Friday, March 22, 2013

More Cyber Crooks Use Homeland Security Scam 4 Money

Oh man!Here we go with another scam by more jerks that are just too lazy to work at a real job.If they were not so cleverly stupid,they might realize that they will serve enough time in prison if caught,to not be worth the income.I figure the yearly intake will be about $15.00 a month for the next 20 or so years.The high points of this will be the The Killer Agents on,these morons will no doubt have the most modern recreational events to look forword too.

I will quickly mention all perks that these folks will have to look forward too.

First an all expnse paid vacation with prepaid stays at the finest federal holding cells in an undisclosed we find the winners of the losers competition eating the cuisine of the best chefs in the system.
People have commited hideous crimes ,just to supp on the food in these places.The folks patronizes these places are the elite of their societies.The finest felons,rapists,forgers,and a host of others.All professional in their fields.These establishments also have the occasional sex offender among them and the child molesters,
which for some reason have high fatality rates.I doubt it is from the meals though.

Our winners will then be taken to their snug and secure rooms where they may find Their live in companion.
A huge and lovable cuss nicknamed"Bubba",Killer,Sue or whatever...The establishment would ask you to please coperate in keeping the peace as much as possible.Your Roomie is a little touchie about which bunk you sleep in,(or if you sleep alone).He has been know to get very lonley and may have be short a few cards in his deck.Not to mention the fact that his last roomie sorta fell down (numerous times)and broke hiself in various places one night while sleeping.Mysterious and terrible thing.Bubba was broken hearted till the winners of our contest were rumopred to arrive.

The activities that can be expected are the following:
Daily balanced meals with the rest of the rec-reactional hall
intermingling will the elite society of a guarded and walled community environment
controlled and monitored activities to maintain  the communitys social doctrines
The best health care when those little accidents do happen from the conflicts that happen in such places
last,but not least,there is (in the event of sudden and unexplained) death,a plan of funeral arrangements are provided.
While at the establishment, a program of voluntary work exercises are provided to help to pass the time.

Finally if our winners find God and repentense while at the Penaten....ERR I MEAN,our vacation paradise,
We will provide a preacher of our choice at absolutly no cost to our winners.Holy Books will be free also.

So You clowns that are sucking the life support from folks that actually worked for their life to be better,We will all feel bad when you are caught by those you think you can pretend to be.I could almost forgive them if they also throw in a little waterboard sports for you.It is people like you that make our lives on the internet more oppressed and difficult.

Anyone that has the ability to find these guys would do us all a favor by shutting site like this down...
Anonymous.....You could really get some great PR if you.....

LOve the internet and those I have come to know...I would hate to see it become a virtual palyground for those we ignore and except as just one of those things we must deal with.WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT!!!

Please take care of yourselves and get involved to keep the net free and positive for those that are at home here.All of us live in the virtual Neighborhood...


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100,000 Juviniles Tortured in American Prisons?

Prison doors
Prison doors (Photo credit: rytc)
Solitary Confinement
Solitary Confinement (Photo credit: BohemianDolls)
I am reading in the media about children that are serving time in prison as solitary confinement prisoners.The practice is being considered as torture by some people.I can not think of anything worse than a young mind that has nothing but isolation to live with.The hours of empty sensory input ,no learning from human exchange or the human intervention of minds.

Well,I cant think of anything so terrible till You begin to remeber the life among the adult general population of prisons.a place where it is the life of hardened criminals that have very little regard for life.Where there is not any passions that are not corrupted and bent from that which the humans society would embrace.minds that are so dark as to defy reason and logic.Minds so callus so as to have no regard for anything good and right.

Prison is a replacement world for societies worst people with those folks that were unfortunate enough to actually be innocent.Those folks whose only crime was not being able to afford a better,more learned and devoted lawyer.There are actually innocent people behind bars that have only minor infractions that the system builds on until the victim is not able to escape all the extra garbage charges placed on them.They are securely trapped without hope as a fly in a deadly spiderweb.Children are few exceptions.

Those few exceptions to this rule though.What do we do when those sociopathic Killers,Rapists,and perfs.are children?What do we do with those who are not controlable by their own designs?Children killing Children,Children that kill Babies,Parents,Animals to see the suffering creatures for "fun"....What do we do with this Social Abortions that lived to kill.That kill with no regard for any more regard than the monsters that are housed with them.

A final question is what do we ask ourselves when the source of responsibility is our own society that fails these children.Who should we place the blame on for the lost children,lost to themselves and society.
Where could WE THE PEOPLE have failed to notice a blatantly disturbed child in our midst.Where does the line start to see a child that is behaving with malicious intent and out of control and act to correct the
behavior.Who has failed to correct that situation before it developes.perhaps all those that could have.

There is always interviews with so called people who knew the perpetrator.They are ask what that person was like before the incident happened.They give all kinds kinds of ideas and opinions while acting the innocent bystander.Perhaps the newsman should ask the following.If you knew about it,what did you do to prevent this? Did you ask about the odd behavior?in hind sight,Could you have done anything to prevent this
disaster?I really doubt the momentary media fame would be so popular anymore.

Children in solitary confinement in the United States Of America....Who would think this possible?Who would till we realize the laws that penalize a caring parent that would correct the bad social actions of a brat!
when was the last time you were trying to enjoy a meal and the Family at the next table had kids running all over the place .Screaming and yelling like little animals.The parents are scared to death of doing anything but
verbalizing threats.Those little monsters have no fear or regard for authority as children.What do you think they will grow up and develope into..???Perhaps children that we dont know what to do with them.

I was alway sitting at the table at the right hand of my dad.Do you know why?Dad was right handed.
I grew up without the need to prove how "BAAAAD" I could be.Dad was a praticioner of tough love long before it was commercialized and then criminalized.Think about it.There is a very old saying in a very good book and I quote:spare the rod and spoil the child,end qoute.Not beat the kid with all manners of tortue devises,use the hand and the back side.It worked for dad and his six kids.none of them have an arrest record.nor his grand children or great grand children.......imagine that of just one mom and dad!

Another blog is done time has come to signoff and off I run.See ya Friends and may you find a peaceful place to eat .

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Time For a Worldwide Library Survival/Reference For The Homeless

English: A homeless person on the streets of S...
English: A homeless person on the streets of Shirley, New York, or at least somebody who is forced to resort to living like one. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A homeless person sleeping on a street in Clev...
A homeless person sleeping on a street in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless man in New York with the A...
English: A homeless man in New York with the American flag in the background. Français : Un homme sans domicile fixe à New York. Un drapeau des États-Unis est visible en arrière plan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
The news today has announced the fact that the billionaire mayor of New York Has 50,000 people sleeping on the streets each night since being elected.Thats far more than before.The food stamp program is stretched to its limits now and costing over 1.5billion dollars.The homes in NewYork state are going up for sale as a  result of economy and flight to states that still respect the Constittuion of The United States.The biggest problem is thenfact that there is no manual or place that many people could go and either learn the art of survival.Perhaps the homeless person would even find how to reboard the now derailed life they once had.
Each night that these folks spend on the street with no-one caring for them.Each night there is a chance that they will become a victim of a terrible crime.The statistics are quite clear that the homeless person is more likely to become a victim of a crime than commit anything more than just vagrancy.Vagrancy:the crime of not belonging anywhere that society cant see and hate you for not reminding them that they could be there at any time themselves.The folks who look at the downtrodden,believing it only can happen to "those people".!!
The refernce would provide a place to find specific information on how to find shelter,food,medical help,whatever they would need in the place they travel to.the reference might be divided into states,cities,Federal and stae Burueas ,Charities that assist,shelters that are rated by safety and availability.
I would also add to this reference a lot of things to make the best of natures abundant resources.I read a while ago about a family that found mushrooms growing in the woods they camped in.The Asian family thought the mushrooms were like those in their homeland.The poison in the Mushrooms killed them all.
The Information in the reference would contain pictures,information on finding,testing,and preparing it to use.
How to build a shelter,How to handle social situations the street person faces.The reference would be upgraded weekly to include income/job places.Shower facilities,soup kitchens.Clothing places for barter.
The reference library could be reached from any smartfone or computer.Wifi is free in most places and those places would not find a person that was blending in the crowd.Many disenfranchised persons are smart enough to hang onto their electronics or use a library.Those who are alcoholics,drug addicts or mentally afflicted.The dark side of the homeless persons are those that prey on the helpless and like being homeless.
They live under the radar and use their homelessness to commit terrible things on newbies that just hit the streets.The law inforcement in many places add to this problem sometimes brutalizing those that are already
in a world of trouble.Who do you call when a cop beats you up with a club?The homeless can not usualy carry anything to protect themselves.being homeless,armed and without any representation in an invitation for
"Resonable Cause".The usual routing being ask for ID.No Id,Run the name and social security,address,etc.
A disarmed person living on the streets are as vulnerable as if the lived in the woods.The coyotes are with
4 and 2 legged variety.The reference would clue anyone into how to stay out of the spotlight for trouble.
The centralized library would serve different regions as it grew and would ask for contributions of information
from those both in the system and out of the sytem.The sites like the and other places joined together would serve to unite the resources of many worlds.
It might even create a foundation for those who want better for themselves and their families to regain a foothold on the lives they still dream of.
The dark side followers that prey on others would also have a place to have their pictures shown and short writeups of their nefarious natures.
The final article would be a place to show those who have come up lost  in a world that can destroy anyone that is not determined to over come anything they negative incounter.councelors would have a place to
work on the most lost in our society.They now live in a world those counselors would have to live in as street folks do.They could never understand the emotions and isolation till they live it.Challenge to the High end
counselors:leave all your credit cards fancy clothes,bmw or whatever,and take a bus to the biggest city you can.Then trade your nice clothes to a salvation army store.leave your fone a cheap used lapptop and a new prepaid fone.(no contacts for a month).You must become lost to all those that knew you.If you were
broke,those friends would leave you anyway after awhile.Then start to learn where to sleep,eat and live as you grow more more desheveled.The look will take about 2weeks and the clothes will too.
This is a pseudo reality,this will be purely an experiment for you counselor as you know that a warn home and a life still awaits you,back there....If it were real in your life,that would never be certain...Good luck councelor,may your experiment become an awakening of the world of the fallen and forgotten,the shunned and forsaken by all but God.
I am going to start that website in the next few weeks to get this idea rolling.I am going to have to learn how to manually link sites together.It is a worthy project.any Ideas would be wonderfully excepted

Well I am once more finding myself at the end of a Blog.Please take a moment to think of those sleeping (some with
Children )in the cold tonite.Many do not even have blankets for their children.If you can donate or lend a hand ,Please do so and God bless.
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Friday, March 15, 2013

Veterans Not Spit on,Just Dumped into Homelessnes

telegram sent to parents informing them that t...
telegram sent to parents informing them that their son was taken as a prisoner of war German prisoner of war. Taken at the North Carolina Aviation Museum (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A small American flag stands against the Vietn...
A small American flag stands against the Vietnam Veterans Memorial during a ceremony to add the name of U.S. Army Lt. Col. Taylor to Panel 7W, Line 81 of the memorial in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless veteran in New York
English: Homeless veteran in New York (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is so much on Homelessness in this country.Most articles are written by folks that watch from the outside and carefully look in,so as not to get to close
The Veterans that have returned home have always been looked as like a character out of a hollywood movie.Whether Rambo or as headcases in a mental ward.The fact that they have witnessed things that the human  mind should never see is not looked at.The fact that many soldiers are put through mentally stressful
"tests" from bootcamp to retirement or death.

A POW may be tortured till they die or simply never be recovered to their home.Even if that homecoming happens they are not the same person that left wife,hearth,Children, and home.The terrible memories of war is not anything that will ever "just go away in time".The spirit and soul will be tormented with each tossed night that ends up in the screams of a sweat,soaked nightmare.Family will be faced with a person that the government has called for their politicaly ignited duties.The duty is not explained to those sent into hell as expendable commodities.Basically a series of body counts to equate the actions of those sitting at a desk in safety.

It is my true beliefs that the Nations of the world that can send our men and women into hells should put these folks on an elite pedestal.That is,These brave souls  need the best of everything when they return.
They should be provided free housing if they wish,free medical care for anything that they have been inflicted with.Any war related injury to body,mind or soul should be free.The country that we helped in that conflict should also be held responsible for those soldiers lifetime care.

 I have heard of the very good care of some
Governmental Establishments.I also remember my friends who returned from the Vietnam Conflict??
They were ignored for years.The Agent Orange complaints went unaknowledged till most of those Vets died
of the results.Iguess that saved millions on their "So called"unwarranted complaints.That should never happen again....Till you ask a Desert storm returnee about their mysterious ailments.Go ahead and ask...

Why not make the returning soldiers duties worth what they have surrendered to this country.You will find it to be the only thing that uniformed spirit has surrendered.The life that does not return has not surrendered
their flag,has not surrendered their country or their beliefs in the values they hold in their hearts worth their

No soldier should ever be wondering with nowhere,no-one and lost in the garbage heaps of hopelessness.

One more note here regarding the female soldiers in service to our country.While they are obviously female with different abilities then men due to Physical and biological uniqueness.They are everybit
as well equipt to be whatever THEY chose to be.Most people Know or come to know the strengths they have.The high rape while in uniform by their own countrymen is disgraceful and is a note that they to have re that should never even exist.This is an enemy within the country as much as any terrorist threat.

We truly need to raise the bar on the greatest group of Human Beings to ever fight for those they don't even know.They should never have to be left behind as homeless.Their families should have the best opportunities avalaible in the world.They have given all and we should cut the nonsensible grants to studying the sexlife of a fruitfly  ETC.and directing it to our folks in the military.....Unless you really believe fruitflies etc.are more important than those guarding your rears.

Those who would die in conflicts,wars,and police protect those who can not or will not protect themselves...They believe in it or they would not be in uniform.

They would not be flying the American flag as those from the beginning have proudly done..

Thats all for now,Keep the faith and support those of us that is far from loved ones as you read this.
there are many organizations that make our troops more comfortable and really help to raise the Moral in those desolated places so far away.God bless them all in their safe returns to us back home.

This upsets me so much that I forgot to sign it,SOOOO here goes

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is the Internet a Little More Sensitive to Our Input Lately

OUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS - NARA - 516307 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Wikipedia censored"
"Wikipedia censored" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Screenshot of first finnish site censored by i...
Screenshot of first finnish site censored by internet censorship in finland and Failed with domains. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
YouTube is blocked by a court order in the cou...
YouTube is blocked by a court order in the country of Turkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have noticed that when I am trying to write an article that is a little bit sensitive I have problems staying online and get to restart my blogs at the line that it drops at.The computer will say that I am still on line but a problem is indicated on the screen.Could we too be censored in the good OLE USA?Does the providers and browsers do a little watching over our shoulder to see if they agree with our ideas of life?I have written
about the censorship in other countries of the world.I would hate to see that happen in this country.
Now take a moment and think of whats happening here in the USA.if you live in the states that like to control your activities.the states that feel  a yen to save us from ourselves are the Places that are the most oppressive with any freedoms.Examples of these rules/Laws are helmet laws,Seat belt laws,Bicycle laws,sidewalk use by skates/skateboards,Gun bans,ecological overkill bills that feed the political machine and kills commerce,
or how bout the law that puts taxes on out of state workers,The INTERNET is just a little more control on people that really don't have need to be further monitored by desk generals.

Our lives are monitored as never before in history.Machines flying overhead with instant death on board.
if you travel then there's a paper trail that follows you.if you use a credit card,a paper and data trail follows.
Whether by land or by sea the monitoring is non stop.when you write an E-Mail to gramma or a personal letter to your loved one there's always someone or something that is watching you.If you think this is the ranting of a paranoid individual,then you are allowed a uninformed opinion.I invite you to download every
anti-spying anti tracking anti monitoring add ons you can find.barring the fact that many browsers like to keep tabs on you for sales and directing you to their advertisers sites.See how well the expensive PC now works to
get you on the net.The trackers will stop you dead after awhile out of shear frustration to your actions.
the INTERNET is far from free anywhere there is society and its watchers.

WE THE PEOPLE of the world are the last to know the people or machines that watch our common goings on.I personally have warned the watching things(people or machines) that they will fall into a deep and non recoverable comma or whatever.They will succumb to extreme effects  of the boredom due to the exiting life I live.

 I do urge you to experiment with the anti-Phishing,tracking,spying,ETC.add ons to limit the Sopa type monitoring of our freedoms.

Yes there is people who do need monitoring in this world,People who apparently
are using the net to plan stupid and destructive activities.There is always that element in "man kinds"domain.

Killers_agents is such a group of morons.using the net to Extort ,blackmail and terrorize people for money.

Try  some experiments and see how much you hear from the complaining factions that will insist on monitoring your life.

Till we meet again on this material/virtual pane,Keep the faith and keep working for the goals of freedom.

Its much easier to lose your freedom than regain it when its allowed to be taken away.ask any former iron curtain countries resident.or any former POW orNazi concentration camp survivor.You might ask any Native American that could still be living free and hunting tatonka.(Buffalo/Bison).What the Reservation life did for their culture from about 1880 or so...Make sure you look into their eyes when they begin to recall that dark time.

This was written a while back in time,Way before  before the Russians invaded and claimed Crimea.Way before Edward Snowden freedom of speech,was censored from speaking freely from his exile in Russia.This world is becoming more and more Smoke and mirrors to those of us just trying to actually find solutions to our world.

Find the reason inner cities become War zones and work your way to the political world.The so called reasons for the violence remains the very same...Fear,Greed,and hatred.
The Biosphere Earth really does not have problems till so called Mans,Civilization as we know it arrives.

 .We have the power to overcome our problems if we work together...We need to learn  to extend a right hand as the old world warriors did when meeting another warrior.
The reason for this custom was because most people are right handed and it very difficult to pitch a spear or wield a sword,with the left hand.Your right hand shaking the other warriors hand met you wouldn't kill him/her.There were female warriors even though this world thanked them by killing them when they succeeded in winning.NOTE :Joan Of Ark,Thanx :)
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