Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How Long Does Google Ususally Take to Start Ads?

Quite a few weeks ago I applied to the adsense ap for google.The silence from those folks is deafening so far.I have reapplied numerous times only to get an automated reply from Google.Does anyone actually get any business from them or is it some sort of secret society that you have to know a secret knock and special handshake to get into.I have looked for advise from folks that might know if I filled out the app wrong or something else.Anyone out there in Net-world  have any answers that would explain why There is no ads.Surely there's companies out there that would like to grow with  a small and growing blog.I also would like to know if there's any other adsense type deals that are in competition with google.I do believe the competitive edge is good for everyone in business today.

If you have any iseas on this situation,please leave acomment in the comment section of this site and I answer all the comments with the exception of spam.I dont even check that item.

Look for my next blog to be a mind bender.Its still ad free, Till now no one has tried to suggest as to how to "fix"the united states deepening problems.I ran acrossed an article from many years ago by an expert economist on how to fix it all in 30 days.Its radical and daring.You may take a sneak peak at it at my other blogsite  : rjpickering/Teliquan at blogsites.

Thanx folks for dropping in,Talk to you soon

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