Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Ukraine is Still Marching in The Street to Demand Freedom For Their Country.armed With Low Tech Molitov Cocktails Served to High Tech Opposition

Protester throwing Molotov Cocktail at a polic...
Protester throwing Molotov Cocktail at a police van in Christiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The world today is rarely accurately reflected by the headlines that we read each day.There is spins and literary license.More than often there are subliminal under tones based on the writers politics.So it is very hard to actually get truth from whats is  the events or items the story is based on.This leaves many folks with a bitter after taste in the Brains intellectual apprehension buds.The public is far from stupid and develops its own theories.

.Gleaning from the news sources and more recently from the Internet have opened many doors.
These days a reporter  that says too much is likely to be labeled a radical or even a traitor when  shedding light on the hidden power base's dirty laundry and practices.That can get you chased all over the world with a price on your head.

The term RADICAL have been a label to separate those who know the definition of right from wrong in their heart from those who except whats wrong as right..Those Radicals  also have the courage to persist in doing their best to right that wrong even after knowing the possible costs.

That being the case we  find the headlines talking about mobsters in Mexico and the authorities preventing families there from defending themselves even so far as  killing those defenders.We in the states march ever closer to the same  fates.Police/military actions to curb self defense of their citizens.Why else would  homeland security hoard so much ammo while trying to disarm citizens.That is unless a foreign power is about to invade our shores in waves of millions or the terminators are expected in mass.
I rather doubt that is the cause or the case.You decide this one.

We see the news telling about the Ukraine that still has a government that really seem to have  interpretation problems in understanding the peoples voice.It appears to be so bad that the population has to threaten setting things ablaze  using low tech Molotov cocktails to get their leaders attention.The weapon used by the French resistance on Panzer and tiger tanks.

Russia has been fighting off terrorists while throwing social stones at minorities who just like everyone else at the Olympics are there to compete.Old Mother Russia has some  fear issues?

China has begun to arrest and kill lovers of freedom and democracy...Leaving Chinese folks still living under centuries of the long dead past Emperors slave yolk...

Our own country seems bent on becoming like the rest of the worlds populated countries.The more we try to communicate with those we elected,the more isolated and determined to isolate themselves from us they appear to go .The days pass and each of those day find us battling worldwide the very people that we voted in,trusted and believed in.Each day the scenario becomes a tug of war with our lives,our lively hoods, our values,and our very health threatened lives of our whole family.Infants to Grandma.

The problem is not centralized to any one place or any one people.We see the growing anti popular ideas with every decision that is made regarding the average person.More and more the rules and regulations that make up laws are skewed to oppress and control without input of Constitutional process.

The intention would almost make one believe the decisions have a basis
 blatantly intended to cause chaos among the populations they effect.Some would think this to be paranoia or some other quaint label to belittle and demean.To make an atmosphere that creates fear to speak out on such things.

Starvation and class&religious problems only happens over there.Right?The poor folks on the TV screen sitting shivering in the cold and hungry is over there.Not here.That does not happen here.when it does it's all that persons fault lazy good for nothings..go get a job.I guess ignorance would be bliss here.It's quite an eye opener when life dumps you out of your dream into that scenario.

Countries in Africa have had mass killings and anarchy for generations,leaving millions starving and homeless.The leaders there have actually worked to kill off certain folks just because it keeps the masses occupied so they can get rich from the bloodshed.

The truth is that if we had always gotten a transparent daily News report all along,it could've or  would've been forth coming from anyone.The truth will set you free I once read.Would it really be so devastating to hear the truth if nothing was being wrongly done by anyone.The same type of thing can easily be put into clearly understandable words:

If you had a child who constantly told you A and rarely actually did anything but B.When would you be able to trust the words of that kid?Imagine that this kid has a long list of mistruths that they were know for.

Then one night after being grounded,they climb out a window and go out.2hours later you discover them gone and spend hours foning the kids cellphone with no answer.

Several hours go by with you  tearing your hair out in worry. A police car  pulls up and your heart grows ice on it from what you fear.The officer reassures you the child is alive and well,but...

The problem is that he is accused of a crime and can not provide an alibi for his time out.He/she swears they were only wondering the mall alone.The mall is now closed and his word is all there is to go on.

 Problem:His history of mistrusted goings ons and  being a bald faced liar makes you doubt anything the kid says.You love and support him/her....but can not rely on any honesty forthwith.

Our leadership these days seem to follow this philosophy rather closely.Even if its the truth,when can you believe that it really is accurately told truth?

 This is a fact that our leaders apparently do not deem us with any obligation to listen to anyone else.This is one reason among others why the world is falling into a  non repairable future with scenarios from which we may never recover.

When Y2K was going to send the world back into the stone age,my family sat watching the once free television news.The news person was going on and on about storing up on food/water ETC.Which is a good idea whether world end or just prudent planning for any unknown.
He told how we should stockpile fire wood for heat and prepare an armory style ammo supply cache .

We noticed my dad looking a little puzzled and asked what was wrong.He said I really don't see what the big deal is all about.Every winter we lose the electric power for days.The electric goes off and we have to stoke up the wood stove for heat.His dad(my grand dad)prepared this way and so on back in time.
Why didn't those folks prepare for the hard times.We just chuckled an said most people depend on the system not to fail.Dad shook his head in disbelief.....

Y2K did not destroy the modern world.I would hope enough folks dig in and cling tight to the things they hold dear.There is no reason for anyone not living free in the manner you feel comfortable with.Another persons idea is the ideas THEY hold dear.So why should anyone force their ideas,beliefs or values on anyone else.Our leaders need to listen with both ears to all  those who live  here.They are capable of changing it all back to where they not asked for advice .When the people speak loudly enough and often enough,Changes will happen regardless of what power ignore us.

What would happen if WE THE PEOPLE decided to put all or most of our differences aside and work together.The power would suddenly shift from the leaders to the PEOPLE. We are .People who have run our lives long before anyone felt it was needed to walk us on a political or legal leash.We need to break down the barriers that force Humans into tribal countries.We should have evolved beyond that long ago. That is, unless you believe that we  have not stepped past the caveman stage...If we are a tribe it is a clan of Earth People.1 tribe for all People.Many beliefs,many diverse human types.Many diverse languages.Many divers faiths.Dumping our fears and preconceived notions would be a good place to start.
One Tribal Earth.

Maybe cooperation would in itself reverse the flow of power.
  Conflict may lead the world to unite the common person(both sexes)to find common goals to cooperate with each other.That time will come as more folks realize that this Earth is a tiny Biosphere. We are all inmates  here for the  foreseeable future,we are all here together as if shipwrecked on a desert island.Survival depends on how well we all pull together and play nice.

The mother ship only lands in movies to save the day.Superheroes are really just folks put into positions forcing them to excel beyond their norm.There is only those of us who care enough to
try to fix what will soon be too broken to fix.

Till next Time folks Keep the Faith

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why Mr. Snowden is Running After Airing a List of "Secrets" That To This Day Has Not Destroyed The World

This is a most perplexing story for me.The soldier that stayed in the USA and faced his fellow countrymen is under the most stringent times of his life with absolutely no one else going down the toilet with fingers pointing at him like children on the playground.You know,that kid that isn't quite as popular as the rest.

The fellow who showed that we have something more than rumors of political dirty tricks or dirty laundry has been chased half way around the world.A high profile chase  in the same fashion as a Hollywood action film.Bourne Supremousy,The Web ETC.Big Brother in the Orson Wells flesh.The population of sheep just allowing it to happen and watching contentedly,uninvolved.It isn't my problem and does't involve me.Go ahead and eat my brother Mr. wolf.He was foolish enough to step in front of me,so eat him instead.

The people who have exposed the truth are being held as wanted fugitives on the run and fearing for their actions they felt was right.The right thing to do as long as the power structure can run without dirty little secrets being let out.Heaven forbid the secret clubhouse password or secret Knock get out and let the girls into the all boys clubhouse.

Sorta sounds like the stories of incarcerated prisoners learning of a "snitch" and targeting that prisoner for death.There isnt much difference here.The guy who tried to do what was best for all the people is now publicised as an outsider.He has the propaganda machine cranking out reams of negative information as to what,where and when he is.If the population can kill that person to hide the secrets for letting the cat out of the bag then it will make it all better.Better for the feww that run the power.IE:The Matrix[any version].

I really have not been in the news loop lately and I truly hope these gentlemen have some kind of backing so the world will know their stories.Most folks that are listed as enemies of the state are locked into isolation for the remainder of their lives.An Island prison,solitary confinement ETC.
We never hear anything more than the occasional propaganda release or a news flashback in the future.

Is no one in this world  curious as to why these 2 people can damage an entire nation with so called secrets? Is there no one asking who else in this fiasco is the source of the people being chased information?and who does the background for this type of employee?Moe,Larry,And Curly???I have gotten onto the different so called websights that release these secrets.Anyone can if you just search for it.Wikileaks ETC.The released documents  are filled with the same personal opinions and gabby gossip about other leaders that old ladies pass over fences everyday.Without Bringing nations down...

My Dad and Mom used to tell their children this:backtalk hurts people when they find what you said behind their backs,so don't do it or it will come back to bite you .I guess politicians didn't hear those wise words.I rather doubt it really is National security thats at stake. It is more likely the embarassment of people plotting and planning over that old ladies fence deal.Politicians speaking backtalk in the shadows we out here in the world are privie too 20-50years from now.

A fine example is the Deaths of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys along with other suspected Deaths/Assinations in the past decades.I am not a conspiracy beleiver,If the actual truths were released instead of crap thaat denied everything,bent the truth,or just out and out lied about thing that
should be told to those of us out here in the real world.Think if we were able to read of the deaths in factual articles of things like Roswell,The actual religious facts hidden for centuries.The story of our nations told as truthful facts and fiction deleted .Just pure facts to enlighten and enpower us....

Enpower us,Hmmm.Let me think this one though abit.To enpower the masses would free them to make decisions based on factual truths.Based on things that would stop folks from arguing and fighting over mindless gunk filling our heads.Enpowerment would mean WE THE PEOPLE would hear about phoopahs that are done now in real time and not after the fact.Enpowerment would us to enable our governments to run more efficiently and cut out the extra curricular money that is being flushed down the political toilet every minute we live and breathe.
WOW! Enpowerment would give us complete control of our lives and government....The Masques would be off the politicians and the political machine all over the world would revert to the people who now pay thru the umm,err, [Fill in the blank].Politicians and the machine would finally have
direction,destination and brakes to sloww it down before it crashed.

Enpowerment,that would mean the release of  truth as it happened,Facts replacing mindless crap.People telling & believe in the true does not make you an outlaw or a fugitive.Exposing wrong doing by those doing wrong does not make you a criminal.Remember your childhood heroes that fought against corruption and were hunted as criminals because they did so.Robin Hood,and so on.

Perhaps we should protect the people that do not think lies and deception are the standard for a Nation of One people under God[By whatever Name You have for God]I rather doubt God would agree with that persona for any Nation That preaches freedom and faith and country out of one face and protect the beast thru the other.There was a  God  Named Janus who open his gates in time of war and closed those gates in time of peace,Janus was a two faced God.Perhaps our current political system is similarily two faced.The truths power elites know and the stories WE THE PEOPLE know.

I guess the Empowerment is a dream that people talk about as long as the wolves are chasing other sheep and not .....

Till next time my dear friends take care of each other before your world is chaos from  the not so pleasant dirty Laundry fragrance of politics.



Monday, April 22, 2013

Russian,s President Putkin is Persecuting A Major Corruption Exposing Blogger

You May want to read the Hidden article of the blogger in Russia that is going toe to toe with Russia's President.This man is exposing the massive corruption over there in that country.It's made him the target of a future trial that may send his fact finding self to Prison for more than ten years.

He has still been blogging and keeping a strong heart about the whole thing.One blog even lists what he hopes to bring to prison.He has bent a lot of corrupted officials political noses by simply doing what is right.

Tellin g the true about what goes on in his country.

I wrote a past article on putkin and his rather primitive ideas of freedom.They could not publish my blogs for over a month there.Can you imagine the flak if I had been a citizen.

Google this brave guys name and blog the crap out of this before he is sentenced and the truth gets buried in a goolog forever.We have to fight for internet freedom when it is trying to break thru the walls of corruption

Google the name of ALESEI A.NAVALAY  and read his Blogs.

We can make a difference if we stick together.


Thats it for now friends
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama wins again,It is no surprise,He is A Winner

Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character
Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well this last 9 days has been a very interesting experience for me.I have been in contact with people that carry far more fame than I will ever have.Far more money than this currently unemployed man has.I have been deluged with campaign wanna-be's asking for donations that I don't have to give.Each campaign worker seems to have the delusions that They can get more donations from the same people that the other campaigners are bugging for change.I feel like a person going thru a Hollywood movie with every other person panhandling for a hand out.I help by blogging .That is my donation,Period.People like me are the drummerboy at christmas giving as much as we can with what we have.We are the old lady at the temple that gave pennies and got heckled for being cheap til it was pointed out that is all we have.

Mr.Obama will win this election.It is written in the Akasha records of time.It is something that must happen for the things ahead to take place.We will see a time of war and a time of peace ahead.If this seems mystical then I guess I might have you join together and sing kuhmbya.Roast marshmellows and sit in a circle under the stars,while holding hands.

Unfortunately,It is just the way the world has been since mankind could pick up a rock and throw at his fellow man to cause hurt and suffering.It's not a crystal ball or voices from the magic haunted woods.
we chose the best man for all of our benefits and hope that they can find their way into the fog of time we call history.It's not rocket science or magic.Just a cycle of social spasms we call civilization.Civilization is such an oxymoron term.Even our elections have to be demonizing the other guy.anything goes to prove we are superior.It trickles downs to every member of the political mudfight.Everyone trying to out do the other.even the donation collectors try to panhandle from the other campaign workers.It's like vultures fighting over a rotting carcass.

If I seem a little off key on additude,I will explain.Last week I had my laptops linked to do some updating as a net.When I tried to use them,Both had been virused and crashed.I am a distance from libraries and such.I took a few days to gather junked home computers and parts out a working whole Dell,Hp,Sony/Litewriter/Etc.mongrel of a unit.It works faster than my new laptops when they work.It had a hardrive that was locked out from whoever had it last as administrator,I have spent a number of days hacking a dead desktop to free it from administrator bondage.This is my first attempt to catch up on my blogs in maybe 9days.I have not used windows XP in years but this unit has it and I will endure.I actually have been turned down so many times for employment that I could attend a Halloween costume party as a bed sheet.I wouldn't even need a costume.

I hope to have my blogs back on line soon.

If my friend from the Russia is reading this Please note that I did try to return your leter and it wouldn't go through to you.Thanks for the picture.I made it my desktop background.I will try to respond to all the people writing to me.I got way behind when life crashed last week.I will as I can.

That is all for now my friends and thanks for your patience.I write these for my own pleasure although my experiment with google adsense has earned me a huge amount of money.I was paid the astronomical sum of .02 for 30 days of writing and showing ads.That's right folks You to can get an online income of 2cents.and if you order now,we will send you absolutely nothing for your efforts.Grrrrrr!!Internet income my daryair.

The puch line to all this is the E-mail I returned to9 impotrtant mail and 147 yutzes that wanted momey to fund campaigns.The Prez and Ms.I like mail from.makes me feel like I really might be a hope to climb out of the grave with the ends kicked out I have fell into.It is called a rut.

I will in time excell.gather my army of the disenfranchised and build the city called Shangrala.out in the desert.
The only rules are the following.No Lawyers,no troublemakers,no bullies,no laws saying I can't be denied eating ,drinking,smoking,farting while staying 25feet from anyone,There';s no helmet laws,seat-belt laws,insurance is from everyone's pocket,taxes don't exist,pedifiles are sent to live with those defending them.and politicians lose points every time they cause rudeness to accure.

Yup,that is my city of Shangrala in the desert.Move in and we all pitch in to build your house.Just the way we are.

It is a beautiful dream.Keep it in m,ind while the political babeling is in your face for the next few weeks.

Keep the dream alive and hope out in front of your visions.

PS Happy all Hollows Eve my friends
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Russian Presidents People continue severe crackdown on USAID

English: Bennett Haselton during a talk on int...
English: Bennett Haselton during a talk on internet censorship at Ignite Seattle 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Demonstration against Internet censor...
English: Demonstration against Internet censorship in Helsinki, Finland Suomi: Sensuurimielenosoitus 4.3.2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Workers load a cargo net of supplies from USAI...
Workers load a cargo net of supplies from USAID following 2009 Sumatra earthquakes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Russian government that uses our Space technology and other American systems in combination with theirs,Kicked us out!The USAID organization that helps promote Democracy in that country was forced to close it's doors and leave Russia.

The new law that has began effecting foreign organizations threatened  to be labeled
as "agents".They must register with Russian Offices to remain,while living as registered Agents,which translates into spys...The law is to  eliminate any chance of democracy as we in the United States from even being spoken about.The recent arrests and imprisonment of a rock group is just the arrest we have heard of.The internet has also been shutdown or filtered to limit the type of
web information going into the new Iron Curtain that President Putkin is building.Former President Reagan is turning over in his grave at the rebuilding of that wall.RIP,Sir.

Many countries are changing the mantel of freedom.The Internet freedom is falling all over the world
It seems that world leaders are realizing the power that is created between people when they bypass
dogma,doctrines,secrecy,and isolation by geography and politics.We find that when we think for ourselves,we are not so far different.Knowledge is power....

The most powerful tool the world has at this moment in time is the INTERNET and the tools to speak with each other.There has never been a time in history when so much is at our fingertips.There has never been a time in the history of the world when "We the People" of the world could see papaganda for what it really is.Smoke and mirrors.We can also tell the people who speak truth by reading the various articles that are available to us.

Those leaders that control the daily news' are terrified of the local Blog story(so far anyway).The net's not easily influenced by a politically convenient  lie.That leader or politician with almighty dreams of being a leader is found out.That kind of exposure is why they"politicians"wish to silence those of us on the net.We talk and figure out what is truth,opinion or just plain BS.The net is a pipeline to the people.It unites those people with people and societies that would never hear anything but what those in power wanted to propagate...Even in countries that are isolating the "ignorant peasants?"The internet serves as the Voice of America did many years ago.I miss listening to that broadcast.The Voice Of America was the First Voice of Freedom before the nets entrance.

We on the Worldwide  Internet must guard well our freedoms on the internet.We are truly the "New World Tribe"The net has even effected who and how we elect the most powerful person in the world.The President Of the United States.Can you imagine the effect on leaders that have oppressed the people of their perspective dictatorships.The past ten years have seen the effects on age old dictatorships that had hammered into submission  their  populations until the net opened formally closed doors of freedom...We must keep the doors of knowledge and freedom open to the world.

The generations after us will have to live in the world we allow to happen.That future world will be a place of free people with the power to live in a open productive society.The opposite is that the children of tomorrow will live hand to mouth.Those people will live under the controls of just a few
elite peoples religious/political organizations.Run by people that only view people as work pawns to hire and fire at will.Those future children will be controlled by the rationing of food,water and freedoms if  the net is lost.

This year is a perfect time to get involved with whats going on in the world.Those in other places may seem very far away.Freedoms we take for granted are slipping away as we comfortably live in this country.A Japanese General upon watching the planes taking off to bomb Pearl Harbor spoke these words,"I fear we have awakened a sleeping dragon"We in the Internet have become that dreaded,Sleeping Dragon......We need awaken before the Dragon Slayers Arrive...!
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Russia moving into the Iron curtain darkness again?

Iron curtain Germany (near Witzenhausen-Heilig...
Iron curtain Germany (near Witzenhausen-Heiligenstadt) Français : Le Rideau de fer dans la campagne allemande, près de Witzenhausen. Nederlands: IJzeren gordijn Duitsland (nabij Witzenhausen-Heiligenstadt) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Freedom of speech
Freedom of speech (Photo credit: [togr])
Freedom and Ignorance
Freedom and Ignorance (Photo credit: bterrycompton)
The Russian Parliament Officials have announced that they would increase the anti treason laws on foreign influencing organizations.It was unanimously voted on.This proposed law(if brought to practise) makes any organization at risk of committing treason for just speaking about Freedom or Democracy.The Iron Curtain of my childhood is creeping slowly down again...Darkness in Russia is descending once more.

The New York Times article speaks (paraphrasing) of this law  passed to drive out thoughts of Democracy and Freedom in the country that has come so far out of the oppressive years of the Nuclear war threats.
It was a time when as a child that I remember the school teachers walking we,children out into the hallways to stand.The teachers directed us to place our folded arms above our heads and lean against the hallway walls.

We were just children when the air-raid horns blared out their remorseful cries indicating the end of the world.The nuclear missiles from Russia were possibly on the way to destroy our world.It was only a test.Sometimes we were instructed to hide under our desks,arm covering our eyes..Nuclear flash would blind us.We were just little children who were never going to grow up.Never going to see our families again.Russia was destroying The world!!!The Iron curtain was a wall of fear that separated ordinary people by politics.Do we need to repeat those times?
Those who fail to learn from the past are destined to repeat it.

Evil is a small thing,easily controlled,  allowed to grow into a monster,It can devour everything in it's path.... 

Propaganda and politicians,distance and Isolation made our childrens world a place with memories such as those I described above. It is shocking to see a country that is willing to obtain a space agency pardoner,but still hate those who pardoner with them.I would hope that the Russian People don't feel that we represent the real or imagined threat of the cold war years.Those frightened children are adults now.Surely we know now that those children that were against the wall would have been vaporized,leaving only tiny carbon shadows as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan.Is the old ways so very rewarding to you,my friends?Fear and Isolation?

The world has become a very different place from those days.It is not uncommon to find a  Russian wife,find a business link,find an opportunity to cooperate in a space program...We can't hide anymore from the fears that once terrified us as children.The world is becoming to small from technology to hide from that which we once feared as those children.

We can work together and learn about each other as ordinary human beings or foolishly allow our fears to overcome each other.The first option leads to the future and the second leads to total devastation and Hell on earth to those left in the radiated ruins of Mankinds burned and stenching toilet we once called earth.If the Iron curtain is rebuilt,we will never advance as a world people.
The fears and fantasies that drive dictators and madmen will destroy all we as people have accomplished.50years of peace and diplomacy will have been in vain between our countries.
That curtain will slam on even the internet freedoms we all enjoy to whatever degree we do.

Democracy is not so bad when you talk to folks that are just coming from the more oppressive places.
It is like a breathe of clean fresh air on a beautiful winter day when first experienced.This is the description I was told by a friend who immigrated many years ago(just afterWWII).He wore his concentration camp tattoo proudly till the day he passed into peace.May he rest in Peace...

I hope people speak louder than politicians when it comes to freedoms.Once we lose those freedoms,
they will be long,if ever to return.Guard your freedoms well,else you will lose them.
Our elections may seem like a lot of mud slinging and fertilizer heaping.It is because we have the freedom in the speak as we will on things political. We seem so wild and crazy during these times because we have the freedom to pick and chose who we think best represents our view points,lifestyles and dreams.It may seem a fearful thing to those who find it alien.It's
a truly wonderful experience,our freedom to chose,to speak,to think as independent people.

Freedom is something many of us would die to defend.It is that dear to us in the U.S.
I invite you in places of the world to visit us and see for yourself just what Democracy is
for yourself.You won't regret the feeling....I would never let it change in the U.S.A.
That is why ordinary people vote for the people that will ensure our rights and freedoms...

If the curtain falls in Russia,the Ballet will never be a personal interpretation by an individual again.
Someone who doesn't dance, will always be telling the ballerina how to interpret her moves..every time......forever!

We will talk again my friends,for now...Please stay free and think for yourselves.

PS.I truly wished that when I wrote this blog September of last year that the current invasion and my prediction of the Iron Curtain once again closing would have been just a bad guess that would never come true.It would have been worth the razzing from folks that I was just having a bad day and the eastern block would never obtain anything of its past evil.
This is that prediction I made coming true.The dark and sinister shadows are closing around our world in ever increasing velocity.
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