Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dump Ryan and Lets Run MOMMY for Vice Prez.

USA states unemployment 2004
USA states unemployment 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Magic wand with stars. Transparent ba...
English: Magic wand with stars. Transparent background. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It 's sorta nice to know that Mr. Ryan is so attached to his mom.Reminds me of an old Greek play for some reason.I really do not see why he spent so much time saying that he had a plan to save the world from all the problems of the last 3plus presidents before Mr. Obama.I must have missed the plans explanation.I guess they just wing it as they go.same promises,different day.

What we need to hear is the plan that is always hinted at,but never explained.The mysterious plan that will save us all from it all.get us jobs,and a chicken in every pot.Massachusetts still has a pile of unemployed people that will never get a chance to express their despair to society.
Mr Ryan said we all have our places in society.I wonder just how he means that statement?
This country has always had it's ups and downs.Every country in the world has had such times.
The past 2 decades have had both parties in power.The country is now in a slowdown.It is bottoming out from the slide started 11years ago.Mr.Obama wasn't in power then.history records the power in control then...Google it!

We need to stay the course to quote a past Presidents words,It brought a multi front war still running us into debt.Those words have cost the citizens of the USA and its allies lives,broken military and civilian families.How anyone would dare to state that they can wave a magic wand and chant a few
magic words to change things.still must believe in the tooth fairy.Maybe mommy hasn't told a certain
fellow about the quarters under his pillow...ssssshhhhh!

We need to hear the Master plans of the politicians. We don't need to hear about the kids,Grandma,or what wonders might be happening in a possible  future.We need solid and concrete plans to the promises given.Mommy,is behind,the presidency is a dream,there is only what you tell us that is a present plan to change that possible future....So leave the kids home with mom and let us hear that instantaneous miracle plan to save us all from reality.

Let's hear it Mr. Elect to be.What's your plan to rock our unemployed world.(Finance,Recession and unemployment is effecting the entire world,but don't tell him that either)...

Enough of the political world for now.Why do we need politics anyway.Why can't we just sit in a
circle,roast marshmallows and sing kuumbia and dance like savages...   :)
It could work!!!It really could work..

We'll be talking again soon folks,Think before you jump.

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