Friday, August 17, 2012

Population Size &Social Pressure is A Human Factor.

Recent news casts here in the USA have been filled with articles of violence.Children being murdered by their parents,by babysitters etc.Then there's the people who have been sooooo stressed out that something inside their brain shorts out.They just can not cope wit whatever is bothering them  any more.The next thing that happens is an explosion of rage that kills and maims folks that had nothing to do with the raging person.No one will ever know what they feel( or f they feel) afterwards.What does a murderer, possessed Feel?

The media usually tries to tell the story of  the scene.The true story is never actually known.
There has been many crazy acts of violence around the world in the past couple of years.Areas that were never really indicated as dangerous places have even made the news.Norway was the seen of mass madness awhile back.Who would have thought it possible.The USA has a long history of wild west crazies that thing the legends and movies are legit tales.They think you can just walk out and shoot ,stab or Kung-Fu anyone that you don't agree with,Even Jet LI has sworn off the go out and
clobber the other guy philosophy.

The question I find myself asking is this.What is it today that inspires people all over the world to have their brain simply go off like a bomb.What I see is this.The world has grown in population in leaps and bounds in only a generation or so.There is far more people living in increasingly more densely populated areas.When any living thing is crowded into a small area,it has to compete  for
space to live in.Whether plants,animals or people,it's the same.Crowded conditions have detrimental
impact on all things.Thers still one more element that effects the human factor.

The effect,let us call it the human factor,is the effect of our  ever more oppressive societies and their
constant pressure to fall into a pattern.This pattern is to earn more,spend more,It's more,more,more.
There is a demand on our time.Demands on the our lives,demands on the things we love.Everything in our societies seem to try to pull at the very core of our being.

The shooters etc. have feelings of being crushed against the realities of their lives and abilities.These people are not the screwballs that hate for religious,racial,or political reasons.They are the common folks that have normal lives that are falling apart from those pressures.The folks that have worked hard to build a decent life for their families.The fathers and mothers that cared enough to stay for their childrens sake if nothing more.The paycheck has not increased to meet the bills.The auto bought a short time ago turned out to be an expensive hunk of junk.Still it demands payments as well as repairs.The fuel cost of this albatross is financially crippling.The apartment or home is costing beyond the costs when it was started.Utility bills keep going up for the same amount of units as in the past,Pressure is expotential on the mind.It builds up with no outlets

The people who blow a mental fuse from this pressure are the ones that become so upset with the situation of their lives that common sense becomes blurred.They move through the day with stress and confusion mounting to unbearable levels.Migraines,shaking,irritability,sickness.These folks can become mentally ill,and physically ill very easily.

It's medically recorded that social pressures can take down even the strongest persons.The people that go out and shoot others are the weakest link in societies chain.They never suspected just how ill stree had made them.This is where you come in.Only you can prevent disaster from happening to others.
If you know someone who has just about reached the end of their limits on being stressed out.
You might be able to have a friendly talk with them about the problems.More than likely it will turn very ugly from their denial that anything is wrong "It's ok, I will work it out".This is when you might do some research at the computer and find ways to help out. Send some info to organizations that can
send materials to assist the person needing help.This can usually be done without involving yourself,

Many organization can  be asked to help  anonymously.Churchgroups, organizations Etc.It's no sin to help your brother or sister in trouble.It could save them alot of heartache in the future.If you love them help to set them free from a bad future decision.They wont be able to see their way out of the mess  their lives have become. i wouldn't guarantee they will love you afterwards(if it becomes known).The headlines wont have them as burnt out,desperate killers blowing off steam in a last moment of futile glory.A last hollywood movie moment that just destroys  innoccent livesfor no reason that is justifiable to anyone.

Societies will continue to be overcrowded in the future.People will be more and more crushed together like sardines in a can.This is a safe prediction with no medium involved.Mankind likes to live together for safety,convenience and so on.The trade off is the societal expectation of all that goes with it.

Those things that one becomes numb to can only be realized when you stand on a hill out in the desert.The quiet calm of the  empty spaces with no-one for 50+miles quickly explains why we,Humans are so stressed out when we re-enter the Human society and its noisy confusion.

Thats all for now until next time
Take care of yourself and those you love.

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