Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Who Can We Trust To Lead The USA Into The Future And Where Do WE The People Want History To Reflect Our Beliefs

There's only a few short days to our most important Choices we make as a nation.The Elections of those whom we must trust to run the countries functions while keeping our best interests in mind.
The choices are very narrow this time with two people boosted above the others by enormous amounts of money that most of us would never see in a lifetime.The choices that would be available in other times and in a totally fair election would have many more candidates to chose from.

The United states has fallen into the same biased routine as other places in the world.The people with massive money buy out the elections and the more common people with Ideas to fix the system are beaten down till they bow down to the peer pressure of the elites.
This is neither Democracy nor right.It is as one man vanquished stated ,a demagoguery.We are creating the same type of royalty situation that have come and gone in third world countries.
The exception is Britain's Royalty which still stands.The USA has Political Parties staying in power for decades instead of a royal family.The results turn out the same.Ideologies that once placed into play that never leave or change.

People who try to change the dirty secrets of these entities find themselves having accidents if they can't be silenced.Others are hunted like animals all over the entire world.One reporter/Whistle blower is strapped in a chair 23hours of the day as her punishment.She is given 1hour to move her head and get up out of the chair.The prison is a mens military prison.If you wish to Know her suffering for trying to tell someone about the dirt,Google it.

Her freedom of speak is usurped by the fears of WE THE PEOPLE finding out whats going on behind the great Oz's curtain.

The USA Has Not changed for the better in some ways these past 40 orso years.

Our medicines are to overpriced from greedy producers.Open sourcing the discoveries is a cure.Limiting politicians and Parties to hold office would help.Perhaps limiting affiliated families from offices.limiting money used from resources for elections would help.

Limiting the playground mentality of a adolescent from debates is a mandatory change.Just the facts,jack!
Quite frankly all the childishness crap this election is just that....CRAP! Grown adults acting like idiots. 

These politicians then watch the actions of followers acting out as their  leaders?Destroying other peoples property,looting,killing innocent people.Justifying their actions in a self centered mindset.They apparently don't feel any connection to the influence they are projecting to the masses via the media.

The actions of those who lead..?.Isn't that why the word "leader "is applied to those who wish to lead?WE THE PEOPLE have a very difficult time ahead no matter who wins this two horse one choice race.May God have mercy on our poor choices.

I honestly am totally in the dark as to who to cast my vote for...It still peeves me that many states refuse to allow anyone not registered to support the two mega-parties to vote until the main elections.

The choice to me still remains another member of the ruling Dynasty or an unknown who might just provide many people with the entertaining future entertainment of sticking it to all those who have been doing the same thing to soooo many of those who are busting our dari-ares just trying to make ends  meet.

So many of us being told that there's just not enough being paid to the government while CEO's and do nothing politicians are rewarded with mega millions as the homeless and sick starve in the streets of this magnificent country.We absolutely need a change this year.Hope it is the best.

That's my thoughts for now friends.Keep the faith and please pass the word that we need changes for the better.


After thought:

P.S. There is a third choice that still sticks it to those who believe we are forced into a vote of two who are part of the political dogfight that we are witnessing.

The Libertarian party and the Green party are still running in the shadow of the massive two party machines.The Libertarians want to shrink the Governmental spending by putting those sitting on their keasters collecting enormous paychecks while

WE THE PEOPLE are put at each others throats due to stress of just trying to live in some kind of dignity.It is worth a more complete look into your with the future.

Again...keep the faith and lets think before we fall victim to peer pressure of those who don not have to live with the results of Novembers Elections.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Moment Of Who May Become The Next Leader of The United States Is In The Works As We The People Peacefully Cast A Vote

I sit in front of the large screen watching the circus of media who have shown the same people .The favorites who they pushed to be our choices.There wasn't any bias of course.Those others that never made it to this point were just not media privileged.The Clinton Clan and Trump thumper s just were a better choice for those photo ops.No bias what so ever .yeah right...

The latest polls say that Bernie Sanders has kicked Hillary's tail.I am rather impressed by the gentleman's panash. If.If he can do what he plans on, Americans may eventually return to the American dream.He has many people doubting  that a politician only lies when their lips move. Or so the cartoon stated in the caption.  That would be a pleasant change.No late nite signing of our rights away.No more bureaucracy BS that protects those who abuse their power and trust of WE THE PEOPLE.Bernie instead of Hillary.Bernie has no questionable past references.

Trump or Cruz?I sorta hoped against hope for Paul to have a better chance to get this far.I doubt it will ever happen to anyone without connections and Big bucks to be president again.The war machine,oil,and money elects presidents.Its been that way since the beginning.Research your politics.The more things change,the more it remains the same.

Glad Trump got trounced.We don't need people who delight in showboating in the rude mode.We need more thinkers and less lip.
Its said the wise man learns to listen.The fool open his mouth and proves himself.I hope the DUMP TRUMP movement continues.It will show Americans can think for themselves.Do we need Babushka Putkin Promoting our elected officials?Must see a clone of himself in trump.Or some one that will finally push the button for Putkins war he dreams of.

It would seem the following:

The common person will never be allowed to rise to the seat of power.Our elected persons send their kids to schools to become the next leaders.The common persons kids goto work or community college with debts that last a lifetime.
politicians  build political dynasties that make even more connections.connections see that education is paid by WE THE PEOPLE.Our kids and many of us out here spend many years trying to repay school loans with the education department and the IRS chasing us like sharks in a feeding frenzy.
Practices that would loan sharks in jail.

Would Bernie Sanders be able to outlast the political stonewalling that our current President has had to endure?I think probably so.Our America  has radically changed in the past 8 elections.My favorite President was Kennedy.I also liked Reagan.But even those 2 have been opened to many dark revelations.Marilyn wont be able to tell you....

My point is the system is not perfect here in the USA. WE THE PEOPLE have been complacent and asleep at the wheel for a long ways on this freedom road.We are constantly barraged by information that contains misdirected facts,denials of misdoing and self serving politicians that would delay via a good idea for peer pressure.Many would rent out mom if they could make more power or money.

I always reserve my choice for the last hurrah after the Bull sessions .I am going to have to do much more homework on the surviving Candidates.My problem at this point is the following points.

I am a gun owner.I have not hunted since a kid shot at me in a tree stand 20feet up in an oak tree.I found it to be a moment of realization.I don't hunt but would if it became mandatory.mandatory. Don,t violate my constitutional rights.I have not done anything to become dangerous.The pen is mightier than the sword.

I enjoy writing and have many articles.articles. Don,t tread on my write to free speech.Leave the INTERNET open and free. No slowdowns.No censors.I can block what I don't want.Many places in the world have either isolated or monitored their INTERNET.Other countries have optical fibres that are warp-speed ahead of us

Don't sell my job to some poor soul who is paid pennies to make some sweatshop slob wealthy over there.we have people living in alleys and boxes.May who go to sleep hungry only to be woke up by a nightstick breaking their bones.These folks have not health insurance so they suffer in silence.

The elderly in our country are without MEDS or food.The SSI and SSD is disgraceful in the USA.WE THE PEOPLE work and invest into mandatory Social Security  only to have politicians scheme to swindle us out of that savings.WE pay taxes to the IRS only to be told they don't have to return ANY money returns to us.Try telling that to the IRS? You would be imprisoned with out anyone ever knowing where or why.WE THE PEOPLE need to change things this next election.

Don,t discriminate against our elderly who have had corrective medical procedures to allow a normal life.Insurance companies either deny or charge huge costs for very little life insurance if your over 60 and under 85.This is total unethical behavior.The elderly have been under attack since the Gray Panthers disappeared.WE THE PEOPLE  need to restart that movement.To use the life experiences of those golden minds.They built this Nation and kept it free.

Mr.Paul(Ron or Rand) wanted to audit the fed and change the way things were done.You notice neither of them made it to the point of Hillary or trump?To many would have to hide in a spiderhole from the mobs running up "the Hill" with a noose,pitchforks and torches.They would open a lot of doors with skeletons inside.WE THE PEOPLE would finally get a clear look at whats going on in false face land.Its interesting that those who blow the whistle on the subterfuge either have to run for their lives or disappear from our world IE :Anonymous...


To quote a cliché : THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE


OK....Only days to go before the Election shows over and we can change as WE THE PEOPLE so desperately need to do or bite the bullet,The changes to your freedom or your finances may just let you have enough time to bend to bend over and attempt to kiss your Assets goodbye. Neither BIG party choice is a vote of trust to anyone.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mr. Snowden Still On a Hunt List for shedding light on Dirty Deals,Meanwhile Back in the Free world,3 Journalists that "broke"The Story Win Writers prizes

130716-M-DP650-024 (Photo credit: U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos)
WikiLeaks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many people both in and out of uniform that would lay their lives down,and have done so for this country.They would sacrifice for the ideas that allow folks to live in a free society. Those same people are the ones that have a sense of what is right and what is completely wrong for all those concerned. They are not blind and deaf to the way the world should be as some can seem to be.

I read an article that I really found to be rather disturbing in the way it completely missed an important point. It wrote about the Three Journalist that broke the Snowden story and did interviews
regarding leaked documents of the highest "secrets" order/it went on to say how these guys had traveled around the world to get the stories. The various ways they stayed under cover and eluded any folks following them.

OK, I have no problem with that part of the story. It did take guts and a huge risk of losing all the rights to a future. I do not have a problem with the reporter/journalists receiving all or a portion of the notoriety for the stories.

I am in fact grateful for being informed of things not proven but just whispered by those previously labeled paranoid nut jobs.I guess They had eyes open wider than most of us...Perhaps
they might stand one day as madmen or visionaries that do not see the world as flat. The future will decide what Mr.Snowdens Title will be when it all plays out one day. Probably still buried under bureaucratic fertilizer as things hidden in the dark corners of our world have a tendency to do.

What I do have a problem with is the fact that if those documents had not been leaked, None of those
guys would have had any of the glory. The story was published by them and not Snowden.
Kinda like the Private that was apparently privy to secrets and was also the target for buggery on the
high seas of politics. The others danced off smelling like a rose and the private took a lifetime hit in the shorts.

I am rather confused by all this contorted reasoning. The guy who could not find sources to publish would never have been able to publish those documents. journalists publish government documents usually don't win awards. Just ask WIKI leaks folks. Yet the American with a conscience is hiding in a foreign country wondering if he did the right thing. Condemned and hunted as a fugitive. while awards are giving to those publishing documents are sleeping safely in their own beds tonight and are rewarded. This is the most puzzling.

Would any of us now fighting the illegal bugging of our lives have known if that problem even existed? When do you think any of us would have found out we no longer have any private moments.
Since most of us don't or have not been too concerned with what folks know about us, maybe never.
a life long file of our every move. I remember the ancient rule of war. When a courier/runner arrived at a friend or enemy encampment, there was a rule that you never killed the messenger as a return message could be sent back with the same messenger. Kill the messenger and the enemy knew they
should prepare for hostilities. We would have allowed our messenger to be hunted down and killed..

We need to place a little more attention paid to those who are trying to help us to stay free and not be so intent on a nice quick and clean lynching so we can just go home to mama and some good home cooking. They may just be trying to do the right thing when we do not have anywhere near all the facts.

Keep the Faith Friends

PS. Snowden's broadcast from Russia was censored from the U.S, citizens and has been pretty much
      erased as to it ever existing. The other countries were better able to watch a program from a country invading another than from the country that claims to be free...There is something wrong with that picture.I would advise anyone looking for other videos of Assange/ Snowden to have some really good firewalls and the best antivirus(s) you can swing for the money. It appears that These folks are hunted with some reason that is spreading......Perhaps it was something THEY said?

PSS: Yesterday this is 0/5/17/2019 The witch trials of  President Trumps Election was stating there needs to be more transparent Governmental disclosure. The Democrats were and would have chased Mr.Snowden into a Black site or had him killed for trying to bring that transparency to tell of the spying planned into our private lives.

WE THE PEOPLE now find that the Democrats are also responsible for storing tens of thousands of the same types of classified documents for any hacker to see. Yet, There's no national death sentence, no driving the perpetrators out of the country.

I guess it is like the wildlife programs state when that lone zebra goes down by the lions. and others stop to watch. There's safety in the pack. Many who have read those Snowden papers say there really nothing dangerous in them except the fact that there is some factions that are P, od because the population found the dirty little secret out.

Meanwhile, an American that wanted that transparency is living in exile from what supposes to be the Land of the Free and the Brave.

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