Monday, August 28, 2017

Some Ideas That Will Make You Wealthy On The Internet From Me

Yup...Gonna Get Rich.Well OK, maybe not filthy rich.alright,Its my idea and well split it an give you 50% of your 50% in pay for doing it. Isn't that what you usually see on those blown out a proportion ads?The hawkers say any ridiculous amount to drag you into their little scheme.Usually with the setup draining your time and pocket books. Lets explore some thing that might make you an amount of money determined by how you set it up.Please note here I don't have a thing to sell.Just an idea that needs doing on the internet before it can't be done. So bear with me and read on because it is very do-able if you know how.It is and always has been my internet wish list,But tech as I am,It is beyond my abilities I think.

There's some things that are rapidly changing on the internet.The Mega corporations such as Google And others are swallowing up the ability to surf the net for intelligent property without being continuously monitored.

I personally dislike the fact that even a time of looking at the ideas people have on You-tube are now monitored to find patterns in peoples lives.Sorta like the activities a Hit-man would use to track his/her target.

So why doesn't some one create an anonymous version of You tube?
Why not a google type anonymous system?
Because  the Monster system would still be ever Peeking through the cracks to watch.You would need to create something akin to the dark web.Then you would need to find a web browser that would try to deny the peekers to minimize their curiosity.Maybe call it  Cyber fox or Tor/Onion browser.

That would  almost complete your web setup.You really don"t want to forget the antivirus to further protect your setup.So now you goto You-tube...

 Now a big red warning pops up telling you that google and you-tube no longer allow the anonymous viewing of videos.Why do you suppose Google and You-tube have a need to monitor your interests?There are many search engines that are no different than google.I just am using this as an example of the monster size SEs.A few more suggestions to add to your New system your building.

The antivirus that seem to work best might be called Mal aware bytes Then back it up with a very healthy dose of Rogue killer,super anti-spyware,This will protect and hide  your system
IF you follow the Tor browsers instructions...The moment you step away from the instructions your no longer invisible.but that won't allow you on various sights.Google even switches lanquages on your web browser when you use a VPN till you disconnect it.You then have to restart that VPN.
It gives a tiny hole to peek inside your open door.

So getting back to my original idea of Making money on the internet.What the internet needs is what it originally was intended to be after the military past it to the public to use as communication.I would love to know just what kind of super whiz bang military upgrade system replaced the internet.Must be something to behold.The military is always 10years or more ahead of civilian tech.Who knows,maybe SG1 is real.

I have friends that ask about the dark-web from TV and radio talking about it.I have been on it once or twice but it to is pretty much cloak and dagger unless your into code words and secret digital handshakes.

What we really need is as I said.A system where ordinary folks can communicate without commercialization.Friends need not fear sharing ideas and trading goods without anyone's interference.I am referring to an incidence I was made aware of a few months ago.

A group of folks were sharing music and movies on the net.Personally bought and paid for.They had formed their own little club and were growing it among friends who enjoyed sharing things.A new member was invited to join the group.No money was traded.The group copied discs to trade.This allowed them to Keep their original so it wouldn't be damaged.

The new member sat down and wrote a letter informing of a outlaw copying group.a letter got sent warning of massive fines and imprisonment.Internet is becoming like that.
Every moment your on the net is an invasion of what should be your right to search and enjoy the freedom of that internet.

WE THE PEOPLE need a new and free internet system to use away from the one in place now.The Military didn't trust peekers they knew would be there watching every move they made...Maybe we should take note of that strategy.When I was a kid,we always shared what we had.Today.This society has just too many of those concerned with the private lives of others.The internet need to be rebuilt to free it from the chains of the peekers an de commercialized.

You may be asking where that money making idea is?build a system that I describe above and that cash flow will break down your door from all over the world.Internet users will be singing your praises.Governments and law enforcement will pursue you.
The Monster companies probably will just sue you.

Did you ever watch the TV show called a "Person of Interest. Strange how fiction mirrors  reality.

Well I guess that will do it for now folks till next time please keep in mind that, which most ordinary folks hold dear Freedom.


Bureau Of Land Management to Kill Thousands Of Wild Horses For Slaughtering

The Bureau of Land Management has been debating on a decision to Kill and slaughter for meat our American Wild Horses in Northern Nevada.This "meat" is to be shipped over seas and purchased by the wealthy in Europe and other countries.Those folks who are to purchase the "meat",have no respect for the history or place in our history of the wild horses.

The Spaniards supposedly brought the first horse into the Americas.Prehistoric horses had been here long before.Like the woolly mammoth disappeared as mankind arrived. 

The American Natives adopted the horse to travel and help in day to day life,Pioneers moved west and put the land to plow using the horse.Some Americans Still use horses in daily life.The west was built with horses as was the rest of the world at one time or another.Our horses have been there for the pony express delivered mail through hostile territory.Horses have helped and given their lives in several American wars to win our freedom.Horses have been there to fight in major wars including WWI and is true.

These horses do not harm  the areas they run.They have become a natural part of the land and nature.They are majestic to watch running as if in waves.They are truly poetry in the herds that move in unison.Running free and wild as they have for centuries.Free from the madness of men.They are visions of a time before this and a vision in the future when we will come to depend on them once more.Horses left to their own only need what they can find to run,to eat,to raise their young.

Mankind has taken much of the lands they once called theirs.The usual excuse is the herds are to big to support themselves and they will starve in winter.Strange but that was also said about the Native Americans after their lands were taken.Historically proven,that one.I am surprised that a government department  didn't suggest eating them also to prevent starvation.

Why is it We kill everything that fit neatly into our technological world.We kill Gorillas for body  parts,as well as rhinos,lions,tigers.Just name it and ...yup well kill it.Each other if we can get away with it.The Claus here to killing is if it is profitable then it's ok.Let me try to explain this Claus in killing.

It is OK to kill if as it will not be called or labeled murder: If you are told THOSE PEOPLE are bad kill them.
If the victims are non humans or you don't consider them really an important life form IE: BUGS,Horses,Bison,Things we've eating into extinction.

if you feel they have no real importance in the scheme of life or history.
If they are life forms you can use to focus your hateful fearful sorry self to organise other sorry saps like yourself against as it is the only way you will every have anything in life:IE Nazis/Facists/Red 
Guard/ISIS.ETC.&million in WWII.Many holocausts before and after all other the world.

Its is OK?but I digress... 

If we allow those magnificent animals to become a food commodity.Greedy people will profit and the American landscape will be left with the same human caused pox that was the fate of the Primal horse,The woolly mammoth,the wolf and the Buffalo.The beaver killed for only the fur to adorn Rich ladies hats.

We must save our heritage and protect it from greedy entities that care nothing for that Heritage. This Slaughter is based on only a couple Meat packers at this point.They are lobbying for the license to begin this kill and processing.It is not the first time.

Once enabled the trend and greed will expand till there is no horses left to enjoy to see,to photograph.It is also being powered by a US department that is our Government Offices.WE THE PEOPLE can save this from happening before it is to late.Please write the Nevada Land Management  Office to strongly protest this decision.Before it is to late.

Please write your people in office to make your voices heard.You may not have a lifestyle that ever encounters the sight of those graceful animals in their natural habitat.Do you really want them to  end up on a persons dinner table for wealthy delicacies.Do you honestly not care?If that's the case then perhaps you will have a better answer than I when a child, years from now asks why they were killed off in our modern world...  

Talk to again my friends.There's much wrong with the world,but only WE THE PEOPLE can change it for the better.We can work to make it positive.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

A Word on WordPress Where My other Blog Seems Lost to Robots

Way before I blogged On Google There was WordPress.I wrote articles on different things with my ite called robert pickerings/teliquan.A name that I used in a scifi story I wrote some time ago.Probably has some actual meaning,I never looked it up.But it was and still is my WordPress Blog site.Until the robots messed it up.

I have for the passed year tried to write in that blog.The robots keep saying my password or my user name is wrong.So.. I changed it.wrote a blog and logged out.

The next time I signed in again the robots said I had the wrong password and user name.So I went through the song and dance that WordPress thinks is so safe.sending the info to your phone then you have to except it on your fone.then you have to punch in the new information on your fone with those tiny virtual keys.then you have to log-in using your phone.then you have to confirm that is what you want.then you have to goto your computer to relog-in then the robots once again tells you with an ever so annoying swaying back and forth like the face of  little kid acting brattie when fed unwanted food. 

So then you punch in for yet another reset hoping you might usurp the completely un-needed and obtuse system.surely its like any lock.If there someone who is good enough to learn how to hack it the only people locked out are those who simply need to use it as intended. I would imagine you are thinking why didn't he ask the people at wordpress to help?

I have tried to contact them repeatedly.There' seems to be only robots with vague Q&As trying to hit contacts only directed me to the same cycle of robotic Q&As.It would seem that these companies would have some way of communication with those of us out here.If there is a simpler way to sign in then it should be available to us. without all the overkill complex tomfoolery that I have had to contend with just to get my ability to work on my intellectual material/Blog.

I rather doubt that WordPress will even see this article the amount of  readers have not been what it used to be since ad-sense was discontinued.My Word-press blogs will continue  on this blog which has more options which google has dropped.Ad-sense, Zemanta,and several other things I can't recall right at this moment.Things which made it a very easy to use and a simple site.The ability to find readers has dropped to an all time low at Google.At least since the add-ons departed this site.

My goal in the next few months is to find a Blog site that has all of the a fore mentioned goodies and a few more to boost search engines eye-site.Without the mumbo-jumbo,hocus pocus sigin/logon crap.

hoping you have better luck.

God Bless Texas Their Going To Need The Help to Recovering From The Storms

The Storm thats hammering the coast of Texas from the Gulf of Mexico is the worst since 2005.Katrina smashed into New Orleans and Texas along the coast.Damage was catastrophic then.

The storm there now will drop a years worth of rain in a matter of hours.3 feet of water or so in that amount of time.There's already that amount in low laying ares.Some homes in lower areas are now 3/4 under waters with people going to the attic for safety.They are being told to take an axe with them into the attic.The axe is to chop a hole in the roof for escape.That warning sounds ominous,but makes very good sense.

Many blocks of area towns have been destroyed by the horrific high winds compounded with torrential rains.These people are in a real bad situation.News casters show themselves trapped on bridges with others because the roads have been covered with rushing flood waters with strong under currents.Those folks are going to need food,shelter, Blankets and water to drink.Many who have health problems will need injuries and medical care,will need attention by Doctors.

I would hope the Government will take quicker with better action than the Katrina fiasco where people are still trying to get help.I mention this because I know that when these folks become homeless without the paperwork to prove they have a residence,Red cross and food-link will turn them away.Been there and got the bitter memories.

I hope the Texas Law enforcement does not open fire on people who are carrying their own meager belongings.They were mistaken as looters during Katrina and shot dead trying to get to safety after their homes were destroyed.I remember Texas as better than that.

I hope and pray the Texas Governor will quickly act to ensure those fine Texans the care and help they will need for a long while to come.Texans are a special breed of humanity.I lived and walked among them for many years.I grew to respect the tough hearted mindset that made them famous all over the world in movies. People  marvel at  the heart of strength that is Texas.

There's already several dead and numerous injuries reported.Many missing.Lets pray for them and hope there is not any more than what is already.My heart goes out to those families and friends of Those dead or lost.

I can almost see Those Texans  in my mind,eyeing the devastation in pain.I know that,that thought  already is thinking past the storm to rebuilding better than it was. Recovery.Not the first invader into Texas.

I was once told the Texas way was to Pick yourself up,Brush yourself off,and get back on the horse.A Texan told me that at a rodeo after a hard fall.Seemed like sound advice.

I would urge anyone who has heart to donate what you think is going to help to the organizations that  Usually help such disasters.Some folks are already organizing packages to go to those areas that will need to be using survival type products.Most Fema,Red Cross,and US disaster websites can clue you in with lists of what sorts of things make the misery seem tolerable.

Churches often get together to render aid and comfort near or far away.Phone numbers also usually accompany those sights to further your efforts.It is the right thing to do.Share what we can to those who have lost all.

The Texans will no doubt show the rest of the United States how things should be among people.My bet is that they will pull together no matter the differences.It is my most profound prayer that they will do just that.It is the way I remember them.Easy going with a heart of fire when things get rough.

Texas is one of several states that could become a separate nation if they so voted.The point is that they do not.The Texas heart is free,but still the largest American State.Like all our United States and her people,

WE THE PEOPLE must take of each other through all the turmoil and strife.It is all we have that makes us who we are.Though each of us are so very different in so many ways.We still have the fabric we call the UNITED STATES.

That fabric is still being woven with each awakening that we share.That includes time to help humans in trouble.This is a time to pull together. It's more historically important than ever before.

Once we lose that fabric,that unity we will fall to the glory of all who would seek to conquer or destroy us because of what we believe in  Texas is a historical symbol of that belief .With the same bright and dark historical highlights as any other place.Like any other place the people still occasionally need a hand to get back up and brush themselves off to get back on their feet again.
 This is that very important time to do just that.

The very first reaction movement to assist and recover.This is anyone's chance to become a Texan from anywhere in the world by lending a hand..It's what a Texan would do.

Helping is a great way to reach out to folks that you may never know personally,but it sure makes you feel the world is a better place cuz you helped make it that way.

Thanx for being here and please take care of yourself.No one can do a better job than you.
God Bless Texas,I hope one day to return for awhile there.It is on my Bucket List.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Recent News Casts Around the World May Be Bad For Your Mental Health

I found myself on the net as usual today.I browsed through my usual E-mail and spent the usual hour reading my E-mail to weed out the spam,garbage and  usual snake oil salesmen.  I tend to laugh at the ridiculous claims of things I know are a pile of poop.I guess that is the nature of E-mail.It always reminds me of the gossip papers in the supermarket cash out.

Next I start my day of reading the latest news.I sit focused on all the news we have come to think interesting.Most I find needless and of no real use.I really don,t care who is parading in hollywood in the near nude.Sorry it just taint world shattering to me.

People doing things to be better,is less and less in the news without a twisted, spin. something to give it a little nudge into the warped areas of demented thought.A few more titillating comments or details that I really don't need to know.Opinions by those who are supposed to report facts and figures.

Follow ups are even more into the twisted and  bizarre.Maybe hoping the stories can be prolonged for days,weeks,years. 50years later but,Norma Jean Bakers Murderers Have never been brought to trial.Even after her autopsy was re-examined with proof.I guess She with never be compensated for the loss of her life.Its good news to not find the truth. The mystery news can last 50plus years.The truth would set her free.That news item would no longer be profitable.

That would also be true for the late President Kennedy,His Brother Bobby,M.L.KING,Lady Diane.I would also include in this the thousands murdered, who are not considered news worthy who are murdered without much,if anything said.

Those who do make the news A  list who will provide the news with titillating unanswered questions from people and organizations caught in the journalistic quagmire.Drag it all out for a long turn with only the more controversial versions of a news item.Inflaming people without regard .After all,mysteries just keep being retold when truth and facts soon become archived.Fiction and sensation become the facts.Only to be retold for anther angle at some later date.

This daily "news" that creates a mental division in our country lead  a friend and I to begin discussing the items of the day.Our president and the rights of both pro and anti demonstrations. What are rights and who should have priority rights.I said ALL people should have equality.He argued that only minorities should have priority of rights.

I still believe that if your running in the human race you pull your own weight and help your brothers and sisters when you can.but no one should be put above the other.He did as I expected and started attempting to try to make me feel guilty for doing as well as I had.Telling me how easy I had life.I stopped him in his tracks by pointing out we had arrived at the same place in life.
Haven't seen him since.Seems to be the way.I worked running my own business legally and he  raised pot till his wife left with his son and his world crashed.both of us crashed health wise for awhile.

 The discussion with  my friend also regarded the newscasts of the many past demonstrations.He being the left and me being somewhat right of center.Our conversation was intense but between friends.We finally had to agree to disagree.This is the way our world has become.It has split even the friends who can be so.

It is very rare these days to actually be able to read or view the news  without the interviewer either verbally attacking on air or afterwords that person.I watch many different news programs from around the world normally.I listened as a child to The voice of America,Radio China,Radio Moscow.Radio Cuba.Radio Tokyo.

I used an antique Philco AM/shortwave radio a retired school teacher from Scotland gave when I was only 6yrs old.I was very ill that year and missed most of my school year.I listened to the broadcasts of many people that year and never stopped listening.I passed my grade using information from those voices so far away.

Both the ever dividing illusions of left and right opinions.Those who outright or ever so subtly cast their own slanted ideology into the conversation.Interviews not to find the truth,but to entrap for another controversial drag-out of  a news story that will replace those items that have far more importance.It is mean natured an adversarialy vindictive.

IE:The day that A certain Major politician was constantly being browbeat all day,the scientific community announced the first embryotic cells genetically made perfect by a process of gene manipulation.Several cells were grown and was stopped.A possible cure for our future children to be born free of terrible birth defects.Maybe cures for cancer.It didn't make  many newscasts.Not titillating enough.That other newscast sure created a storm now didn't it?

The TV and radio shows were once far more entertaining and less combative.The nasty sarcastic,below the belt  atmosphere that bombards our minds each time we turn on our electronic gadgetry these days.Even the late night shows have gotten more hateful.Jay Leno we miss you.
 News and journalism was always probing for answers in the past.To find facts, not self gratification.

I was taught that a news reporter or journalist in general was supposed to be neutral in their reporting.That apparently does not apply to the reporting today.Presenting just the facts just doesn't sell the News.I guess those so called newspapers that are sold at the supermarket cash outs caught on with the mainstream news.I see very little difference these days.

I remember Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, Walter Chronkite.I also remember Paul Harvey whose program,I rarely missed. They did still occasionally get too involved with opinion.They  would soon  correct that.There was far more time to absorb accurate  details and information without having to sort through the reporters opinion. 

They say that the past has no resets.This is so true in life. We go on into an unknown future with few ideas of what that future scenario will look like.we can dream in our minds to build something.But as Mr. Shakespeare was quoted: The best laid plans of mice and men... 

Each day we become less and less able to hear anything but our own imagined ideas of perfection.Our driving on the road.The perfect person.The perfect political,religious,sexual,legal.The perfect Race,eye color,
shape, size...The perfect______? Fill in the space.But what its doing to adults is nothing to what the kids are absorbing from adult actions and conversation.Children learn what they live and we each day and night are the only ones they can learn from.They are that future scenario that we will be facing.

Have you noticed the actions and behavior of children in a Doctors office.How about the public library.That librarian is likely to be punished if Those same children are asked to leave or even spoken to.So they don't.

Each day that WE THE PEOPLE move farther into that self centered "me first"mindset  is another day we can never take back.Those in the street on either side can never reset the past once it takes place.each time our children hear the bent ideas and fractured philosophies we will lose the ability to find truthful facts.Neither side wins in a war,whether bullets or philosophies.Even if you manage to change the truth of the past it will never reset or change the facts of the past.

Every"side" of an argument or idea has it's own bent philosophies it shoves into it children heads.feeding the parents fears and phobias as seeds in the minds of their children to grow an fester in their minds.We do that to them.

These people in the street are adults.They can change if they wanted to.Most can not because of that poison in the mind and soul....Their children will grow up with that embedded. those in the street or those in gangs doing drive by shootings...THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN THESE PEOPLE.They are driven by the fears driven into them as children and by the biased facts we hear every single time we look at a written article or turn on media.

We may live to regret these times in that future I speak of.WE THE PEOPLE still have time to change our ways.Change our thoughts.I include myself in this to.There is no one untouched by our environment.

I truly hope and pray we can change.Its just my nature...But that same history, "Mankind" has never learned from. It just keeps rearing it's ugly serpentine head to poison our minds against each other.
When will we ever learn?

Till next time Dear Reader,Listen for the truth and it will set you free.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Look At All The Lovely People Where Do They All Belong.Or should they Be?

The growing activity in the country is by any other standard wrong.We look at the nightly news after a hourly trashing and degradation of anything in our Government.Then it follows with one sided news of how awful one group is against another.Pick a group for either side.If you listen to the news you might think those news people still lived in post Civil War days.

I was under the impression that citizens all could go to any school and get an for it and it will be yours.The sob stories we all are plastered with by the media these days sorta misses the immigrants who legally arrive in this country with only a suite case can build empires to raise their kids.Many becoming leaders who are successful.

Guess they didn't spend time driving around shooting at folks or running cars into crowds.

The fair and equal news these days makes many of us feel like we were personally responsible for the history of the world.Right or wrong every country has a blotch in the history that's not pretty.We need to learn from it,not try to bury it.

Isis is destroying monuments of historical value.SO ARE WE.Babylonian or Confederate,History doesn't go away.If It's covered/buried to knowledge that it happened,then there is a very old saying that goes like this,"Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it". Bury it and you make it a martyr.It will rise again to reteach the point forgotten.

Read the story of King tuts burial crypt.His successor switched crypts only to give the boy king the better UN-looted crypt.The pendulum of things will swing back to correct things in time every time.

Please let me clarify the following to make clear my words else these days they be misconstrued.
I nor do I know anyone who ever owned bought or sold slaves.I own sheets that would be very noticeable at the meetings some attend.I have never nor do I approve of lynch mobs..I beleive strongly that people are all as close to God as beach sand is to the stars.

I have never found anyone who didn't work very hard at being hateful to be hopeless.I have had people whom I thought were my long time friends  feel free to go to dinner with me many times.Then at some point we were approached by his Afro American Friends.He tells me I wasn't going to be welcome with his friends.My long time friend walked away with his new friends.Whatever was said he never spoke again.I took his side when his back was against the wall.Whose the racist?

Another friend that shared beliefs and worked with me for years.I took time to teach him to drive so he could advance in life.He mentioned he was going to be a minister in his church.I asked if he minded if I showed up to vouch for him.He said it is an all black church and I wouldn't be welcome.Funny really,that church would have mobs rioting if it was anyone else s church run like that.I didn't know God had a color?Obviously I wasn't the one with racist thoughts there.

As I have many times stated in my blogs there is racism on enough to go round in this world because of the multiple standards that are set up to,not allow all people to be equal.Then there is the continual hammerings of the tiny group of fruitcakes in the street that need to have their faces in the media.The media who glories at the cars killing and dragging someone down the blacktop.Yup! we can run that 25time in the special report to make it all known to the rest of the fruitcakes.Bigger more violent crowd and we get more deadly videos to run special reports....FEED THE FIRE.

When I was homeless,I came up for a Housing voucher that would have helped me off the street,given me an address to get a job.I waited patiently 2yrs out in the elements.I didn't get arrested or get into drugs.I took showers at the YMCA.I earned small amounts of legal money to survive doing odd jobs..A steady job requires a permanent address to even get red cross help or foodlink.

The people in charge called my one link to help my cellphone one day saying that I finally would get help.My apartment was available.I cleaned up and went to the appropriate office to sign the papers.As I sat at the workers desk she came into the room.I knew that something was wrong by the expression and body language she was using. I am so sorry to tell you this after you have been so patient waiting these years she said.

I can't give this apartment to you.There is an single Afro American women with no husband and two children that just walked into the office and I am Legally bound to give her the apartment.It is not fair as she doesn't need to be put on a waiting list as you were.Struck hard hearing this I asked Why?The answer was this,"she is a single female minority with fatherless children.She has priority over you.There wasn't anyone rioting or pillaging when I lost my chance to "PSEUDO PRIORITIES" that day.I just walked past the women who didn't even give me a hello and into the cold. No racism there though.

I know the children needed shelter and I felt disdain for the mother who had two children with out a family.It is irresponsible to put children through that.The Father,let me om-mend that...The Father as anyone can generally be a "Father". It takes a DAD to stay and fight to raise some good kids.Not a gutless dog that runs away from that responsibility.In fact even most dogs will raise their young.That really needs fixing in any social order.

but am I any less a human worth saving if those kids were not involved?Veterans who should be before me are left in the street  with a chance to die a second time from this system of preferential status.Are we responsible for the social malfunctions of pieces of our society that moan about their short comings and point fingers at the rest of the world in blame.Seems that self help is usually found in our own backyard.I learned that the hard way a short time back.Also I must add this :for the grace of GOD go I.

I could feel the intense frustration at this event.Those years that I needed only a restart in life the story for jobs,education and even food to survive was the same.Every time the people in charge were punished with their lively hood, for not going along with the program.

Every-time some one was put in front of me and others I knew.Some were left out so long they gave up.Others succumbed to poisoned dumpsters to prevent food salvaging.(yes they,the good people in pizza and restaurant places do poison the homeless.Who would prosecute someone who wasted those dirty beggars?Right?). Most times no one even bothers to follow up with an investigation.THOSE PEOPLE" didn't pay taxes.Just another John or Jane Doe in a potters field or just dumped.

Now even our countries history is being altered to placate some isis type ideology that we all should have nothing before them.I use the word "THEM" The system is teaching us all about "them!"The social systems being set up and placed into law is whats causing the hatred in the world.People follow what is trending as the system makes life unequal.It is really titillating news on all our little electronic gadgets.

My prediction is this.In time there will be a clashing of US and THEM with flucuating  sides.Because there are no  Sides anymore than the people in the path of the madmen called isis or isil. Whatever they fancy calling themselves.Other terrorists by whatever fabrication of  professed victims who deem themselves so.

The 1990s brought the self/me generation and now we are left with the residual fertilizer ideas that everyone's first in line just because..... 

In 1936 those ideas began the bloodbath with racial biased type hatred.The finger pointing the shaking fists from various groups.No one stepped in and the world was plunged into a shit storm that still rears its ugly head to stink up our lives.A very good question are our leaders going to allow the chaos to overtake our freedoms in what could and maybe a very bloody end to our country.I  Pray that is not the case.No one wins a uncivilwar

Chaos and hate does not have pity or compassion.It has no reason or care.It destroys without forethought then has no remorse.It does not know loyalty and only has self love.iChaos does not discriminate.It cares not for who or what you are. Everyone is destroyed.,men, women,children the old.Chaos is a void that can not create.Chaos only destroys.It leaves empty all that was alive,hopeful,growing living.

WE can change the world if we try.There's better ways to accomplish that then violence and screaming in the street.Blessed are the peacemakers folks.

Till next time dear readers,There's much to do and very little time to do it.Hope I am wrong on that.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Why Are Those Who are so Successful at the Top Having Such a Hard Time of Rebooting Our Country?

The stories of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford,and others who have been at the top of their field to success.would they still succeed in the world today?Would the playground finger pointing already in this world stop them? Are the breakdown of families values from the economy or something more Human.More hidden out of view.Read on  dear reader.

Bear with me and I will try to clarify this long story,short.

There is not a absolute family equation for a perfect family.Nor is there a perfect equation on how to survive when the fertilizer hits the fan blades regardless of that situation.I truly wish there were.Forming groups to isolate people isn't a functional way to live either.

My example I will give here is a personal one which has often been presented to me.I was talking to a new neighbor the other day when she asked me what religion I was.A bit taken back by this quest for my spiritual roots I politely answered her in a careful quiet tone.I simply stated that I kept my own values but didn't  feel it was needed to avoid or abused others with non destructive beliefs.

She had told me of her Christian search and presented her opinion on not being one of "Those People" who are full of sin.Not of Jesus you Know.I told her that I was an ordained Minister and I quoted a scripture.

I said you know...A women was going to be stoned by the "good Folks" of her town for being one of "THOSE People" Jesus picked up a rock and said ,"let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
You could have heard a pin drop at this statement.I saw the anger in her face at once.I didn't agree and if it was physical ,would have heard a huge door slam shut.I was one of "THEM".......LIONS AND TIGERS AN BEARS OH MY!

I rarely do this to most folks.Everyone has an opinion.That's good till it degrades another person.Then I am forced to feed them a healthy course of humble pie.She then ask me to define what my beliefs were and what I excepted as "Christian"I referred back to my quote.

She then said that they should turn away from the sins to be saved and go to heaven.I reminded her that the same bible we read states that Not even the Angels occupy the creators heaven.You may be asking why this wandering story is written today.Here is the punch line on a pin head.I also referred to the Hail bob devotees who also were to have their castrated selves swooped up and leave our poor condemned souls to the whirlwind.That didn't quite go so well,but the point was taken.

Several days prior when I offered to help her family to move into her apartment.
I was given to understand that they didn't need any help and she had loudly spoken up telling me that the two women helping her were married and weren't interested.I asked to assist in moving...nothing else.I didn't have ulterior motives.Just doing a good turn.

Next few days she is banging on my door saying she doesn't trust me but asking me to share my internet and cable connections.(You may be reading ahead of this story but not where I am going .Stay with me now.) won't have a cup of coffee but needs my internet.I politely declined saying that I had my own things on the computer and didn't think it a good idea.She says,"well I guess I will have to figure out how to pay for that.Yeah I guess you will I am thinking.

The point of this is this....My past encounters with that type of so called Christian leaves me with a very bitter taste in my spirit.Everyone else is crap unless they believe as that cult believes.Everyone else is going to Hell except their little group.Everyone else is a sinner but them because they cannot see themselves in the frosted mirror of their own self denial.

There has been more death/murder in the name of some imagined god historically or hysterically,than any other reason.All because of the human peculiarity of "them and us". Even the Holocausts of history would not overtake all the death caused by humans who presume to know Gods will.It is not a God but a primitive tribalism that runs through us all. It is the jungle tribalism that permeates even the highest offices of this world.US and THEM instead of WE THE PEOPLE.WE THE HUMANS.
The alleged highest order-of being on this planet is still spiritually living in the darkest of all Jungles.

Tribalism is in our very being.Whether political,or religious,or sexual preference,or who we are,what color, where we were infinity.How much imaginary worth we have. Wealth is the biggest imagination.You build your wealth all your life only to die and then someone else starts over again.It was never really yours only in your imagining.We truly only posses and use what is imagined as ours.

I don't hold anything against the women she doesn't see The cult/tribalism anymore than those in ISIS see the wrong they do.It is all a mindset of the tribe.Go with the tribal ruling.THOSE PEOPLE.No one is perfect.Not you and certainly I am far from perfect.But to look down on folks as Children of a lesser god is not What any master power that created us would expect of its creation.
whether God,Goddess,or whatever your thoughts are.

Tribal law negates logical.It is fired up by superstition,fear and ignorance.It has no reasoning.The tribe is always forgiven by its god.It does no wrong as long as it acts in gods name.Listen to the tribal leader to hear the voice/choice of god.Small(g) means there is many false prophets.Pick one if you wish.That god is named chaos.It exists to divide and degrade.

Convert or eliminate them.The tribe determines the ruling, be it, shunning or the more severe Lynch mob hanging or beheading.The tribes laws are not subject to question or your next.Been to the meeting and got the ruling.Kicking me out put me in a far better place to look back and see the lost wandering tribes of sheep. The tribe is always right.Just ask them and they may tell you if you wish to be converted for shearing.

The world is in a pile of very serious trouble with every moment a bit more dumped on our minds to divide people into groups that conflict with each other.Wars,politics,even our so called religious leaders contributing to the cesspool of conflict.I wished there was a growing group of folks who just wanted to progress into a more defined future than what our tribal minds create.Next time you sit watching children play,watch for the actions of the tribe/gang to see what is driving the world to it's future.teach your children well their fathers Hell as the old rock and roll song went.

Yours as usual my friends till next time