Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Olympics and People Playing Nice Together

English: The Bird's nest, Beijing, during the ...
English: The Bird's nest, Beijing, during the closing ceremony of the 2008 olympic games, august 24th Français : Le nid d'oiseau, Pékin, durant la cérémonie de cloture des Jeux Olympiques 2008, le 24 août (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have never been much of a sports nut.It was never my interest until the recent Olympic games.This group of games seem a little different than the games in the past.The world is on fire with wars all over the place.There seem to be famines,massive fires,floods in parts of the world.Theres also earthquakes,tornadoes.and a host of mother natures wrathful tributes to the worlds much looked for climatic end.

The wonderful Athletes are all giving their best  for their countries,for their coaches,families and friends back home.They will know in the future great wealth,fame and changes most of us folks (back home) will never know.The greatest reward for all the hard work and efforts will be known one day in the future.It will be popping into their minds at the most unexpected time and place.Perhaps at a movie,sittting quietly in a park with family or loved ones.But this thought will become a force within this great athlete that competed with the best and greatest athletes in the world.

You may be wondering just  what that thought is and why it will be somewhere down the road for them.why not right now and here.Here in their moment of greatness.Here in their moment of world fame.

The thought that will bring light into their life,reflections of their entire life is really very simple.
It will be past down through their children and bestowed on  to all those who encounter them in any compacity for the rest of their lives.

That golden thought will be the fact that , while they were viewed as super humans in the eyes of the masses.They had many people helping them to achieve their goals.Money came from supporters.
Advertisers paid for future opportunities.This a fact and not said to belittle anyone.No one is an island after all.

The golden thought is this. Just this:It take just one person to change the world.The world will never forget that persons efforts.The people around these athletes would never have been able to create the
person inside the athletes body and mind.He or she is the force that created the "superhuman"efforts.
The thought will emanate from that person and change their lives forever.

It has already changed the world of those such as myself .Its warfare made civil.The enemy loses and gets a hug or handshake instead of an bullet in the head. The loser s may not go home happy,but at least they get to go  home.I would say that this is a good kind of warfare as warfare goes....wouldn't you?

Short one this time my friends,I have just regained my computers abilities after a massive crash of my ter next time,I promise..Be talking to you soon.

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