Friday, July 20, 2012

Hi& Low-Tech Remote control Killing Machines,Do We Really Need Them.

Land mine victim 2
Land mine victim 2 (Photo credit: tonrulkens)
This morning I was sitting in one of those offices with reading materials to pass the lag in time before you actually get to speak with anyone.The magazine was the National Geographic Magazine.The article was about the Many thousands of landmines left behind in Southeast Asia after the U.S. Troops and allies left the war behind.The remaining mines still are there Killing and maiming a generation that had nothing to do with that "conflict"That took 50,000+American lives.It was an in depth report showing People that had been in the fields doing farm work or just traveling somewhere.They had stepped  on one of those little wonders called a landmine.The explosion had blown of Feet,legs etc.

The victims were adults and children that were not soldiers or military.They were civilians just going about their lives as people all over the world do each day.
The United States continually speaks of Human suffering around the world.The article showed mapps of countries that do not support the banning of Landmine type devices that kill many years after a war,conflict or whatever mass murder is currently tagged as.

The People who are famous and try to stop landmine use seem to hit the equivalent of a landmine at some point in time.The Lady Diane was a great believer in eliminating landmines from use.

Landmines Like Roadside Bombs  kill only occasionally.They were originally designed to  inflict casualties on unsuspecting troops that would have the domino  effect of demoralizing the enemy with expensive medical damages to the people treating the destroyed lives behind enemy lines.Primarily the non-military personnel back home.After the war there is no Plan to remove the little  wonders from the area.The wars over and tough luck to the civies who just happen to get their lives blown away by being in the wrong lace at the right time.Too bad if its 40years in the future.The politicians responsible  have retired to their quiet country homes to lecture and pretent they have nothing on their mortal souls,to do with it now.After all the war was long ago...Right?

 Southeast Asia is just one of the Areas where you Might be involved in the "wars" that you had no part in.Think of this for just a moment.Let us say that you are taking a vacation in the Southeast Asian countries.You have saved for this vacation a long time.Maybe your Dad or Mom served there long ago. The brochures say it  is truly a jungle paradise that has come a long way into the 21rst century.It describes the Ancient Temples of long gone cities etc:The bustling,Frindly people.The open markets etc.You save the money and go of to the dream vacation of your life.The airplane lands and you goto a nice hotel till your tour guide comes to pick you up in the morning.Other tourists from all over the world are going on this tour with you.Its the most memorable time of your life.You will never forget this vacation....

While there, you travel with the tour guide on the usual  carefully guided tour. Being the Thoughtful  person that you are,You prepare the camera you brought along for the photo bragging rights when you get back home.Those friends and relatives will not believe their eyes when you show them what you brought home to show.You see a  chance to photograph the entire tour group standing there listening to the tour guide at a site.You step back a few feet to fit the whole scene into the cameras more step and your world becomes the most devastating blast that lifts you off your feet.

You are airborne and disoriented in slow motion for what seems like an eternity.Its one of those moments when your mind cant seem to grasp what is happening as true.

You hit the ground far from where whatever happened.Your mind is racked with puzzlement as to what is happening.The ground impacting as you land on the ground.,then the shock from blood loss,The Unbelievable pain is following up your legs from your feet and legs.You look down to see why your legs hurt so bad.

The absolute horror that you view now kicks in all the terror your life has ever known.The only remains of your legs are bloody stumps.Your feet lay some distance away,still twitching from nerve reflexes.You may have lost eyes,ears,fingers,arms legs.The shear agony of having muscle,bone and living tissue literally ripped from your body makes you scream as you never did even after your birth that began this outcome in your life.

.Whatever happens to those  unfortunate enough to be mutilated with  these little war toys is forever damaged.The effect on your now destroyed life will effect your loved ones,your job,health insurances people will look at you very differently from now on.You will be left out of many of those things people used to invite you to.Poor fellow just cant be asked to attend,It will distract the other guests with those terrible looking injuries. Everything in your once independent life becomes a challenge just to continue with life.The agonizing pain of everyday living will never be gone.It will remain as a constant reminder of a war that you should never have been involved in beyond a historical opinion from a book.Should you have been thereto be damaged as a soldier? The old saying that we seem to have forgotten is this"War is not good for Children and other living things".We all are children at sometime or other...

Today we are hearing rumors of armed robots called drones that are being built to fly over non war  zones as well as active war zones.They may already be doing so without our knowledge.Who would actually know?

The death to non-uniformed persons has already begun and is being reported by world newscasts abroad..The low tech robots of old wars were placed by soldiers and left behind to kill Who ever tripped them.soldiers or non-combatants.Many are just children outdoors playing as they should.Many  years after the bloodshed has stopped.They may have been stories by their elders,but rarely are the detailed horrors of war given by most warriors that would just like to wash the nightmares from their memories.Imagine what a child stepping on this Landmine and living will carry In it's shattered mind.

The Crawling and flying drones are being manned by soldiers from remote places.Its to save the lives of people that wouldn't be there if not sent in the first place.The drone articles that can be found all over the net and in tech magzines are saying that the sheriff departments,troopers,and various law enforcement folks are ordering drones that are armed with some very impressive combat ready armaments.
Why???It has been said by some that it's just in case of mass civil disobedience control.Are we that much more dangerous than mass riots of cities past.The police have always done a fine job with the tools presently issued.They are trained to work within the laws of  civilized society.When they become military among our cities
.......We have other social examples  to look at. Those that do not learn from the past,are destined to repeat the past.It can be a very expensive lesson.

 Do we "The World Residence's" actually need the Hollywood world of the Terminator turned loose on the people without any say over it?Do the You really need a fully armed drone flying 6,000feet over your homes and business loaded with antipersonnel shotgun rounds or 30caliber and 50 caliber guns that fire thousands of round per minute.For those who have not done any research,That kind of firepower was used in Vietnam from Helicopters to Clear full grown jungle trees by cutting then down with those guns.In seconds the groves of many trees would simply be turned into splinters along with any enemy soldiers (or Who-ever).Imagine a mistake on the local Super center on a busy day.If You believe that all soldiers are to mentally Perfect,Think about the soldier in Texas that began shooting his fellow officers without much warning.Now imagine the same incident with  6,000 rounds of military armor piercing or exploding shells coming your way from that high up.You wouldn't even have a chance to scream before you were torn to pieces. Those bullets would pass through anything to hit you.Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.The terminator will find you...It would be a Hellish Price to pay for running out for a gallon of milk or loaf of bread.

 The articles also say that the drones can see through walls. they can also take pictures that show license plates clearly from 6000feet.Some drones are to be equipt with anti-personel explosives.For what?

Observation like the cameras on buildings are not a problem if its uses are for things such as traffic cameras,The armaments should never be available to non military personnel for any reason.We don't need armed military vehicles in the populated cities of our peaceful(much as "mankind"can be)populations.There's other means to use before we have Terminator machines tracking down the human Targets.It's bad enough that the low tech killing machines are still laying around from the last 100years orso.The British and German countryside from world war two,and ww1 are still killing and maiming people and other living things.How many years will the machines be allowed to violate the  Robotic Laws of Issac Asimov.If we allow machines to learn to kill with remote controls,when will Hollywoods fantasy come to hunt you and your loved ones.They are already above the(Robotic) Laws.

Shouldn't we build robots to use AI(artificial Intelligence) to hunt down the Landmines and killer devices of our past insanities.The robots would not be expendable because of the important job they perform.They would be cleaning up after human carnage called war.

This article is dedicated to folks like the one in the picture above,soldiers who will never recover what was lost in their lives and the people touched by the  madness we seem to repeat again and again for real or manufactured reasons throughout history.What fantastic things the human race could obtain if all the energy we expend to kill for real or politically imagined reasons.How about a real war on genetic disorders effecting millions.How about all the A-Z diseases  that afflict people of all walks of life.How about using that AI for a
system like the old SETI group.It would use computers from all over the world to exchange knowledge
from all the resource around the world without anyone or any company being able to snatch the idea.No patents on this system.Free medical and scientific exchange for the masses.We have very powerful home computers compared to SETI days.It is a Nobel Battle worth crossing borders and boundaries for.
If "we the people" can just dump all the human fears and frail misgivings of our forefathers to work together.

Dump the borders and start changing the world while it's still your world...

Till we meet again,my friend ,remember that it's your world to live in,your world to change for the better.
Comments:I published this Blog earlier this  year.It is a good to know that interest in preventing the terrible injuries the Land-mine explosions inflict didn't die with the lady Diane.We need to find a way to remove the aging killers that lay in wait , years for a victim.The destroy the lives of whoever is unfortunate to step on them.They  destroy without regard to thought or moral value.The landmines are machines that kill.Do we want these in our future?

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