Tuesday, December 10, 2013

They Should Never Be Forgotten For They Gave All They Had,Families,Futures,FortunesNever Should We Forget To Honor Their Gift

IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National ...
IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Arlington National Cemetary
Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: nataliemarchant)
homeless (Photo credit: BagunçĂȘiro)
This is the time of the season when we remember those we love and those that have left us.We gather together in a sense of Joy and of celebration.There are feasts and trees to dazzle the mind with lights,tinsel and gifts beneath the tree.This is the scenario for most folks that celebrate traditional Chistmas time.For others it is a time of hope,and of renewing our  faith of the spirit.There are several groups of people that rarely have the privileged of being remembered for the holidays.All have lost everything in life.One group will have the possibility to one day regain some of what they no longer have.They are the Homeless and displaced persons of our world.They are cold, alone and without anything but the faith  that life will find them a kind samaritan to regain their dignity.

There is another less mentioned group that has given all they had,all they will ever have in life.
They surrendered their freedoms.They willingly surrendered their families.They gave up all of their hopes and dreams for those  in need.Their risk is beyond those us in safety can understand.

These 400,000+ and growing strong would never gain the lives they grew up dreaming about.Their hopes and visions were put aside for the good of all.

They were, and are the ones that rose up to the challenge most would never meet.The Heros of our countries.The heroes of our world, so soon forgotten.The ones left behind out of convenience when they are safely out of sight.

The people that I have been referring to are those who are men and women serving in the armed forces.They are far from all they cherish and many will give the supreme sacrifice on this holiday of losing their lives,limbs and lively hoods.Others will succumb to the mental horrors that destroy minds.There is one more group that fall into this group sooner or later.

That group is those who have fallen in the scores of years mankind has existed on this planet.There is over 400,000 graves in Arlington National Cemetary alone.These are the Humans who through draft or enlistment have sacrificed their lives for a cause they gave their futures for.They died so that the worlds non military citizens could live in peace and go on with their lives living in peace.Complaining on how Awful their lives are...

The small gift of appreciation for this unbelievable heroism is to donate a small amount for the setting of a wreath on their graves this Christmas.Please remember to visit the grave of a loved one who was a warrior for freedom.

There are graves from the first effort to free us from the bondage of overtaxing and invasion into the lives of our ancestors...There is also a lesson that should be going through your mind as you stare at the cold stone with that loved ones name carved on it.

That soldier is still waiting for the freedoms they died for...As history begins the unlearned cycle of teaching those of us that forgot to learn a lesson from history

The Wreaths Across  American Organisation will be glad to have you as a contributor.They lack 30,000 wreaths to Honor the Fallen Heros in Arlington alone...Have they been left behind as the POW,s/MIA,s were in wars past?Are They forgotten by everyone for their unselfish deed?
You Decide.


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Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Monster That Will come out of the sea will not vaguely resemble the one called Godzilla in bygon movies to wreak Havoc on Japan

Japan (Photo credit: Satorare)
Written on Pearl Harbor Day

Japan is the topic of so much news today.It has come from a feudal  governmental system that made the mistake of attacking a sleeping giant long ago.The warrior nation thought to overtake a country that hated warfare.The mistake was to believe that that giant would simply roll over and play dead.This mistake was the start of a lesson well learned.A lesson that sent thousands to their premature graves on all sides.

The belief that any deity would of any belief would support the useless destruction of thousands of lives is in itself a fallacy.Those that believe such things Usually fall from on their own swords.Romans,Egyptians,Persians or imperial Japanese.

History is a swinging pendulum that swings far one way and then equally swings back to counter what has over balanced the norm.That is the pendulum swings in the way of a great force pushing it until that force weakens and is spent.The Karmic Pendulum  then swings back will equal force to make right what is wrong.

Nothing is overlooked by this force to equalize cause and effect.This brings me to a more recent Japan.
Lets move on in time to the end of a terrible world war and a politician declaring that the Country of Japan would rebuild and overcome those who brought down the Empire by learning their ways and conquering them by their own means....The pendulum swings by the force with the help of our country.pushing always pushing.

Flash forward to an alliance of enemies/now friends in commerce.War and Death could have been avoided if men would talk to each other with their heads in the light[You design the mental image] .Flash ahead again to a nation again puffed up by success and now a nuclear powered industrial power.Here comes the monster they yell
as they run.Its not Godzilla or mothra.Its,Its the nuclear waste flooding our air and running into our foodchain.

Godzilla would have been a cakewalk that 50,000half lives would seem a bit overkill.no pun intended.
The people now need to clean the mess and the entire world will feel the monsters wrath from everywhere including our very genetic structure as we eat the bountiful seas harvest

The pendulum is swinging .... 

God Bless Those Who gave their lives on this day in Pearl Harbor and all those who die in warfare when men in command have their heads stuck in dark places and fail to find a better way...


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Putin and Ukraine leader to sell out the hopes of European Pact that would help Lead to an Independent Nation free from "MOther Russia"?

Let us start this bit of a story with a little of  what I have gathered over time on Russia and the Iron curtain countries.
I am well aware that the countries that have gone through many decades of strife and struggle definably trying to set a trend for their freedoms.The leader of the Ukraine could now easily have joined with Europe in a bold new advance into the free world.

With the force of will his fellow countrymen and women are showing in the streets.Demanding freedom and a European joint venture into the world.A leader is the example for his society,For his country and Kin.That leader as any other is either with his peoples ideas or subject to learn their discontent if that leader ignores the masses of his countrymen.To lead is to step out ahead of those willing to trust your judgement and follow you.

Instead, the Ukraine leader has chosen to bow down to the former occupiers and kiss their High stepping boots for resource help.
This has the sad promise of leading a country that depends on Russias petroleum Back into a treatise that push the old Iron curtains closed more and more.Back into the dark ages of the atomic age. Recapturing the original countries that broke away to freedom.Basically, it amounts to a bloodless coup.Those who control petroleum also control industry,power production,and general commerce ETC.  Russia and Mr. Putin wins a society and an old conquest without firing a shot or ruffling the U.N.Very clever.I guess it may prove once again that those who do not learn from the past ,truly are destined to repeat it.

Those that are protesting will be sacrificed if the dream of freedom is not supported by all of the countrymen and countrywomen.
If the politically oriented coup  by treaty is accomplished then it will be to late for all the people.Those who fail to support freedom are left to ponder what it would have been like to live free it.They will be left to fight harder in the future while being Shadowed and watched by their keepers.Forever the good little Peon prisoner.

Mr Putin is a well known former "KGB type" agent from the Iron Curtain years or era thereof.The years when such organizations ruled  secretly behind the shadows of controlled societies.The same societies that struggle to gain freedom from such shadowy oppression all over the world these days..He has been many years of experience learning how to mind warp the   free will of peoples.Google it and find what is the published Truths on both the Ukraines Leader and The Russian leader

I would urge those who read things of the Worlds freedom  loving peoples thoughts to take heed and join your fellow citizens in the fight for your deserved rights.You truly have everything to gain  or as an oppressed person have bondage to your keepers like a monkey exhibit in a zoo.Which primate would you rather be?The primate looking into the cage or the primate looking out  helplessly, naked for your keepers amusement?The cage is not locked yet there is still a chance to have a choice in that decision..You decide.  There is an old saying that goes:there are three types of people,those that make things happen,those that watch things happen and those who do nothing and wonder what happened....when it overtakes them...

Till next time dear friends Keep the your mind open and the light on in your heart.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Lawmaker in Hawaii is Now Openly Walking The Streets commiting Hate crimes and Apparently No One There Really Has The Decency to Stop Him

English: Source: Joshua Sherurcij
English: Source: Joshua Sherurcij (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop...
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sa...
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sans abri Ă  Tokyo. Español: Persona sin hogar, en las calles de Tokio. TĂŒrkçe: Evsiz adam, Tokyo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un...
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un sans domicile fixe Ă  Paris. Tiáșżng Việt: Một người đàn ĂŽng vĂŽ gia cÆ° ở Paris Polski: Bezdomny mÄ™ĆŒczyzna w ParyĆŒu See below for more translations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homeless person, with shopping cart
Homeless person, with shopping cart (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When I think of our elected officials now in office I often wonder what they actually think of those people they always claim to serve and protect.I came across an article a few days ago out of the place always called paradise by folks never visiting there.That place is the land of grass skirts and hula dancers.That place is the tropical paradise always depicted in stories of warriors dugout outrigger canoes.The original native people who threw lovely young girls into hellish molten Volcanos to appease the goddess.Palm trees and beautiful dancers that moved with the fluid motions of the gentle warm south seas breeze.That's what I have always thought....Til now anyway.

It would seem my articles of the elected having an arrogant  attitude about and towards those children of supposed lesser gods...The Homeless that already are scraping out an existence with only what they can salvage from that which others no longer need.They rarely have the abilities to get out of the rut they have fallen into.
My blogs in the past explain the difficulty that getting back into a life is when one falls outta the society made world.

The last thing the homeless would need is an overpaid  Jackass roving the street with a sledgehammer smashing their goods and perhaps assaulting them with the ability to walk away from what for anyone else would be a Hate Crime.Anyone else would be prosecuted to the full extent  of the hate crime laws.

The article tells how this guy orders the to get their A** of the street or else.He openly has admitted with the arrogance of some one who knows his political buddies will turn a blind eye to the blatant crimes.
The police know of the goings on and report that no one has filed any reports regarding the events.

If you were on the street even as you are now and this happened to you,what would you do?
of course you would call the cops and file a report.Maybe press charges on the bozo and get him some nice quiet time for a mental exam or jail time to reconsider him mindset and actions.

Okay,Now what happens when the perp is a  Democratic representative named Tom Brower and he is above the laws of us mere mortal.Sorta changes the equal rights thinking does it not? Now take that master/slave or elite/peon scenario one step further.You are a homeless person...You are not wanted.You are not protected.You are not a voter because you have no address.You are regarded automatically as mentally unsound on sight.regardless of your actual state of mind.You are regarded  as dirty and smelly even if you shower regularly.

The most uneven of this is the fact that the Democratic Party has banged on the anti bully bills for months. the anti hate crime laws for months also.This is another example of the political views by the elected officials and the true nature of their uncaring and distant ideas of who and why they protect the lesser able people of the U.S.A.

I remember reading about a Night that lesser folks were hunted with clubs and their homes and business,s.
They were believed to be the problems for all the problems of the elite and master race.They were rounded up and transported to places they were never able to bother that "Master-Race"would not be bothered by their disgusting presence again . The homeless in Hawaii have been threatened with transport to the Mainland  until it was found to be to expensive. Wonder what this kind of misfit official will think of next?Gas chambers?
Maybe throwing the homeless into volcanos.Hey it worked throwing  virgins into volcanos long ago..  of course the homeless may not appeal as much as a helpless virgin used to.Maybe after the Godess noticed the injustice,she would  just sacrifice the whole damned place.

So if your headed to  the 50th state of our Free U.S.A.,perhaps you will include the tour bus that will point out the Democratic rep tom brower [ yeah I know,but he really doesn't,t deserve any respect]assaulting a poor little homeless man or the old person just mistaken for homeless that is using a shopping cart to get groceries home.
Yes sir,you have not seen the islands till you get to beat up a homeless person with a Sledgehammer as this idiot is getting away with.

Perhaps this is the future for such individuals in public office.Just go out and victimize people who do not have any recourse if you get your rocks off by attacking those who can not defend themselves.

Do you know what would happen if the jerk actually did get his from some one he attacked?They would be prosecuted and buried with the key under the prison for assaulting a political figure. 

Update:The hammer swinging moron has just promised to stop using a hammer for awhile and say,s he will think about his actions...What goes through a arrogant mindless bullies mind besides green slimy gunk?
Maybe he will get a permit for an assault weapon and do some hunting for more upper class islanders.
After all, the homeless proved to be not much sport and those other citizens would not have any more rights to defend themselves from a duly elected official in office anymore than the Jews in the night of glassin Nazi Germany long ago.

The above photos show that there are tens of thousands of homeless  folks worldwide...They are not organised,but out number the bullies thousands to one....This guy may be waking a sleeping dragon...

Yours always folks

published twice tonight because it really ticked me off
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mother Nature Has left Thousands in a State of Major Need,Many Dead and Hurting,The World Now Unites As People Should Giving Free Medical Care...Why Not US.A?

The Hurting
The Hurting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Storm accumulating
Storm accumulating (Photo credit: AmUnivers)
The Superstorm in the south Pacific has devastated many areas of the Philipines.On an Island nearby the Volcano erupted and made people evacuate.The death and devastation broadcasts over the world news in many languages.

People line up for food,clothing and clean water to drink.Disease fears rise.Medical care Is sent free gratis to the effected areas.Those folks will never be the same after the traumatic drama of this event.

The dramatic scene is right out of an end times Hollywood movie. Death destruction,devastation,Threats of murder by mobs.The Pilaging of buildings and business's by law abiding citizens.Most were in church a few hours ago praying like hell for salvation.Guess that was before the miracle of their survival happened.Before the storm hit anyway...

The human factor kicks in and survival becomes mandate to otherwise civilised logic.The human factor that has people carrying huge TV sets out into a devastated ground zero place that wont have power for weeks or months.Others abide by the rule of civil order and stand for days inline to receive a hand out or meds to survive.

What happens when a man made event happens that may leave millions without the needs of civilized life?What happens when life is again put out of synch with what is mandatory to live a healthy and effective lifestyle.It will be a very interesting study in the future to see if the world will step in to help those threatened with the loss of life giving meds.

How many will die when the future threat reaches the U.S.A. next year.Diabetics without insulin.Heart patients that depend on meds.Infants that wont make it without care.Elderly with no hope of getting special care.The mentaly disturbed,Disabled and infirmed will be left to the machine we will come to fear.

At this point in time you may question this as this being a rambling of a disjointed mind.Please read on and hear me out.

We in the U.S.A. give billions to others,and that the way we are.The people of this country are charged humungous and outrageous costs for what we send to others free gratis.Why is it that we do not use the same accounting techniques for our own folks here at home?Why is it needed to pay more than some earn in a year for surgery that will be done "over there" for free?

Yes we do make a better living than there.The thing is that they are humans in need of help.I was under the impression that we in the States are also humans.The First rule of life is to take care of yourself first.Then you can take care of those others in need.

We will see many changes after New Years Day.The Mandatory Health bill will distance Those in the States even farther away from a way to care for ourselves first.We will pay more of our hard earned Money than ever before.Perhaps we are the ones Praying for that Miracle before the Storm arrives Now...

Till Next Time Friends.Keep a prayer on your lips and Hope in your heart.


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Monday, November 11, 2013

National I.D.Cards and the Now infamous National Health Plan,Fats,Sugar,Tobacco,Seatbelts n Helmets,More Plans to Protect us From Ourselves?

Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christm...
Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol (1938) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Prison 2
Prison 2 (Photo credit: planetschwa)
This Week  and for many weeks before,The folks in the good Ole U.S.A.have been embroiled in another knock down,drag out fight to further control our freedoms of choice.

The news may be a little discomforting when you hear all the arguments both pro and con.The pro and cons are as confusing as to which is which as the health bill reports. It started out to be a real piece of pie promise that would revolutionized health care.

The 2 Political parties began to puff and prance for the cameras.Much as mating Pigeons might be seen to do.Each speaker issuing a long and boring speech that soon put people to sleep While trying to figure it all out.

The weeks of trying to out do each others hot air further complicated and confused the facts of what exactly  the facts were of a forced health care.The countries that have such High priced Health care have always been called socialized medicine.The Taxes eventually have to be raised, and anyone not in the party is criminalized for the need to lead a more independent life.It used to be called freedom of choice for those not reading the Constitution lately.

Many jails and Prisons around the country are asking for funds to build bigger and better places to confine people.I wonder if the requests are a specter of thing yet to be.

The Christmas season seems a strange time to Give the gift of No medical coverage to millions of TinyTims that  will no longer be able to afford that operation. The fines for not allowing Dad to be able to get proper insurance has been decreed You see the government will take all of the money that would help little Tim and .blow it for unaudited federal pork fat uses.This will leave the already  money strapped Tims dad and the Mrs.sorta out in the cold.Perhaps quite literally.

I wished there were Three spirits that would visit the opposing armies of politics this Xmas season.
Bring Joy and good cheer to them.The spirit would show them the error of their ways,starting with the results of those around them planning to grab all their power after they commit political suicide.

The next spirit might appear and show them what  poor Tiny Tims fate would end up as.Having a parent transformed into a criminal from not being able to pay astronomical fees for forced insurance.
Then prosecuted for not  having the additional funds to pay for the said forced insurance.Then perhaps Tim's  dad will be further brought up on charges of child neglect,avoiding a government mandated program.Then if we have the spirit look further the death of Poor little Tiny Tim from not having anyone who give a damn enough to stop the madness.

The last Spirit would appear and take the combatants to a dusty old  gravesite with the name of their political parties boldly chiseled into the granite head stone.The spirit would tell them it was the possible "things that may be".Perhaps a few thunder claps and lightning flashes for dramatic effect.

 Political   sweat beads would roll down Faces and pleas for mercy for unrealized thinking would be heard.It falls on a spirit that stands firm pointing at the stone.The thunder crashes once more and the lightning blinds all.

I wished this last scene was also in the remake of this old Christmas Carol.The scene of a child without medical care in a manger long ago.That child has no governmental insurance.That child was a dependent on his mom and dad for protection,from the then government of Rome.The Roman Legions prosecuted those who did not follow their laws.Those laws also were for the protection of the people under Roman Law.All Hail Casaer?

From those of us who will have family and friends effected by the doppelganger of med insurance,I would say the following as I voted straight Democrat and am now an Independent."ET TU Caesar,
Et TU???.

I am sure the Story will never have a happy ending where all the folks effected will get a free turkey for the holiday and end up with a more spirit filled political system that will share all the best of this Holiday time.I am sure the machine we have built has no emotional attachments to us mere mortals that it will kill by neglect.The wait for a Doctor in Canada and the UK can be Months.

I Lost an older sister to the bureaucratic crap of the current system a year ago.The system had sapped all her insurance and forced her to go onto Social Services.The Brain Cancer had been fought to a
standstill and she only needed one more kemo treatment to kill the cancer.The bureaucrats stepped into the picture and said she would have to wait 30days to have the red tape clear.Even after several Doctors contacted the Social Service folks.My sister was denied treatment.She died waiting for treatment.The cancer killed her in a hideous and brutal way.cancer is as brutal as the effects of this chaotic Health plan will be.We will all be waiting to get Medical care that will never be there in time.

Either we will lack the funds to buy the plan, or we will die from those who would take what little money that will be left for our lives...all from the safety of a jail cell for the first time...
Think it over folks.....

Can you imagine how many will die when no one can get medical help, and few have the ability to save a loved one.The present system is far from perfect,but it usually is usable.The deboggle that killed my sister does happen often.Had WE THE PEOPLE,been able to tweak the current system maybe the people who depend on it would not fear the chaos coming in the future. 

Yours  as always

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Friday, November 1, 2013

The Elite and Uncaring Bureaucrats Will Strike Out at the Poor and Down Trodden Again in a Few Days.Dictators Always Cut Employment,Food,Water and Meds to Control the Masses .

Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo?
Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo? (Photo credit: cosmocatalano)
In a few days from now the U.S.Government which created the job shortage will now cut benefits to those that most need the assistance.The cut is from the reserve  that is used to feed families for awhile during hardship times
Without any forethought  of the political suicide they are committing when elections arrive.

People will be cut by many usable dollars,from an already depleted way of life.Those making the laws and cutting the least able to defend themselves are not feeling any drain on their families or lifestyles.They just tap whatever the perks they enjoy so much at the cost of those people getting hammered by the cuts,extreme taxing and just the general crap of our elected officials.

People are being pushed harder and harder into a corner into hardship,while the elite bureaucrats eat Lobster Newburg and enjoy lavish vacations and shopping sprees.The children and families living in their car or tenting by a stream on private lands in the cold are subject to arrest.The cost of the perks is all on the backs of the least able to afford it.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the jest of things in this world if we band together and force those in Command???(is there anyone actually in command these days or has Chicken little and friends taken over)?Running around yelling that the economy is falling.Maybe if it did hit them as it does us...Never  themselves seeking  a solution.WE THE PEOPLE,however live in the trenches of our economy and must always budget our incomes with our expenses.Sometime we may even need to go to brush up classes for a little more upgrading on economizing.Perhaps we should send those in"command" to a class or two.
It would just become an argumentive disruption with classmates.Again nothing would be learned or accomplished.

I have just registered as an Independent.I think the only way to stop the Bull**** going on in this country is to completely tear it down and start from scratch.No...Not grabbing you guns and retreating to a cave to fight off the invaders.That is stupid strategy You are out numbered,outgunned and general screwed before you even begin

.Our fight is at the ballot box next time.We need an alternate choice from the so-called "Two Party System".

All the 2party system has done for the past
decade or so is degrade our Constitution,Schools,Laws,and moralities.The fix is not with a broken and nonredeemable present system.

WE THE PEOPLE have the same situation as those who broke away from England so long ago.
They had a dream and what we have become is a futile Nightmare for many.Many died from the hardships they encountered.They were determined to build a land with Faith that it would be long lasting and a promise to all who lived here....

What happened is history.The children who had not
had to work for the success could not see the purpose in their forefathers an mothers hard work.
The way was lost to the children like a business that fails after the parents turn their hard earned business over to their spoiled kids to run.Many times the business fails shortly after the change...
We need a change before its to late.

There is another of my Blogs that tells of a 31day plan to save
our land.It is tough and it is radical....Maybe I don't agree with all of it,but at least it is an idea to start with....The forefathers only had a rough draft to begin with.

Think about it and please explore the 3rd party solution.It can not be any more fubard than the current people supposedly running things,(into the ground).

Till next time dear friends,remember:
Only YOU can prevent gridlock(paraphrased from Smokey the Bear).


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