Thursday, December 26, 2013

Debtors Prison Has Begin In the UNITED STATES of AMERICA,Researchers of Law Saying It is Ilegal and Unconstitutional

Debtors Prison
Debtors Prison (Photo credit: alh1)
Whitecross Debtors Prison
Whitecross Debtors Prison (Photo credit: OpenPlaques)
Alex Jones and other predictors of things to come may have hit this one right on when they predicted the future of our Rights and social changes yet to come.You need to listen to lots of ideas to develop a center ground on which to stand...

Santa Ana California has begun to jail and imprison folks that are already burdened with the inept management of their states work and welfare system.The decision to place those who cant pay for fines and other overblown costs dumped on them from the system bleeding them dry,while not providing adequate  leadership with ways of providing income opportunities.

Meanwhile in Florida a lady who owed nothing and was completely of the grid and independent of
power companies.She had all her taxes paid and owned the land .Local media offered to have her explain how to accomplish being out of debt,happy and with all the comforts of home.All that wihout overwhelming expenses.She had done this for 20Peaceful years.The next day a bonehead from the local Zone office simply slapped a condemned sign on her house .No investigation,no interviews,no
tour of the inside of the lovely home with self power ETC.

Around the Chicago area The authorities are forcing the instalation of new computerized   Electric meters.Anyone that tries to prevent the installation on THEIR HOMES is arrested and the meter is installed while they are in jail being charged and fined..The meters keep track of all you do using the electric.Computers and what you use them for.When you open a fridge door and how long.How long your lights are on.Remember the security system is also computerized and it is fair game to tap your cameras and sound inputs.SURPRISE!Big Brother now can monitor your every move.YOUR EVERY MOVE.....

The various groups that study what is legal and others studying Constitutionality look into the situation for justice.That may take awhile to have any effect.Look how long anyone took to punch enough holes in the fabric of cloak and subterfuge [IE:spying].Trying  to make critical changes in our intelligence agencies made some fleaing fugitives.

It took only 3 righteous men to crack a very unethical system wish still seems above the laws of our country.Will 7 more step forward and be found to save our countries Constitutional rights.(GOOGLE the story of Lot and wife ]

What we need today is true transparency in OUR government.That would also include the justice system.Trust is needed to prevent the conspiracy stories and to be on level playing fields for everyone.

Just awhile ago the justice system let a "poor little misguided rich kid"off after robbing a store,Getting stupid drunk and then stealing a car for a joyride that killed numerous human beings that were children of a lessor god.They were of no real use to the elite  "Judge?"[betcha wish he was your pal].Video games are becoming reality..Kill and destroy,crash and have the judge just reset it all.victims be damned.That one didn't count.

This however is only a small thing in comparison with folks blatantly daring to owe money they can't pay.What value does just serf level people have to the money they owe?Lives do not mean anything to those who have the power and money to use the serfs as workers bees.Workers bees make more,so just support the hive mentality. Expendable assets that mean nothing to the Queen bees.So why put any value on them?their job is to live and die producing for the hive.Honey/money is the only thing important to the hive and to the queen bee.Wasn't that a human social experiment called Communism  or was it called Socialism...I get those to mixed up when it comes to oppressive systems for humans?

I am not a strong believer in conspiracies theories.I am a believer in what I can see with proven facts.The conspiracy talkers have for years spoken about The secured holding facilities in the remote areas of the USA.I have seem what appears to be that, down route 27 going south out of Ohio into
Tennessee.I can not vouch for anything visual except for the tops of some very tall trees covering the
scene in all but the towers and fences.

I wonder if this is the first step in a larger scenario for the legal works..California has been  the starter of tremendous amounts of shear quirkiness in ideas concerning our Rights and how the rest of the worlds people should lead Their  lives. According to a few elite  mental midgets in charge.The past few weeks have had this state in the news with articles banning Korean war memorials,and now starting debtors prisons.along with many more past "laws" to Search for.Perhaps there is a law preventing the making of a movie entitled "Escape From Kali-Fawnia or Be Terminated"

I have to wonder  if there will be any free state in the USA left to escape to when Orwell's nightmare finally develops and plays out.Does fiction always become reality or can it take a positive path for the betterment of all mankind.Lets explore this positive path for a bit.Communicators became cellphones and the Real Robotic prototype terminator is already in existence for you to google and find.

There is a different path to the future if WE THE PEOPLE have the strength to follow it and prevail on our ideas of what kind of world we wish for the future.

WE THE PEOPLE could start by passing laws to make hunger and thirst illegal world wide.
The world has more water than land.We need more water processing plants to make the water safe.
Food has been grown in the parched desert.Babylon was said to be a garden paradise many centuries before any of this modern world was here.There is hydroponics that can grow anything, anywhere.
Food supplies are only as good as the controls from governments allow...Why??It grows anywhere if the conditions are setup to do so...So why do we still see TV ads with starving children?Why?

Outlaw ALL hate groups for any reason.This world would become big enough for all people with the following:bullies need to be dealt with and isolated to protect others at any age or status.Note my blog and others regarding the Hawaiian politician that attacks homeless and undermine individuals with a sledgehammer and is scot free of assault charges.Blind eyed Good Ole boys there seeing nothing wrong there..Paradise?[NOT].

Next WE could make all people Equal under the same rules and laws world wide.What a novel Idea!
Next WE would stop sending folks all over the world supporting the War machines bloody thirst.
That Monster  would die from lack of fear,cruelty,suffering and bloody violence.

Next WE would put together a world wide councils of ordinary folks[people who would not be allowed lobbyist type input] to promote ways to monitor,grow and developed countries and resources.Without the corruption many countries leaders are doing today.Billions of dollars sinking into blackholes that make tyrants rich while their fellow humans die of hungry,disease,and thirst for the better life that should be the dreams for them and family.

Based on the performance of their past.ALL Leaders would be held responsible for the  quality of the
lives's for their countrymen.shortened Terms of office would be governed worldwide and elections would never again be based on political war chests of special interest groups.Government would be run by the people through direct elections.this is now a possibility.True democracy is possible aslong as the machine has no influence by least a machine would no base a leader on liking them.
like any school kid,performance promotes for kids and are the politicians any different.
Lets start grading the politicians and law makers to get the best possible government for everyones future.

The oceans would be farmed to protect,preserve and develop the vast treasure and resources we waste on a daily basis.We have barely explored the Aqua space that is much closer than outer space.
Aqua space uses the same basic equipment and has vast resources we can now survive in with that equipment.The agreed on ocean farming and exploration would end the continuing aggression by countries bickering for sea rights.and fighting over territory like mad dogs..

Lastly,WE THE PEOPLE need to re access our legal systems to make all people equal and make the above things power the world economy.There is no logical reason in this world to have people starving anywhere.There is no reason to have people incarcerated that are not a danger to others in some manner.Political prisoners,Social prisoners,or financial prisoners ETC.Should become a thing of the past.Most  non threat prisoners  are simply folks like those who were resettled as prisoners in places like Australia centuries ago.They think differently and need their own space to develop as they wish without being a danger to others.This system would provide worlds and places for us all.This time on a volunteer basis without slavery.Debtors Prison is slavery...IE:after the fall of the south per carpet baggers...

There needs to be a system that is not run by any world political system or shadow power, to intervene on behalf of those who can not(not those who will not) defend themselves from  aggressors.WE THE PEOPLE need to find safeguards for the population of the world that truly usurps the efforts of the would be Conquerors of this worlds free people before they gain control .Possibly with dangerous powers to destroy and threaten others..Little men with mega Egos and small minds

This world can become the paradise you dream about if just a few  people can dare to step out and begin to build the foundation of a better world without the closed doors of  politics and the seven deadly sins that seem to cloud the human mind and darken the human spirit.Not to mention our better judgements getting back to that again.

Our world needs to find a way to make the legalities of politics more in line with the populations voice and immune to special interests that run over popular ideas at elections.We have not been able to trust our voted people for quite some time to keep us out of hot water..There has got to be a better way for that..

Imagine a world where your mandatory expenses are minimized to the max and no one is bullied or
undermined in life.A world where your philosophies are openly discussed with folks of a different path without anyone trying to kill you because he/she is a personal disciple of God and has tea every morning to discuss who lives and dies today.

Right wing/Left wing should be on a chicken somewhere and
hopefully would fade away from disuse.just as the chickens ability to fly did.The arguing parties need fade away for  our country to build parties that use compromise to share their ideas and converge our
people into the future..Or we wont have any future.

Take care dear readers.I hope you Holiday by whatever name is a peaceful time of past reflections and hopes for a shining future of fulflment in your life.


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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Here Once More so Eat Drink and Be Merry while You Hope For A better Year Ahead,Think about Those Without...

First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane...
First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: A trashed refrigerator set out on the curb is decorated like a snowman with "Merry Christmas" inscription. Carrollton neighborhood. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu.
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This year I have done my usual Christmas shopping and covered all the relatives that I still can find to be friendly.The usual touching of bases with friends that really matter and those important end of year things we all must do.

The last few days have been really important to me for many reasons.I have donated a large garbage bag of brand new toys to needy children.

Next I visited the local Soup Kitchen to enjoy a Christmas meal with friends and children of a lesser god.On the way out and after those who would feel dissed had left ,I donated some cash to help those in need.

It is not for bragging rights that I say these things.It is because people need to stand together as a whole in times of need. It is all to often that we view the videos of folks looting and pillaging during a crisis.The folks helping may get some credit too,but wrong doers seem to grab the medias interest.
I will sight Katrina and New Orleans as one example.There are many others...

The season is suppose to bring out the best or the worst in people.I said blues you to a lady that sneezed all over a food shelf yesterday and she gave me one of those mind your own business looks.
Another person was looking real sad and I started joking about the people that were moving in fast motion to get shopping done.He had been so caught up in the Xmas blues that he didn't even notice it.
He began to giggle and smile as he to  watched the over animated humans doing what we named "speed Shopping".Running to and fro at incredible walking paces.

I do believe it should also be a time to help others share a smile among strangers that might just be
more of a blues killer than someone that is closer to them.You don't have to involve your personal
self and don't even have to exchange names for the light heartiness shared.

When this season has ended I will have helped others who will never know who or why I am doing it.
The point of the whole matter is this..I will have a great Christmas because I did share My good frame of mind and spirit with those that are not seeing the world as I presently can.Would it not be the right thing that builds the hope and good will in that person on the receiving end as well as my own frame of mind....and spirit?

You decide for yours

Merry Christmas my friends and please take care of each other.Humans are the only species that have the abilities to build or destroy this planet..
WE THE PEOPLE have the power to create a world that even science fiction writers would envy.
A world that can start tomorrow or pickup the dreams of those who have left us and trusted their dreams of a better world to live in with those of us who remain to complete that dream.

They usually start their words with something like"I have a dream". or you may say that I am a dreamer,but I am not the only one.
Be good to one another folks...


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Monday, December 16, 2013

Are We Confused By Whats Happening With China,Vietnam ,The USA and Japan Yet?Circles inside of other Circles.

English: "Freedom for Tibet" echoed ...
English: "Freedom for Tibet" echoed along the roads of Paris today. "Go back China", as Tibetans, French and countless other nationalities protested against Chinese hegemony over Tibet, the silence of Paris, the cultural massacre wrought on the peaceful Tibetans. Free Tibet. Boycott Olympics in China. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
China's FIRST McDonald's
China's FIRST McDonald's (Photo credit: flickr.Marcus)
Ikata Nuclear Power Plant
Ikata Nuclear Power Plant (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The status of nuclear power globally (click im...
The status of nuclear power globally (click image for legend) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our Ambassador Kerry has given Millions to the threatened countries around China.

Lets take this apart as I see the situation,We were fighting the Vietnamese 40plus years ago.The Chinese and Russians were assisting the killing of our young men and women who were sent there to supposedly free those poor people from china's influence and tyranny.China a few years ago retook possession of Taiwan or Free China.They promised to let them remain as they were as free people.
only a few years before this,China had invaded the peaceful and serene country of Tibet.They forced The Dali Lamar from his home.America did little to assist.

The Chinese Export tremendous amounts of goods to the USA and do not import as much to their country.China has the nasty habit of sorta borrowing the Patented goods from the rest of the world and tweaking it so the patents are not enforcable.

China has a infrastructure that is collapsing onto itself through over expansion of their own funds.
They now threaten the entire Pacific and the rest of the world by their aggression and threats.
China has put the first Chinese rocket into space going to the moon and back.They also have possesion of nuclear power.

Ok now lets backup to the past 50years on that part of the world.The peoples of that hemisphere seem to go through cycles of fighting each other.Like other parts of the world they drag people into conflicts that in a couple decades are as we find them now.Japan invades China.Then Japan attacks the USA.The USA then is involved in the Pacific War.Vietnam is our tenative allies but still has clamps on even free thinking.Try blogging into Southeast Asia mother than Malaysia.Which reads my blogs as other parts of the world do.50,000plus Americans died and the chinese weaponed north trooped into Saigon.After all these years Saigon as it was once called not only changed it's name but also it's dreams of freedom.

Where is this supposed to go?China has massive amounts of land that is not developed,so food and industry isn't the problem.The country has a huge seacoast and entire oceans to fish in.The industry is suffisticated evough to not need other countries Tech.The population is sorta lonely for the massive male population due to little girls being dumped or killed in preference to a male child....And China has millions of cold showers because of this difference...

 One country invades the other after awhile come threats and war is on.Every time the War breaks out China has either had it fingers into the problem or is directly involved as per The Independent country of Tibet finds itself occupied by...YUP! You guess it right.Occupied by Chinese troops.
It Still has Chinese Boots on the ground there.Mr. Kerry has the forsight of Washington to support the threatened small countries while they are asking for help.At least for the moment they are friendlies.
In a few years the power will tip barring influence from The still Free  countries.I believe that China has made the mistake of conquerer countries of the past.Empire building has brought down dynasties in China for centuries.Even the Red Guard is not heard of much anymore.Mr.Mao used to have his profile everywhere in that country.It is slowly being conquered by Capitalistic Free Enterprise...

There is a saying and I do not remember the author It goes something like this.Progress is like flowing water.every time it finds an impass,it conforms and finds a way to get by the problem.
The shear force of the flowing water will find a way to pass.Over,Under,Above,Below,Or around.
but it will find a way.
Freedom and Capitalism is unstoppable force.

Korea is a Pacific threat with nuclear power and a mental midget running the north Korean nutbin.
We can only hope That I am right on this theory and history will repeat the downfall of another Empire as it is overcome by the only power that is Immune to mankinds constant bickering and
posturing to distroy each other. Time

In spite of The USA doing their best to keep the balance of power,Time will change it to whatever it is meant to be.Pray that it is freedom for all people.


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Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Meat That You Have Read About In The Other Countries May Be On Your Table Soon,U.S. Courts to Decide to Slaughter Horses For Human Consumption

English: Photograph from the mid-1870s of a pi...
English: Photograph from the mid-1870s of a pile of American bison skulls waiting to be ground for fertilizer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A feral horse herd in the western United States
A feral horse herd in the western United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Smoked horse meat in package, bought in a Dutc...
Smoked horse meat in package, bought in a Dutch supermarket; it is usually eaten in a sandwich in the Netherlands (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I sat along the Cattle road a few years ago in the great Basin of Nevada.I noticed a cloud of dust that seemed alive and heading straight at me from a distance away.The cloud was moving at a pretty good clip for anything natural.

The clouds detail became more into view as the herd closed in on my location.I observed strong detailed bodies that seemed to be set into motion by an unknown mystic wind.The herd of mustang were running free and was a hypnotic piece of poetry in motion with defined sculpted bodies full of powerful muscle and colors that were natures true colors.The herd ran along the road as if racing my mechanized vehicle and mocking the very thought of such a complex contraption compared to their fluid motion so sleek and simple

The lead horse was a black as coal.The herd stopped and circled him as his harem would do in admiration.He stood there for minutes I sat frozen on this summer day.There I was looking at the decedents of Spanish Conquistadors steeds .The great plains tribes that were so much the free people of this place long ago.The proud stallion stood looking at me for the longest time and I sat looking with admiration at the vision of true freedom.The old world and the old west that was there sitting proudly in front of me.A part of Americana that is about to be brutally slaughtered and fed to you in meat shops and stores all over the world.

Yes sir come right on  down to bub bas belly bustin horse burgers.where you will find the rare and quickly disappearing American horse burger sold to undeserving folks all over the world.
no need to think about the lovely creature that helped to make this Nation possible.Dont even think about the contributions of the war effort when called to serve the call of our country.That was yesterday and today they will become a butchered,bloody burger for your dining pleasure.

We round them up,herd them into slaughterhouses where they are humanely spiked or sledgehamered in the head,skinned and gutted while they still are dying. But don't worry about that poor suffering creature because its a nuisance to a few ranchers and farmers that forgot the horse was there long before them.The horses ancestor was here for settlers to use as beasts of burden.Pony express riders,Stage coach riders and Ranchers to herd the other animals,including more horses.Natives and imigrants hunted the mighty Buffalo Herds into near extinction with the horse and steam engine.Its a shame we learned nothing from that part of history either....once gone and it is gone forever.Teddy Roosevelt where are when we need you...You would save the horse herds as you did Tatonka herds

The noble animal pulled cannon and caisson into battle into the first world war.Calvary it was called
in those days.These days the noble horse has been reduced to a recreation and a wagering item.
Now the horse which was eaten in times of extreme destitution is to become a delicacy on the table for Europeans,Canadians and people that have no idea of the noble American horses value to history and this country...Let us never surrender our national treasures to those who are ignorant[as in the term uninformed] of its value to us..The native Americans still value their horses as an asset.

People in countries that live in poverty become aware of the horses value when fuel,and transportation is scarce.When the economy has crashed and the gasoline stops..horses and mules still work.

With the extensive availability of food resources available,i must ask the unfathomable Question asked by many 5year olds to an adults vague half truth...WHY?Why is it needed?There is no reason these animals can't be managed as other wildlife things are being.Transport the most healthy of the herds and place them on federal lands to live free.Free as they once did.

There is millions of acres of federal lands available that is doing nothing.The herds would live in areas away from populations and take care of themselves.once a year they could be check for medical problems and treated for health problems.

Africa has vast federal parks for the wild life to live as they always have.America can't do what the 3rd world countries have done to preserve their history and habitants? So we kill and sell our horses that are a part of our heritage to other countries for hamburger...Did you read that European Taco Bell already used Horse meat?Google it.It is a truth reported by news groups.I refuse to eat a horse or the mules and burros that are mixed into burgers of the future.I see lawsuits for any company that is stating one ingredient and substituting another.I just could not eat a horse if I knew the difference.
they are just to majestic and intelligent.There species have earned the status of national assets.without them we would still be dragging mancarts as the Mormons did on the trail west.The great Horse tribes would never have existed.The spanish exploreres would never reached Colorado.
About eating horses and my passion for such animals even though I can't be a vegan...
I once tried the vegan way and within 6months found myself hospitalized for a protein deficiency.
I am just one of those omnivores that nature made sure that I would be using my canines But I draw the lines at horses.Far to useful in this world even today.

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Vietnam Vetrerans File Lawsuits to remove a Longtime California Korean War Monument,Stated Reasons are...You Decide...

Mount Soledad Easter Cross
Mount Soledad Easter Cross (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 28, 2009) Sail...
English: SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 28, 2009) Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen recite the pledge of allegiance during a naturalization ceremony at the USS Midway Museum. Marine Corps Master Sgt. Cutberto Orozco led the pledge of allegiance for ninety-three San Diego based service members representing thirty-two countries during the ceremony. (U.S. Navy photo by Legalman 1st Class Jennifer L. Bailey/Released) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A sign at the front entrance of Mount Soledad ...
A sign at the front entrance of Mount Soledad in San Diego, California. Image taken on January 20, 2007 by Nehrams2020. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Cross, the center of much controv...
English: The Cross, the center of much controversy, sits atop Mount Soledad (Orig: Picture-011) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Mount Soledad is near the city of San Diego California.The area is hilly sandy desert,arid and hot.
Mount Soledad sits high in the view,where it can plainly be seen for miles.long ago people thoughtful,with grateful open hearts decided to build a monument to the men and women who had given their lives for those in a far away country.

The idea was to say thank you Honorable fifty plus thousands of soldiers for your service.Thank you for going to the aid of those oppressed.Thank you for risking your all or giving their lives and futures to others.

The people also had a sense of God and Country.They remembered the Pledge of Allegiance words that used to say One Nation Under God.A decision to use the cross to symbolize the fallen going to
a better place than the Hell they fell in.Meant only as a jester of God Bless You soldier.Perhaps even a wish to hope the soldiers will find the paradise that is hoped for by most people,after life ends.
There are also those that did survive and returned home.Shouldn't they see something tangible saying God Bless You SIR.We appreciate your sacrifices.Thank You in a pitifully unequal way,but thank you.

There are many monuments over the Heroic soldiers that fell in Battle.Think about what this will mean if these 2 men are able to remove such symbols of our Fallen Hero's.Will the next disgruntled
person file to have all military cemeteries symbolic items removed?Will the honored dead be left to the whims of a couple malcontents who think the world must go as they think...

There is always those that return from war in a state of mind scrambled by what they experienced.
Many I have spoken with have either lost faith by expecting to see miracles in wars that are horrible and hellish.They must have missed the miracles that are always there in plain sight,if you look with eyes open and a willing heart.Missing that vision would void any idea of a more than normal event such a child born in a war torn place.A bullet that missed you by fractions of an inch.returning as the only survivor.your task in life is not done and you life is to go on for an unknown task.

To miss the "miracles" in life can leave one bitter and resentful of others who try to fill in the unknown blanks of our destinies in life.

The symbols we put up help us never forget those who have filled a destiny to open the doors for those surviving to carry on. Should the  courts represented by 2 individuals determine the sacrifices for the thousands who did not return to cause the memories their fellow veterans to be torn down and forgotten.

This is a case of dictated Laws eroding the Constitutional Rights.The statue is a symbol of the eternal hope of mankind.It is directed at those who made that sacrifice to save those who died for others in an unselfish as an  elevated spirit...A hidden religious meaning would have to be in the mind of some one  rebellious and disappointed at their own lives.

It seems those two guys are bent on punishing fellow veterans for their military service to this country.I think they need to visit A symbol of the war they were in..Perhaps if that to counts as a monument to honor the fallen they might feel differently.

If these guys have there way an monuments with symbols are tore down that honor the fallen...
wont the wall in Washington an Arlington National Cemetery  also fall under the same law when it spreads across the country as a dictated law?? Then what, tear the cross from churches so it wont offend these two American Veterans...

The spree decor ,ETC of their specific units must not have meant anything at all to these men.

it is things like this that distract us from the issues that actually matter.A statue on a desert hill that has stood for decades and thousands of folks peacefully passing it over time.Then a couple disjointed
people with nothing else to do tie up courts with an argument over it standing.

Your Honor,I implore you to throw the case and plaintiffs out on their Dari airs and get on with the important things in the state.


I have not found much more on this situation.Hope they did not get their way...

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