Ending Hunger Week at the EP (Photo credit: European Parliament) |
Many countries try to do the best to help,but that's very limited at best.There are in civilized places,the usual welfare type programs and social programs to assist with the usual struggles of life.
There is also the countries that try to intentionaly starve the population to death while amassing huge personal fortunes.This leaves the more prosperous countries to pickup the tab as best possible.Africa has been in the news and religious programs asking for help since my childhood days.They never seem to get better.Other countries have tried to solve their arguments by genocide using food and water deprivations techniques.Politics and tribalism rule over common sense there.If we fight over what we should be able to share,then we are all doomed to destroy it all.What we can together accomplish is lost to everyone..
I have a solution to this history repeating itself over and over again.The heart becomes numb to The skin and bones babies on the television. One has to ask why didn't they that get fixed all those years ago.The united nations does not seem to have solved anything about the situation.Good willed donations by the millions of dollars seem to go down a bottomless pit.Next week or next year it's the same old thing.Money and goodwill going to totally un-named persons that have no intention of passing the goods forward to those in need.The solution is to follow.I do feel a need to fill in a few blanks behind this long blog.
There's people who have fallen through the social cracks and are living on a day to day hand to mouth basis.Homeless/starving folks don't have a particular country that they are from. They may be alone or they may have a family ( wife and children).They may be living in shelters or in the streets.Some of those folks simply live in the woods in tents.Law enforcement are constantly chasing these folks out of every spare,un-used piece of even the rattiest woods. It is a very tough way to live.Alone it can be more easily done as far as survival.The Individual that lives alone is really just that...ALONE.Groups or Homeless Tribes work together and usually can do much better by dividing the resources among the group.Gypsies have done Ok for years(contrary to the rotten stereotype their people are given).
Society normally will isolate homeless and starving peoples as throw aways,vagrants,bums etc.You need only remember the TV videos of the thousand of starving folks in Africa a few years ago.It always begins: driven from their homes without food or water these Starving masses have run out of everything.The media has trained our minds to picture the ones overseas in that format.It is only reasonable to transfer the same mental image to those closer to our homes.It,s only a stereotype,Right?I would hate to think it is intentionally used to numb the sensitivities for people. Are we to except starvation for whatever purpose as just one of those things that happens to others.
The Morally bankrupt politicians are not in any particular country.The news in The USA are reporting That numerous areas of this(USA) country are trying to make helping the homeless and hungry a punishable offense.
It would bring punishment to the good Hearted person or persons trying to help anyone back on their feet from homelessness New York States Has had a law in effect for a few years that all food thrown into a dumpster are to be drenched in Chlorox or something equally nasty.This practice discourages the hungry from gleaning leftovers.Those leftovers are sometimes just not up to store/restaurant standards.The food is many times still usable food.That is,till intentionally poisoned by politicians that have plenty to eat everyday. .I guess these people never read the part that states we are our brothers keeper.
There are now Heartless politicians who are attempting to make it illegal in the USA to feed the homeless.It would be a criminal offense to even be caught donating to places that once provided for these homeless people.Politicians sit on their fat duffs fiddling while the economy burns down.They then punish the very people who lost job,house and home for the politicians FOO-PAHS.
Arizona State is the place many homeless head for.It has alway's been known for the open friendly hearts of it's residence.The desert warmth and vast spaces allow a great deal of freedom The article on the web today say,"Arizona to crack down on homeless persons camping in State".
It's southern areas are a huge,vast desert.Drill for water out away from those delicate balanced residences that are offended by awful homeless creatures.Make a place that they can settle.Lets call it Serendipity City.Even a primitive place to live is better than none at all with politicians trying to pass laws to legally poison and starve you
.Please note:many homeless/starving people both in the third world countries and the USA are subject to injuries from law enforcement and citizens Beating and abusing them for just being there.I stood waiting for a friend in Tucson Arizona on a sunny afternoon 5years ago.I was employed and on vacation.Just sitting on a bench at the central city bus terminal.Two local cops,(sorry,but no capitals is intentional).The shorter cop looked and acted like the TV Progam Steinfeld.The character George Castanza best describes him,Even to the glasses and balding persona.The taller cop looked like a cheesie version of the Marios Video game character. They ask me what I was doing and for ID.I showed my drivers license.Said I was waiting for the next bus to arrive with my friend on it.They told me they would cuff me and take me to jail if I didn't cross the 8lane street and wait there."George"then said we could arrest you and give you a bad time just for protesting.I crossed the street,missed my friend and have never gone back to a city I planned one day to settle in .I wasn't Homeless,Had more money in my pockets than George and Mario.I had also taken law courses in college to know these two clowns should never wear a badge even in backwoods USA.
The Stereotype image of the homeless is as accurate as the stereotypes that were used in early 1900's movies on races,immigrants as so forth.I was homeless for nearly three years from an employer garbage up my background record.It became an impossibility to get a job.The rest of your life dominoes into survival mode.You will learn the unfeeling pettiness of so called "social workers"if you fall as I did.
The soup kitchens video reports shot by media camera persons Single out the most mentally afflicted people that the cameras can pick out.They really are few.They do exist,but most of those eating in these shelters are people that have simply fallen due to the same as I did or their health insurance shafting them out of the benefits they were promised long ago.In the case of a serious health condition,the homeless have a choice Eat in places for the homeless so they can buy their medicine.The aging and Health risk folks' are generally the most threatened with starvation or malnutrition.Strange that the most prosperous nations in the world can still share the ability to starve their own people with the poorest run nations.
For those who believe they can imagine what its like to be homeless,I invite you to goto the local Church,Salvation Army,welfare dept.etc.to have them give you second hand clothes.If you feel guilty about taking the used clothes,feel free to leave your nice clothes for the "less fortunate"It's greatly appreciated.
Then drop all the money from your wallet along with your credit cards.contacts and anything you use in your business/social life currently into a local mailbox. You then walk to the soup kitchen,panhandling as you walk along the sidewalk(Asking strangers for money).It's money for breakfast in the morning.Possibly enough for coffee...If you don't get beat up or arrested by "george & Mario"Types.
When you reach the soup Kitchen on the end of town that you generally avoid,go in,say a forced prayer on how greatful you are to people like yourself back at your old life.Find people that will talk about how they came to be there like you.I would not say much about your real reasons.Just be one of the folks there for socializing and trading info on how to just make ends meet.You will get quite an education if you listen.
I said that I had a suggestion and I do.If the countries of the world were to unite in this one idea.In one years time,all hunger and most of the worlds starving/ homeless would stop.There is always those that intentionally mooch on others.Most people would prefer to hold their own in life.Here is my solution to hunger.If people are not in a place that grows food move them.If the population is starving,find out who and why.Punish those responsible for instigating such mass death and suffering They should be looked at as war criminals would be.I don't know how you punish a monster though.No country,politician,no source for causing Human suffering is excusable.
The world has millions on millions of acres/hectors of unused land sitting and doing nothing.Its "owned???"by governments. I thought that the people were in control of their governments lands....That land is unused and much of it is fertile good land.The land would be offered to settlers as in in the old west,here in the states as homesteading tracts.
A world fund would be set up for the support of the new worldwide homesteaders act .Online courses in whatever of knowledge was needed to succeed.The homesteaders would have to Grow their food crops and make One major improvement per Year.A well this year,Electrical solar cells next year etc.The urban shootings would fall to nil,nata,nothing.Overcrowding would disappear as only the hardcore city folks remained behind in the cities,now downsized to functional minimums.
The poor & homeless would have a chance to use the skills they have to rebuild their lives.They would still have need of federal support for the first year.Then they would not be offered that support anymore.If they just sat on this offer with no efforts to progress it would never be offered again to them.
There are the elderly,health and mentally impaired and the folks that wont be able to do this homesteading for whatever reasons,These are the folks that should be shown the compassion that great societies are capable to show.The people who won't work,won't participate in getting a better life,would be left to fend for themselves as they had lived previously.
NOTE:The HOBO website states the following definitions: A Hobo will work for wages when he needs cash,A tramp will work because he has too,a bum wont work because he is lazy and does not want to.Preferring to mooch off people to give him what he needs.
There is another reason for being jobless and homeless :
Our modern computerized society allows a person in power to be able to place anything on another persons record without having to sign their name on. A negative work record report denies work and Continues with that victim for years as truth instead of recorded lies
A few years ago,that caused my homeless 3year episode.I was fortunate enough to have Friends and family assist me till I cleared my name.The many other folks left homeless for such things do not have such good fortune.They may never regain the life they once had before depression and despair overtake them.desperate people jump from bridges every day....
That's my story for now.I still eat with my true friends In the gleaners Kitchen now and then.Those friends don,t have much to offer except unconditional friendship.They have seen the hardships of life.They are engineers that were hurt at the company they worked.Nurses that cant find a job after their hospital cut the staff,a diabetic that lost her leg to a surgeons mistake.Her company put her on leave till she wheeled her chair into work.They fired her...
Those wonderful people will be found when you eat at the soup kitchen,gleaners kitchen or misssion of your choice.Like restaurants,You will soon find the good food places and the Kitchens called (pardon Me)Puke and chokes.Aptly named for the fine...ER UHmm,cuisine they serve on the finest of soak thru paper plates.
Pray that you don't have diabetes or salt sensitivities...
Lets stop the excuses for hunger and homelessness in this generations time frame.Whether its the local hungry/homeless or the religious/politically nationalized genocidal events all over the world.This world is capable of providing all the food and water for every single person in the world.If we only take the reins of power from those who would use the necessities of life as tools to control the masses.Leave the politicians to sit wringing their hands,moaning,"Oh woe is me,I am so concerned for the less fortunate".They then gas up
the limo and head for the nearest mega-money get together,passing the same homeless people sitting out in the rain or snow,without a sideways glance.WE are the only way to change the world.We are the people who can join together to change the world.No matter the country,religion,of political viewpoint.WE are all running in the same race.
We are all humans,No matter our ideas of creation.Be it God by any Name or Gaia in any form.We are here to live and grow together.To progress as a world of thinking rational creatures.Our human survival depends on the ability to work with each other as a species.
Think how much we can accomplish as a world people.Focused on the future and moving out of the Dark ages of believing.If you were hanging from the end of a rope,below you was a thousand foot drop.Above you was the person of a different race or belief, holding the rope preventing you from le dropping to your death.Would you allow this person to help you to safety and shake their hand to say thank you?or would you say I dont agree with you and let go,Dropping to your death.What would that serve?
Joining together as a people of this planet will force the political machines to take notice.It is a WIN-WIN situation.A fanatically disfunctional person might not.That person should would have the greatest to fear if the world did unite its people.Rule by fears of dogma and doctrine are used to control people and divide the masses of people.Just as other dividers such as borders,beliefs color,etc.
If you can except the fact that people are just people anywhere you are.It's a start...Something worth leaving behind,When you see another person,you are only seeing the machine that that being is using on this material plane.The energy that runs inside has no shape,color,etc.It is a temporary shell to use while here for a short time.Call that energy whatever you are comfortable with.It is the same energy as yours.It has the same characteristics as anyone else's.The tweaks that living has bestowed on it is the only differences.The information dumped into this energy is the form it takes.You are that energy and responsible for the positive or negative input to that energy inside you..Break down this wall.We are all the same inside....
Talk To YOU again real soon
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