Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Determines When a Group of Individuals Become Public Enemies , Labeled With The Demonizing words of ... Terrorists

British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province.
British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The American Revolution had people that gave the British soldiers absolutely a very unhappy time while revolting for freedom.The British Redcoats as they were called would kick in doors and send spy's to get information on various folks.There were stories of homes being taken over,families put in the street for soldiers to use as barracks etc.

There came a time after many Encounters that lead to angry skirmishes.The British royalty began to label different people as troublemakers.When things escalated to violence,These same  folks were upgraded to enemies of the crown.Many were executed by the various ways humans seem to always create for the purpose of justifiable murder.

The point of the last paragraph is this:Every time freedom is fought for there is demonetization of those brave souls that fight for that hard earned freedom.Terrorist,Traitor,Yadda,Yadda,ETC.

There is a vast difference between a nutcase that wants you to follow his/her lifestyle or philosophies on fear of death and a person that is forced to scream," give me freedom or give me death".

I would point out only a couple of the differences as I have read.I will also, from a personal prospective.The perfect example of people attempting to obtain freedom is in the news headlines daily

.I would have loved to have seen a country with a leader that listened to his people before bloodshed and body counts began.His people had spoken in words not to be ignored.That leader disappointed the people with his own unpopular ideas.Even after the words from the population turn loud and angry,this leader chose to ignore the masses as ignorant,uninformed  fools to be ignored.

The same scenario seems to play out every generation somewhere in the world.Africa one time.
Russia in another place and time.An Island somewhere in the south seas.It does not seem to have a
absolute time or place to take place.The setup is usually very similar.a person gains power through whatever mechanism allows.People place faith in changes taking place for the benefit of all.They hope that those decisions will be based on the Ideas and inputs of many.

The problem shows up a little later when that same leader begins to divert his reasoning in favor of
his friends and special interests that gave him his rise to power.The leader then begins to sorta forget there is anyone Else's ideas or interest involved.In fact many such leaders actually begin to believe in their own grandeur.They start to feel the only thing important is to power through the grand plans to build a world according to their vastly superior ideas..The mirror they view themselves in is distorted to all but themselves.That image becomes

This article has no name or country specific time or place attached to it for a reason.There have been so very many leaders that forgot to be humble enough to remember who and how they got where they are.History is full of those leaders that were ultimately evil.There were also those who are and were not evil.Simply caught up in power that disables their common sense.Perhaps the effect can be compared to Novocaine being injected to a part of the brain that allows reasoning and compromise.

We must demand the world leaders listen to us when there is a problem.Brains are like batteries.
the engine is the peace weneed to see  run with efficiency.The more brain working on a problem,the more problems become solved the more batteries powering that engine the more efficient the engine runs...WE THE PEOPLE of this world can bring that about peacefully.

Till next time folks keep the faith .

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Have You Asked Your Military Child If They Were Ordered To Do So Would They Open Fire On You, Their Parents.It Could Happen AGAIN

Atlas Drop aerial delivery familiarization, Fe...
Atlas Drop aerial delivery familiarization, February 2011 (Photo credit: US Army Africa)
Parents with child Statue, Hrobákova street, P...
Parents with child Statue, Hrobákova street, Petržalka, Bratislava (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was listening to a friend who had been in the Peace marches of the 1960s.I do not remember just how the conversation started.Perhaps something on the Television .The program was a documentary on that time period.The so called"Hippies"were placing flowers in the barrels of National Guard rifles with fixed bayonets.A very pretty young women very slowly walked up to the line of Guards .She very carefully slid the stem of a beautiful fully opened flower into the rifle barrel.The next scene left me speechless.
That guard tipped his barrel down and fired point blank into the women.I remembered Kent State and the Deaths there.Unarmed peacemakers and armed officials in massacre mode.

The scene is being played out all over the world these days.Young folks sworn in to follow orders without question.To keep despicable secrets that harm the very people that protected them while growing up.The very folks that guided them into adulthood and tried to find better ways to  let them live.

My question is,In light of the recent events of this ever shrinking world with all its soap opera twists and turns,What is the state of mind of your children.Do you really know what those precious minds are being programmed to think.

Television has become a garbage heap for nonsense,with no particular plot differences.
Hollywood has turned out reams of movies with many creative ways to destroy,kill and maim.
Really bugs me when the explosions,automatic gunfire and high speed chases have a lack of any reality.Police never seem to interfer.When it is all over,the "Good Guy"just walks or rides off into the sunset..Scot free with the bodycount behind.It is good for a prequal or secqual I guess...
I also like action movies.I like video games,but don't spend much time playing them.
It is not reality and that is the difference.If I was hearing a re-enforced scenario everyday a Stockholm Syndrome could happen to anyone trapped in such an evironment.Even a prisoner of thier own devise..

Our Video games have conditioned them to kill as an instinct of survival.When the game finds them hesitating to kill on command then they forfeit thier virtual lives.In reality as we know it,you die and it is end game.In the conditioning virtual world you just pop the reset and are motivated to not hesitate again.Your mind now begins to reason that killing is the only way to progress.

Heres a little surprise that you may not know,The police,Military,NSA,and other agencies also play those types of games.and online with those growing children.They play For the very same reasons.To condition the "players"to kill without hesitation.To study and gather information on players for future use.Future use that is currently unknown.

The military also pounds it into every body that blind obedience is vital to"fill in the Blank".

Since a Presidential new order was signed to call for martial law at the drop of a hat. Now how do you suppose your children would feel about raising thier rifles and sighting on a disarmed protestor or you just trying talk to them at gunpoint
Then pulling the trigger of  one of those automatic firearms that have been labeled to be used to kill humans. If you dismiss the chance to stop the reason for that scenario.Stop the need to guard those
People that would collect information making information worth more than a human life.Kill the gathering of information before the information has many more morally honest folks running for thier lives.Sign the partition to stop the spying of our communications and our private lives now.


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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Revolution For Freedom is Began On February Eleventh Twenty Fourteen as a World Wide Movement to Free The Internet From Spying

constitution ~ The Flame of Democracy...
constitution ~ The Flame of Democracy... (Photo credit: DazMSmith)
English: Amnesty International demo Modestly p...
English: Amnesty International demo Modestly policed (hooray!) and no obvious FIT presence, so obviously approved at high level. On their way to the American Consulate. The east end of Princes Street opposite the North British / Balmoral Hotel. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Seat of Government
The Seat of Government (Photo credit: Ewan-M)
This will be a short and direct Blog to help inform You My reader of the Massive movement to Push for reforms on Spying by agencies of government.The move has so far mustered many hundred thousands of  E-Mails and fonecalls in a few hours to Government Officials in The American Congress and Senate.I suspect the Whitehouse has also been barraged by the influx of outrage from just folks like you and me.

The EFF and Amnesty International along with Mozilla and hundreds of other Worldwide organizations are uniting to stop the illegal spying on our communications.No one is immune to this invasion of our right to Privacy and the pursuit of happiness.This is a contest of WE THE PEOPLE to run our country by laws or by Constitution.

This is also a call to those worldwide to bury the governmental folks everywhere with demands for
intruding on our privacy to stop.WE THE PEOPLE are billions strong.Our voices brought down the Berlin wall once.Your voice added to this movement is or may be the most important thing you will ever do in your life time..Please take this first step for freedom as I am doing.

Laws can dictate and mandate rules that make citizens into instant criminals when the Constitution would provide freedom to live and exist in peace with our friends and families.
There is already Presidential rulings that make American Citizens able to be labeled Enemies of the state.That label or something made more legitimate sounding makes you targeted for a drone strike.
THAT is not Constitutional proceedings.It is selective dictation of laws.Selected for Assassination
on a whim by....who?

Tapping into our private lives has no value beyond the collection of information to track our every thought.To track our every love,to track whatever human pattern that we establish as our everyday life's. If this is what you want as your future then sit there on your backside and DO NOTHING!
If one day you have to collect the remains of your children because of what you may have inadvertently said in passing,don't cry about it.This was your chance to change it.

I watched a movie that I purchased last night to see what the fuss was all about.The movie was set into a possible future scenario in the coal mine country.The film began as a pan through the blatantly poor Mining town with people in broken shacks. Many starving due to governmental controlled food supplies.It seemed everything was mini managed and taxed if used.The company store of some coal companies made governmental.

Helmeted troops patrolled the area in force and seemed to know everything by remote control.
The movie progressed to expose a dual social order of human society.The very wealthy who appeared to be futuristic Freaks like in ancient Rome and the poor were picked by lottery to be Child Gladiators.Only objects whose lives were to be wagered on,to be thought of as expendable pawns that merely have value to be CONTROLLED, WATCHED and USED for the elites pleasure.To watch them die in games of survival.

Sounds a little to close to a possible scenario this bugging of the citizens could very well lead to.
It is not Mass paranoia or products of bent and broken minds.We have already witnessed cases where
simply leaking so called secrets about this practice can be life threatening and make enlightening the public a crime.A crime apparently so hideous to those fearing the Secrets being whispered,it warrants
a death sentence from those hiding in the shadows...

Those secrets are the sum total of spying into lives.Imagine if the billions of data files were all leaked. Perhaps if they never existed they would never have been a threat.Real or imagined.

Most of us think there is nothing in our lives that would be much different from anyone else.Human behavior is many faceted and complex.But is there any reason to become some ones voyeuristic stalking
horse?Particularly when it is not essential for any reason clearly defined or legally acceptable.

You make your own choices here.Speak up and be heard or live with what you get for silence
There is 3types of folks,those who make things happen,those who watch what happens,and those who after words wonder what happened.
It is your Freedom  and mine.Fight for it or learn to kiss someones boots and say thank you sir,may I have some more..

Google EFF/Mozilla/Amnesty International  and dozens of others easily found.
Or go to The Day We Fightback.ORG


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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Ukraine is Still Marching in The Street to Demand Freedom For Their Country.armed With Low Tech Molitov Cocktails Served to High Tech Opposition

Protester throwing Molotov Cocktail at a polic...
Protester throwing Molotov Cocktail at a police van in Christiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The world today is rarely accurately reflected by the headlines that we read each day.There is spins and literary license.More than often there are subliminal under tones based on the writers politics.So it is very hard to actually get truth from whats is  the events or items the story is based on.This leaves many folks with a bitter after taste in the Brains intellectual apprehension buds.The public is far from stupid and develops its own theories.

.Gleaning from the news sources and more recently from the Internet have opened many doors.
These days a reporter  that says too much is likely to be labeled a radical or even a traitor when  shedding light on the hidden power base's dirty laundry and practices.That can get you chased all over the world with a price on your head.

The term RADICAL have been a label to separate those who know the definition of right from wrong in their heart from those who except whats wrong as right..Those Radicals  also have the courage to persist in doing their best to right that wrong even after knowing the possible costs.

That being the case we  find the headlines talking about mobsters in Mexico and the authorities preventing families there from defending themselves even so far as  killing those defenders.We in the states march ever closer to the same  fates.Police/military actions to curb self defense of their citizens.Why else would  homeland security hoard so much ammo while trying to disarm citizens.That is unless a foreign power is about to invade our shores in waves of millions or the terminators are expected in mass.
I rather doubt that is the cause or the case.You decide this one.

We see the news telling about the Ukraine that still has a government that really seem to have  interpretation problems in understanding the peoples voice.It appears to be so bad that the population has to threaten setting things ablaze  using low tech Molotov cocktails to get their leaders attention.The weapon used by the French resistance on Panzer and tiger tanks.

Russia has been fighting off terrorists while throwing social stones at minorities who just like everyone else at the Olympics are there to compete.Old Mother Russia has some  fear issues?

China has begun to arrest and kill lovers of freedom and democracy...Leaving Chinese folks still living under centuries of the long dead past Emperors slave yolk...

Our own country seems bent on becoming like the rest of the worlds populated countries.The more we try to communicate with those we elected,the more isolated and determined to isolate themselves from us they appear to go .The days pass and each of those day find us battling worldwide the very people that we voted in,trusted and believed in.Each day the scenario becomes a tug of war with our lives,our lively hoods, our values,and our very health threatened lives of our whole family.Infants to Grandma.

The problem is not centralized to any one place or any one people.We see the growing anti popular ideas with every decision that is made regarding the average person.More and more the rules and regulations that make up laws are skewed to oppress and control without input of Constitutional process.

The intention would almost make one believe the decisions have a basis
 blatantly intended to cause chaos among the populations they effect.Some would think this to be paranoia or some other quaint label to belittle and demean.To make an atmosphere that creates fear to speak out on such things.

Starvation and class&religious problems only happens over there.Right?The poor folks on the TV screen sitting shivering in the cold and hungry is over there.Not here.That does not happen here.when it does it's all that persons fault lazy good for nothings..go get a job.I guess ignorance would be bliss here.It's quite an eye opener when life dumps you out of your dream into that scenario.

Countries in Africa have had mass killings and anarchy for generations,leaving millions starving and homeless.The leaders there have actually worked to kill off certain folks just because it keeps the masses occupied so they can get rich from the bloodshed.

The truth is that if we had always gotten a transparent daily News report all along,it could've or  would've been forth coming from anyone.The truth will set you free I once read.Would it really be so devastating to hear the truth if nothing was being wrongly done by anyone.The same type of thing can easily be put into clearly understandable words:

If you had a child who constantly told you A and rarely actually did anything but B.When would you be able to trust the words of that kid?Imagine that this kid has a long list of mistruths that they were know for.

Then one night after being grounded,they climb out a window and go out.2hours later you discover them gone and spend hours foning the kids cellphone with no answer.

Several hours go by with you  tearing your hair out in worry. A police car  pulls up and your heart grows ice on it from what you fear.The officer reassures you the child is alive and well,but...

The problem is that he is accused of a crime and can not provide an alibi for his time out.He/she swears they were only wondering the mall alone.The mall is now closed and his word is all there is to go on.

 Problem:His history of mistrusted goings ons and  being a bald faced liar makes you doubt anything the kid says.You love and support him/her....but can not rely on any honesty forthwith.

Our leadership these days seem to follow this philosophy rather closely.Even if its the truth,when can you believe that it really is accurately told truth?

 This is a fact that our leaders apparently do not deem us with any obligation to listen to anyone else.This is one reason among others why the world is falling into a  non repairable future with scenarios from which we may never recover.

When Y2K was going to send the world back into the stone age,my family sat watching the once free television news.The news person was going on and on about storing up on food/water ETC.Which is a good idea whether world end or just prudent planning for any unknown.
He told how we should stockpile fire wood for heat and prepare an armory style ammo supply cache .

We noticed my dad looking a little puzzled and asked what was wrong.He said I really don't see what the big deal is all about.Every winter we lose the electric power for days.The electric goes off and we have to stoke up the wood stove for heat.His dad(my grand dad)prepared this way and so on back in time.
Why didn't those folks prepare for the hard times.We just chuckled an said most people depend on the system not to fail.Dad shook his head in disbelief.....

Y2K did not destroy the modern world.I would hope enough folks dig in and cling tight to the things they hold dear.There is no reason for anyone not living free in the manner you feel comfortable with.Another persons idea is the ideas THEY hold dear.So why should anyone force their ideas,beliefs or values on anyone else.Our leaders need to listen with both ears to all  those who live  here.They are capable of changing it all back to where they not asked for advice .When the people speak loudly enough and often enough,Changes will happen regardless of what power ignore us.

What would happen if WE THE PEOPLE decided to put all or most of our differences aside and work together.The power would suddenly shift from the leaders to the PEOPLE. We are .People who have run our lives long before anyone felt it was needed to walk us on a political or legal leash.We need to break down the barriers that force Humans into tribal countries.We should have evolved beyond that long ago. That is, unless you believe that we  have not stepped past the caveman stage...If we are a tribe it is a clan of Earth People.1 tribe for all People.Many beliefs,many diverse human types.Many diverse languages.Many divers faiths.Dumping our fears and preconceived notions would be a good place to start.
One Tribal Earth.

Maybe cooperation would in itself reverse the flow of power.
  Conflict may lead the world to unite the common person(both sexes)to find common goals to cooperate with each other.That time will come as more folks realize that this Earth is a tiny Biosphere. We are all inmates  here for the  foreseeable future,we are all here together as if shipwrecked on a desert island.Survival depends on how well we all pull together and play nice.

The mother ship only lands in movies to save the day.Superheroes are really just folks put into positions forcing them to excel beyond their norm.There is only those of us who care enough to
try to fix what will soon be too broken to fix.

Till next Time folks Keep the Faith

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Just When You Think You Could Always Depend on Your Governments to Protect You , Gangsters Start Killing Everyone You Love?Read One Example Here

Government spending
Government spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2013)
Official Seal of the Government of the United ...
Official Seal of the Government of the United Mexican States (Mexico) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is always the person who believes that a disarmed society is the crem de la crem of safety situations.It is a lovely and wholesome imaginary thought.I have written articles asking for peaceful agreements between people.It is the intelligent thing to do.The problem is that when peaceful people are confronted with those who are brutal and callous to peace,then that presents a totally new scenario.It is a time when peaceful folks must take up a defensive attitude to keep their lives and protect those who are exposed to the violent forces. It becomes a matter of self survival for the peace of the many.

what this article is about is what happens when a nation becomes so corrupted in the leadership that the citizens are moved to take up arms and protect themselves from violence.The drug cartels are in the news often these days.Shooting,killing,running amuck and creating chaos for folks that just want to live in peace.

The violence has become so bad that people don't dare report the gangs to police or governmental folks.Who do you call when even the high ranking law makers,judges and police may be getting paid from the drugs involved.

Well,you might do as some Mexican Citizens have done.They got together and formed a number of
militias to protect their friends and families from being killed,Kidnapped or enslaved to work in illegal  drug factories.This sounds like a completely natural reaction to lucid people who are tired of non action.The folks had circumvented much of the gangsters with a neighborhood patrol to guard the homes from monsters.Anyone would soon lose patience and trust for officials that are and have done little  to stop all the corruption.Much of the violence in Mexico has been going on for Generations. Much has grown more violent within the past 15years.Sorta parallel with the so called war on drugs that has recently provided fire arms to Mexico. That would get you busted big time here in many states.

The Mexican government was so afraid of losing sales or for whatever reason has now sent in government troops.Yes after all these years the government is going to send in troops to disarm all
of those folks.Let me clarify this statement.The Mexican government is sending in troops to disarm  or kill.....THE CITIZENS....I guess this sorta demonstrates just how things work.I can only assume that the powers that run things are not in El Presidents Office.

I remember the Militias in the USA being threatened with punishment if they did not disband a few years ago.I knew a few of them back then.They were not egomaniacs with ideas of walling up and holding off national troops.
They were folks like those in Mexico with families.They held down jobs and had educations in various fields.

Mexico has been overrun by mobsters that have no regard for those living in peace.That nation is our only other neighbor to the south.The violence may have been stopped by a helping hand if that government had found a few righteous men as we did in the old west.That was once lawless and gave rise to our western heros that were as ruthless as the ones they had to deal with.It does take men such as that sometimes.A man who is working to stop evil by controling his own darkness for the good of others.

This is generally a common process that shows those who are in charge are doing something.It hides the fact that no matter who is leading Mexico past or present.The change is to disarm and leave helpless the citizens.That area will become an open killing field now that they're defenders are laid bare to help themselves.Men,women and children will face the results of a government who could care less for those who will be sacrificed only to make it look like they have finally done something.

I do give that government credit, for clearing the folks who were keeping gangsters out of the area and driving out dangers  from their children and wives.It has opened up the area for all kinds of dark and destructive doings.I congratulate the President and him wisdom.Good folks will die defenseless but finally something has been done..For what future there, only history will tell.If it is recorded by anyone who by chance survives.

This is not only a blog of Mexico.It is an example of what can happen anywhere that it becomes more profitable through any means to usurp common sense and laws to protect people from greedy folks.
Those Mexican folks stream into our country because we in the USA are not insisting on a better and safer world here in the Western Hemisphere.We have every tool to supplement change anywhere in the world.Yet just south of our own borders it seems impossible a thing to do.WHY?

Everyday good folks take life risking chances to enter the USA and a  chance at a life   to just breathe free air in relief.They are free at last,thank God ,they are free at last.I have friends in Texas and Arizona that are naturalized citizens.They still have relatives in Mexico that fear for their lives every day.No one should live in such fear.No one should have to be so betrayed by any government that turns a blind eye for what evers sake.

I do not usually support vigilantism.The old south hung many innocent people from the lack of legal
procedures.The question here is or maybe this:When you have not seen any protection in decades from a self interested legal structure,What is the proper thing to do?If you stay and try to fight thugs wielding automatic arms,you risk your family and yourself.If you try to do things legally,well..even judges have been executed down there.Police forces have continually been killed and others subverted.

These folks were pushed to take care of their own families and loved ones out of  neglect of those that were sworn to guard and protect..So good people flee to what is a land of milk and honey.A risk of life and limb just to breathe free and live well.Why would anyone take such risks if their own country was as much opportunity for them?It obviously is far from a place that has political refuges fleeing for their lives to freedom.

I do not place blame on such victims of a political system as it appears to be.

Until that government is stabilized with honest folks the following will remain and be true.
Evil will prevail when good men are forced to do nothing and other men who could help won't help.
 our country will pay for doing nothing to pressure a chance and reverse the flow for folks who have a peaceful and safe country that needs no flight to survive..

For Now My friends learn  and be enlightened


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