affiliations or anything else. Mr. Obama simply said that he would look into the problem.He did exactly that.He kept his word to me.That is a great measure of a man.The answer to my E-mail was on the following day after I wrote him.I was blown away by the President of the United States taking time from the world events to help a nobody in  a sea of nobodies.That is the measure of a public servant.To serve and protect his people

Based on these past events,can you imagine what a country with this kind of wealth  in charge would be like.There would be selective jobs available to those excepted worker ants.The chosen minimum wage/12hrshift workers.The  offshore/out of country accts. would increase, ex-potentially that the new president would hold.I guess the investments inside the USA would be sorta risky with no one being sure of retiring in a company that could be bought out and sold.The long time workers fired to the giggles and brags of the new owners.That stage has already been set.

I know that the last 4 years for  President Obama has been one of media Prostitutes for his opposition pimping out the usual BS without need for any constructive ideas offered.The political party prompting the opposition has been constantly giving nothing but grief to this man.It' supposed to be a 2party system that is in one free country.There has been times lately that I have to stop and wonder how long free will be a word we can say without punishment to follow.I see a signpost in the conventions wall going up already.

The convention taking place has something  called a "speech free zone".what ever that is.Along with this observation there is the obvious missing minorities in the audience
The viewing that I saw on TV left  this impression.There was only one minority in the audience that was constantly showcased for viewing.Ms.Rice was dressed very nicely as usual.I saw many folks with  the suites and dress real (pale w/ no tan lines) that you would expect to see walking up to your door on summer days with a bible in their hand to convert you.....The others, minorities and non conformists were no doubt, out behind the police enforced "no free speech"lines.

Might this be a harpenture of things to come after one possible election outcome.

I would invite you,the reader to deeply investigate the words  of both candidates.The next step is to compare without family and friends personal opinions involved biasing the outcome.
You will find that Mr. Obama does what he believes is the best decision for a lot of people.The
 man who brags about buying floundering companies and firing the strugglling employees , opens his mouth and   proves himself.The workers lose their jobs and are punished with being mismanaged by the companies CEO.

I fear for the country if all the changes that would take place during a changing of the guard election.
I would question the selective placing of religious  affiliate persons in top office and prominent positions of power.

I can not imagine a president that has his bank investments out of the country having much faith in the USA's economy recovering.Appears to be like a man drilling another hole in a sinking boat to let the water out again.Our president should support this country first and foremost.

The choices are all of ours.We know that if any President has assistance from his elected fellow politicians,He will accomplish great things for all the masses.If they spend their time being contrary,
nothing gets done and 4 years are wasted.Those years subtract from the future and are used for mud throwing.Ever so useful with infantile children who never grew up mentally.

There was a line in the movie"Terminator" that went There is no fate but what you make".I truly believe this to be applicable to this election.Power thru our current delays by a few Mule headed
 folks  to run a more streamlined shot into the future.The current president has 4years of experience.
Whether anyone agrees with him or not,changing horses in the middle of a stream is not a good idea.

This election,lets make the changes that allow the president to at least have some sort of dialect that would be something other than childish bickering and disagreements.If he can't do it then I will be surprised and admit it.I don't think that will happen...

That is all for now.Think of the future and dream.with a wrong choice,that's all we'll have left.


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