Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are Medical Professionals Dumping Hippocratic Oath Replacing promised Compassion for Compensation

Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
The past 4years have been a real course in reality for me.I am writing this from a personal point of  experience

In 2011 I was rear ended by someone texting at 80miles per hour in a 50mph speed zone.3Months later I had refused to file lawsuits on the person responsible.Lawyers had found she didn't have a pot to pee in and I see such things as nonsense.
I was fired from a really crappy trucking company based in Lowell Arkansas.

I had endured months of abusive treatment from my dispatcher(good Ole bill A.And his buddies].

I found myself unemployed and for some reason not able to find a job for the first time in 25years.I ended up with my health insurance running out.My life insurance cancelled with 1million on it.

For the next 17months I lived as a homeless man with an education,profession as an over the road trainer for the new drivers of tractor trailers.My hobby and secondary education was Artificial intelligence.

I had no chargeable accidents.I had no wants,warrants arrests,or anything that would legitimately  deny my rehire.

I became ill and felt that I was going to die.That I would die.I went to the emergency room.
Doctors were more interested in how much money I had in my pocket.I think a group of hookers would have been more caring than the so called professionals I encountered.
The reason for Emergency room care was the following.I didn't have an address.I had a drivers license .That got me into an ER for treatment.Obama care would have been of no use as I would be a criminal without the ability to buy.The more things change the more they remain the same it seems.

The problem turned out to be gallbladder attack. Canned food is full of Mega amounts of salt and fats.That  type of food is easiest to keep when a fridg is not available for the price involved.
It's literally a long term death sentence.. I was surviving with a time bomb inside check and discharge followed after treatment ,pain killer and antibiotics were administered.

Shelter and Charities(God bless them for their kindness],use the castoffs and food they are donated and share with those such as myself that are inking out an existence.The food at shelters and soup kitchens are given by volunteers who are all heart normally.

The First Lady Michele Obama has served in soup kitchens in the past.Bless her for that kindness whether PR or heart felt.That food means another day of life for the many.Foodlink and other sources are dwindling from lack of donations.The food is what is available to homeless or anyone that wishes a modest meal with down on their luck high in spirits human beings.The last true hardcore survivors on this planet.

Many of those homeless folks are unable to obtain medical help.Obamacare will not help those people.In fact it will make them all into criminals owing money to the government  they don't have to even feed themselves or get back into a life fit for humans.

For the 3 severe winters and  wet steamy summers I survived with no arrests and no help from welfare.I showered and shaved regularly at the YMCA so I would not appear  disheveled.It helped to get me into places that a homeless,unkept person would not be allowed.

My sister  knew of a doctor that might help me.

I went one day when  my health became more complicated to that family doctors office.I was greeted with a smile and told to fill out papers for my first visit.The mood was friendly and cordial till I handed in the papers.I sat in the waiting room filling out the papers for care.

The only thing looked at by the blond bimbo behind the window was the insurance blank.She said,"You did not fill out your insurance carrier".I replied  "I don't have any, yet but social services.says I have to wait 45days,but they will back pay for 3months.......She cut me off, as she slid the window shut she said come back when u have $200 or insurance.I was obviously very sick and felt devastated .I knew I was ill.I could never have imagined just how bad it was.

Flash forward 3long suffering months:Same doctors office at my sisters urging.I was really ill by now.I went into the office and there to the same blonde bimbo[sorry, but I do hold grudges on uncaring airheads of either sex]sat there like a little princess.

She said fill out these papers,I do and fill in the insurance blank.I had finally obtained social services by using my sisters address.Many homeless folks find fake address,s just to get help.I was accused of being too honest by many.I hand the clipboard back.She smiles in an over whitened toothy smile.Have a seat and we will call  next you.

WOW!!I feel privileged I am finally an excepted Human being worthy of treatment
Holy Cow[sorry,no disrespect  2 those worshipping cows].I managed to get another appointment and numerous tests.I even got another appointment.Talk about feeling special.I am finally up to human being standards by people who spend years learning to save lives and then have a callous blonde bimbo shooing patients away to die.Go home and no loss of sleep from them.

The next appointment  was dramatic.I had a gallbladder attack in the waiting room now armed with insurance.The same blonde calmly sat there and ignored me as I sat holding my gut and asking for help.She opened the window and said,what is the problem.I thought I was having a heart attack.She said I can't get the doctor because he is out to lunch.For 1 hour with doctors offices all thru the building I waited in agony.The blonde secretary told me the doctor was out to lunch and she was not going to bother him.She closed the glass and went calmly back to her work.When the registered nurse finally came out at the urging of my sister,I was taken in and accessed.They rushed me to the ER again

.After about 50minutes of agony and a minimal examination by a nurse,
 I was being wheeled out of the doctors office when the Doctor arrived and told me that the tests had bad news.I went out the door on a gurney once again to the ER..

Xrays ultrasonics,MRI scans.all  the fluids and workings revealed.

After a night of medical probing in the ER,I returned to the doctors office.Same blonde bimbo behind the window.The glass slides open and she gives me the same lights on,nobody home look.

(I get the strange thought that in a different life she might have been called Bubbles the exotic dancer in the Boom Boom room)

.She says what do you need.I say I just need the doctor to finish telling me what he found out.I  then got a  very familiar qoute .She says,"sorry,Your insurance was canceled last night,unless u have $200OR INSURANCE.....I have no idea as to why but leave to explore the reason.
A glitch in insurance paperwork is found.

I had to  wait for another month to finally see the doctor,I had been canceled by the social service worker because she did not know where I was living.I had left my new address and a phone # to reach me at. when I told the social service office about this problem  I got a new worker.That Social Worker had simply not felt it was needed to process my pappers and kicked me out of the system.My insurance was reinstated.I could have died from a bureaucrats inability to process a verifiable application plainly written in printed form.

I was sent for more tests and referred to a neurologost later to a neurosurgeon.It was and is serious.

This story is personal. I rarely write about my personal life.There is far more important things to write about.That is till you realize that the current medical system is flawed to the point that people die everyday from bureacratic red tape death sentences.When you can not do better or are temporarily
down on your luck,The kind of crap I went through is minor compared with those passed up for cancer treatment or transplants or any other life saving process.People are sentenced to death every minute of every day in the most advanced country in the world.

The homeless period of my life ,was desperate and enlightening for me.All the stories that I heard  happening to those folks that were not homeless, but on limited incomes.All treated in the same manner.With no dignity,no consideration,and basically as if you are the culture of untouchables found in India and other places.The insurance loophole will not be fixed by obama care.The folks that finally have insurance will pay through the orafice for the care they shoulf get anyway.Our Taxes would do a great deal more if they were used for things such as saving lives inastead of building machines to track and kill at 6000ft.Maybe we could at least try to build that fairytale place of Utopia.

The folks without Insurance in the future will be hunted by government for the inability to pay for insurance.
The medical services will not cover as it once was able to do.I am back to having no insurance now as my insurance company says that as of the first of the year they can not cover  for insurance.
Social Service cant help because I am drawing retirement.That is unless I can pay about 700dollars a month for that insurance along with my own meds which are not covered.

I am told that I can purchase insurance from the Internet after "shopping around". The insurance lobbyist sure won that boondoggle over the American people.

 Doctors don't follow the original oath they supposedly took when becoming Doctor's It is now more profitable to only see the folks that drive expensive cars and live on the lake in a big house.The insurance poor are also welcome.Just as long as there is cash in their bank account.If you die,well then you didn't have the money and that will decide who lives and who will die.Medical professionals and insurance companies cull out the undesirables unable to feed their lifestyles.

An axe murderer is probably the mindset,but The axe murderer doesn't get away with it for long. why should anyone?If a person has the expertise to save a life and refuses isn't that the same as intentionally killing them?

2days ago my sisters cat fell  ill and we called all over the 2counties area looking for a veterinarian that would help a person on disability retirement to pay on time.The same deal as people apparently goes for animals.The  cat was at the mercy of non feeling machines that only had concerns for how much money they were going to be able to make before the cat died.

The old vet we normally took the cat to had died of a heart attack.That vet was a kind hearted lady that would go out of her way to help u if you  ask.She used natural medicines and was really the best one I have ever seen.I know she had a heart from her actions and how she died.Heart attack...We will miss her.

The final vet that we took her to .said the routine $200 or die.we said can u tell us what it looks like at least. not unless u pay.Can u say if the cat is treatable?not without the money.This lady could  at least have a   feeling for the animal.She said that the doctor wouldn't talk, see or have anything to do with us without money.We said that we didn't want the cat to first.Okay,what about putting her down?Tears in eyes.
$43or  take it and bury it at home.We walk outside and talk.we manage to put 43dollars together and
return to the desk.we agreed to return in 3hours to pickup the carrier.Unlike the Vet we could see the suffering.We headed to the bank for money from an account I had.

We return after the vet secretary calls and leaves the following message in a sarcastic voice,"The doctor has said that he does not want you getting money that you probably don't have anyway and says don't bother to bring your other cat here.We don't want you to come back here.We had the money and were on our way back from the bank 15miles away.

When we arrived this woman ran out of the front door and handed our carrier to my sister.
Did u get my message.Yes we did .Well the doctor does not want you inside the office and said don't come back.We did put your kitty to sleep an hour ago.goodbye.She strutted but inside the building leaving us with 200dollars in hand,an mt carrier and memories of the beloved cat now murdered.

The same treatment for humans as for animals these days.As long as the systems are in place to allow the legal and authorized willing murder of living beings we are all responsible.Obamacare Will soon show us the wedge being devised to separate the population.Those able to obtain the finest care and those that fall victim to a death sentence from bureaucrats, insurance companies and doctors that value money in preference to a living being.I have a word for it I call it The Red Tape Death.When paperwork and cash mandate neglect that causes death.My oldest sister was a victim of this last year.
so I have a personal problem with this system.
The Hippocratic oath perhaps should be replaced by the updated  hypocrite oath as follows:

                   Hippo critical oath regarding what I consider YOUR life is worth

We will make the most of our golf days even to the cost of life

life which we have figured into our own life as the cost of not being an elite

An elite with the power of life and death based on who is able to pay the most

This will in time leave only those with our values and the holy dollar

to support our lifestyle and promote our children into our elite lifestyle

other children and people have no real or significant life value beyond the money they posses

to the last dollar they can provide our lifestyle even onto their last dollar at the last moment

.we will sell their blood and use their body parts for our own specialized profit

We will charge them from the the moment of known conception

onto the final moment that we posses their carcass in our morgues as chattel for sale

we will  put ourselves and our families in the elite circles and refrain from assisting,helping or
 providing live saving procedures without maximum compensation  taken unmindful of their suffering

The pain of the masses is of no consequences to those of our elite circles of life

we will extend the people lives as long as compensation is available,without cure

Cures are never to be offered when compensation can extend  a lifetime of symptoms treatment

symptom treatment is the oil that will fuel our elegant lifestyles as judges who determine life and death of non elites
so it shall be written and followed all the days of our lives and of ours

Yeah it is only a cat and me,But as I speak with folks contacting me,
it happens everyday in many places

.Compensation has replaced compassion in our society.
The old time doctors are pretty much gone to their rewards
to the big clinic where I truly hope they can enjoy paradise .if it pleases them.

Think about it folks.This will happen to you or your loved one soon.The Health Phoopah  is a huge wave coming into the shore.Like a tsunamis it will recede to look harmless, then rush back in to engulf you as you are standing on the beach.

This is a cryptic and sinister article from my usual writings.It is an update from a past blog that I wrote.
After my ill health  experience and the death of my father in a horrible nursing home.. My older sisters death from an insurance company denying a final cancer treatment. This caused her excruciating death...Even after her death

There are few medical professionals I have much respect for.With a couple exceptions more recently.
I received a letter from a lawyer a few days ago that was the gallblader surgeons was an offer to sue the insurance company on My behalf to recover $17000 for 15minute galbladder seurgury  and requested that I sign it so that if the insurance company won the case I would agree to pay court costs and the $17000. Insurance covered and paid $498.....   
I rest my case dear jury...

Again RJP
Stay Healthy my friends for the meat wagon awaits us in another time and place.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day Will It Be Our our last celebration of a Free country or The Reawakening of a Sleeping Giant

I watched the People sitting in a little restaurant with family yesterday.The place had a few patrons sitting around and talking.The conversations were about the weather and the mindless TV programs they sit in front of as the curtain of our lives covertly slides down.The strange thing  about this was that I had not realized the mindlessness that many folks lives had become.Family,finances,enemies,conflicts and food.Many were just the average person wearing off the rack clothes and dressed in casual manners for the tropical weather we have had this summer.Laughing and joking as folks should when relaxing.The scenario was very hometown.

I had just watched the largest parade my hometown had put on in many years.There were firetrucks from many local communities and marching bands.The Boy  Scouts rode on a float they had made Everyone threw candy to the kids along the street.The children giggling and running to gather up a few goodies.

The local Martial Arts DOJO[GYM] marched proudly in their uniforms ,along with the new Japanese Steakhouse and a red and colorful Dancing dragon that winked it's eye flirtingly at the crowd.

The WWII veterans were represented by the local VFW.There are still a few valiant soldiers from the war that kept me from living under an Evil  entity from that time period.I did not see anyone from the Korean"conflict" or the Vietnam "police action". We are getting selective on our memories.Then there is the  MIA/POW's.The lost Ghost warriors still waiting in the mist to be... welcomed home.Waiting to finally find peace in time  with honor for giving all for the political insanity of  that time.

I later sat and watched the Beautiful 4th of July  Independence Day Fireworks.Truly gorgeous and patriotic .I thought.Just like the rockets red glare,bombs bursting in air,But is it still proof thru the night that our Flag is still there.Is it still the constitution as our fore fathers intended.Do WE THE PEOPLE still have our privacy
to live our lives in peaceful existence.Are we still able to raise our children as we were taught with our families individual moral values.Is it that our lives have become  complacent that we are as a gazelle that is so terrified of the Lion in front of us that it is able to silently creep up so near as to overcome us.The gazelle can easily outrun the lion.
Yet the fear paralyzes its senses and it becomes helpless and is victimized to it's death.
The question,My top of the foodchain friend is this.Which would you rather be...The focused lion or the mesmerized Gazelle? Is  that glorious flag still waving in the ramparts as our Earths only true freedom emblem our do we sell out our ancestors dreams and just forget all that patriotic.

Have we become as deer in the headlights?frozen by the approaching  freight train of those covertly hidden
powers that regularly are reaching into our private lives without cause.Are we all spellbound and left mindless?

I could not help remember overhearing the chatter of those folks talking about fictitious gobbledie goop over their meals.People in our country seem to be under some spell that leaves them in a half awareness of what is going on with the country they live in.The reality that is ever changing before their very lives.

Our stores are closing and megastores are running in any manner they chose.Our factories are becoming bombed out,vacant shells.Our stock market bounces like a yo-yo gone astray.Our children have no direction and find only fantasy to live in.our movies and entertainment teach only violence and destruction.The alternative is nonsense.Families,when they do sit at a meal don't even know how to communicate anymore.
It is not uncommon to see texting,,or talking the  phone  in a loud and boisterous manner for all to hear.
I have my own idea of what our world will become if we don't wise upor at least wake up before we have no ability to change the world for the better.

The future is going to be run by folks living their lives in a trance till that lion finally has their teeth in their throat strangling them or by you dear reader.
It will take only one of person to start the changes.That choice is yours and mine.We either out maneuver the lions or fall victim to the kill.

Which  will you choose to be? There is no bystanders in this.The lions may not get you this time as you watch another gazelle fall to the lions.The next time it will be your turn.lions always want more....

Perhaps we should add a little more reflection on our current flag by adding the Union Jack in a corner to remind all of us that it is still a symbol of WE THE PEOPLE.We made serious changes in the past with only 3% of the population causing those changes...Time has not changed our abilities.....yet!Lion or gazelle??

 That is all for now dear friends,

Independence means freedom to be creative,believe what you are comfortable with,to worship in a non destructive way,and to find the peace and harmony in life that makes it all worth while.and so much more.
It is precious and irreplaceable if lost to tyranny.

Sorry folks,once more My Mozilla/Zemanta addon has come up as MIA no explanation available.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sequestering and Its Effects,A FEW Suggestions to Bring Washingtons Elite to Their Senses

The sequester in Washington  by our beloved politicians has effected many parts of our country.The military has lost funds to run it's bases,support our troops and families.
The freeze has effected the abilities of returning soldiers to get veterans benefits for college,health care,and retirement benefits.The militaries abilities to keep our country safe has been compromised by taking funds meant to guard and protect us from threats.The soldiers themselves have been cut to the bone for the things that are needed by their families to have a good life.

The TSA has been hit by cuts,Even with all the bad reports about their ideas of searches and what constitutes legalities.They have made a difference.I decided never to take that first flight for this reason.The freeze is an opportunity for a security slip and a real threat to get through.I do not want to be on that particular plane...

When it does so.

The border guards have been cut on the money to run the safety of our nation.Those walls won't hold determined entry.Lack of border guards breeds the vigilantes that destroy lives.We need those border guards till we hash out how to allow freedom for those who are not harmful to those who are citizens.Most Americans can identify with what freedom means to us.ut we still need to weed out the thugs and gangsters
killing and shooting up Mexico.Again we sort out terrorist threats from the good folks who just want freedom.

Housing and the support for the aging,homeless and disabled.Those are the people that are easiest victims to
disenfranchise.There isn't the organizations thee once was to speak on behalf of them.It is not seen as profitable in this day and age.They are the ones left behind when the column moves on.Once called the walking wounded.They were left behind in this sequester column.

The recent lavish vacation to Africa is the front page news.It has taken front and center in most news papers of our world.The president and the first family will cost us around a hundred million dollars for all the special equipment and security.$100,000,000.I wonder how may families with out of work parents that would employ?I wonder how many homeless it would feed?I wonder how many people dying without insurance that would save or at least comfort?How many small companies would continue to run and employ people
with that much money.How many food cupboards would stay open and feed the hungry.i do not deny nor would I deny anyone in this position of responsibility.But responsibility may be a key word here.I can understand returning to your Roots and showing your children from which your family sprang.The middle of
a job that all your assets of everyone else is hardly a good time to do is a judgement call you may be reminded of often by those effected in your retirement years.There will other  more prudent times in the future

We have a crisis in this country and around the globe.The world is monetarily struggling to survive for the next 100years of social development.Without a little restraint by our leaders in power,it will become chaos.
A world ruled by the folks who merrily dance through life with not a care for anyone but their own.I believe
 our country once had a group of folks not regarded as anything, but property to be used as income labor.
The elite prospered at the expense of the workforce.nothing was shared of that prosperity from above.
The situation had been serfs and Kings till it changed a couple centuries ago when a tiny group said ENOUGH.WE THE PEOPLE are the descendants of those folks.

I suggest we raise money by selling all federal lands not used by military,or commercial companies.
next I believe Those in a position to find a solution should share our sequestering effects.That would be
done by cutting those responsible to work part time at half their wages and have them donate any other
income from bonds,investments, a fund.That fund being like a Swearing jar.
A swearing jar for those unfamiliar,is a jar that you place an amount of money in each time you cuss.
 It helps to raise household money and breaks a habit.
I next suggest the IRS  be held to the same persistence they have held the Americans to.All of the property,
assets and anything of value be confiscated and sold at auction to help the economy.It is only equal justice after all the years of destruction done by this entity to people that were broken by them.

Next we must hold the politicians feet to the  fire.They need to be reminded of their promises to us,the voters.And yes I am a voter.Very sad for the present situations going on,but a wiser man for it.
For too many decades,we hear of the proverbial Chicken in every pot promise with that chicken turning out to be Crow.

History shows us that the only way to save a nation is to Cut the fat at the top.That nation found leaders that would charge up the hill as an equal citizen when the chips were down.No people can stay as we are for long.This kind of let the eat cake speaks louder than words.If we don't support the infrastructure of our great
and floundering nation,This nation will fall as others have in the dusty annals of the past.

Those who fail to learn from the past,are destined to repeat it

For now that is all I have to say.You can appeal to the politicians by googling their E-mails and politely asking 

for a clear explanation of hats going or demanding a change to save your countries.We in the USA are not the only struggling people.The Worlds People need to pull together before we have nothing to work for work for.


Have Aliens Taken Over Our Worlds Governments & Where are those WHom We Trusted To Lead Us

English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un...
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un sans domicile fixe à Paris. Tiếng Việt: Một người đàn ông gia ở Paris Polski: Bezdomny mężczyzna w Paryżu See below for more translations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless person's shelter under a f...
English: A homeless person's shelter under a fallen Willow tree along in New South Wales, Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop...
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sa...
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sans abri à Tokyo. Español: Persona sin hogar, en las calles de Tokio. Türkçe: Evsiz adam, Tokyo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
I remember a while ago rooting for the Politicians of my choice.I was sure that the people speaking the doublespeak would soon verify and smooth out the problems we were facing.Doublespeak is a new and guarded language that politicians use in an increasing manner to confuse what they have no idea how to fix Politicians also have nothing in common with those they are making promises too.The following is an example of the camouflage that is out there to supposedly to help the down trodden to rise up in  a  society.

Yesterday I went with someone close to me to a gathering of organizations that provide "HELP?"for people that are looking to buy a first time home and can not afford castles costing millions.The people there were  
dressed nicely..You know 'like professional office people do.I thought ,well now we have some one[s] to help out.Knowledgeable  and all that.Probably  a main person in the organization.So much for first impressions...Read on please,it only gets better.

The first information booth was a new bank that advertises very low cost  loans for handicapped and folks not able to afford a hundred thousand dollar home.They might be newly weds on a budget looking for a small cottage.Great right? They asked what income was available for repayment and we told them it was retirement social security.They said absolutely nothing was available.SORRY!

The next booth was habitat for humanity,An oxymoron that supposedly helps the homeless to build homes with sweat equities.The common advertised idea is that anyone seeking help to own a home can work it off by working 400hours with builders to build homes.Not so bad.Helping yourself and others to find a home to call your own.

They asked if we had a property and said they're company was a loan company that did not for any reason help out the homeless or anyone on a fixed income such as retirement or Social Security.The loan has to be paid back the same as any other loan institution,with the applied interest.I think they need to change that name to maybe Habitat for the not so underprivileged or: if you have retired forget it Habitat builders.I visited their store awhile ago and was amazed at all the appliances that did not go onto the new houses.Appliances  were being sold to those who could afford the MIA purchases of' those who originally thought they would use them.Is that legal?

I then past a booth that had the Path stone people low budget loans for folks . Again when you pin them down to facts,they are only a loan company with a different ad campaign going.Same restrictions as any other loan program with the same discrimination's against those on limited incomes.

Last couple booths were the Bishop Sheen group that just didn't  show up.The New Pope has yanked a lots of funds from the Catholic Church helping people as it once did.The evidence is in the many Catholic Schools being closed around the country and the donation centers for the poor getting barely enough to survive.The order of Jesuit Nuns that are being kicked around by the New Papal order.

Lets see now....A Jesuit Pope,Dedicated to the poor and so forth,living in a place that has many borrowed Precious & priceless antiquities A place that has more wealth than many countries and much of our worlds religious past locked away in secrecy.A place that many sultans would envy.Time to liquidate some assets Your Holiness.That's what the booths implied .Leadership is by example and comes from the top sir.

The Volunteer  folks are hard at work trying to cover all the places and people  in dire need of help to survive.someone needs to write a book of the volunteers who do their best with very little.There are organizations that never get enough public relations with what they do.They work out of kitchens and borrowed places to cut costs.Everything costs these days.Perhaps if our leaders also lead by example we might find our way to a future that will work to pull everyone up by their bootstraps.For some folks we may need to first help them afford the boots for their feet.We currently would find most folks under the most severe stress just to live in this world.Life is tough,No one has ever made it out alive.But does it  really have to stay that way?

Where have the charitable people gone that I remember leaving a package on the porch .A package with food and things to help an elderly person or family in trouble.

What has happened, is my generation got older.  We are the ones needing help now.The children we had were not raised in hardship to realize that life can get hard for some folks.Now we find that we did not teach our children well,their parents hell:Quote.There are people who simply have not learned to care .We can not blame the machines we build for making us remote and cold for the needs of others.It lies in the heart and mind of mans greedy self centered nature.There are to many people thinking only of themselves and what they can get out of doing anything.Institutions are thought of as cold and concrete places.They have multi million dollar buildings.The average person struggles and has no bailout available.Politicians spend our money
like it was theirs on all sorts of nonsense.Expensive and lavish meals,vacations that cost many times what would be reasonable. A vacation for you and I might cost hundreds.That same vacation on politicians plan would cost us millions of dollars.WE THE PEOPLE PAY for such luxuries that will never be ours.

The machine that needs to be repaired is the one that allows our freedoms and makes us realize the exceptional unique people we are.We have in the past been called the most generous people in the world.
We have given the lives of our sons and daughters to free those  tortured & in chains.We have sent medical help into parts of the oppressed societies for those suffering.We have done all this and so much more....
Why is it those in Elected office can not see how much we are being harmed by the childish self centered results of their acts.

We can begin to change our world when we change our natures.We can  begin to change our natures by reaching out to others in ways that may
 be frightening at first.The only fear we have is of fear itself,Sir Winston Churchill was said to say.My  first time going to a soup kitchen was a tense experience.I saw the same videos on the news as you did.The guy talking to himself and the dirty looking guy wiping his face on his sleeve.I could also see folks much worse eating in the local burger joint.Stereotypes are everywhere....I return often and plan on something really
special to help out.they are business's and do not care for anything but how much money thy can drain out of  people.We must change that or we will self destruct on ourselves.

Example of greed:
It is about like the dog that carried a bone in his mouth while crossing a bridge.He paused to noticed a dog with a bone crossing the bridge also.That dog had a bone also.what great day this will be thought the dog.
Two bones would be better than one.So opening his mouth to give out a terrifying growl that would scare the other dog away.......the first dog drop his bone into the water under the bridge.His greed had made him not realize that the other dog was his own reflection.

INSTITUTIONS will always put themselves first for the most money and the last to help  anyone not making them wealthier.They are rarely benevolent or good Samaritans by design[With  some minor exceptions].It is just business,nothing personal.

That's all for now folks,You can change the world if you just take a first step of faith..
There is an old Chinese saying that the journey of a thousand miles,begins with a first step.
Have faith when others fail you, Ground yourself in the belief that your prayers are heard.
 WE THE PEOPLE can change the world for the better.Believe It,,Live it.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Edward Snowdon Sacrificing the one for the good of all those concerned :Freedom is ..Fill in The Blanks

English: Fairy tale fountain at Wuppertal - Ge...
English: Fairy tale fountain at Wuppertal - Germany Deutsch: Märchenbrunnen im Zooviertel Wuppertal mit der Snene von Rotkäppchen und der Wolf (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The realities we hear in the news these days are from different sources.

When I was growing up,there were times when my parents would simply look at me when I asked "what should I do"? It was a test for me to help me learn what was the Moral thing to do.I Was later asked as to what I had decided and guided if wrong.
My parents never witnessed anyone being harmed so they never were physically involved.People were helped when my middle classed parents could do so.I tell you this to establish my grounds for this blog.

We read a great deal of boloney in the news today.We are constantly bombarded with information and propaganda that would become a redwood growing on the face of Pinnochio,[Mr Disneys beloved character].

We are told XYZ,which when leaks happen,Becomes OOPS.Secrets and propaganda work  a little like this:

The story of little red riding hood told by many governments would go something like this:
Today What appeared to be a lovely girl in red was on her way to grannies with some contraband  brownies she was smuggling to her Diabetic elder recluse.

Somewhere mid woods she was spotted by her nemesis who goes by the street name of BB Wolf.Wolf has a very long rap sheet of prior alleged attacks in the past on other storybook characters.When Wolf approached the girl,she wisely turned him away with  a no thanks.

Wolf then proceeded to Grannies house and proceeded to accost her.Wolf had apparently been scoping out this rrip and grandmas for quite a time.Breaking into the place and overpowering grandma was easy with her aides at the break room.

Wolf then stole her identity and lay in wait for the unsuspecting brownie mule called Red.The plan was almost flawless.Wolf had been very thorough in his devious plan.

  The wolf made one large mistake when Red entered the bleakly equipt state run nursing home where Grannie was usually fed grewl that looked like regurgitated dinner.Grandma was always glad to see Red and her goodies arrive

.Wolf was ready for his nefarious plan that only he would know about.Just as in the past
There would be no witness left to tell the tale.

What Wolf had not planned on was the Girl, was Packing Iron and was on to him.Wolf was also unaware of Reds Body Guard that had followed Red as her Parents Had Paid him to do.

Red saw that Wolf was dressed in Grannie  drag and quickly pulled out her outlawed  auto pistol that an 11yr old friend had made on his  moms new 3D Printer in his moms home studio.

Firing in full auto mode,Red laced the entire wall  in a rising arc from floor to ceiling with 9milimeter center fire ammo she had traded for her special brownies  on the street from an illegal drug peddler.The recoil caused Her to miss everything but Wolf who ran out of the door into the  Bodyguard.
Who Has been  Identified as Mr.Woodsman.

Woodsman apparently saw Wolf as a threat and fired his registered firearm into the panicking and unarmed Wolf.Red finally ran out of ammo as the swat team arrived on the scene screaming to drop the guns and get on the ground.

There is now an investigation going on regarding the others involved in this hideous group of thugs that do not have any regard for the laws we[?]have to protect the  legal and innocent.

The point of this story is this:What is the truth and when should we know the so called "secrets"that have so far proven to be the nefarious goings on of people that have power and responsibilities to WE THE PEOPLE.Secrets that are so strained in our values as to threaten anyone that reveals them.

Is it any wonder that a person can now be beaten  to death in a crowded area and have the crowd move around them like orcas's hunting a school of fish.

What is truth these days and why is it regarded as evil when a person or persons steps forward to do the moral thing.When a person steps forward to say that this wrong...Is that person the outcast or is that person still have values that government cronies would bury in bureaucratic ....Bullshit!
Please excuse my language but it is so frustrating to see someone chased by a linchmob of people fearing the world will see their faces behind the mask.

The OATHE has been an excuse to just follow along and be a Gang member in good? standing for far too long.In parts of the south we used to call it "The good ole boys".Ya all either fer us or agin us"crap.
if its wrong and you don't want it to be known,don't do it.nothing stays hidden forever these days.

I have read and listened to Vet Nam Vets Telling about situations that were never written about because it would cause controversy  for our government.Many soldiers were traumatized because of the morals they
had to do the right thing and their orders from those who followed blindly and without question.Those who didn't Care about the bodies they had to walk over and covertly kill and bury unrecoverable places.

We need to Know if our Government is trying to pull the wool over our eyes or protect us from the true threats that are not imagined.The secrets governments keep these days seem to be a strange mix of powerful people sticking their foot in their mouth and things that need to be watched.

I hope to see one day the revising of the secrecy act to allow a committee of  trusted citizens that can watch over our trusts.Someone who can not be hunted for saying that what they see is wrong.

The hunt is on for those that are willing to put the right thing forward even if the empire strikes back afterwards.

The main question maybe: where do we boldly and patrioticaly charge into the volleying cannons on the right and left when we know those giving the orders no longer lead by example....

If our modern constitutional attacks or empire building does not destroy us soon,then I seriously doubt the discovery of  embarrassing phoopahs of our leaders will mean much.

a lovely young lady of Irish heritage once found me in a worried state of mind and gave me the following  wisdom:
In 10 years,who will remember. I 50years,who will n't believe it?When was your 1rst punishment as a child?I rest my point...

Till next time folks.
A word
about the Egyptian Tomb that the Chinese Vandalized: I thought the Chinese honored Ancestors,I guess Chairman Mao changed that long ago.His group killed and destroyed anything that wasn't his idea of the world also.Is that Chinese a terrorist? Or simply some one that truly needs an educational camp retreat in
a remote area of China.Tiger cage Hotel accommodations included with dietary cup of spoiled rice dietary
meal include [when available].

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Monday, June 10, 2013

President Putkins Wife Has a Need for Freedom From Her Presidential Husbands Anarchy

2006-Not-Free-Countries (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Map of Freedom House (2008). free country
Map of Freedom House (2008). free country (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
I recently read of a major split in the czars....err,I mean Russian Presidents Putin marriage of many years.The former KGB man seems to not share her ideas anymore.Freeom of a over controlling Pardner  is bad enough,But when he or she imparts the tyranny on a whole nation its got to be worse.

The world is changing in radically opposite ways.The free world is clamping down on its folks with spy drones,wire monitoring,and war machines to hunt an remotely kill the living.Our laws no longer need the say of yay or nay from anyone but the covert leaders.The Constitution be damned and full speed ahead.All of our blood that was shed by women and men like my Uncle Lee Stahl that Gave his life in Italy during WWII,are long forgotten.The regulations that have guarded us for these past 2plus centuries with  the ghost warriors who still charge into battle screaming freedom now in vain.

Many Free countries are struggling to keep their rights while balancing the fanatical Madness that seems to be growing in many parts of the  world  Australia, South East Asia and China  has clamps on what can be on the Net.I have stated this before in Past Blogs.Mr Putin  has stood out in the news with his past involvement.Rock groups who use poor Judgement,a noted Blogger that tried to open the freedoms up in the Net.Putin also is instrumental in booting out the ambassadors that speak freely
of the abortions Putins labels his laws.

Can you place  in your mind having to live with a person that  is so controlling that
even your thoughts and speech are dictated and edited.Your very individualism is mandated by Your unqualified masters.Most people[?] who keep servants or slaves eventually find just how dependent they have become.The slaves that are forced to learn the labor become better qualified  for that job than the so called "Master"I would bet the Former Russian First Lady will be watched closely for the rest of her life.She knows far to much of the masters closet skeletons .I say to her," live long dear lady, breathe free and seek freedom from your old  Master .You have the power and leverage  to change the world now.Use it wisely....

As always to you my readers,may God hold you all in the Palm of his hand till this world is finally a place we can all share with out fears or suffering.

I have been focusing on my future website that will help those living under the radar of society.I actually toasted[Burned out] another computer which put my writing out of commission for a couple of months.
This one was donated by a salvage yard and revamped to clean the last users info out. They have my thanks an gratitude.

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