Friday, July 27, 2012

This Blog Will Direct You to Witness How Subtle Evil Can Invade Your Mind

The Joker in The Dark Knight is portrayed by H...
The Joker in The Dark Knight is portrayed by Heath Ledger. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A few days ago I was hospitalized after stepping on several rusty nails.This is  idle time  that I normally don't have.I lay there watching the evening news for developing events of the day.The news of a shooting in a theatre caught my atttention.

I thought(and prayed) this was a movie stunt done in very bad taste to boost the movie.The story told how many casualties there was and that many were wounded for just wanting to watch a very dramatic movie.
The shooter had no apparent, specific targets.He just snuck in and starting shooting with enough artillery to
kill thousands of living human beings.The videos showed the shooter who was dressed up like the fictional
Joker character in the Batman series of Dark Knight Movies.

These movies are excellent movies for the dramatic and somewhat darkside of  the Human psychie.
The movies are dark in nature and can be very lugubrious if your mind is troubled as this shooter must have been when he watched the second of the series.That episode was where the Joker he dressed like was portrayed.His makeup was exact...

I will not describe the shooter any further.His act is truly beyond tolerance levels.There is no punishment that would even come close to  the wicked crime.He deserves no 15minutes of fame for his efforts to make a place as a super  badguy.

The reason for this blog is to attempt to direct you to the possible source of the darkness that infllicted itself into this man who became a killer apparently without remorse.

In the movie the Joker has a few screenshots where he states some very convincing Philosophies that twist the words around to make his position in crime sound like its everyone in the worlds  fault.Paraphrasing those words for you"Those people out there are so used to everything being regimented for them that they don't even think for themselves.Every time they run across folks like us(referring to himself)they are thrown into chaos by the regimentation being so out of sych.That chaos is disturbing to those folks because it makes them think for themselves.They dont like to think for themselves.So they try to fix it and get back to that boring regimentation."

If you have any mental problems,You could misinterpret the message as The shooter read into it.I had to think a long time as to how it sounded a little strange the first time I heard it.Its very easy to hear a very subtle message that its okay to create chaos and mayhem.It would easily sink into your thoughts and settling deeper into your very soul.The chaos that you create would be your own world reacting to those that you feel alien from.The simple philosophy portrayed is very subtle and very convincing to those with a mind ripe to feel familiarity with it.

To say it's not his fault and he should be forgiven is  not my blogs object point.To give a blasting account of all the laws he broke to create his manufactured chaos is not  the object of my blog.The lives of countless people that he killed and maimed are going to mbe effected for the rest of their lives.The people reading these articles are effected for life as well.Its one of those ripples of negative blackness that has hellish effects.

The point of this blog is this.You will have to watch the performance of the actor in The second trilogy episode of Batman Dark Knight and see for yourself.The evil has the slick and cunning of the most devious

A final note on this article.The evil was so penetrating to the actor that played The Joker, that he commited suicide only a short time after the movie was released.I would say That the actor was a good man and refused to be overcome by the dark night of chaos thoughts....

Till next time my friends,Keep thinking good and positive thoughts.Its the only way to attract that good Karma


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