Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The faces and body language seemed to be either with intent interest or obviously bored and seemingly forced to be present.The expressions,if they were put together might be more of a predictor of who would like to bring the bloody madness on the other side of the planet from becoming a world wide Pandemic of unreasoning insanity.
The warmonger madness is not different from the virus killing off people on the African Continent.The death rate is fought with vigor when it is a germ or virus.
The virus of Madmen does not seem to bring the worlds attention into such defined focus as a microscopic enemy that threatens.The virus effecting those in the act of killing to force their sick corrupted ideologies on the innocent is indeed a virus most deadly.That is something that Mr.Obama and others(myself included),agree is a virus at the core of humans.
I hope those in that audience will rise to this challenge of world unity.The Virus of evil and the microscopic virus have equally deadly effect if all people refuse to try to do what they can to battle for a healthy society.The body mind and soul of our worlds population is at stake.
I have not agreed with My President in areas of the decisions in the past.I don't like the health program as I was one of those who my health plan says it is good till 2015 one statement and 2016 on the next statement.When I try to use the insurance card it says I don't have insurance...
Today though, I stood in the presidents corner.The world must come together either by alliance or by those countries who become victims after the fact.The whole population of our world has a part to play in this drama playing out.
I traveled the last 25years throughout the USA.I have had an opportunity to speak with folks who were of many faiths.Folks who were of many philosophies.Some were easy to talk with and some were so wrapped into their own interpretation of that ideology that common sense was completely out the window.
Example:I was a t a knitting company in Kent NY.I asked the Jewish Gent dressed in a black longcoat how folks converted to Judaism. He had a thick well trimmed beard and his son had the curls along his face with a slightly different hat.I asked the older gent just how anyone would convert to Judaism .He looked at his son and laughed in my face.He said I think it's too late for you.Your already born some other way.
His son approached me as the dad walked away loudly laughing.
The son apologized for his dads rudeness.He told me about the attacks on his family and other Jews who could not walk the streets alone.I suddenly understood both sides of the situations.
I suddenly felt just how introverted a philosophy handed down from generation to generation could transfer the "Holier Than THou" mindset.I can see how the mind can be fooled by a program using ego fear and psychology to convince even the strongest mind to hate with malice of forethought.The programming eliminates any deep logical reasoning.After all,
Why would you have any thoughts for anything that isn't a creation of the chosen GOD.No fingers pointed here beyond my own experience in Kent.The same condescending looking down at others as children of lesser gods mindset.This is what is the cause of 99% of all the trouble in the world today.
Without this cooperation from all of the worlds people who can help change this plague of murder,There is no hope for the future of a free and united mankind.WE THE PEOPLE (of this world) have it in our power to change the world if we just try.
Our choices are quite clear if given only a moments thought.We can join into the death and destruction of the mindless Mob.We can sit hoping that will only happen to "those" people.It probably won't ever happen to me.
Then one day as you shop in the place you and loved ones have shopped for all your lives....The force of the blast lifts you off your feet.You feel one of your limbs fill with intense burning pain.You look over to see you are covered in your own blood.The impact and blackness end your shock as the slow motion effect of the terrorists bomb blast ends.The impact has your insides feeling crushed.The blood you now wear with undefined gristle is now raining from everyone that was nearby you.The last thought before you succumb to death is your family or friend that was just standing beside you.But....This would never happen to you in your quiet little place...Never is such a very long time.
The world has the opportunity to stop the killing.We are all humans on a planetary zoo.This planet holds the same balance that any biosphere has.If the balance is changed in subtle ways.There is no doubt in this writers mind that there is also the same type of balance regarding good and evil.Correct and corrupt ideas.If a biosphere system becomes unbalanced it will either adjust itself or die out.
I wonder if the same type of balance applies to Karma,Human activity or warfare vs.human effort at peace.
Please write your Ambassadors and political leaders to assist those who are trying to end the threat to our world.You do have the power if you try.
Very good presentation Mr. President.Now WE THE PEOPLE of this country and the Planet need to join the efforts to stop the virus threats.
Evil Prevails when good people do nothing.
Evil is a small thing easily controlled and eradicated.,Allowed to grow,it can engulf and envelope the entire world.