Monday, November 9, 2015


This wednesday is a national holiday to honor those who have served and those who have given all for the call of freedom.This holiday please visit the grave of a noble warrior.

The families of these proud soldiers have defined our paths in this chaotic world where there is injustice and fear.The fear of those who would prey on the weak and innocent.The women and elderly.Peace lovers and children who are robbed of the childhood they can never recover.There are times when we feel so very adrift ina sea of strife and warfar.A world filled with dictators and victims.There is a defining force who wade into the midst of the mess.They follow a path of  thousands who marched in milleniums of time.

The are men and women who put their own lives on hold to serve the cause of freedom.They do not ask for anything but the respect and assistance of the population the serve to protect.That in itself is a small thing to ask in respect to that which some surrender to the cause.This time its one of those small things they ask of those like me who are safe to sleep in freedom tonight because of those military men and women in past and present service to our country.The allied forces that died to join that effort of safety in the world.

There is many ways to help those who are survivors of horendous events that occured to them.Loss of limbs,health,emotional and mental trauma that means a lifetime of hardships.families stressed to fracturing.My own lady who lost her battle to a demonic force inside her head from wars trauma.after years of her battle it overcae her ability to fight any longer.I kow what it feels like to watch helplessly as it silence and prgressivly robbed one of the strongest women I have known.We all have someone we know who has servedthe cause.most without question.

It is now time to honor them and assist them in their hour of need.It is our time to serve them in our small way (in comparison).Serve them before they are gone.The veterans that kept Americans from WWI and WWII hostilities are passing quickly.The Korean "conflict?" veterans are aging Pre baby boomers.The Vietnam veterans are now in their 60s and 70s+.There are veterans from the drugwars and covert wars that we will never know.We must honor the soldiers that will never be named in public as the do fight in secret places to preserve both our freedoms and their own safety for their families.

There is one more type of vetern that needs to be metioned here.Rarely named by just as important  is the husbands,wives and families of those fine folks in uniform.They are the backbone to watch the homefront for those on duty in their tasks.They are also on duty to keep the homefires burning for the return of the uniformed loved ones.A job that can be equaly overwhelming alone.Let us also those who support our nation in their own lives with the service.They to deserve the best for their families.

 The organizations helping these wonderful Guys and Gals in uniform are many.Links tothem can easily be found on the internet.I will mention 2 here that I am always supporting here and in the real world.They are:

DAV-Disabled American Veterans 15

Wounded Warriors Which can be found simply by Googling it.

They help to recover the dignity and confidence the returning warriors to regain a place in a fractured life.They provide help to re-educate the body,mind and spirit.Therapy,prothesis,medical help,Psychological guidance.They help to find a positive re-entry point to getting some of what was lost to the act of war on a human being.
 There is many many,organizations waiting to welcome your donations,waiting to find volunteers as the gentleman at the golden coral in Hennrietta NY who was volunteering to show folks his DAV information.Chapter 15.Thank you for him and thousands who are donating time to bring the mandatory help to our veterans.You may have time that seems to be wasting your life.Retired?Disabled?Time on your hands?looking for something to believe in?VOLUNTEER!It is both rewarding a heck of a charge to see some one fight to rebuild their lives...


Sunday, October 11, 2015

A New Berlin Wall After For The Arab World After The Bombing stops

Today the media reported with video support of the Russians bombers and support aircraft destroying Isis positions.Details on a few vehicles and vague descriptions of personel killed inside a building.Other events happening in other areas described.The war on isis goes on and on and on.....Infinitum.

It will be very interesting how the middle east will be dibbied up in the future by the empires. Many have tried to control this part of the world in conflict for the past 6000years.People who have not been held by the most powerful empires in the world at their historic times.The Romans couldn't hold the desert nations.The British couldn't.Even the aledged "Master Race" could not separate the people who are still fighting with each other over....WHAT?Oil is  the newest excuse,Or May be Tribalism(Trade ya my spear for your nuke)!

Fighting over who isGods creation?Over who is the master creation?Over who should be in control and who beheads whoever that disagrees.History has taught some pretty good examples and very hard lessons on that part of the world.

Even Prophets and massiahs have been murdered there.How is it that?The mortal world has trashed its most likely candidates to bring Humans together in peace. Sorta speaks rather loudly to a God that we savages should just be let to run wild in the jungle till we learn our lesson.We can't and never have even agreed on what to call that God.In many places it could get you beheaded.Your murderer Knows God personally and no doubt,has a speed number on the prayerfone directly to that deity.

Sorry for the die-gression.I think you will see "The New  Allied Forces" Finally finding a lul in the mess by shear force of actions.Oil Producing countries may be devided according to whoever is the most dominant future leaders.A real or imagined wall separating the divisions. The old Iron Curtain of cold war Europe reborn.The Russian leaders deepest dream made real.There are still Russia boots on the ground in the Ukraine....

Last week the USA media said that China had stepped into the Mideast arena."Mankind" moves again to some foretold saga.WE THE PEOPLE of this global terrarium can stop the move to destruction if we can just put our differences in the dumper.We must also see that our leaders do not use war to kill our best people for the benefit of those who profit from those wars.Only the masses can throw a massive monkey wrench into the gears of the war machine.

 The United States is head to the Presidential Elections this year.That new leader will walk into the oval office with a Russian KGB/President who is experienced as leader.Our person in office will have to have the best advisors available.That President will need to have trustworthy individuals for the jobs they do.Anyone with a seedy background should not be in command on millions of free people.

The mess over seas will need a mind that can think outside the box.The mess over there taps billions of American Dollars going down a bottomless toilet.That money needs to be rechanneled to our own people who need our infrastructure rebuilt.We need jobs.We need security of our Social Security.

Many of us need the ability to obtain insurances for health and a decent funeral.We need Housing that crooked banks are not linked to.We need the Constitution left alone.It does not need rewriting as has recently been done by executive order.We also need that executive order deal revamped so we can stay a free country run by the peoples decisions.

Our money being dropped in huge crates into areas of the world where most of us would be videos being beheaded.Just for being born in a free world.That President must truly from the bottom of his heart believe in our free values.His/Her past will show that value.Past votes on our values will be a path less traveled by a few of our past Presidents.By way...When will those offering Hundred dollar bills on our streets to whoever.Coulds we in this USA not use those dollars that are going down the foreign flusher?Come on down to Your Ucle Sams Big Dollar Givaway.No one will be turned away.

 How about finding where all our tax money has gone by a truly transparent audit...That would be refreshing indeed.How much for what did we blow on the midast fiasco?How much money have those drop out candidate walk off with?Where did all the enormous donations come from.Trace that money and find the force behind our problematic world.Many people find that we are up for audits.You never know where impoverished overtaxed people have buried their Pickle jars filled with those nickels pennies and dimes.Gonna dig em up and ship em overseas....yup theres the plan.

 The mideast has become our worlds focus.More in the time to come.That desolate desert world seems to still be of interest to leaders with armies.It was a bloody battlground even before the oil/nuclear argument.We seem drawn to the beckoning whisper,Calling us again to the empty  vastness.Bring your armies one and all.

WE THE PEOPLE of this world can peacefully find our way if we try.We have eternity to peacefully find solutions.We have little time left if we continue as we are presently.

Till next time dear readers,Pray for peace and find a way to help some one in need.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Just A Few Things to Work on Before The Doomday Prophets Have At it

This blog is to point out a few thoughts about those who truly make this world a better place to try to get by the struggles that we may fall into.The people involved with this work have dedicated lives to pull whomever they can up by the bootstraps.

That means that sometimes those bootstraps must also be provided first.Please continue to the end of this blog and many more people will come to mind that feel no need to be known as the true heroes of the human race.

The heroes that place their lives on hold to comfort the people who only need a hand held out to assist or a meal to fortify.A warm coat as winter approaches.Maybe a place out of the elements to sleep.There is another type of hero that recently was killed in the line of peaceful duties to humans in need.The Doctors without borders that were bombed for what is estimated at over one hour.A HOSPITAL! Unarmed Medical Personel who were trying to restore human dignity on victims of war.The words of a baby boomer song comes to mind:War,What is it good for?Absolutly NOTHING!

The volunteers that go out into harms way and those who are the soldiers of peace have put themselves in places most of us would fear to tread.The spiritual hearts of these people  must be time ten of those  who are oblivious to the many in desperate need of lifes comforts.Things many take for granted.

 I would like to bring to your attention only a few as there is no way any blogger could find and list all of the truly angelic organizations that quietly work to ,make this world a harmonious and peaceful place to live.Something worth leaving behind...

Wounded Warriors,Paralyzed Veterans Help those maimed after ordered into harms way.They return with lifelong and devastating injuries.There are many more such organizations.The USO is another long time organization to assist the service folks in uniform.

Chlidren are the hardest hit by war,hunger,disease,and having no one to help them. They have been evideod many times lost,alone,Hungry,wandering in torment and tears in the desolation of adult conflict.
 The elderly and mentally or health afflicted are victimized by those in stronger strength (jungle rules). Ther are places this should never happen even nearer to all of us.

I have been dressed down by those much better off in life than  the homeless. I have at one point or another querried as to why populations allow their countries or themselves to fall by one manner or another.It only takes an incredible short time I learned when awhile ago it was my turn to be there.It can very easily happen to anyone,anywhere.

The quirks in our world do not need doomday events to change our hearts,minds .Our perceprions of "life" can be changed anytime at any moment.The damaged spirit of a soldier returning from hell or the individual fleeing with their life.

The person wandering hungry in a jungle of nature or concrete.They are humans beings not being assisted in the bootstrap assistance by their fellow humans.Whether  A name is attached like fellow humans or brothers and sisters,The fact remains.

 Yesterday was friday. Most people ending a week to go home from a weeks worth of worklife.Today is a day desinated as Homeless day.Why not a day to be a Brother or sister to those in need.To choose an organization you trust and believe in.Grab your coat and go.

Elderly folks sit in homes with thoughts of life and social activities before incarceration in the last discrimination of life.Soldiers are still struggling to overcome nearly unsurmountable problems.Many feel deserted by society after giving nearly all.Chldren..Bless their hearts.Have no one to turn to.

Saint Jude type hospitals pay by donation for chldren who have cancer and need treatment.There are many more such places that carry on with donations to help.
 One last thing that I feel really needs to be said here.

 My short stay in comparison to lifers with out a home is this common mis-begotten thought:They just bum off hard working folks,They dont want to do different. I know that may ideed be true of a a small percentage out there.Like the Gangbangers in many diverse cities who seem to be the standard view and not the stereotype as it really is.ot all people can be grouped as the bad ones representing all.

Like myself at that dark time in my life...The events that yanked the slats out from under my rather smooth cruze through life was nearly devastating.My guardian angel must have been very busy guardian my declining...ummm,Assets!Yeah thats what I was going to say.
.Regarding soldiers in this conversation:

Soldiers have done that which others would run from.In the right situation anyone would run for their very lives.Those brave souls we call soldiers swallowed hard kowing full well what could be waiting ahead.They walked into the hell others flee from.They need our help and there are thousands of our best,returnig home who will find the lives they left behind gone.Wifes and husbands gone for whatever couple split.Children no longer able to be tolorable to those walking out of hell. The mind is overladed with jungle survival scenario.
 There is one final thing this writer will mention.

One more type of warrior that is rarely mentioned.They are men and women who are from all sorts of beliefs.They do not judge those they are working for.The thousands of these overworked and underpaid heroes rarely have interview.They have heard regulary,the fact that not enough is being done in their war with a world wide enemy.A common enemy with no heart,no pity,no quarters.this is one of those in the legions that destroys without mercy,without hesitation.

 Those warriors occasionally are shown feeding multitudes of the masses each hour of each day.All over the world these people risk life and limb to feed those who would perish in days if clean water and nutrition were not provided.Food is often denied these people in time of warfair and tyranny,Famine,disease,natural disaster,ETC.War kills more by starvation and disease than bombs.Bombs drop and kill or maim,Starvation kills from a wars devastionp impact on economies.WAR SOLVES NOTHING.IT IS GENOCIDE MADE FOR ECONOMIC GAIN.

 That enemy has an ally,Its name is ignorance which blinds the heart.

It seems humans and apes make wars on each other.Man has the added Gift of technology to build more efficient ways to maim and kill.
I hope if you believe humans can evolve above apes,We soon do before there is nothing left to kill.

 There's millions of folks running as refugees of one thing or another.The world hunger organization is constantly trying to provide food,water and shelter with clothing to these millions of human beings.Many are dying in spite of those efforts being done.Planes are in constant motion with supplies,Thousands of trucks are running day and night.Theres painfully few people doing the work so many are beginning to burn out from the pace.

The united nations is trying to manage many efforts at once to keep on top of it all.The EU nations are over run with immigants.Refugees with nowhere that are welcome or safe.Imagine the sight of millions of those folks suddenly appear as specks on the horizon,then that speck turns into a mass sounding like a 5+twister .Our borders here in the USA seem mild in comparison.

Remember,You have food,blankets and water.They are good folks who are with nothing...But their not letting their children starve any longer.Even with weapons you are one.They are legions.That part of the world is still struggling to pull out of financial strife.The load on them has got to be overwhelming.That load is threatening even more people with nations falling.

 Please think of spreading the word However you can.When you sit eating that next                  fatty/salt laden burger thats clogging your arteries.The small change you spend could feed refugees for days and help those people being over run with the war machines hell.That change could save those in the EU from being over run,possibly hurt for their possesions.our soldiers would better serve our nation by being used in our allied peacefull natons.Nations not interested in spending their time fighting and killing over "things".It all returns to the dust i time.Then people rebuild it or reposses it so they have something to fight about again.The cycle then begins again,and again,and again.People lose.The machine laughs and counts it's profits from the new fallen.Another organization trying to stop the wars in our out of cotrol world

 Till next time people,Keep the peaceful power growing for a better world

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Today October 7Th Is World Peace Day An E-Mail Tells Me Something worth leaving Behind

There are numerous organizations joining together to fight for something leaving behind.This fight is different than the usual blood and guts,bombs maiming,beast from hell mentality.This movement avoids the pain and suffering of people dehumanizing each other.

This war is waged with reasoning by minds seeking to find a higher order of living.
Budha,Christ,Mohamad(in the beginning),and thousands of other seekers of peace have chased the dream of Shangra-La.To parphrase as Song by Shawn Phillips From the movie Lost Horizons:Have you ever dreamed of a place far away from it all?Where the sound of guns doesn't pound in your ers anymore.Ghandi was a seeker.His peaceful force changed his whole country and forced an Empire to leave his people in peace.It works folks!

I am one of those people who was brought up around hunters and former military folks.I would never disarm those who wish to posses firearms or feel a need to hunt for food.Sport hunting is a waste.I fully believe those who will not or can not defend themselves fall prey to the evil of humankind.

It would take a true miracle to actually bring humans to live in peaceful coexistance with one another.I wished everyone had the coexist bumper sticker on their autos or donkey cart.
The folks trying to feed the worlds hungry are always threatend by that evil who would profit from the suffering of the masses.The many world peace organizations still fight to provide comfort.

Recent attacks on the doctors without borders is a fine example of peace makers dying in the act of helping the cause of peace.WE THE PEOPLE ave a long hard"Battle"? for the peace of theworld to prevail.

May Peace find you

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Has Russia Joined The War On Terrorists Or Was My Prior Predictions Correct

Russia has finally gotten off  their duffs after they got their backsides kicked in Afganistan a few years ago.Perhaps it is about time the world got together and fought to end the madness spreading through the world today.WE THE PEOPLE need some kind of closure from all the death and destruction poisoning humanities societies.

I once predicted that the Russian President was on a mission to reposses the lost Iron curtain nations.The Arab world would control billions of dollars in oil resources.That part of the world also holds priceless artifacts of major world religions yet to be found.Artifacts that those afflicted with the  current insanity over there do not seem to consider of any value.Answers to our anciet past are being forever destroyed.lost to the blind madness.

I really hope the three super powers can finally sit down and talk as human beings with the advanced intelligence the creator endowed us with.This is a turnig point in The history of the human race.We have the opportunity to put our minor differences on the dung heap where such foolishness belongs.

We can all work to bring the world into a peacefull balance for the first time in history..This could teach us to point our interests in a focused direction that would create trust and cooperation for a world worth living in.Presidents Obama and President Putin are talking.Its a start at least...Hopefully those talks are about how to kick butt on forces bent on murder and mayhem on the innocents of this world.

If my prediction is correct then Russian boots will not only be on the ground,but will increse as in the Ukraine awhile back.Once there they will remain for the usual reasons.That point in time will be the point of no return for the world to turn back.Time will tell as to how this will play out.Will egos dictate cooperation or the prophesies man so bent on making a mandated outcome.

 On another note to my readers is the following event regarding my blogs which until recently were viewed by many in many parts of the world.I clicked into my blog several days ago to find a message flash for a few seconds and disappear.

It said that the EU nations had insisted on previewing my Blogs before they could be published in their internets.My blogs have been only in the USA since this flashed acrossed my screen.

 A constant little window in the lower right of my display screen has been displayed since the warning.It says complain to Google...I guess I hurt someones feelings with My Freedom of speech


Thursday, September 24, 2015

The National USA Elections Promises,Money,Diversity and court Jesters

I have not really been watching the political circus we now have as elections.The people had so long a ever smaller choice of truly qualified candidates to put into the most powerful office in the world.We seem more bent on electing folks who are of a particular sect or religion or a particular lifestyle.

It doesn't seem to matter these days if there is a track record of business bankruptcies that cost hard working people their very ability to support their families.To support the family members that depend on them as bread winners.

 WE THE PEOPLE seem to be watching as increasingly smaller and smaller candidates can actually step onto the podium with any idea of our lives out here in the real world.

The world where our poor and elderly have to chose whether to buy food or pay through the orifices to have health insurnaces.Many elderly also are among the poorest of citizens.Many elderly have the grown children and grandchildren also living with them.There may have been that candidate who bought a company to "flip" the company for a profit.Workers be damned!Then all those faithful workers find that new owner fires them for the prior CEO not running the compay with a profit.Profitable businesss rarely get sold but the workers are always the  blame for the CEO's failings.

 These poor/Elderly can not even get life insurance if they have Diabetes or have corrected cardiac problems.Don't believe it? Apply to certain organizations that boast of discounts and insurances for the elderly over 60years of age...The riders on the life insurances will and DO refuse to insure those who have pre-existing conditions.Corrected or not.

Try to fill out the forms sent to you with honest answers to those 3questions asked.You will find a rejection in your mailbox.I know people who have done just that with rejections due to those 3 simple questions.I thought this kind of discrimination was illegal?What happened to all people being insured without barriers to them?Many folks can not even look forward to a decent burial without even minimal life insurance. Wheres all those lawyers that are willing to sue eveyone else,but sorta turn a selectivly blind eye to the insurance companies dealings. Oh wait a minute...Insurancecompanies have thousands of those attorneys don''t they? hmmm.

 A couple decades back we boomers were going to change the world.We were going to do away with the Electoral college to bring true democracy to this country again.We were going to bring equality to ALL people.

This present world was to be the shangra-la where affordable electric cars were everywhere.Solar energy would make power free to everyone.Cities would farm the ocean floors as our populations overrun the earth.Countries would have settled the nuclear question between world destruction an world  harmony.

Tibet and other peaceful nations would finally find freedom to lead the world in the ways of peace since most of the world finds it easier to kill,dominate and destroy for profit.
 Flowers in gunbarrels in place of bullets.

Smaller friendlier tax free living for all.IRS shrunk to a federal office as it once was suppose to be.Not the loan shark/enforcer of the working citizen.Enough tax to support our beloved country and let our people teach the world to work together.WE need to raise and strengthen ourselves before we are capable of helping the rest est of the world.

The World was not looked at as it became in this present day where people are so fractured and separated i n viewpoints.

This election maybe we should watch all of the show pieces on stage who are either actually serious about their possible jobs.The most of them will stay long enough to run off with the money of fools who have tried to pray for changes to our world.Folks who really do not have the actual ability to votefor those qualified to even hold the job of President.

I have already said what I would like in a candidate.Smaller government bring our country back up as the industrial leader it could again be.Educate our people to excelas we ounce did.Our people will fight for betterment if given the freedom to do so.Maybe if we can afford it ...again.WE THE PEOPLE were ounce said to be living in the land of milk and honey.

We need people who are serious and  qualified to hold such a resposible position in this world.Wedo not need opinionated blowhards thats spout Archie Bunker dialog and appear as buffoons and clowns to the people of this country and the rest of the world.

We need leaders who will be taken seriously for their actions.Actions speak louder than words.


Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11 WE THE PEOPLE Will Never Forget Those Responsible For Lost Lives Lost Souls Lost Non Combantants One Day The Truth Will Be Known To Us All

I was shopping in the largest truck stop in the world in Walcott Iowa. The Day was a typical Autumn Day, cool and sunny with puffy white clouds in a blue sky. The mood of the people went from friendly to dead quiet with the exception of numerous truck drivers standing with other travelers around one of the televisions that were displayed to sell.

The crowd was growing in numbers by what was being shown.There were full grown men and women with looks of shock on their faces. I noticed many had tears running in streams down their weathered faces.Some were softly sobbing in restrained sorrow.
I stepped closer to find what would be so dreadful to so many. This kind of scene, I had only seen as a child when a man named Kennedy was shot in the early 1960s.That day My childhood hero who was The  United States President was taken by cowards  Hiding in the shadows.

This day was much the same mood as back then. I watched with disbelief as I heard a moment by moment description of the horrific scenario on the tiny screen. Two commercial Passenger jets were hitting the twin towers in New York City.The first followed by the second jet only moments later. The fires spreading from the impacts into the floors above and below that fiery covered impact. The people standing with me were shocked into silence.

 My thoughts were it was hopefully a trailer for a movie. This was not a movie.The evil minds who ever they were, had planned and executed the most dark and evil attack on American Soil In History. Over 3000 innocent lives including children had been murdered.

The building fell in just minutes leaving the Ex-military men to ponder if there was explosive charges in the lowest levels as well as the planes impact damage.Others wondered how many were injured by the falling building and pieces Firemen tried to rush in and rescue people as the building began to collapse.They never made it out of the building.Policemen died as they tried to guide bring order to the panicking chaos of those trying to run for their lives.

Modern media brought all this into out consciousness thou this group of people were hundred of miles away from the humans monsters who forced the planes to such a hellish demise.
Many moment went by while the news people described the events unfolding in front of us.
I watched as the disbelief turned from sorrow to discussion and then into the type of anger that in another day and time would drive responsible men and women to form into violent mobs looking for a rope and a tree.

This type of anger was what drove the entire nation for months. The mood is natural under the circumstances. After the lynching in that prior time the victim is dead and everyone feels both guilty and safe.They may never actually know who did the dirty deed or why. They feel safe because they now hope either the real culprits learned a lesson or that ...Maybe, Just Maybe they actually hung the real perpetrator. I spent the next few days helping move freight out of Bayonne New Jersey where the military had cut many road signs down to prevent terrorists from using them to escape. They feared the possibility of more destruction by mad men. I saw the dust and smoke days later while waiting to load my truck with what ever I could help with.These attacks had harmed my country.

There are so many different stories to this horrible historic event that we can only hope and pray that those inside were spared suffering. I hope  that when those responsible, Whatever the actual scenario, meet their maker,they will be held eternally to pay for that deed. May those who were victims rest in peace. May their  Guardian Angels never let The ones who were responsible ever have any peace.

Pray for that and Karma to Be exacting

Till Next Time My Friends, Pray that one day we may find a way to make people want to live in peace and prosperity. Things prosper when we work to build instead of destroy.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Hurry Hurry Step Right Up See The Greatest Show On Earth

Well folks,here we go again.It is election time in the great and variable USA.We are now getting ready to elect more government employees to office.I am hoping to find those who will reduce the size of our overstuffed bureaucracy to be more manageable.

A government that actually listens to those living paycheck to paycheck.That is for those who still have a paycheck.There is thousands of us in the Good ole USA that are working tons of hours with more expenses left at the end of the months than money to pay our bills.That will never be a problem for politicians.

Once in office money is never a problem in their lives.Their credit becomes better than their credibility.The times in their lives seem to grow farther and farther from OUR every day realities.The facts become blurred.

The issues that effect our lives are farther and farther into a  fantasy world of the elite.I would not think a subject matter of how anyone is to pay next months electric bill or how we might be able to make the mortgage would be the topic of discussion over caviar and imported crackers.

 I would hope the one elected does not have any bones rattling around to clutter up the office closets.I would hope the future Pres. does not have to be related to anyone who might have not had sex with that women.or anyone who sues as many folks who disagrees with them.I hope the Next President is able to be experienced in diplomacy rather than belittlement.Imagine a nuclear power leader being browbeaten by a overinflated egotistic President with absolutely no ability to deal with others.That could definitely light up the world...
 The next president needs to have worked with those who are not as fortunate as they are.We the people need to elect a person based on their abilities to hold such a job.Our country is in need of infrastructure rebuilding.Our country needs to rebuild our industrial structure which will help unemployment slow down.

Our country needs one more thing.We need to stop the war machine that is crippling our soldiers.They go into hellish no winnable worlds to help those who seem bet on self conquest and centuries of killing each other.We need to regroup and stop trying to build empires.It has nearly destroyed many nations in the past thousands of years.

Empire building ever works because the lines of control are stretched beyond the ability to control.China is a fine example of this in that it now has an economy that is faltering with the shear humongous size of its Tibet occupations , Island building and occupation of the free china cities.WE in the USA need to realize that.

Whoever becomes the president in this greatest country in the current world will have to look in his own backyard first before reaching over seas.We need to employ those who want to work.We need to feed those who live in our own house first.We need to take care of our  own people first so that our people have the strength to care for their families first.Then we can begin to take care of the rest of the worlds people.This is what is the right thing to do.
 We in this country also have a problem as Europe has recently see happening to their countries.The rampant crossing of those who are fleeing for their lives ad welfare.We need to place pressure on countries that seem out of control with crime so the population is in fear of the very leaders who should be helping them.Maybe a united effort by those countries who are being "invaded"by those fleeing for their lives.Maybe they would return to back across ed the border to change their native country for the better...
 Maybe you agree,maybe not...Please study those shoveling the political poop at you i the next few months as it will suffacate those who don't recogise it arriving.WE have the resources to find the truth and learn who is best by their records.Past choices speak loudly and neither skunks or tigers change their stripes or characteristics.

Till next time my friends,stay healthy and keep your brain in gear


Open Letter to First Lady Michele Obama Regarding nutritional Health

For the past few decades My diet has been all the wonderful foods that I grew up on.Meat and potatoes,Pastas,Burritos,Rice dishes.Followed with delicious deserts.Rich sauces to make it all taste wonderful.Chili dishes to die for......And I almost did!

I had finished a wonderful pasta meal complete with a marinara sauce.The evening was ahead with a DVD movie to top it all off.The movie started ad was into the first 20minutes of a scifi movie called Witch blade.A fictitious account of a magic bracelet that...well you gotta view it to get it.This is not about movies or fictional events.This is about very real and hard to believe life threatening events.Nutrition and health.

I was suddenly   totally blind in my right eye and foggy in my left eye.I sat in the dark with no thoughts of trying to move.I blinked my eyes and rubbed my eyes in disbelief.I was blind and did not know why.

 I calmed myself and hit the speed dial on my fone to the local hospitals Emergency rooms.The operator switched me to the answering machine for some nursing service.She switched me for the next 4 fone calls for help.I asked her to please connect me to get advise and help.The operator told me to hang up and dial 911 or call for an ambulance.

I told her I was now blind and she said,"look sir,I can only connect you to the answering machine,if they don't want to answer you the it is your problem.
 20minutes later my vision slowly returned and I made my way to the person sharing the house.I was rushed to the ER.

The hospital stabilized me.I had what is called a TIA(Traumatic Inshemic Attack).
This type of attack is on the Internet.In this case it was temporary.It can disable or kill.I got lucky.Something greater than myself was once again watching over me.

  1. The Doctor said I was to have MRI/Cat scans and Ultrasound with blood tests.The following morning I was transferred to a larger hospital for stents to be put into my heart.The arteries were 99%clogged with the fat from all the wonderful food I had lived on.

Two days later after more tests I had to go into the Operating room.The tests showed that I also had 99% blockage in my right artery in my neck.The TIA may have been  accompanied with a blood clot passing thru my eye.

After surgery I was supercharged with energy.100%oxygen and blood flow.I now knew why the last 9months have been so difficult to even write.There was no energy and my thinking was very difficult.I was dying from my arteries being unable to supply the body with fuel to continue.

 Regarding this letter to MRS.Obama....I have always been a man who believed i freedom when it is available.The things we eat are filled with poisons to sell the products.Things such as MSG :Related chemically to formaldehyde/embalming fluid.Many ingredients contain enormous amounts of sodium in one form or another.The fat content is horrible when you become aware of how it is slowly killing people.

I believe the time has come to insist the food producers become more responsible for the healthy content going into what is consumed.I was not so aware of what can happen to folks who are falsely appearing 2 be heathy with a deadly time bomb ticking in their bodies.

We should never have to fear what we eat from our food producers.They should be producing healthy food that ad not subtract from our welfare.I will hope those reading this will write the people in the offices of power to ask for laws to restrict harmful additives from our food from any source inside ad outside the USA.We need to empower those who can make these changes to do so.

My experience here is real.I was a person who was blind by choice to the food we eat everyday.My family was the average American family.Blue collar and hard working.We ate assortment of food that became the American dream from all over the world.The diet that has slowly become less and less healthy as years rolled on.

 Please write to the first lady regarding this open letter to her.WE THE PEOPLE need to tell her she is moving in the right direction with regards to changing our eating habits.We all to work to push food producers to make our food safe.

This is neither political or even a philosophical issue.It is a matter of feeling as good as you can for your entire life.That age old hymn is very relevant too me now.If  your not familiar with it I will paraphrase:I once was blind,but now I see.....Literally!
 After  a long absence,I am therefore I write.


Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Medscape Has New Reports as to Why Ebola Got So Out of Control Before the World Could Begin to Fight It.

Ebola virus disease
Ebola virus disease (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Transmission Electron Micrograph of t...
English: Transmission Electron Micrograph of the Ebola Virus. Hemorrhagic Fever, RNA Virus. Français : Virus Ebola. Italiano: Fotografia al microscopio elettronico della trasmissione del virus Ebola. Русский: Изображение вируса Эбола полученное с помощью просвечивающей электронной микроскопии. 中文: 電子顯微鏡下的伊波拉病毒結構. Türkçe: Ebola virüsü. Føroyskt: Ebola virus, eitt (-)ssRNA virus, undir elektronmikroskopi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Biosafety level 4 hazmat suit: resear...
English: Biosafety level 4 hazmat suit: researcher is working with the Ebola virus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have been watching the various reports from world sources on the Ebola outbreak.The media has sorta backed away from the focus on how much progress has been made to fight it.The situation was and still is very lethal to the majority of folks unfortunate enough to die without a cure.

There are 3countries hardest hit in the continent of Africa.Border counties of Liberia are now quickly becoming a 4th country.There has come to light a major contributor in the reasons why the Virus was able to develop into a major problem.It was all due to MONEY!

The IMF or International Monetary Fund in their infinite wisdom of dollars over human suffering decided to rebuild infrastructure of warring countries.Anyone who has never done research on the aftermath of chaos would be aware of the death and diseases left behind.The dark evil of killing and destruction presents a scenario of the harbinger of what remains.

Hospitals remain primitive as countries and people in general avoid the ruins of man kinds
special ability to ruin anything in its path that is order.The treatment that would save a life  similar to a  homeless person in the so called "Civilized World".Many people who would normally be able to afford better medical attention  would also be without financial support.Perhaps for the first time in their lives.Investors usually look past those lives involved who don't bring any collateral value to the table.A few thousand bodies would be simply clearing the deck for the new.

The IMF involves many financial institutions crunching numbers to see the largest returns.The next layer of problems helping folks in need of desperate help is the continents governments in constant and total tribal flux.War after awhile between humans that can't see reason or logic actually find warfare a way of life.Whether on a massive continent  or on a tiny tropical Island in the middle of nowhere.If mankind can find a reason to kill each other....Then add the item of money and Business corporations.
War and suffering then becomes not only a way of life,it also becomes very lucrative business.

The Ebola virus has followed those in the USA and Scotland.There more than likely are other yet to be discovered..There is a couple experimental drugs and treatments now being used in an emergency.So far there is still no cure as this spreads to the world in a slow,methodical way as virus is passed from travelers and volunteers.

It will pay in the future to wash ones hands and be a bit more particular about hygiene.
The professional medical heros that are on the front lines are the best in the world with specialized field equipment to isolate virus outbreaks.They still become victims regardless.Think of others when you skip things.We don't have the virus rampant in  other parts of the world.A bit of caution is a very good habit to have for future reference.

Below are articles of further interest to those like myself who like to stay informed.

Till next time dear friends.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

An Interesting Thing Happened On President Putins Way To Invoking Fear And Conquering the World

English: Vladimir Putin with his mother, Maria...
English: Vladimir Putin with his mother, Maria Ivanovna Putina, in July 1958. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in th...
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in the cabin of strategic bomber ТU-160 before the beginning of military exercises by the long-range aircraft of the Air Forces and Northern Fleet, Chkalovsky Airfield, Moscow Region, Russia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It was sometime ago when the news media was a flurry of buzz about the leader of all Mothu Russia huffing and puffing about his memories of the good ole days ,The days when goo logs held anyone disagreeing with a sick philosophical social system.He boasted how Russia was going to surprise the west and rise again.

A short time later he proved to the world that he still had the right stuff.The old KGB pepper was still alive.....He began to jail and prosecute Bloggers and Girl Bands for their rather unpopular ideas of freedom.Mr.Putin Showed his fearing sensitive side  of the Democratic Boogieman that all dictators seem to fear. Later because of bloggers around the world,He had to free those nasty free thinkers again.

Still a little later in time,Mr.President and all power Putin seemed more perplexed by more dissidents in his Camp De La Communista.His beloved wife of many years decided she had enough of putin up with Putin...I always wondered how a mate could live with a  complete control freak.Makes one wonder who wore the figurative pants in the family.Hope she took all her closet with her.Putin in drag is not a an image I want in my mind...
 While hubby was out plotting conquest,the lady picked up her things and left the now second most powerful person in Russia...?

Now with no one left to bully at home,our Russian hero began his master plan to conquer a country in Europe just like the old days.  This will show the whole world he has the old pepper still.

After long sleepless(alone) nights,a plan forms.Find a country that is still getting things sorted out after generations of control by the Mutha country.A country that really didn't know how to repair years of puppetry from The Good ole days.The Puppet president for this little country had been given the boot. Putin the puppeteer felt it right to step in and restore the puppets strings.The good ole days would return...Damn the world and full speed ahead with the Armour vehicles. 

Skip to the present time.After billions of rubles with more sanctions from the free world,Mutha Russia is now in desperate financial times.Food,fuel,and the future of Russian folks lives are now threatened.Rubles are sis to be equal to the American Penny.To add insult to injuries,Cuba is about to re enter the free worlds arena.No doubt only a memory of missiles bases there remains for the presidents efforts.Another puppet has exposed itself to have its strings clipped soon.Fidel is gone and his prototype is attempting to slosh n in the quagmire of anther country impoverished by marks,Lenin,and Mao.

Russia is at a time and place to have those who wish for freedom to band together as a voice for the future.WE THE PEOPLE of this world are the true force behind  Change.There is power in numbers and numbers need time and caution in preparations.

Putin is under very little pressure compared with his future difficulties.Unemployed/Hungry people become very ugly with time.Putin's time is finite...

Till next time dear readers:

China is also moving to  silence the Democratic Boogieman they fear so much.The free colonies there have been slapped down without anyone daring to buck China's heavy handed efforts to enslave free minds.Fight on you who yearn t be free...Live free or die! Free thinkers have become the Dragon Riders for freedom..

Saturday, December 13, 2014

There May Be a Much more Practical and Better Use For The Future Super Computer Being Built Out in the State of Utah

San Diego Supercomputer Center building
San Diego Supercomputer Center building (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is currently no consensus on how closely...
There is currently no consensus on how closely the brain should be simulated. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
SETI@home logo
SETI@home logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The world is being plagued with many problems these days.That is a true and a simple statement to make.There seems to to be Wars in every corner of this troubled old world.Everybody seems to want to rule the world' as long as those doing the demanding get to be the rulers of course.Karma has a real nasty way of putting those who cause the conflicts on the receiving end of their own nightmare in time...

The Plagues of our time are killing hundreds of Human beings every day.Madmen are banding together as rogue armies to behead innocent peaceful folks.Political systems are breaking down all round the globe as power hungry groups inflict their wills on those who really don't need the stress.

Archaic meg la manic Super powers are once again flexing and genuflecting their abilities to threaten world conquest through destruction.This action would only serve to completely destroy all of our world or permanently poison the survivors in a dead and rotting hell.

Mass kidnappings are rampant worldwide.
Children are going hungry and suffering every hour of every day.There are secretive super agencies building the most complex and advanced computers in the world.These computers are years ahead  of those most of us are familiar with.They are being built
to keep tabs on those of us just trying to live out our lives in peace and freedom.

Can you imagine the concept of having the abilities to collect data on millions of us for the common everyday tasks we do?Billions and billions of dollars and who knows how many Man-hours  put in to watch us...

I have a couple suggestions that WE THE PEOPLE should be demanding with partitions and legal means to use the mega-machines with their artificial Intelligence abilities.After all it is WE THE PEOPLE that paid for these scientific wonders and WE really should have some  use of its mega capabilities.

There are numerous deadly diseases in the "modern world"that is slowly and quite painfully killing human beings.The man hours that it takes to find real cures and not just more pills to make billion dollar profits for mega drug manufacturers I find astounding.I also suspect that it is more profitable to treat the ailments than to find cures.We in the modern world have in the past found polio treatments and then a cure.The researchers did not have our tools to work with then.Yet a cure/vaccine was produced.The results were dramatic.I remember my best friend who visited his grand parents next door.

He never returned to play with me again.I didn't know why at the time..Years later I learned my best friend was my age 5years old and had been one of those who died of polio.There is an example of a child who could have lived to serve humanity in the best way.He was a good kid who died far before his time...many folks are succumbing to such things without cures.

The use of super computers  as those  being built around the world in secret If hooked into the research industry would cut thousands of  man hours in research.The experiments could be done in seconds with results to the pro or con.

SETI researchers used millions of idle home computers to search for Extra Terrestrial Life.
While we still ponder that outcome,we have move ahead with our knowledge whats out there.Why wouldn't a super computer or group of super computers have an exponential
effect on the worlds deadly diseases.We do have that ability right now.

Think of all the wonderful things that could be accomplished without conflict or bloodshed.
The paranoia we seem to be letting grow.The mistrust and suspicions in every aspect of our lives,fed by constant media coverage of the malcontents in the streets of our cities.That is a human affliction and even a super computer won't fix it.

Supercomputers could also do the meticulous computations for resources in the oceans to work on food source  management. The study of human problems could be studied without the multiple emotions bogging done the facts.Mr. Spock did have his advantages....

Hunger is rampant in this world as well.There are hundred of thousands of folks all over the world that either go to sleep hungry or die of starvation.There is no need for anyone to go without food,shelter and the basics to live in this world.Supercomputers managing the crops of the world and balancing the places in trouble could also manage the distribution of profits to pay those who grow and process the resources.Farmers would finally get a fair cut of the profits now going to others.The control of our worlds resources could no longer be controlled by human greed.The masses would live to excel in life.

This is not a day dream that can not be accomplished.It is something that is now possible through development.The new circuits being sold at electronic stores are making available for the first in history the ability for everyone from anyone to create a product.The freeware is available online.imagine the abilities of something built as futuristic sate of he art...

Instead of playing paranoid spy games why not use these machines as our pardner instead of our BIG BROTHER baby sister.Our controller and overlord.

It is time to re figure our futures and use the super computers for positive improvements to serve WE THE PEOPLE instead of making think our lives and personal affairs are not our own.

Petition your representative in government to use these Super machines for our good and not for our overlords.

Live each day as if it were your last.Live each moment to the fullest.It will never accure again.

P.S.:Note the really silly and frivolous uses (below) on what those billion dollar super computers are now being used for and the better uses not stated on research.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Politicians and those that ask for change are both panhandlers at heart.There are subtle differences even in a distressed society setting.

"The Storming of the Bastille", Visi...
"The Storming of the Bastille", Visible in the center is the arrest of Bernard René Jourdan, marquis de Launay (1740-1789), Watercolor painting; 37,8 x 50,5 cm Español: "Toma de la Bastilla", En el centro se apreciaba el aresto del marqués de Launay Português: A "Tomada da Bastilha", no centro se vê a prisão de Jourdan de René de Bernard, marquês de Laundry (1740-1789). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Women’s March on Versailles, 5-6 october 1789....
Women’s March on Versailles, 5-6 october 1789. Women played a major role in the French Revolution. This picture shows the women's march on Versailles. On October 5, 1789, a rumour that the king had worn the white symbol of the Bourbons rather than the revolutionary tricolour sent Parisian women hurrying to Versailles. Faced with the crowd of angry women, Louis XVI agreed to accompany them back to Paris. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The political climate is once again stressed in the messages that my E-mail inbox fills with.There is the politicians writing their personalized letters with a computer signing it for them.

Then there is the political groupies who write to make certain that they get their 15 minutes of fame by grabbing the coat tails of the Elites.Reminds me of the Dr. Frankenstein story with a brilliant but somewhat deranged doctor and his assistant who usually is named Egor.

"Yes master I will see that it gets done.Egor will help his master"....The Monster is being built as both work at their tasks.My E-mail today had 1395 garbage spam mails.Yahoo is getting to be one of the worst offenders of non filtered crap being allowed into peoples mailbox.I will be changing it very soon to a better filtered system.

I am currently experimenting with non Google/Microsoft systems to find that system.

I have written to yahoo many times regarding the filters available from freeware developers.Yahoo  has not the ability to add such things.

I have tried to stop the unwanted subscriptions from political groupies with out success.The politicians are interesting but the groupies have to go.It becomes the same as being in a room with fanatical people who all try to convert you at once.Thus a stereo confusion effect.Unneeded and useless to anyone who reads the mail the first time.Many times accusing me of not paying for the overly wealthy candidates next big campaign.You want to win?Put your money in the pot first bub!
Set the example for your acolytes.Don't ask of others what you yourself are not doing first.

The politicians who already have far more money and assets than some small countries always are sending E_mails asking for money/donations.Okay so you send that cash and feel satisfied to do your part for the cause.Right?wrong...Next day there is another accusation from another wannabe political coat tail rider that you have no idea of the Identity of is demanding you have not sent enough.Your mind see's the day when this candidate will never get enough after in office.
Lesson here:never give money when you can give that requested item.

Never give money to a panhandler.If your heart sees the person as actually needing something then buy it or give that item to the panhandler.If you hand them cash then chances are that money may go to buy them more self made destruction.Buying a meal or a warm garment will fill a need.They may then or sell/trade your gift for the self destruction article.Booze,drugs,or smokes.
Politicians live the high life with your hard earned money.Prove it to yourselves by checking out the meals eaten on a campaign to be re elected to office.Check out the favorite beverages....Most of us would never budget such things into our lives.But we are finanacing theirs....

That same rule should go to political machines.Intellectual property is far more valuable than any amount of cash could ever be.These folks running for office have more money than any of those 98%
working folks will ever have.

They use an age old rule of using other peoples money to power their ventures.That way when their little experiment craps out,then they walk away with what is left and the suckers that lost everything are left to weep for them losing the game.The joke is that the politician actually look like a saint to them They will still hold more money than any combination of the givers.
Panhandlers in the subway,or on the street,or in a political rally all have similarities.

Regarding your efforts to elect some one who is to serve your needs,dear reader:

Volunteer to spread the word in whatever way you can.Network with friends and family.Network in groups with your community.But the Billionaires can raise more cash than any of us mere mortals can do.

 Those billionaires can put out huge donations which would  indeed be inpressive if you are fooled by such things.It would indeed be overwhelming to those of us who don't quite fit the billionaires image.
The true power is not how wealthy we are.It is something unique to the United States and many other countries.

That power is the power of the people.WE THE PEOPLE have more power than any 2billionaires.
The power to chose who is best for our lives is a collective brain trust.Billionaires may know how to manipulate finances or hire those who will do it for them.That is a sort of purchased power.Pharaohs were the wealthiest of their time.The only thing left of their domain is massive stone monuments.
Their wealth is dust in the desert sands.The slaves also past into dust. They  worked under the whip but still walk the earth in their  descendents genetics...Money meant nothing to the slaves then and still have the same equivalent as free people now.

 People have individual freedoms and ideas.Together folks are like many batteries joined as a power bank.The more brains working together,the more power the people acquire.Each brain working as individuals in synch.This leads to a powerful force to equal or overwhelm any huge cash trust.The richest person is helpless in the face of the masses.The French revolution proved that as many other historic events have.Not always good,but not always bad either.

So getting back to my original thought:please mr(s)politician,leash you groupies so our mail doesn't have hundreds of repetitive crap in what is my mailbox.Stop Panhandling for my money till you run out of yours..Put your money where your mouth(pieces) are

Meanwhile back at my keyboard,I will support whomever will help my lifestyle and those of my friends and families.Intellectual property is priceless and for the moment free.For the moment it is also beginning to be more private with the growing efforts of groups of minds in free people.

Till next time folks,Use the net and whatever you can to learn who is behind the faces running for election.THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!


P.S. sometimes u may read my blogs with what appears to be terrible spelling and grammar.I sorta developed my own shorthand very early in life so I could take notes in class and jot down my thoughts before I forgot or got distracted.Thank goodness for computers with the ability to proof read  and correct my occasional foopahs.   8)