President Clinton's Latino Appointees (1998) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The American economy and the rest of the world have drop into an economic hole these past 12years or so.The countries that were doing so well financially tried to lift up countries that never seemed to be able to take care of themselves very well.Over time the worlds economic problems have been further burdened by The cost of wars.Financial stress from natural and man made disasters.
Treaties to help other countries catch up to the U.S. have been misused by those very countries that it sought to help.Those treaties were put in place to assist our former enemies(now friends in commerce),to have an avenue of success in a world market.Many of them are misusing those generous agreement's to other countries misfortune.This makes what is a generous hand over the seas,look like a vast mistake instead of a merging of human ideas that benefits all people.That is what the people of this earth should be doing.Working to better all mankind.Those treaties should be the first step,not an instrument of social destruction as other countries are doing...
This election has brought arguments,violence and chaos to a country that is the greatest Democracy in history.The Greeks,Romans,and a distant ancestor of mine were also great believers in Democracy.
The United States is actually a Republic/Democracy.That is we vote for our choice of leaders to represent our beliefs and goals.It would be great to vote through computers in the future.For now it is our elections that drive our people and therefore power our economy.It is not the Presidents super power that gets things done.It is the power of the peoples voice that gets it done.
The following are three things we must remember during this election.They are:
1)When good people do nothing,evil prevails.
2)The same is true when people sit on their butts during an election and groan and complain about whats happening in their world without the full story being learned or studied by them selves.
3)There are three types of people in this election:Those that sit and wonder what's happening
Those that wait and wonder,what happened
And those that act on their faith and make things
There is also those that sit and do nothing,and groan and moan about the world they didn't contribute the possibility of a solution.
The President needs to have the power to do his job.He is also a person(Imagine that! just like you and I)He also needs to have the input from his country to form the plans we all will use.No man is an island.Our President is basing his plans on what he has heard from those who do communicate with him.He does read our E-mails if you try to help...
Those in the Supporting (no pun intended here,It really is a tragedy,not a joke)office of our elected people have never been interested in the people who elected them.Their actions have spoken louder than words.Some of those in elected office have publicly stated that dumping the president was more important than "WE The People".More important than our needs or anything else useful to help us.
.This is wrong from any perspective that grows and protects the United States.It would be taken very seriously in many other countries around the world.
Those people can,or should thank Whatever they believe in for the good fortune to live where they can say things about their countries leader in that manner.
The economy was a fertilizer heap when Mr.Obama began his office.It had been their for many years .The last office to actually balance things out was President Clinton's office.Whether you except this or not is your choice.Just like your knowledge of what's politics and propaganda.Look it up and learn the facts.It's all at you computer in the blink of an eye,these days.Or....You can be one of those in the
3catagories above.
As one of those dreaded Independents,I have all the parties trying to bend me,shape me to believe in them.I would hate to try trading horses in midstream of a raging river.Translation:Things are proceeding slowly.Things around me are getting better.This country has suffered a great wound to this economy.We are still not like the Europeans mess
.I am one of those unemployed in this United States slump.I share the bottom of the economic ladder.I will only get stronger for it.
Our grandparents lived through the great depression,They were stronger for it,Our parents lived through the post World
War II era.They were labeled the Great Generation.They built what strengths we now take for granted and enjoy.The Korean and Vietnam era people furthered our economy by looking for truth in freedom.They became true warriors and survivors in spite of the overwhelming odds against them.
Another President may or may not have done better.The obvious facts are before our eyes at this turn in history.We ARE better off than the rest of the world.China's infrastructure grew so fast that it is starting to collapse on itself.Europe tinkered with their currency and many countries have been hammered into poverty and debt.Russia has been broken apart into a singularity.We may be struggling,but we are still running a strong race when you compare what the other countries struggles are.
We will recover in the future.We will be stronger as we have in the past generations.We will recover and morph into the strongest version of the United States Yet.Because We can!We are from Genetic stock of the entire world.The melting pot for the strongest and the best of all the world.There is no other people in the world that has ever been like us.We have the strengths of pioneers,explorers,lovers of freedom and followers of the American Dream even before it had a name.Those people were driven by only one power to obtain this future goal.
It was the power of faith...
We have to have faith and work together for the dreams of our ancestors to continue,That all people have a chance to grow.That all people,no matter their dreams have the opportunity to work for that goal.That all people have the right to free choice of what they love and believe.That all people deserve the right to the pursuit of happiness.We are all immigrants in a sense,even the natives came from somewhere.All people must have the right to a future to manifest and grow their future.We must have faith to do this in any country.In any life style.In any Generation.We have many historic times when faith brought the people through the times and helped a nation climb out of darkness and depression.
That is what we need to keep in mind when we make a choice for the future
The future is based on a walk of faith.A first step into a possible unknown future as the pioneers did.
It is said that any journey,any walk...begins with the first step of faith.
We,in This Great Country,are at that crossroads of the future.Listen,learn,investigate based on facts you can look up from many resources.Compare your choices and how those choices will effect this country.Know that you are the greatest power in history as an individual.You have the power to help
elect the most powerful person in history.That persons power is based on Your choice....Use it wisely!
"The good of the many for the choice of the one"
We will be talking again soon my friends,Keep the faith alive...
PS:My zemanta program now works again.Good job Zemanta Techs.Thank You.You guys
make a big difference to anyones Blogsite...
PS:My zemanta program now works again.Good job Zemanta Techs.Thank You.You guys
make a big difference to anyones Blogsite...
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