Monday, September 7, 2015

Hurry Hurry Step Right Up See The Greatest Show On Earth

Well folks,here we go again.It is election time in the great and variable USA.We are now getting ready to elect more government employees to office.I am hoping to find those who will reduce the size of our overstuffed bureaucracy to be more manageable.

A government that actually listens to those living paycheck to paycheck.That is for those who still have a paycheck.There is thousands of us in the Good ole USA that are working tons of hours with more expenses left at the end of the months than money to pay our bills.That will never be a problem for politicians.

Once in office money is never a problem in their lives.Their credit becomes better than their credibility.The times in their lives seem to grow farther and farther from OUR every day realities.The facts become blurred.

The issues that effect our lives are farther and farther into a  fantasy world of the elite.I would not think a subject matter of how anyone is to pay next months electric bill or how we might be able to make the mortgage would be the topic of discussion over caviar and imported crackers.

 I would hope the one elected does not have any bones rattling around to clutter up the office closets.I would hope the future Pres. does not have to be related to anyone who might have not had sex with that women.or anyone who sues as many folks who disagrees with them.I hope the Next President is able to be experienced in diplomacy rather than belittlement.Imagine a nuclear power leader being browbeaten by a overinflated egotistic President with absolutely no ability to deal with others.That could definitely light up the world...
 The next president needs to have worked with those who are not as fortunate as they are.We the people need to elect a person based on their abilities to hold such a job.Our country is in need of infrastructure rebuilding.Our country needs to rebuild our industrial structure which will help unemployment slow down.

Our country needs one more thing.We need to stop the war machine that is crippling our soldiers.They go into hellish no winnable worlds to help those who seem bet on self conquest and centuries of killing each other.We need to regroup and stop trying to build empires.It has nearly destroyed many nations in the past thousands of years.

Empire building ever works because the lines of control are stretched beyond the ability to control.China is a fine example of this in that it now has an economy that is faltering with the shear humongous size of its Tibet occupations , Island building and occupation of the free china cities.WE in the USA need to realize that.

Whoever becomes the president in this greatest country in the current world will have to look in his own backyard first before reaching over seas.We need to employ those who want to work.We need to feed those who live in our own house first.We need to take care of our  own people first so that our people have the strength to care for their families first.Then we can begin to take care of the rest of the worlds people.This is what is the right thing to do.
 We in this country also have a problem as Europe has recently see happening to their countries.The rampant crossing of those who are fleeing for their lives ad welfare.We need to place pressure on countries that seem out of control with crime so the population is in fear of the very leaders who should be helping them.Maybe a united effort by those countries who are being "invaded"by those fleeing for their lives.Maybe they would return to back across ed the border to change their native country for the better...
 Maybe you agree,maybe not...Please study those shoveling the political poop at you i the next few months as it will suffacate those who don't recogise it arriving.WE have the resources to find the truth and learn who is best by their records.Past choices speak loudly and neither skunks or tigers change their stripes or characteristics.

Till next time my friends,stay healthy and keep your brain in gear


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