Thursday, September 24, 2015

The National USA Elections Promises,Money,Diversity and court Jesters

I have not really been watching the political circus we now have as elections.The people had so long a ever smaller choice of truly qualified candidates to put into the most powerful office in the world.We seem more bent on electing folks who are of a particular sect or religion or a particular lifestyle.

It doesn't seem to matter these days if there is a track record of business bankruptcies that cost hard working people their very ability to support their families.To support the family members that depend on them as bread winners.

 WE THE PEOPLE seem to be watching as increasingly smaller and smaller candidates can actually step onto the podium with any idea of our lives out here in the real world.

The world where our poor and elderly have to chose whether to buy food or pay through the orifices to have health insurnaces.Many elderly also are among the poorest of citizens.Many elderly have the grown children and grandchildren also living with them.There may have been that candidate who bought a company to "flip" the company for a profit.Workers be damned!Then all those faithful workers find that new owner fires them for the prior CEO not running the compay with a profit.Profitable businesss rarely get sold but the workers are always the  blame for the CEO's failings.

 These poor/Elderly can not even get life insurance if they have Diabetes or have corrected cardiac problems.Don't believe it? Apply to certain organizations that boast of discounts and insurances for the elderly over 60years of age...The riders on the life insurances will and DO refuse to insure those who have pre-existing conditions.Corrected or not.

Try to fill out the forms sent to you with honest answers to those 3questions asked.You will find a rejection in your mailbox.I know people who have done just that with rejections due to those 3 simple questions.I thought this kind of discrimination was illegal?What happened to all people being insured without barriers to them?Many folks can not even look forward to a decent burial without even minimal life insurance. Wheres all those lawyers that are willing to sue eveyone else,but sorta turn a selectivly blind eye to the insurance companies dealings. Oh wait a minute...Insurancecompanies have thousands of those attorneys don''t they? hmmm.

 A couple decades back we boomers were going to change the world.We were going to do away with the Electoral college to bring true democracy to this country again.We were going to bring equality to ALL people.

This present world was to be the shangra-la where affordable electric cars were everywhere.Solar energy would make power free to everyone.Cities would farm the ocean floors as our populations overrun the earth.Countries would have settled the nuclear question between world destruction an world  harmony.

Tibet and other peaceful nations would finally find freedom to lead the world in the ways of peace since most of the world finds it easier to kill,dominate and destroy for profit.
 Flowers in gunbarrels in place of bullets.

Smaller friendlier tax free living for all.IRS shrunk to a federal office as it once was suppose to be.Not the loan shark/enforcer of the working citizen.Enough tax to support our beloved country and let our people teach the world to work together.WE need to raise and strengthen ourselves before we are capable of helping the rest est of the world.

The World was not looked at as it became in this present day where people are so fractured and separated i n viewpoints.

This election maybe we should watch all of the show pieces on stage who are either actually serious about their possible jobs.The most of them will stay long enough to run off with the money of fools who have tried to pray for changes to our world.Folks who really do not have the actual ability to votefor those qualified to even hold the job of President.

I have already said what I would like in a candidate.Smaller government bring our country back up as the industrial leader it could again be.Educate our people to excelas we ounce did.Our people will fight for betterment if given the freedom to do so.Maybe if we can afford it ...again.WE THE PEOPLE were ounce said to be living in the land of milk and honey.

We need people who are serious and  qualified to hold such a resposible position in this world.Wedo not need opinionated blowhards thats spout Archie Bunker dialog and appear as buffoons and clowns to the people of this country and the rest of the world.

We need leaders who will be taken seriously for their actions.Actions speak louder than words.


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