Monday, September 10, 2012

Teachers On Strike,Are You Really So Surprised?

English: NWP teachers at work
English: NWP teachers at work (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 03:  U.S President Barack...
WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 03: U.S President Barack Obama (L), congratualtes the 2011 National Teacher of the Year recipient, Michelle Shearer as Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (R) looks on during a ceremony in the Rose Garden on May 3, 2011 in Washington, DC. Shearer who is a chemistry teacher at Urbana High School in Frederick, Maryland, received the 2011 National Teacher of the Year award. Presenting the award has been a presidential tradition since Harry Truman. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)
School is open and the students are busy back at their tasks of learning The 3-R's .They are also learning what it takes to be a teacher by example.I would hope the striking teachers follow the code of human example,Democratic example,and social protocol for those students.They are demanding better pay,better work situations,etc,etc,etc.The nerve of those folks!Imagine those people demanding better places to work...Why,you would think they worked in a war zone!

They should be satisfied with the long and unpaid hours they spend without gratuities.They are lucky to be over supervised,media maligned by a few teachers that abuse the teaching profession and get attention nationwide.(For All the wrong reasons).Whats wrong with those teaching materials they use?They worked okay for the last 20years.

The classrooms are just a little more ummm,err, cozy with the 50 or so students in class.It must make it far more church like to have all those students crammed into the same size room as their parents had those 20plus years ago.There were only 30 students or so then.Whats a feww more students.The more the merrier,right?

A word about those  benefits being paid to those teachers.You would think With the ez job of chasing bullies down,tutoring some students,spending their evenings with paperwork,skipping a social life and being unemployed at the drop of a hat,Well...You would think those teachers would be more great-full to the system of supervisors that cut their pays.After all You wouldn't expect a pay cut for those supervisors.Don't even think of laying off those supervisors.Just because they have not upgraded the system during their time to current standards.

This all takes me back to my time as a student in class....Those teachers that had time to help me when I would not have made the grade.Those teachers that were not prevented from defending students from bullies.Those students that became the people that run our country.All taught by the
ungreatful bunch of hooligans we see striking for a decent chance to lift our country out of this mess
we are in currently.

When you read this,it may make you laugh,cry or just get mad....Good!These folks have educated for the task of teaching the young people of our world.They have sacrificed many opportunities to be anything they wished.It is America after all.That is what it's all a dream.

No one in this reality expects to have a golden highway to the future.Teachers are no different.Teachers as my posts have reflected are the path to the future.The build the educational infrastructure that young minds of any age need to compete in this world.The teachers watch as the years pass and their students become all that they have could have been if they were not teachers.

This sacrifice of their own future possibilities are what they ask compensation for.It is not a great amount in comparison to what they would've earned elsewhere.They only ask for what will make their lives a little more comfortable in the years that are given in service to their students.It is a very small compensation in comparison.

Hooligans?These teachers are in good company if you compare them to the unionized coal miners of the 1930's.Auto workers of past years.Truck drivers in Europe.Actually any organized group of people that are being taken for granted.

The schools are in need of upgrading.Teachers should receive  proper compensation for services rendered.Schools should be a priority in communities.Those children will need support for the rest of their  lives if you don't teach them to support themselves.Feed a man for a day and he will be hungry again tomorrow.Teach him how to fish and he will never be hungry again.It's a very basic concept.

School has begun,The summer didn't bring any changes that should fall into place without delay.
Class rooms are overcrowded,tensions among students will cause problems.Teachers are under the gun to preform the same lessons with outdated materials.Students that have excess to electronics have huge advantages over those that don't.How is a teacher suppose to compensate for that?They can't afford to go out and buy what is needed.The materials just can't be used.The lessons take longer,with both teacher and student at a loss.Many times causing frustration for the teacher.The student may lose interest and just quit.This subtracts from the entire countries future.

I do have an idea as to how these wonderful giving folks can be compensated.Cut the deadwood out of any excess supervisors.Teachers are forced to preform with less.There is no difference here.
find the Cubical Commando's that have crappy track records and dump them.Jettison the dead weight!Find the teachers that don't measure up and change it.The good teachers should take care of that among themselves.

Next:bring those in the community that are actually interested in schools being more that a place to dump the kids for babysitting daycare.The first group are the cornerstones of you, building a task force.

Next step is to let the interested folks approach the "daycare" folks as representatives.Maybe a small handful will see the need for involvement.This is something teachers just don't have time for during school months.They already have enough to do.All without pay to much of it.

Last step is this,These teachers must teach with the hope of giving their students more information to work with then they had.This demands they must constantly update  themselves on the subject information.We need to pay for their upgrade in education as they require it.For us to expect them to have the tools to work without helping them is ridiculous. Help the people that give people like me a chance to live a dream by talking to the world :)

The proper educational tools to provide students a competitive future are teaching aids,safe places to learn,and resources to bring the world knowledge and history to the students mind.
The most important tool of all,the one we most need provide is the Teacher.For all their humble service that goes unnoticed and taken for granted are the noble Teachers that guide us to our future.

We are stone aged nothings without our teachers,scholars and modern educators.If we don't provide for them,we are lost to other nations that do take care of theirs....

we'll be talking again my dear friends,take care and keep the faith,

PS,teacher/Judy Kirkwood,How do You Like Me Now???

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Fault of Slumping Obama Economy Maybe Faith Problem

President Clinton's Latino Appointees (1998)
President Clinton's Latino Appointees (1998) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Headlines of some Newscasts around the United States  are stating that many Americans have declined  from the middle class scale to unemployed status.The statements say that many folks have even fallen into poverty.This may be true in some respects.I can attest to the the fact that Things are rocky.I can also see a distinct reason for this change in our  U.S. economy at this critical time in history.Please read on as I explain from my own perspective.

The American economy and the rest of the world have drop into an economic hole these past 12years or so.The countries that were doing so well financially tried to lift up countries that never seemed to be able to take care of themselves very well.Over time the worlds economic problems have been further burdened by The cost of wars.Financial stress from natural and man made disasters.

Treaties to help other countries catch up to the U.S. have been misused by those very countries that it sought to help.Those treaties were put in place to assist our former enemies(now friends in commerce),to have an avenue of success in a world market.Many of them are misusing those generous agreement's  to other countries misfortune.This makes what is a generous hand over the seas,look like a vast mistake instead of a merging of human ideas that benefits all people.That is what the people of this earth should be doing.Working to better all mankind.Those treaties should be the first step,not an instrument of social destruction as other countries are doing...

This election has brought arguments,violence and chaos to a country that is the greatest Democracy in history.The Greeks,Romans,and a distant ancestor of mine were also great believers in Democracy.
The United States is actually a Republic/Democracy.That is we vote for our choice of leaders to represent our beliefs and goals.It would be great to vote through computers in the future.For now it is our elections that drive our people and therefore power our economy.It is not the Presidents super power that gets things done.It is the power of the peoples voice that gets it done.

The following  are three things we must remember during this election.They are:
1)When good people do nothing,evil prevails.
2)The same is true when people sit on their butts during an election and groan and complain about whats happening in their world without the full story being learned or studied by them selves.
3)There are three types of people in this election:Those that sit and wonder what's happening
                                                                               Those that wait and wonder,what happened
                                                                               And those that act on their faith and make things
There is also those that sit and do nothing,and groan and moan about the world they didn't contribute the possibility of a solution.

The President needs to have the power to do his job.He is also a person(Imagine that! just like you and I)He also needs to have the input from his country to form the plans we all will use.No man is an island.Our President is basing his plans on what he has heard from those who do communicate with him.He does read our E-mails if you try to help...

Those in the Supporting (no pun intended here,It really is a  tragedy,not a joke)office of our elected people have never been interested in the people who elected them.Their actions have spoken louder than words.Some of those in elected office have publicly stated that dumping the president was more important than "WE The People".More important than our needs or anything else useful to help us.

.This is wrong from any perspective that grows and protects the United States.It would be taken very seriously in many other countries around the world.
Those people can,or should thank Whatever they believe in  for the good fortune to live where they can say things about their countries leader in that manner.

The economy was a fertilizer heap when Mr.Obama began his office.It had been their for many years .The last office to actually balance things out was President Clinton's office.Whether you except this or not is your choice.Just like your knowledge of what's politics and propaganda.Look it up and learn the facts.It's all at you computer in the blink of an eye,these days.Or....You can be one of those in the
3catagories above.

As one of those dreaded Independents,I have all the parties trying to bend me,shape me to believe in them.I would hate to try trading horses in midstream of a raging river.Translation:Things are proceeding slowly.Things around me are getting better.This country has suffered a great wound to this economy.We are still not like the Europeans mess

.I am one of those unemployed in this United States slump.I share the bottom of the economic ladder.I will only get stronger for it.

Our grandparents lived through the great depression,They were stronger for it,Our parents lived through the post World
War II era.They were labeled the Great Generation.They built what strengths we now take for granted and enjoy.The Korean and Vietnam era people furthered our economy by looking for truth in freedom.They became true warriors and survivors in spite of the overwhelming odds against them.

Another President may or may not have done better.The obvious facts are before our eyes at this  turn in history.We ARE better off than the rest of the world.China's infrastructure grew so fast that it is starting to collapse on itself.Europe tinkered with their currency and many countries have been hammered into poverty and debt.Russia has been broken apart into a singularity.We may be struggling,but we are still running a strong race when you compare what the other countries struggles are.

We will recover in the future.We will be stronger as we have in the past generations.We will recover and morph into the strongest version of the United States Yet.Because We can!We are from Genetic stock of the entire world.The melting pot for the strongest and the best of all the world.There is no other people in the world that has ever been like us.We have the strengths of pioneers,explorers,lovers of freedom and followers of the American Dream even before it had a name.Those people were driven by only one power to obtain this future goal.

It was the power of faith...
We have to have faith and work together for the dreams of our ancestors to continue,That all people have a chance to grow.That all people,no matter their dreams have the opportunity to work for that goal.That all people have the right to free choice of what they love and believe.That all people deserve the right to the pursuit  of happiness.We are all immigrants in a sense,even the natives came from somewhere.All people must have the right to a future to manifest and grow their future.We must have faith to do  this in any country.In any life style.In any Generation.We have many historic times when faith brought the people through the times and helped a nation climb out of darkness and depression.

That is what we need to keep in mind when we make a choice for the future
The future is based on a walk of faith.A first step into a possible unknown future as the pioneers did.
It is said that any journey,any walk...begins with the first step of faith.

We,in This Great Country,are at that crossroads of  the future.Listen,learn,investigate based on facts you can look up from many resources.Compare your choices and how those choices will effect this country.Know that you are the greatest power in history as an individual.You have the power to help
elect the most powerful person in history.That persons power is based on Your choice....Use it wisely!

"The good of the many for the choice of the one"
 We will be talking again soon my friends,Keep the faith alive...

PS:My zemanta program now works again.Good job Zemanta Techs.Thank You.You guys
make a big difference to anyones Blogsite...

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Friday, August 31, 2012

This is The Last Few Hours to Financially Support Our President

Okay folks,the time is very short to re-elect President Obama.The republicans will buy the White House if we Don't get our butts in gear right now.A donation of any size is better than nothing.

If they buy the presidential office this time,then we will never gain a free election again.If..   You had some dreams of the last election creating overnite miracles then you have had your head in the sand these last 4 years.President Obama has ran into every wall that the republicans could pull on him.If you don't agree with the presidents ideas then why hold the entire USA hostage with deadlocking our
countries progress?

If... You honestly can sit reading the past 4years of news reals on the political circus that has been run by the republicans on the  Whitehouse,Then still say it is Mr.Obama's  fault? Then I guess you have had your head stuck in the sand( or where-ever!!!!).

No one in any office or business could accomplish what needs to be done with their people always  doing the exact opposite of what is in the plan.It is intentionally counter productive and destructive to the United States people.No one will win in such  political circus atmosphere.The USA citizens are the losers in all the circus acts.

If the republicans get into office,I wonder wht will happen if they get the sme kind of support on their Ideas and efforts.....

One more reason for donating and supporting Mr.Obama is this my dear friends:
If you re now a sparkling member of certain churches,or are defined as excepted societal groups and
absolutely a straight laced Patriotic American.Forget getting a job,You can't expect to even get a kiss and a cigarette from that president.Do you remember the song from the play about the South American female leader.May I parphrase your future song:Don't Criy For Me Americans,I didn't support my ideas.I got what i asked for,I tried to talk to the new president and i got:you keep your distance....

And if your Asian,Native American,Or Hispanic,You can make speeches for the 2b pres.But you aint not,no-way,gonna get into that country club ever again.MLK will turn over in his grave at the backslide into the 1950s.

There's very little time left, Support Mr.Obama for president or shut up and take your medicine.
If Mr. Obama loses this election,You can practice this in a Mirror:Yes Sir,Thank you sir,may I have some more sir.anything you say sir....

This is your last chance to help the Warchest for our our freedom.Or you can conform to all those things that we have fought so hard for since the 1960s.It is in your ballpark now.

If you can't donate,then volunteer to help.It costs very little except time and will network you with people that have values much as your own.Mr.Obama's presidencial election will send a message that we to have our own version of the Arab Spring.We don't have to kill and destroy to stay free..

Our weapons are far more deadly than any gun,bomb or wmd.We vote and we stick to our ideas.
 Check your time friend it's nearly done

Till next time friends,keep the dream alive.....It still has power.Yours!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Ryans Words Should Be Labeled Smoke & Mirrors show

United States Presidential Election: 2012 (Google Affiliate Ad)
English: In January 2009, President of the Uni...
English: In January 2009, President of the United States of America, George W. Bush invited then President-Elect Barack Obama and former Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter for a Meeting and Lunch at The White House. Photo taken in the Oval Office at The White House. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: United States President Barack Obama ...
English: United States President Barack Obama 'long form' certificate of live birth (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I wasn't so far off when I suggested Mr. Ryan's mommy for Vice  President.I Know that she tried and tried to teach that boy to not tell fibs.Guess he was hard to understand such things.I say this because
I can't believe that a mom would teach her children to spew such proverbial outright lies.I am also very surprised that his nose didn't grow to enormous proportions on camera.

Was his light hearted chuckles because he needed to signal the audience to laugh.Maybe it was a private joke.(thinking u  suckers )as he scanned the crowds.

I also noticed the crowd appeared to be signaled to cheer in the same way each time.It reminded me of a group of marionettes dancing in synch on the same string.Not much imagination in that group of (sheep)followers. Can we play a clip from the black and white footage of old conventions,Please!Those people had Individual imagination that rebuild our country from near ruins in the 1940s and 1950s.Democrats brought in Social Security as a temporary solution,Republicans never stopped it when they were in office.Must have been okay with it continued(to be robbed?)

Democrats and republicans that may not have seen eye to eye on things.They had arguments,debates,
but they would never jeopardize a United States President Like the current group of scoundrels running interference on Mr. Obama.The coach would kick the players butt if this was a football team and the players ran for the opposite goalpost & left the quarterback on his own...It's a team!That team would need bulletproof underwear when they left.Why are we the people like those "PO'd fans.lets kick the supporting players backside.It's time for a change alright.Let us partake in a formal butt booting to the politicians that have held our President as Hostage to accomplishing what he must do to get our country going.We are a world tribe,but we must help ourselves first..

Four the last 4years,The same type of lies,misdirects,and general childish crap has presented itself as
the opposing parties persona.No-one could succeed even as much as the President has done.It simply
proves that this man is strong enough to grab the ball and run it as best he is able when the rest of the United States Politica team is screwing around with another smoke and mirror speaking engagement.These speeches happen because the opposition really has no idea as to how to fix anything.Have you actually ever heard a relevant and constructive,even workable idea from Obama's opposition?Have any of the flapping media jaws on the radio done anything but sound like a bunch of constipated  poops,with more than a touch of dimentia?

I personally, would love to see politicians caught in a lie,fined and publicized the same as if  they  were caught using hookers services(NY).The same as if they have been found using illegal drugs or selling arms to banned countries.It would save a lot of media time for those of us watching.I think that convention would have had to be labeled fiction based on it's total reality.

I joined in to help Mr.Obama,Stay President Obama,Because I have seen --President and-Mrs.Obama doing some useful and great things outside the Whitehouse for people.I have,nt even heard much of the wanna be Presidents wife.Or Ryans....Perhaps it is a new requirement of the "wives" to put on some shoes, leave the kitchen and kids to go out in public. Mr. Obama as president has changed the world without directly having to do anything.Let me explain.Martin Luther King realized that when equal rights finally matured to a point in time, Minorities or those so labeled would be able to rise to the high office of President.This last election saw that Civil Rights movements flowering into a living blossom.The Children of all the societies in the USA.realized that MLK and followers had a fluent dream.They realized that we are a one race nation now.The Human Race.We have begun to mature
as a truly unique nation.Where anyone that runs for office can obtain their goals.That dream must survive for the future generations benefit.Justs as the aging population must be thought of for help.
It' the way we Americans Are.It' the way our reputations as humans have always been.We are the champions of the world....ask anyone getting beat up by their dictator leaders.....

Mr.Obama,Our President is the Step into the future of our country.You May call that Country The United States of America.Until Mr.Obama We have been The Good OLE Boys buy in Political Country Club.  Club Rule are as follows:1)NO WOMEN
                                                                  2)No Black Folks
                                                                  3)No Poor Folks(This means blue collar workers)
                                                                  4)No one called riff raft or non elite
                                                                  5)No Spanish,Orientals,etc.etc.etc
                                                                  6)anyone else that we in DC. deemed,Well,you know .
                                                                             Those non conformist types.They just don't
                                                                            know  our ways of doing things around the circle.
                                                                            The poor dears,They just would not fit into our
Do you honestly believe a minority will even be given the assistance they need to help the U.S. people if the GOOD OLE BOYS return to power.We will be involved in wars all over for weapons of mass destruction that never were proven.We will be holding people in locations to torture and abuse without due process,articles of war,held indefinitely without even visitation rights from any Organizations usually allowed to speak with prisoners.What in hell have we allowed to happen to Human and Constitutional rights.This system,may I politely remind you was put into place before President Obama's time in office.This was republican party policy.The question that you must honestly ask yourself is this dear reader.

If one day in the dream of a Republican future you are walking down the street,You pass through a "No Free Speech Zone" a Swat van rolls up and grabs you places a black bag over your face while someone is holding you with hands behind your back in a submission hold.A submission hold  forces your arms behind and upwards till if you resist it dislocates one or both of your shoulder joints.
Your tightly  handcuffed with a plastic restraining band.Numbed from blood cutoff,your Hands and feet are cuffed.Your then thrown into the van.There is no talk and you may be beaten and told to shutup .if you ask questions.You may be doped unconcious for long range transports.You awake in a concrete room with no explanation as to what,when or why this happened.In the days to come,You find that torture is a humane interrogation tool and the country that you were born in,educated in and hoped to defend and grow old in,no longer exists.

You remember the last elections that you voted in.You remember that your unemployed life had made you desperate for change,even if the other candidates were caught in hours of lies and fabrications of anything they spoke.You feel the broken bones of that last "Questioning"regarding your beliefs,regarding your speaking in a proposed NO FREE SPEECH ZONE.You denie it with the knowledge that, that will be grounds for even more "IN DEPTH"questioning.You sit wondering if anyone saw your arrest? does anyone know if I am alive.Is my family ok...If only I had ...

You say this is crap and can't happen in this country.Go to the library computer,bookshelf,newspaper archives,or just go through those newspapers before you recycle them.Educate yourself about these men.Knowledge is power,my friend...As far as not in this country.I suggest you find the newspaper articles that were printed days before the convention for the NO FREE Speech zone with police guarding it.The scenario is entirely possible with the" right"people in command.

I am a writer,I try to see the end  and imagine both possible endings.Heres a second possible ending.
You listen and examine the stories of all people running for office.The facts unlock your mind that has only job searching worries,family worries,all the problems that have been dumped on you lately.
You examine the last 2 Presidential people that served,you examine the situations that developed during that time .Wars without purpose.prisoners for money snitches,American Soldiers dumped into
hell.This time it's the National Guard People.Volunteers who thought they were the home guard.Not a private army for a political game.You find the violations of human rights on POW'sThe same thing we in the USA accused Other countries of in the past and still in the present time.
You get curious for more information about the past.This info keeps referring to the misdirects of questions ask to that prior presidents staff.Direct questions are usually answered as national security.
The walls they built back there grew to a monster.It makes you wonder what happens to this monster if it is allowed to grow to it's full size and what will that size mean to your your loved ones.After all,you may be jobless,but you are free to find a decent job at some point and your research points out that the republicans candidate has a history of loving to destroy companies by buying them out and firing the struggling employees.You realize that it would make you a vagrant with no home,no money,no support of yourself or family.You close your eyes and wish the elections from hell would just go away.You wish you would wake up in a paradise without worry or strife.....You open your eyes once more and hear your inner voice yell this,"HEY! BUBBA WAKE UP!,IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN BUCKY!so wake up and get your butt into gear.Get up off your duff and vote in one of the most important elections of the 21rst century.This is real and the things above are real.It doesn't take a genius to read a dozen random articles to check for the things you will need to learn,then compare how you might run a country of 300million plus population and not one of the useless elected deadwood  doing anything but setting an example for Americas Youth that join the gang mentality.Your colors ain't runnin on my turf  ##!****.Great example to bullies,bullies,and dictatorial thugs watching the U.S..A's politicians battling each other while those dictators kill off their mal- contented oppressed population in the thousands.

I am for giving this man tools to do his job by dumping the opposing Malcontents from the roster .
We need to support a few fundamental ideas to build a system that may not suit all peoples,but it should at least be a solid foundation of idea that can develope and morph into something workable,

Nothing is perfect,no human is perfect (with 1 exception in my opinion) .We must stay the course as the republicans once stated.that is one of their parties matra's...That is the republican parties words.
I am very sure they meant for Those words to used for Presidential support.President Barack Obama is the current President.Thank You republican party for the words of support for your president.
I am so glad the voice from that past president is historically left for him...your support is appreciated

That is all for now folks,let us take the Republican Parties advise here on this and stay the course.
take time to care,time to think,time to forgive,and time to love with your heart.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dump Ryan and Lets Run MOMMY for Vice Prez.

USA states unemployment 2004
USA states unemployment 2004 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Magic wand with stars. Transparent ba...
English: Magic wand with stars. Transparent background. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It 's sorta nice to know that Mr. Ryan is so attached to his mom.Reminds me of an old Greek play for some reason.I really do not see why he spent so much time saying that he had a plan to save the world from all the problems of the last 3plus presidents before Mr. Obama.I must have missed the plans explanation.I guess they just wing it as they go.same promises,different day.

What we need to hear is the plan that is always hinted at,but never explained.The mysterious plan that will save us all from it all.get us jobs,and a chicken in every pot.Massachusetts still has a pile of unemployed people that will never get a chance to express their despair to society.
Mr Ryan said we all have our places in society.I wonder just how he means that statement?
This country has always had it's ups and downs.Every country in the world has had such times.
The past 2 decades have had both parties in power.The country is now in a slowdown.It is bottoming out from the slide started 11years ago.Mr.Obama wasn't in power then.history records the power in control then...Google it!

We need to stay the course to quote a past Presidents words,It brought a multi front war still running us into debt.Those words have cost the citizens of the USA and its allies lives,broken military and civilian families.How anyone would dare to state that they can wave a magic wand and chant a few
magic words to change things.still must believe in the tooth fairy.Maybe mommy hasn't told a certain
fellow about the quarters under his pillow...ssssshhhhh!

We need to hear the Master plans of the politicians. We don't need to hear about the kids,Grandma,or what wonders might be happening in a possible  future.We need solid and concrete plans to the promises given.Mommy,is behind,the presidency is a dream,there is only what you tell us that is a present plan to change that possible future....So leave the kids home with mom and let us hear that instantaneous miracle plan to save us all from reality.

Let's hear it Mr. Elect to be.What's your plan to rock our unemployed world.(Finance,Recession and unemployment is effecting the entire world,but don't tell him that either)...

Enough of the political world for now.Why do we need politics anyway.Why can't we just sit in a
circle,roast marshmallows and sing kuumbia and dance like savages...   :)
It could work!!!It really could work..

We'll be talking again soon folks,Think before you jump.

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Could Your GRANDMA afford the look of some politicians wives?

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth Presid...
English: Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. Latviešu: Abrahams Linkolns, sešpadsmitais ASV prezidents. Српски / Srpski: Абрахам Линколн, шеснаести председник Сједињених Америчких Држава. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Last night I saw a Presidential candidates wife give a speech for the support of her husband.It is an admirable trait for this to happen under most circumstances.The family image,togetherness,etc.It's very admirable indeed.Till you put into perspective the idea behind the whole supporting wife thing.
Lets explore the idea for a few moments in time.That election will start a newly elected start a new dynasty of the elite for her family.Think about it and consider the background. of this family.

The speech was to show that First it means they are a family unit in appearance at least. "She" said they too have had their moments of discontented life.All folks do in time even after 40 years of marriage.&kids and etc.etc.etc.Great.they can have a raft of offspring to satisfy their belief system.So this is not a virtue that brings anything to the political table.It won't solve our countries political arguments.It won't bring jobs to our population of the unemployed.So what? My last cat had 7kittens.

Next we were told what a bang up businessman her husband was.I remember the speech her husband gave regarding his passion for buying up companies that were struggling and firing the employees.He stated he really enjoyed that.Such compassion for the downtrodden as we have never heard in a possible future president.The unemployed will really look forward to jobs they won't be able to keep.If firing employees and not refurbishing the responsible management is his method of business.

I doubt very much that President Obama has that kind of track record behind him.I know that when I wrote him with no expectations of any reply to my problem,His reply  was very prompt.He asked not what color,religion,affiliations or anything else. Mr. Obama simply said that he would look into the problem.He did exactly that.He kept his word to me.That is a great measure of a man.The answer to my E-mail was on the following day after I wrote him.I was blown away by the President of the United States taking time from the world events to help a nobody in  a sea of nobodies.That is the measure of a public servant.To serve and protect his people

Based on these past events,can you imagine what a country with this kind of wealth  in charge would be like.There would be selective jobs available to those excepted worker ants.The chosen minimum wage/12hrshift workers.The  offshore/out of country accts. would increase, ex-potentially that the new president would hold.I guess the investments inside the USA would be sorta risky with no one being sure of retiring in a company that could be bought out and sold.The long time workers fired to the giggles and brags of the new owners.That stage has already been set.

I know that the last 4 years for  President Obama has been one of media Prostitutes for his opposition pimping out the usual BS without need for any constructive ideas offered.The political party prompting the opposition has been constantly giving nothing but grief to this man.It' supposed to be a 2party system that is in one free country.There has been times lately that I have to stop and wonder how long free will be a word we can say without punishment to follow.I see a signpost in the conventions wall going up already.

The convention taking place has something  called a "speech free zone".what ever that is.Along with this observation there is the obvious missing minorities in the audience
The viewing that I saw on TV left  this impression.There was only one minority in the audience that was constantly showcased for viewing.Ms.Rice was dressed very nicely as usual.I saw many folks with  the suites and dress real (pale w/ no tan lines) that you would expect to see walking up to your door on summer days with a bible in their hand to convert you.....The others, minorities and non conformists were no doubt, out behind the police enforced "no free speech"lines.

Might this be a harpenture of things to come after one possible election outcome.

I would invite you,the reader to deeply investigate the words  of both candidates.The next step is to compare without family and friends personal opinions involved biasing the outcome.
You will find that Mr. Obama does what he believes is the best decision for a lot of people.The
 man who brags about buying floundering companies and firing the strugglling employees , opens his mouth and   proves himself.The workers lose their jobs and are punished with being mismanaged by the companies CEO.

I fear for the country if all the changes that would take place during a changing of the guard election.
I would question the selective placing of religious  affiliate persons in top office and prominent positions of power.

I can not imagine a president that has his bank investments out of the country having much faith in the USA's economy recovering.Appears to be like a man drilling another hole in a sinking boat to let the water out again.Our president should support this country first and foremost.

The choices are all of ours.We know that if any President has assistance from his elected fellow politicians,He will accomplish great things for all the masses.If they spend their time being contrary,
nothing gets done and 4 years are wasted.Those years subtract from the future and are used for mud throwing.Ever so useful with infantile children who never grew up mentally.

There was a line in the movie"Terminator" that went There is no fate but what you make".I truly believe this to be applicable to this election.Power thru our current delays by a few Mule headed
 folks  to run a more streamlined shot into the future.The current president has 4years of experience.
Whether anyone agrees with him or not,changing horses in the middle of a stream is not a good idea.

This election,lets make the changes that allow the president to at least have some sort of dialect that would be something other than childish bickering and disagreements.If he can't do it then I will be surprised and admit it.I don't think that will happen...

That is all for now.Think of the future and dream.with a wrong choice,that's all we'll have left.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

We Can Stop Hunger Worldwide if We Explore & develope Aquaspace

Image of plankton (light green) in the oceans;...
Image of plankton (light green) in the oceans; archaea form a major part of oceanic life. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The popular belief,based on reports and statistics state some pretty bleak predictions the Human populations future.The most popular prediction is that the world will run out of water,followed by the animal stocks food.Next of course is the meat producing stock.Veggies and dairy would disappear completely as a result of the food-chain breakdown.

The Ocean food would fall under a massive attack to close up the demand for food.The massive demand on the sea would be devastating to the fragile environment of an already abused ecosystem.
The long term results of all these dark natured doomsday tales is a rather obviously tragic end of a lovely planet.It would leave a planet not too different from the planet mars....Hmmmm you don't suppose..? Another dead planet is born!

Well,I don't think it has to happen like that if we do some preliminary planning,exploring and actually go forth to build what we need.Lets explore this idea to begin with.

The oceans are currently under a massive attack from many directions,There is the much discussed over fishing,whaling by Japan,medical waste that is dumped into the ocean from barges,sewage from ships,gas,oil,and the rest of the nasty gunk that is not good for children and other living things.Bet you just are dying to get a drink of water right now,don't you?

Here is the idea for you to mull over in your minds eye.The ocean is the only place on earth that uses 3/4 of the surface of our planet.It has the most life swimming per inch of anywhere else .The soupy brine of the salt water supports more life per inch than anywhere or anything on earth.It is without a doubt the foundation of the food chain.If it dies the food chain falls and never recovers.So how can we save this nefarious death of the planet from occurring?

Farm the oceans in deep water with people that want to farm the new frontier of the ocean farms.
With proper techniques and cities built to withstand the ocean depths,people woube bornunder the sea,live their lives both under the surface of the oceans and on the land.We will ned facilities like many that are now ur the sea for research and military use.The cities would be build to handle the needs of the folks that live there.Food would be produced by the most modern applications of science techniques.The people would use mini subs to travel from place to place.The cities would use the most modern methods to assure safety from sea quakes etc.

The food that would be produced has now in the present day,much more protein than many land produced meat products.You might look up the word spirulina.It's the most protein content per ounce that I have read about. I believe it is a form of algae.Your under sea mom will say .,"sit right there till you eat your algae,do you know how many land folks are wishing they had that wonderful food".

The cod farms,shrimp farms,tuna hatcheries,Lobster beds and oyster,crab etc. would be the saving of the world.Whales would roam freely in the oceans waters without any need to kill such beautiful creatures most of the fishing techiques used today would not even be needed anymore.They would become as obsolete as whaling windjammers have in our time.

The oceans have never been completely explored to find all the wonderful and mysterious life in the depths.We have the abilities to explore even the deepest of depths with our machines.We have the technologies to develope means of living,breathing and having a great life anywhere.The ocean is simply another world on our own planet.It's closer and easier to live on that mars,which will probably never be livable by humans.It is also cheaper to live in the sea than to shoot through space for a year only to roughly land on a planet where there is no chance of rescue from earths Humans.

The future does not belong to the Martian Planet  a year away.The robots dying on that planet might one day rebuild it self to return like the ones in the movies.We humans won't be living there any day I forsee.
Humans will be force to look elsewhere for survival in the future.I see the oceans and the seas as our safest and most easily developed environmental refuge for mankind. Lets go where No man has gone before.We can become the new Atlantians of the future if we truly want to survive the forecasts of the dooms sayers.I say'"nay Captain Nemoe, Dive to the depths of the dark sea and dwell there in the cradle that spawned thee...,Go home to the endless depths of the unknown fathoms that beckons thee".

I have a strange,sudden craving for a wonderful seafood dinner with scallops,calamarie,giant shrimp and maybe a really nice seafood alfredo with clamsauce.I wonder what brought that on?
We'll be talking soon bye for now friends.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

The big EZ,New Orleans Louisianna Faces the storm again.

A U.S. Coast Guardsman searches for survivors ...
A U.S. Coast Guardsman searches for survivors in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Flooded I-10/I-610 interchange and surrounding...
Flooded I-10/I-610 interchange and surrounding area of northwest New Orleans and Metairie, Louisiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hurricane Katrina - August 28, 2005
Hurricane Katrina - August 28, 2005 (Photo credit: smiteme)
I was traveling south with a load of supplies fr a warehouse the day after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Grand Ole Lady of the south New Orleans and a huge portion of Alabama.There was damage all along the Mississippi Gulf States. It was like a really surrealist world disaster movie.

People backed up in trafic trying to escape to anywhere safe.National Guard and law Enforcement in
Marshal law mode.It was a scene that could easily give a paranoid personality a reason to grab the wife,kids,bugout bag and escape to the mountains. Run to  their secret route that none of the tens of thousands of people knew.Lotsa luck pal!

It was chaos at best. The area recovered to a degree that it could,but will never be the sweet old place I first visited over 20years ago.I cam remember the Big Party afterwards by the survivors called a bougelay?My French sounds" More Better" than I can spell it.Needless to say it was a good time by a people that are weather worn and hardy as any group of survivors TV program.Those people are already boarding up their homes,Shuttering the windows and double checking the stores of food and fresh water.Checking the gas to see if there is enough to fuel the generator.These folks have lived with the big storms for generations.The natives that  came to the area 200years plus ago have seen the areas weather pattern year after year.

The areas that are evacuated are the flooding places.Houses will be under water from the rain and surging of tides.But those who survive and restart their lives again will plan a big get together  to celebrate life.

The area is much better prepared for the huge amounts of water and mud that plagues the people who chose to stay behind.There is huge damns to hold back excessive water flows into the city.The 6 pumps can now safely pump 6000 gallons of water per second.Yes It's correct! The dikes are far stronger than Katrina's time. They hope they are prepared for the unexpected.

If and when the storm finally makes land I only hope and pray that no lives will be lost to nature again.I wished I could be there for the Jumbalaya and the Crawfish pie.Till you attend an after storm party,you have'nt lived.The get together would convince you of just how resilient these folks are.

So Issac Will blow through and in a day orso they party and rebuilding begins.I know they will
be okay in time.It's their land and their lifestyle as the generations brfore them and before that.

Terrible as a Hurricane can be,Its the celebration of life afterwards that renews the promise of life continuing that recharges the living survivors.

Thats all for now my friends,Lets learn to rejoice at the times of our lives.Live each moment as though it was your last.These folks have learned the trick...


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Lance Arstrong Railroaded as Many Historical Heros have been in the past.

President George W. Bush and Armstrong mountai...
President George W. Bush and Armstrong mountain biking at the president's Prairie Chapel Ranch (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Cyclist Lance Armstrong at the 2008 T...
English: Cyclist Lance Armstrong at the 2008 Tour de Gruene Individual Time Trial, 1 November 2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For Many years I have enjoyed the Bicycle Industry and riding since I was 14years old.That Huffy Single speed Bicycle spent many days helping me to earn a few dollars delivering Newspapers.
I  have Watched The tour specialist Bicycle rider named Lance Armstrong for almost as long.He has won more battles in racing than anyone else in the world.

Mr. Armstrong has also fought off the most vicious competitor,Cancer in it's various horrendous forms.He then returned to his love of riding in competitions.Like many other Hero's,He has now been stripped of all he accomplished throughout his lifetime as a professional athlete by a jelous group of nobodies that could not do any of the wins or competition the condemned did.

I wonder how many of the people that stripped the titles have ever done anything even close to Lance's accomplishments.I would be willing to be they came about as judges in the usual manner.
A relative or friend needed a position that didn't require any of the skills they had to judge.

There is a great many medications and substances that are pumped into a cancer patients body to help lessen the pain and process the patients treatment.This medication can stay in the system for weeks and even months.It has to in order to hold the disease at bay so the patient(lets call them the Human Being )can lead a somewhat normal life.

 I cant even begin to imagine the after results of his cancer on his life.I know that the "Judges" probably don't even care.The power over those nobodies on a famous and accomplished athlete must be over whelming on their ego's.They have the power,without the abilities of the athlete to destroy him with only a word.

The words not only rob him of all the rewards he has worked and strived  for.It also Places restrictions on his future abilities to compete as a world known Professional.

I believe this is a dirty deal that has been cooking up for a great many years.It really stinks and should not be allowed to go without Americans Speaking out.It is just a Bicycle Racer,Right?
Wrong...It" a long time winner that is getting dumped on for being a winner over so many things in this world.

The world will see Lance Armstrong rise to new heights in American legends.
Ride on Bicycle Hero.Ride On for those of us that have enjoyed you Races as much as you have.

Let us watch the Judges"that did the dirty deed very,very closely in their futures.......Very close.

We don't want any drunks,dopers or nefarious judges monitoring those true athletes with impaired senses or JUDGEMENTS.That is anymore than they already do....

I will be back in a little bit.
Take care for now.RJP
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