Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Russian Senator Vows to Raise Funds for Snowdens Pursuit of Freedom and Possible Asylum in Russia

Figurative fugitive Snowden has found an ally in his current refuge. Russian Senator Rusian Gattorav  of the United Russian Party.The Senator has started a move to raise money or funds to assist the currently stalemated Snowden in his run to be free from a worldwide manhunt to punish him for airing out political dirty laundry.Those who have long waved a fist at democracy have also turned away from this mans search for safe haven.It was once called "Santuary".The Churches Used to be a source of that Santuary.I guess that GOD has left the building.

The rest of the world sits quietly as this all plays out to whatever the end is or will be.It is said that the Lord works in mysterious ways.I would like to believe that things of this nature can only open up the portals of truth for the world.Not just in the worlds most powerful Countries,but the whole world.

We need to see more honesty in leaders around this globe.Can you imagine the free world reading the actual paperwork on everything from flying saucers to what actually went on at the last meeting between leaders.The aforementioned "Churches" Have re written the truth so many times that I guess they have reason to not want to get involved with truth and those seeking it.
Perhaps more openness would be a good start.

There would be no need to spend tax dollars to hold free men hostage to "Secrets" and chase them around the world.The Former Enemies turned tentative allies,would not have to be involved because the situation would never exist.

I would love to see a point in my life where I could see complete transparency of the leaders and countries to at least the folks that are voting for them.Freedon is what the population makes it.
The choices are of the simplest nature really,What price would you[not the person on your right or left] Place on the truth that would set you free from that which decieves you with falsehoods.[Also known as lies].

WE THE PEOPLE run this world when we put our minds in fear and fight for what is right and truthful.
Freedom is like a garden,if you don't take care of it and weed it the weeds take over....
What's in your garden my friend?

What is all for now my friend,still working on my survival index which is yet to come.

Stay safe and keep the dream alive while you still are able.


P.S. Cuba has since denied entry by Snowden.I thought Fidel and his clone didn't agreewith the USA?Fidel II must have a soft spot[somewhere near his spine].

Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day Will It Be Our our last celebration of a Free country or The Reawakening of a Sleeping Giant

I watched the People sitting in a little restaurant with family yesterday.The place had a few patrons sitting around and talking.The conversations were about the weather and the mindless TV programs they sit in front of as the curtain of our lives covertly slides down.The strange thing  about this was that I had not realized the mindlessness that many folks lives had become.Family,finances,enemies,conflicts and food.Many were just the average person wearing off the rack clothes and dressed in casual manners for the tropical weather we have had this summer.Laughing and joking as folks should when relaxing.The scenario was very hometown.

I had just watched the largest parade my hometown had put on in many years.There were firetrucks from many local communities and marching bands.The Boy  Scouts rode on a float they had made Everyone threw candy to the kids along the street.The children giggling and running to gather up a few goodies.

The local Martial Arts DOJO[GYM] marched proudly in their uniforms ,along with the new Japanese Steakhouse and a red and colorful Dancing dragon that winked it's eye flirtingly at the crowd.

The WWII veterans were represented by the local VFW.There are still a few valiant soldiers from the war that kept me from living under an Evil  entity from that time period.I did not see anyone from the Korean"conflict" or the Vietnam "police action". We are getting selective on our memories.Then there is the  MIA/POW's.The lost Ghost warriors still waiting in the mist to be... welcomed home.Waiting to finally find peace in time  with honor for giving all for the political insanity of  that time.

I later sat and watched the Beautiful 4th of July  Independence Day Fireworks.Truly gorgeous and patriotic .I thought.Just like the rockets red glare,bombs bursting in air,But is it still proof thru the night that our Flag is still there.Is it still the constitution as our fore fathers intended.Do WE THE PEOPLE still have our privacy
to live our lives in peaceful existence.Are we still able to raise our children as we were taught with our families individual moral values.Is it that our lives have become  complacent that we are as a gazelle that is so terrified of the Lion in front of us that it is able to silently creep up so near as to overcome us.The gazelle can easily outrun the lion.
Yet the fear paralyzes its senses and it becomes helpless and is victimized to it's death.
The question,My top of the foodchain friend is this.Which would you rather be...The focused lion or the mesmerized Gazelle? Is  that glorious flag still waving in the ramparts as our Earths only true freedom emblem our do we sell out our ancestors dreams and just forget all that patriotic.

Have we become as deer in the headlights?frozen by the approaching  freight train of those covertly hidden
powers that regularly are reaching into our private lives without cause.Are we all spellbound and left mindless?

I could not help remember overhearing the chatter of those folks talking about fictitious gobbledie goop over their meals.People in our country seem to be under some spell that leaves them in a half awareness of what is going on with the country they live in.The reality that is ever changing before their very lives.

Our stores are closing and megastores are running in any manner they chose.Our factories are becoming bombed out,vacant shells.Our stock market bounces like a yo-yo gone astray.Our children have no direction and find only fantasy to live in.our movies and entertainment teach only violence and destruction.The alternative is nonsense.Families,when they do sit at a meal don't even know how to communicate anymore.
It is not uncommon to see texting,,or talking the  phone  in a loud and boisterous manner for all to hear.
I have my own idea of what our world will become if we don't wise upor at least wake up before we have no ability to change the world for the better.

The future is going to be run by folks living their lives in a trance till that lion finally has their teeth in their throat strangling them or by you dear reader.
It will take only one of person to start the changes.That choice is yours and mine.We either out maneuver the lions or fall victim to the kill.

Which  will you choose to be? There is no bystanders in this.The lions may not get you this time as you watch another gazelle fall to the lions.The next time it will be your turn.lions always want more....

Perhaps we should add a little more reflection on our current flag by adding the Union Jack in a corner to remind all of us that it is still a symbol of WE THE PEOPLE.We made serious changes in the past with only 3% of the population causing those changes...Time has not changed our abilities.....yet!Lion or gazelle??

 That is all for now dear friends,

Independence means freedom to be creative,believe what you are comfortable with,to worship in a non destructive way,and to find the peace and harmony in life that makes it all worth while.and so much more.
It is precious and irreplaceable if lost to tyranny.

Sorry folks,once more My Mozilla/Zemanta addon has come up as MIA no explanation available.

Friday, November 30, 2012

What is Freedom When You Think About It?

The recent headlines show thousands of folks in many countries around the world as mobs.Crowds running through the street,screaming and yelling in a multitude of languages.The tone of the protests re varied with a focus on what they call freedom.The crowds vary from the most unruly violence to the subdued and orderly.So...,What is the core of freedom anyway.What is the Idea of having the "right" to do what ever you wish in this life.Let us explore a bit and then leave you to draw your own conclusions.

Freedom is defined as the ability to persue life as you believe your life path travels will make you have a better life.There are many different definitions of the word in various authorities defining our many languages worldwide.

I have asked many people throughout my life as to what they think Freedom means to them.A long and thoughtful pause usually takes place afterwards.The eyes focus inward and roll from side to side.
It is a question much like the child's perplexing question to a half truth from an adult.It is the word "WHY?"..

The people that have the freedom to live within a society based on doctrines of free thinking people will take the longest to answer.The point here is that free people have never known the harsh oppression of leaders,political,religious,etc.The freedom they know has always been a large part of their lives and livelyhood.They really have no Idea as to how miserable live can get in a "controlled society"The perspectives are skewed by what the minor problems they have in life are.Terrible,awful? They have food,and at least chances to improve a dismal existance.The homeless have a future if it is hunted with dilligence.A struggling Black women actually went from a jobless,
single mom to a U.S. congresswomen .Not so remarkable you say..She ran against george Mcgovern in the last century......She won! Look It Up folks.Another country would never allow this even now.

I talked to a man from Pakistan a few hours ago about this.He asked if my blogs reached Pakistan.I told him ,not yet. He told me about his country allowing the disowning of a family member by religious leaders,family and society in general if you didn't follow a strict rule by elders.

The human rights people are working to change things as they can do so,I replied.I have also talked to People from all over the world in regards to the concept of Freedom and what it means to them personally.

The most popular reply is roughly this:
1)Freedom is the right to marry whom you love.
2)The right to educate and become what you believe is "your" path in life.
3)The right to live when and where you would be most comfortable to live out your life in peace.
4)The right to see your children grow up,happy,healthy and become great people in the world.
5)The freedom to travel,eat,drink,earn and have your own responsibilities for bad habits.
6)The right to live a healthy life with medical help when you need it not based on wealth or social status.
7)The right to vote for those that will follow a set of ideas that paraphrase your own ideas..
8)the right to be listened to by those people elected to that office.
9)The right to pursue and chase the dreams of a better future for ones family,regardless of who they are,where they are from or how they see long as they do no harm to others.(Do as thou wilt)
10)Lastly,The right to your own ideas and creativity of thoughts,intellegence,and Ideas.

The above could be added to infinitly by those that have freedom dreams because that is all they dare to have.Oppressors have not found a way to take our dreams from us if they are strong enough.

I once spoke with a man that serve as a tortured POW in Vietnam many years ago as an American soldier.We had dinner and he had several drinks.He suddenly spoke up and said ,"ask me"!
I had no idea what was on his mind as the alcohol was freeing his mind of years of tormented memories.Memories that tear at the fibre of your humanity.Memories that should never be forced into any mind with a soul.Not even an animal!He continued to say this,You can put this in your journals my friend.The days that I was in POW hell ,I learned this...long pause and another drink, Freedom is a concept that is so deep inside each of us that no-one can take it from us."They" can break your will,Break your body,Maybe break your mind in time...
"They" can not break your yearning for freedom and "they" can not steal your soul unless you let them.That is the meaning of freedom.

I believe he would know this better than I who have been raised,educated and wandered this U.S.A.
land of the free for the last 25years.For those seeking freedom,where ever you may be.
Fight on and keep the dream of freedom deep within you.If a man crouched in a tigercage and feed starvation rations,dares to dream of being free,So can you...and I.

Talk to you again soon.I am headed south to The great state of Texas Where many are trying to pass a petition for forming into the Republic Of Texas.It once was 2 centuries orso ago.I hope those folks remember the laws are only as good as the balancing freedoms that go with any constitution.
The U.S. Constitution is still available to recreate for a really great platform to build on.
I highly recommend it if you succeed  :)

Till next time my friends,Keep the dream alive.



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's almost election time here in the USA,Do U know Where Your Candidate is?

English: Seal of the President of the United S...
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
voting day in a small town
voting day in a small town (Photo credit: Muffet)
This is the final countdown to the worlds most important election at least to it's citizens and allies view.The world is at a point in time that any small change in politics here,can effect every civilized person in the world.

It sorta makes you wish you were the lost village that is unaware of the modern world.It is really to bad the tribes just being discovered in the deep jungles of the Amazon can't just stay lost for their own benefit.They will be exposed the all of man-kinds  little inequities that can be dumped on them.The little things like disease,
money,social counselors and their programs,etc.Surprisingly,there is politics among the tribes.

It is an instinct that is in all creatures that run in units.Whether called Packs,Flocks'political parties, or what ever name is bestowed on the group.Humans are no different in many respects.They don't want the responsibility of self governing themselves.That event is said to have occurred in the twilight of man-kinds beginnings.Philosophical writings verify this.

They (Alpha leaders) takes challenges from the rest of the wannabe leaders who would lead that group.There is challenges of strength,intelligence,cunning,resourcefulness, etc.Humans think that the verbal challenges are unique to it's species.That is till you hear a wolf howl in concert with it's competitor or prairie chickens thump their wings like drummers.Till the sound of an elk bellowing it's challenge is heard.The truth is enlightening...
Humans politics to lead is really just part of the world of leaders,Those who can lead the pack into the future for the overall benefit of  the packs/civilizations benefit.

The wolf will do what it's instincts direct for the best survival of the group.The prior challenges will allow the
Group or tribe to follow and work as a unit for the good of all the rest of the group.The world of man will follow the leader of the USA.Strays will break from   the group and try it on their own.Some will rejoin,others will form elsewhere.It is all the same in human or animal "tribes".The group with the most adaptive mind is the tribe that survives.There have been untold of failures thru history both human an animal groups.Civilizations are made or fall as a union of individuals.One person can do what many can not do in many cases,it takes a qualified innovative leader to lead and cooperating others to be successful in anything.
Elections and Countries are no different than the rest of group survival.

This Election will be the make or break point for the next Quarter Century.We can elect a President That can lead us out of this slump created during the final years of the last century,Or try a few unproven experiments of running a Nation like a Corporation.My experiences with corporations ask me , if we could FIRE every Citizen and sell out the USA corporation to another country at a profit.My experience with corporations have been that only a few should prosper above the working Pions that support the elite.I would never allow this in my Counrtry where freedom is the Key Idea of  it's foundation.We have already slid to far into  the
"secured beyond common sense syndrome".That problem may even be greater than the next elected official.

In a very few days the election for the President of the United States Of America will take Place.WE THE PEOPLE will venture out into the light of day to vote.We will carry all the hope and best wishes for our future.Those are and were the same hopes of our forefathers that fought so hard for this free opportunity to
vote our choice of leaders.To vote our choice of life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness.We don't get stoned to death,beaten or executed for our choices.Hopefully there won't be thugs in black outside any voting booth this year as some areas past.(yes that did happen in the USA.Check the news archives).

I will not in this blog try to persuade anyone to vote in any direction.My choice is pretty well known by now.
It is needless to say that each of us has things in our individual lives to support.Each of us must vote in the direction that supports our dreams,expectations and lifestyles.

Elderly will vote to not be starved out,Gays will vote to live and love as they wish,The working class will vote to hold on with their fingertips till life gets back to something normal.The Unemployed (as I) will vote to Hang on for this roller-coaster ride called life puts us back in a home,a job,a life that is far from the Bohemian Gypsy lifestyle that has been thrust upon us.WE WILL SURVIVE!!!    Elections will not be a magic bullet of  instantanious success ,no matter  who is elected.If the tribe follows the leader,we will survive the cold winter of our discontent...WE WILL SURVIVE!!

That is all for now dear friends.Please remember that no matter what your life seems to be there is this to remember:Within you lies the power to seize the hour and live your dream.Only you can change your life.
It Just takes preparation,Planning and a lot of courage to work.You have all of that if you look


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