Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11 WE THE PEOPLE Will Never Forget Those Responsible For Lost Lives Lost Souls Lost Non Combantants One Day The Truth Will Be Known To Us All

I was shopping in the largest truck stop in the world in Walcott Iowa. The Day was a typical Autumn Day, cool and sunny with puffy white clouds in a blue sky. The mood of the people went from friendly to dead quiet with the exception of numerous truck drivers standing with other travelers around one of the televisions that were displayed to sell.

The crowd was growing in numbers by what was being shown.There were full grown men and women with looks of shock on their faces. I noticed many had tears running in streams down their weathered faces.Some were softly sobbing in restrained sorrow.
I stepped closer to find what would be so dreadful to so many. This kind of scene, I had only seen as a child when a man named Kennedy was shot in the early 1960s.That day My childhood hero who was The  United States President was taken by cowards  Hiding in the shadows.

This day was much the same mood as back then. I watched with disbelief as I heard a moment by moment description of the horrific scenario on the tiny screen. Two commercial Passenger jets were hitting the twin towers in New York City.The first followed by the second jet only moments later. The fires spreading from the impacts into the floors above and below that fiery covered impact. The people standing with me were shocked into silence.

 My thoughts were it was hopefully a trailer for a movie. This was not a movie.The evil minds who ever they were, had planned and executed the most dark and evil attack on American Soil In History. Over 3000 innocent lives including children had been murdered.

The building fell in just minutes leaving the Ex-military men to ponder if there was explosive charges in the lowest levels as well as the planes impact damage.Others wondered how many were injured by the falling building and pieces Firemen tried to rush in and rescue people as the building began to collapse.They never made it out of the building.Policemen died as they tried to guide bring order to the panicking chaos of those trying to run for their lives.

Modern media brought all this into out consciousness thou this group of people were hundred of miles away from the humans monsters who forced the planes to such a hellish demise.
Many moment went by while the news people described the events unfolding in front of us.
I watched as the disbelief turned from sorrow to discussion and then into the type of anger that in another day and time would drive responsible men and women to form into violent mobs looking for a rope and a tree.

This type of anger was what drove the entire nation for months. The mood is natural under the circumstances. After the lynching in that prior time the victim is dead and everyone feels both guilty and safe.They may never actually know who did the dirty deed or why. They feel safe because they now hope either the real culprits learned a lesson or that ...Maybe, Just Maybe they actually hung the real perpetrator. I spent the next few days helping move freight out of Bayonne New Jersey where the military had cut many road signs down to prevent terrorists from using them to escape. They feared the possibility of more destruction by mad men. I saw the dust and smoke days later while waiting to load my truck with what ever I could help with.These attacks had harmed my country.

There are so many different stories to this horrible historic event that we can only hope and pray that those inside were spared suffering. I hope  that when those responsible, Whatever the actual scenario, meet their maker,they will be held eternally to pay for that deed. May those who were victims rest in peace. May their  Guardian Angels never let The ones who were responsible ever have any peace.

Pray for that and Karma to Be exacting

Till Next Time My Friends, Pray that one day we may find a way to make people want to live in peace and prosperity. Things prosper when we work to build instead of destroy.


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