Sunday, August 19, 2012

Government Leaving People to Survive W/o Benefits

English: People eating at a soup kitchen. Mont...
English: People eating at a soup kitchen. Montreal, Canada Français : Personnes mangeant dans une soupe populaire. Montréal, Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11:  A protestor holds a si...
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11: A protestor holds a sign during a demonstration against unemployment benefit cuts on July 11, 2012 in Oakland, California. Dozens of protestors with the group Union of Unemployed Workers staged a demonstration to protest cuts in unemployment benefits. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11:  A protestor holds a si...
OAKLAND, CA - JULY 11: A protestor holds a sign during a demonstration against unemployment benefit cuts on July 11, 2012 in Oakland, California. Dozens of protestors with the group Union of Unemployed Workers staged a demonstration to protest cuts in unemployment benefits. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
The headlines in the paper read Unemployment benefit funds to be cut on many American Citizens.The paper further said how difficult life would become for those effected by the cuts.I am one of those people that have  been effected directly by  the job cuts in the USA.I have many friends that have been out of a job for quite some time.I have been more fortunate than most for reasons of  my own.

Theres a saying made into a popular song by Kelly Clarkson. The words say" anything that doesn't kill you,Makes you stronger".That is the way we(unemployed) are.Many of the unemployed here In the USA are in desperate ways.Those of the people that have fallen from social grace are living in campers,with relatives or in tents.They are eating in soup kitchens.Single Free Meals per day, For people provided by charities.There is only the food being served in these Food Kitchens.No choice of menu and people that often don't share any idea of Homeless folks predicament.Depending on who is cooking at the time.
The soup kitchens only provide a meal which is limited to 45minutes to an hour in which to eat.This time includes going through the long lines of people standing to be fed. A forced prayer is said by the people in charge before the hungry are allowed to eat.The people  are then ask to leave no matter the weather outside.Rain or shine.100degrees or below freezing.The rule is "eat and get out".

The unemployed that are just hitting the ends of their savings ,emergency funds,borrowed funds,friends and family.These things get increasingly harder to find as time goes on.Many jobless have or will soon lose their homes from not being employed.No pay check,no money,no job.This may not seem so bad till you realize that if you have no address,it is impossible to get any benefits from anywhere.The Social "Support" system in USA will not help anyone that can not  provide a picture ID,and a permanent address'.These folks  can not apply for any kind of  help.This leaves many people with the additional stress of looking for a place to sleep,eat and,find safe haven.The alternative is too find an empty lot to use as your"address"Thus you learn to fabricate to use the system.Your mind soon shifts into survival mode regardless of the moral dilemma it places on your honesty .many  Individuals are are hard pressed.The Social programs Have priorities read like a sinking ships escape rule would have.Justice for all goes right out the window. The priorities for benefits are roughly as follows

1).Disabled folk have 1rst priority asthese folks would have the worst time of surviving.Many have mental or physical disabilities to cope with.survival of the strongest is jungle rules.It maybe an asphalt jungle,but we are not animals to that degree i would hope.

2).Returning soldiers&families have next priority. Many soldiers are paid so little,their families are already on welfare.These people should be paid the highest wages in the country.The United Nations seem to have soldiers do their dirty work without the pay they truly deserve.The US government considers them possessions This should be change asap being uque anspecialized persons.

Next eligible persons for benefits are the families with children. You may think adults would be staying together for increased benefits.The stress breaks up even the best families.There are many fatherless families here.

last but not least are the single people with absolutely no benefits left to get.So single men in particular are left to fend for themselves.The only other option is to move in with others.Without a job it doesn't last long before friction has that man drifting again.Single women can sometimes find womens shelter to stay at till they can get on their feet again.It' even more dangerous for a woman being homeless.The reasons are really obvious with a little thought.

There is millions of empty homes that need people living there in just  Unite States.The banks have kicked the occupants out and left them vacant.Some are without utilities.The weather plays havoc on vacant buildings.Jobs are now mostly through temporary agencies.This means a job without any benefits.These jobs are exactly that,temporary....The temp agencies hire only the youngest,people that can or will do the mundane jobs given.lifetime experience is not as or welcome.Do your job without question lead by someone who just learned that mundane job last month.It a job after all.An income to hold your place in desperation. No hope of retirement to look forward to.No chance of a restart to your life.If any despicable former employer has put anything real or imagined on your work record
You are also Blackballed or blacklisted from working.

This information in mind,I impart the following suggestions to change the system overnite.First a baseline or foundation on which to build this set of ideas and changes.

First and most importantly :If you have not chance of ever experiencing another persons situation,it is almost impossible to do anything but empathize his ordeal.Lets make all political jobs a Part time job.
The politicians can spend more time being among the masses to talk about life.They can empathize from looking for jobs like the rest of us.They can also be fired if they dont do the job we hired them for.Fired with the same pink slip at the door you and I would get.The same kind of"don't let the door hit your backside on the way out atitude. Next lets make it a law that all business is barred from election funds that have out of country factories subtracting from their Mother country.The companies will be required to  also limit the huge amounts of fat from going to a few individuals at the top of the companies.This would be put into a fund providing the workers with upgrades to manufacturing standards for the workers.The rest of the funds would be used to hold the companies workforce during the tough economic times.the CEO would share the workers pain.This would ensure the workforce of a future.In some societies the CEO would commit suicide for the foopah.We wont ask that just yet....

Until the people get control of the unemployment situation it wont change.There are a few things to change in society first.deny companies from just picking up and dumping workers and taking the mint of money with them.

Hold those responsible for the mess to be "responsible".If you are in charge of a business,You should also except the responsibilities involved.

To stop the homeless and unemployment all over the world,we need to revert to many basic rules that brought our forefathers into this century.The values that gave the world it's competitive edge on this life we lead.It's a hurdle to be overcome in the battle to break down the walls that make us appear so far apart.I challenge the suite on the radio and media to walk for a month in the shoes of another human as an unemployed person without their media idenity and no help from their people or connections.No credit cards,money.Just the clothes on your back.lets see you return to life as you knew it.Yours would never be a true separation because you would know that you would return to that which you left.It would be a novel experiment and not a life changing hit on your life.

Thats all for now,I hope this inspires thought for you.and don't worry about us unemployed.It will make us much stronger when we look out world cause sooner or later,Here we come .....

We'll be talking again soon

The days of my father and mothers work were filled with people that contributed to their companies and were handsomely rewarded for their articulate abilities.That generation was built on incentive of the population.The companies of this century will get rid of anyone that tries to improve the company with a new idea.The flip-side of this is that contract workers have to sign on when hiring to give the employer any profit from the workers ideas.This lawyers, swindle kills incentive.Why would a person working for a company not be able to directly  profit from that idea?Do away with the swindling of workers  incentive.Watch the company grow in leaps and bounds as the workers embrace their job Pardoners.Instead of moving out of the base country,move to a cheaper area that has tax breaks.Maybe it will keep the companies running longer.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Population Size &Social Pressure is A Human Factor.

Recent news casts here in the USA have been filled with articles of violence.Children being murdered by their parents,by babysitters etc.Then there's the people who have been sooooo stressed out that something inside their brain shorts out.They just can not cope wit whatever is bothering them  any more.The next thing that happens is an explosion of rage that kills and maims folks that had nothing to do with the raging person.No one will ever know what they feel( or f they feel) afterwards.What does a murderer, possessed Feel?

The media usually tries to tell the story of  the scene.The true story is never actually known.
There has been many crazy acts of violence around the world in the past couple of years.Areas that were never really indicated as dangerous places have even made the news.Norway was the seen of mass madness awhile back.Who would have thought it possible.The USA has a long history of wild west crazies that thing the legends and movies are legit tales.They think you can just walk out and shoot ,stab or Kung-Fu anyone that you don't agree with,Even Jet LI has sworn off the go out and
clobber the other guy philosophy.

The question I find myself asking is this.What is it today that inspires people all over the world to have their brain simply go off like a bomb.What I see is this.The world has grown in population in leaps and bounds in only a generation or so.There is far more people living in increasingly more densely populated areas.When any living thing is crowded into a small area,it has to compete  for
space to live in.Whether plants,animals or people,it's the same.Crowded conditions have detrimental
impact on all things.Thers still one more element that effects the human factor.

The effect,let us call it the human factor,is the effect of our  ever more oppressive societies and their
constant pressure to fall into a pattern.This pattern is to earn more,spend more,It's more,more,more.
There is a demand on our time.Demands on the our lives,demands on the things we love.Everything in our societies seem to try to pull at the very core of our being.

The shooters etc. have feelings of being crushed against the realities of their lives and abilities.These people are not the screwballs that hate for religious,racial,or political reasons.They are the common folks that have normal lives that are falling apart from those pressures.The folks that have worked hard to build a decent life for their families.The fathers and mothers that cared enough to stay for their childrens sake if nothing more.The paycheck has not increased to meet the bills.The auto bought a short time ago turned out to be an expensive hunk of junk.Still it demands payments as well as repairs.The fuel cost of this albatross is financially crippling.The apartment or home is costing beyond the costs when it was started.Utility bills keep going up for the same amount of units as in the past,Pressure is expotential on the mind.It builds up with no outlets

The people who blow a mental fuse from this pressure are the ones that become so upset with the situation of their lives that common sense becomes blurred.They move through the day with stress and confusion mounting to unbearable levels.Migraines,shaking,irritability,sickness.These folks can become mentally ill,and physically ill very easily.

It's medically recorded that social pressures can take down even the strongest persons.The people that go out and shoot others are the weakest link in societies chain.They never suspected just how ill stree had made them.This is where you come in.Only you can prevent disaster from happening to others.
If you know someone who has just about reached the end of their limits on being stressed out.
You might be able to have a friendly talk with them about the problems.More than likely it will turn very ugly from their denial that anything is wrong "It's ok, I will work it out".This is when you might do some research at the computer and find ways to help out. Send some info to organizations that can
send materials to assist the person needing help.This can usually be done without involving yourself,

Many organization can  be asked to help  anonymously.Churchgroups, organizations Etc.It's no sin to help your brother or sister in trouble.It could save them alot of heartache in the future.If you love them help to set them free from a bad future decision.They wont be able to see their way out of the mess  their lives have become. i wouldn't guarantee they will love you afterwards(if it becomes known).The headlines wont have them as burnt out,desperate killers blowing off steam in a last moment of futile glory.A last hollywood movie moment that just destroys  innoccent livesfor no reason that is justifiable to anyone.

Societies will continue to be overcrowded in the future.People will be more and more crushed together like sardines in a can.This is a safe prediction with no medium involved.Mankind likes to live together for safety,convenience and so on.The trade off is the societal expectation of all that goes with it.

Those things that one becomes numb to can only be realized when you stand on a hill out in the desert.The quiet calm of the  empty spaces with no-one for 50+miles quickly explains why we,Humans are so stressed out when we re-enter the Human society and its noisy confusion.

Thats all for now until next time
Take care of yourself and those you love.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alien Invaders Have Landed Nuclear powered Craft on the planet

Elenco 21-890 Line Tracking Robot Kit (Google Affiliate Ad)Elenco 21-885 LadyBug Robot Kit (Google Affiliate Ad)"Green Science-Tin Can Robot" (Google Affiliate Ad)"Robotic Arm Edge Kit" (Google Affiliate Ad)Elenco MR-1005 Tribotz Robot Kit (Google Affiliate Ad)Elenco 21-886 Escape Robot Kit for Ages 12 and Up (Google Affiliate Ad)OWI OWI-535 Robots Robotic Arm Edge Kit (Google Affiliate Ad)"USB PC Interface for Robotic Arm Edge Kit" (Google Affiliate Ad)
Mars, 2001, with the southern polar ice cap vi...
Mars, 2001, with the southern polar ice cap visible on the bottom. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The latest discovery today is the discovery of a strange craft wandering around the surface of our planet.It
has taken samples of the surface rocks and wandered about as if it were controlled by an intelligent source.
The surface sensors have observed the goings on for a number of days.The machine seems to be unarmed and harmless even though it has nuclear material onboard according to our scientific people.The numerous alien craft over the years have no way of discovering our communities buried deep in the planets heart.These
aliens craft will run out of whatever curiosity drives the source to keep sending their primitive toys to this planet for the  umteenth time.We will take no action as they present no threat to our very old and invisible
people of the martian colonies.This is your martian times reporter signing off for now...

I loved the many scifi movies and programs that have been produced over the years regarding space travel,Artificial Intelligence and things of that nature.But as I learned more about the many critical misgivings that happen to the human body in space environments,I don't believe humans will ever dwell in the vastness of space
We earth folks are contained in our own little biosphere in the vastness of the heavens.Time and space would simply Kill us off before we could ever reach outside our own solar system.It's Megamillions of miles into the vast nothing of forever out there.It costs megamillions that we really don't have to spend anymore.We have too many expensive toys to build on the Mother (Earth)ship we currently are aboard.Drones to fly,wars to build up,Scientific researches into antiquated petroleum burning machines,electrical systems that would be totally unused if  MR.Tesla had not not been cheated  out of his free electric system.Petroleum burning machines have been succesfully converted to hydrogen(water/Oxygen)burning methods by inventors who
die by violent means.(search it on U-TUBE).Fusion energy would be a good research if it wouldn't go like nuclear energy.Nuclear energy haunted Albert Einstein till the day he died.A energy miracle that was to become the destructive nightmare that killed millions of civilians.Can you imagine the destuctive power of a fusion bomb that would convert all the matter in existence into energy.Everything....!

So why are we going to Mars?Why are we "investing" Gazillions of  Dollars into space travel that could be used to conquer the oceans depths which are for the most part unknown.We could use that money to goto war against the oldest and most deadly enemies on this old earth.disease,famine,hatred,any one of the 7 deadly sins...We really need to put our own yard in order before Invading mars or any other "Out There Place".There's just too much back on earth that is being left undone.The creatures of this planet are still being discovered and studied.The rain forests are vanishing before we can even learn what is living there.
We run full tilt boogie into space before we have looked at our own marvelous world.A red dust-ball is more interesting than a living,breathing biosphere in the heavens that is at this point in time "UNIQUE" One of a kind place!

I doubt the Vulcans are going to see that we are that advanced and land to pull our bacon out of the fire.We are the keepers of this garden paradise.

More down to earth (pardon my pun:) we humans could look into the birth defects that create the hardships of the human race.Genetic,auto immune,Biological,Mental.The billions used for the space race is wonderful and there is millions of people currently employed by the various technologies corporations.The same people that could be building cities to farm and explore  the ocean bottoms...It has qualities the same as space.Issues that are very similar exist there.Just a thought for those losing their jobs at NASA.

The Ancient Philosophies say that this earth has all the cures that mankind needs to heal him/herself of disease.We have all the resources to live as a world of peace and harmony.Shouldn't we at least look into our world before we invade a world that we will never be able to live in?Even terra-forming would take generations to do on mars.Robots sent there  would be the expensive avenue for a hundred years in the future.

I would love to learn of aliens out there as were told in the legends of old.I really hope we did save
aliens at that New Mexico Site in 1947. I hope the Area 51 Has a colony of (space) aliens helping Humans.But at this moment in time the simple fact is this:We are alone in space till we learn differently.We only have one shot at living together as a world people.One shot to explore our own enclosed world and preserve what we have not decimated yet.

The truth is this folks, there are aliens called Martians.They are on Mars at this very moment in time.They wander about in the environment that is deadly to any human being.They will one day simply die(Figurativly speaking) off and we will still not be able to live as natives to their planet.Who are these Martians and what do they now look like?

They are the robots that we sent.They are the only Things wandering in the atmosphere of the Martian.
 World.They are the new inhabitants of Mars.They are the Martians..The first and probably the only colonists to ever" live" on the planet Mars.I think I may hold off on buying any Martian vacation real estate.

Take care for now my friends and keep smiling,It makes other people wander what your thinking :)

Till next time

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Monday, August 13, 2012

What Makes Dictators Continue to Fight Their own People

Democracy in America By Tocqueville, Alexis de/ Mansfield, Harvey C. (EDT)/ Winthrop, Delba (EDT) (Google Affiliate Ad)Democracy in America By Tocqueville, Alexis de/ Bevan, Gerald E./ Kramnick, Isaac (Google Affiliate Ad)Swiss Democracy Swiss Democracy (Google Affiliate Ad)Hatred of Democracy By Ranciere, Jacques/ Corcoran, Steve (TRN) (Google Affiliate Ad)The Best Democracy Money Can Buy By Palast, Greg (Google Affiliate Ad)Democracy Promotion in South Caucasus (Google Affiliate Ad)
Arab Spring [LP]
Arab Spring [LP] (Photo credit: Painted Tapes)
Scorpion (Photo credit: Johnny Söderberg)
The many battles going on through the Arab  Spring and other nations Seem to be history repeating itself.
The tyrant leader sets up an oppressive kingdom/government with no chance of input from anyone else.
Tryant then starts making opposition disappear from the face of the earth through various means of elimination.Those that can be convinced to coorperate by broken kneecap and hand manipulation are allowed to live as examples.The opposition begins to get the idea that it is not a really good idea to be anything but a well mannered  sheep in his growing flock.The "do anything for the leader" good ole boys" rise rapidly to the top of the tyrant governmental fertilizer list of who's,who.

During the long point in time that this whole cycle is taking place,the rest of the world tries to pretend there is nothing happening.Meanwhile the body count rises for those unfortunate enough  not to want any part of what is happening to their country.The population falls steadily for weeks,months or even years in many cases.The people plead for help with only the echos of their tears being heard by the billions of the world.

The politicians verbally shadow box with the media to prove they actually give a pahtoot.They give a wonderful,heartfelt speak that is broadcast from one end of the world to the other.They then get in their limo and go to a social gathering to forget the problem.Meanwhile back at the tyrants ranch,there is a whole lot of raping & murder going on.The politician doesn't lose any sleep that night either.Strangly,niether does the tyrant...

The question is (one of them anyway!)  when does the killing and body count from, said tyrant becomes important enough for anyone beyond those who are caught in the tyrants "meat grinder"political machine to admit that, there is a problem.When does the information that innocent people are getting murdered  become the reason to intervene as my brothers keeper.The rape,bloodshed and cruelty seems to quietly pass without notice to people in the world that live way above the populous.Those like the tyrant that can't imagine themselves ever falling from grace.

Can you imagine what would have been the earlier outcome of the Second World War if Countries had taken notice and kicked dictator butt sooner.At least 6million plus lives would have had a chance to live on.
Can you imagine the outcome of preventive actions on the Killing fields of South East Asia,Serbia etc,etc,etc.
The examples of nations and people in general is endless.How many times have you heard of a crime happening somewhere in your world with no help from spectators.Kinda speaks for itself doesn't it?

Putting The human factor of not getting involved aside,There stands a most important question on tyrant dictators.The question being this:Why is it that the  free countries of the world always have spent billions of dollars and invested years of technologies to  the very tyrants that are apt to become a future problem.
The tyrants end up being provided access to weapons that can negate the "good-guys"from saving lives of those countries Population.

So why do people allow the actions of a tyrant to continue even after he/she proves themselves.Why are some peoples destine to become tyrants while others ignore the tyrants actions.Perhaps a small parable is needed here.

There was once a great forest fire that was raging and there was many animals fleeing for their lives in terror.
Among These creatures was a beautiful fox.The fox ran and ran till he reached the wide river.He knew the cool waters of the river would protect him from the terrible flames of the forest fire.He would jump into the river and swim to the safety of the far side where the fire could not jump the water.Coming to the waters edge the fox found his path to the river blocked by a huge scorpion.Everytime the fox would move to pass the scorpion would again block his path in a threatening manor as to sting the fox with his tail."Move out of the way you foolish scorpion or we will both be killed by the fire",Said the fox.Give me a ride across the river or I will sting you.It will parylize you and you will die in the river.This went on for a while as the fire got dangerously close.The scorpion finally said,"if I stung you on the way across we would both die.Why would I do that?This made sense to the fox and he agreed to carry the scorpion across the river to saftey.The scorpion promised not to sting the fox and the fox agreed to deposit the scorpion on the far shore.The scorpion climbed onto the foxes back and they started across the river.

As the fox swam deeper in the river,the water rose higher up the foxes back.the scorpion climbed higher to avoid the water as it could not swim.He climbed up the fox till he sat between the foxes ears.The fox finally could see the far shore only a little distance  away.The fox was thinking how good it would be to finally get on with his life,safe from the fire.The thought was taken from the fox when he felt a painful sting in his head between his ears,Then a second sting.He realized the scorpion had stung him.In astonishment and fear the fox yelled,"You foolish scorpion,why did you sting me.We'll both drowned now.The scorpion replied,"you foolish fox,I am a scorpion.It's my nature to sting....The poison took it's effect and the river claimed them both.Tyrant or scorpions,It's their nature...Why should we take them to safety on the rivers far side,when they have no intention of he same crossing as the rest.Perhaps we should leave them on the fires edge of that
river before they can do any stinging.

Hope you and your loved ones stay safe and visit again

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mexican President Could Make The border Crossings Stop

Grand Canyon, Arizona. The canyon, created by ...
Grand Canyon, Arizona. The canyon, created by the Colorado River over 6 million years, is 277 miles (446 km) long, ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 24 kilometers), and attains a depth of more than a mile (1.6 km). Arizona, USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The usual reasons for crossing borders of countries are many and varied.The people crossing illegally are usually hard pressed by their own countries events and happenings.The reasons may be warfare with the usual ,madness of mass killing, rape,brutallity etc. The reasons may be for political reasons.Living on hostile ground with people trying to Harm you or your loved ones is worth the chance of fleeing to safety.

Many times people are simply leaving their country because the leaders of that society has very little chance of ever working to upgrade a person social stature.There wont be any chance to get married,and have children that can do anything but replace you in the workforce for the next generations Pions.

The children will grow up realizing that they wont be able to get an basic education,go to college.Maybe return to help mom and dad to move up in life.Without a decent education,those children will simply  fall into place as the new Pions.The new manual laborers to work thru their whole lives with nothing more than their ancestors.This is a strong motivational factor to cross another countries borders illegally.To breathe the air of hope.

I am speaking  most of a country that intentionally keeps the majority of population  poor and cycling through life as described above.These days  there is drug cartels are killing people for sport(so it seems).The police have been reported by news agencies for being corrupted and involved with the gangsters.Ask yourself, would you want to stay in such a violent and misguided country?Would you really want to raise your kids without any chance to even try to be better than you had in life?

The Mexican people that cross into the USA risk loosing everything to the chance to raise their children in the opportunities provided in the USA.This is not a unique situation on this earth.Is one I have seen closer up than others situations.I have seen the cat and mouse games at the border of Texas and Arizona.

If you think these folks hate their country,You are sadly mistaken.They love Mexico as much as folks in their own countries love their own country.It's the lure of a better life.The thing that we in the USA seem to take for granted.We are all descended from immigrants.(Native Americans are still debatable by some).
We grant ourselves to the pursuit of happiness.but not to anyone else.We grant ourselves due process,but deny that same thing to others.

These people can spend a life savings to pay a coyote(nefarious person saying they know a way crossed the border for payment,illegally).They,then will be left to abandonment if the authorities show up.The already overworked,underpaid border guards have their hands full just trying to keep up.and the coyotes have no problem killing border guards or illegals crossing the vast and empty desert.The bodies left there in the middle of nowhere are often and many each year.

It would seem that if the folks were already here and living in peace,that natural citizens would put them to good use.I will suggest an idea at this blogs end.

If the Mexican government were to actually improve the living conditions of the majority of folks,would the immigrant flow north suddenly reverse? Would these Mexican folks return to a country that they still love?

Why is It the United States can put huge political pressure on foreign countries thousands of miles away,but seem numb and impudent to a bordering country.Is it so very difficult to pick up the telephone and put some
of the political hot air in the Presidente's ear.We dump billions of American dollars into useless countries around the world that will never make an effort to even say thank you.Mexico for all it's problems have some really nice folks if your not hunting them like criminals.That is unless the pursuit of happiness is a crime if your not a member of Club American(members  Only).

If I remember my history lessons,America imported the Chinese to build railroads,then decided they would ruin our pure ethnic race of Germans,French,Spanish etc.The Chinese were deported back to China where many were killed for leaving China.Then America decided the "Noble Redman" was not unlike the bugs under foot.Suitable for death camps/reservations.It Helped that the land they lived on was salable property.Then the canals needed building,so it was good place to bring those Irish drunks to build the mosquito infested swamp areas that were to become the canals to run commercial tug boats for the masses.
Many Irish workers died of yellow fever.

I am pointing these things out only to illustrate that we(people of the World) need to re evaluate the situation before we make any stupid historical/hysterical decisions.If we force the Mexican Government to improve the conditions of their people,the flow over the border will slow and reverse.When the living is good and safe for families, people stay put.This can be applied to most border surges/crossings and mass exodus situations.

When The civilized people are happy,there is no need to wander for improvements.
This is a wall to break down folks,Write the President to ask to apply pressure to this neighbor and make them put some order to the growing problem on behalf of the Mexican people.

For those that would say the jobs are short enough for legal citizens.I give you this suggestion.
Long ago President Eisenhower proposed to major ideas.  A system of Highways to be called the interstate system. and a system of waterways to feed the wetlands water into the deserts.The Highways got built.From the huge forest fires and drought land areas. Obviously the water systems would now be helping to average out the destruction of those have(s) and the have not(s).How about a volunteer signup to anyone including Illegal Mexicans,Chinese,Slobolvians or anyone else who wishes to help develope and build  this system.
Anyone that signs up must stay till it's done and would be given citizenship as a reward for their efforts.
To sweeten the pot,families would be given full workmens benefits.The System would contribute to the economy&Put illegals to work legally.It would also begin the folks assimilation into a different culture.

It is only and Idea,but it beats the attempted exiling of a million people that already are here. Which in all reality just isn't practical or even workable.We need the water system an we need to give the new citizens a
chance become the citizens they dreamed of being.

We are all immigrants to this land,be it new or 5th generation..But we are all residents of this world..

Think about my friends its a chance to do things historically right.

Till next time remeber that even a prisoner is free if he still has his will and visions,

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Unsung Olympic Champions We Chose toForget

Athletes from the United States of America mar...
Athletes from the United States of America march into the Olympic Stadium during opening ceremonies for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, on Sept. 15, 2000. Fifteen U.S. military athletes are competing in the 2000 Olympic games as members of the U.S. Olympic team. In addition to the 15 competing athletes there are eight alternates and five coaches representing each of the four services in various venues. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
9th Special Olympics World Winter Games
9th Special Olympics World Winter Games (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The crowd at the 2003 Special Olympics World S...
The crowd at the 2003 Special Olympics World Summer Games Opening Ceremonies in Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was watching the great performances the Olympics were showing on the national network yesterday.The superb abilities that the athletes from all over the world were doing. I realized that the tune rolling through my head was an old George Burns tune that he sang in his elder years in show business.It went something like" I wish that I was 18 again.The agility and strength of youth in their prime is truly wonderful

The years of practice for those few minutes of glory must be intoxicating to the self esteem.Those smiling/winning faces are so full of pride to have accomplished the tasks put before them.
The pain of training until they just collapse from trying.Yet still getting up and giving it another try.
It's the "no pain,no gain"scenario all over everyday till they are at those  critical moments where it's win or lose.Then there is the Olympians that  few people hear about.They remain hidden all their lives even after the Olympic games are long over.You will never see them doing big sponsored adds for fruit juices health products or modeling underwear on the TV screen.There's never a movie offer to play a super heroe,even after they have proven to those in doubt that they are...Super.

They go through the rest of their lives as little more than shadows.Living in the quiet communities and large cities as model citizens.They rarely go out robbing,killing and being anything but model citizens.They often fall in love and live a "normal"life.This is a true and unsung hero.These folks are subject to the same success and failure as any living thing.Some days are diamonds and other days are coal.It's called life and its ones ever made it out alive.They are no exception in that regard.

These athletes do stand out in a crowd sometimes, like all athletes they are distinct from the rest of us.
 They rarely brag about their fantastic moment in time.Most people wouldnt believe them or just wouldn't
have time to listen politely.It's a world of appointments these days.

These athletes had to train just as those on TV.In some cases they trained much harder.The media crews sorta missed the dates to show these great Olympians.They were born with many various handicaps.
By the  social standards,they don't rate the media showing.They are looked on as problems for our genetically perfect society.(Where have I heard that theory before...Let me think...Germany,Bosnia,Middle East).I digress
These special Olympians  are the folks that compete in the "Special Olympics".The athletes that give their all,Just like the athletes on the media extravaganza for those"normal" super competitors.It's their time to shine a little above they rest.15 Minutes of fame and glory.Most are never seen again after it ends.Why?

The people in this world of ours are all great in their own way.Think how hard the Olympic stars you watch now on the tv have worked,Then imagine those people made uniquely different physically and/or mentally.
Then imagine yourself as one of those "special folks" that are training to compete in a "normal" persons world with different body coordination and different mental functions.It Is  the Norm for them as The ones on tv are the norms for themselves.Normal is a state of mind and not a reality.It is another wall to knock down in the free world of those of us seeking to join the worlds Tribe Of People.Break down the walls and live free.

Life is good if you live it without the fears you carry inside.Breakdown another wall today.

Till next time my friends Keep the hope alive(MLK)


Post script:President Obama recently met with several hundred Olympic and Paralympic Champions
at the White House In WashingtonD.C.He took time to honor those Champions of great strength and
fortitude for their performance at the Olympic Games.They represented the strongest and best in their
particular events...
The United States should truly be proud to have these wonderful atheletes that worked so hard to represent us all.There is a person or two that remembered ALL the Olympic atheletes....
Thank you Mr. President.

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