Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monsters Who Dwell in Our heads Hearts & Souls

Newtown (Photo credit: jdolan)
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengean...
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengeance (Nemesis, right) are pursuing the criminal murderer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are morning the loss of our children.Little ones that  began their morning looking forward to a day at school with the friends and teachers that would grow up with them.Teachers that would bring the world of wonder to their little worlds.The little ones that would dream of Alice in wonderland.Their world was so full of wonder and great joys.

The breakfast mommie fixed,The lunch snack that was so special for that important little boy or girlfriend in their lives.The bus driver they had gotten to know so well.maybe the janitor that always spoke to them as they walked to class .The day was just about to begin in the bright and
innocent lives of a new generation of American children.

The lights of our future that would lead us into a future of hope and prosperity.They could not know the monster that waited not in the closet or dark that stalked their beautiful and sweet lives.The stalking evil monster that was enroute to destroy that which it hated so much because it could never be the innocent  loving creature that it hunted.

We lost a great deal more than our youngsters today.We lost the idea of safety in our lives and in our schools.The place that once harbored the bullies have become the hunting grounds for the hellish monsters that hate and hunt that which can not defend themselves.We have lost our trust in the system that once gave our children the future education and social background to become productive citizens.

The monsters that hunt children and innocent people are the product of evil and corrupted minds.Not worth the protoplasm that a gob of SLIME has.There isno excuse 4 anyone to commit such a hideous and dark crime.

There is also the loss of teachers thaat gave their lives to protect these children that most called "my kids".we can not replace human loss that 1 insane maniac that went beserk, destroyed .we need to design an electronic unit into firearms that can use artficial intelligence tomake it inoperable if pointed at a human.It is technologicaly possible.

Guns will never be taken from our lives.I own a couple of them.I could not bring myself to kill a person only to protect my loved ones.I pray that day never happens.I once hunted when things got financially touch.I hated taking life to live.I hunt with a camera now.I keep them for securty and target shooting.the lesson of these mass killings prove it is a world of chaos.We need to protect those who can not protect themselves.Those teachers that layed down their lives by taking a bullet for the innocent,are angels i transit.
surely that outcome would have turned out much less costly if armed adults were closer at hand.Hard working as law enforcement people are,they can't be everywhere.They are usually there after the dirty deed is done.
We need to be proactive.Blood can not be put back into a body.spirits are fleeting.......

Drug war didn't work.Prohibition didn't work.opium wars didn't work.There future war on guns,worldwide wont work either.It will just drive the owners underground , making law abiding,citizens fear becoming criminals.that will only  put thousands of people into prisons.Then after a generation or so,guns will be legal due to peoples need to protect themselves.The criminals will have had guns.Booze was never,drugs and guns,prostitution have been outlawed for  centuries.Laws do not change the industrious criminal mind.It is even more difficult to outlaw a determined mind that is twisted by dark and evil thoughts.A mind that is so far from what is mainstream normal,even remorse,regret or life means nothing.

we need better controls on the minds that could pull the .Triggers cant act on their own..Guns,knives or whatever tool is handy and become a lethal weapon have no ability to do anything,but layon a shelf.The mind is what planned, stalked,and killed all those future Doctors,Presidential possibles,The future teachers,moms,dads,soldiers and a host of wonderful beautiful imaginative dreams.

Sandyhill is a sorry example of your politicians pocketing funds to monitor the mentally jill.The places that were once there to provide help were un-funded and later get what you pay for folks.Turning the criminally insane out in the street will [and is]going to return at some point to bite us.They just don't assimilate into the social scheme and get well. Even with constant supervision,they may be dangerous to themself and those closet to them.Ie:your over protective mommie......

please note a loved one,or whoever....if you see someone acting or talking of a violent threat to another person talk to authorities.It may save you the burden of remembering that oumay have preserved 28 formerly living precious lives.

 keep the faith and may the good Lord bless and protect you and yours,

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Communicate Even after the Grid Goes Goes Down

A more visually and appealing image of the mor...
A more visually and appealing image of the morse code (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
with a buzzer for a little morse code translat...
with a buzzer for a little morse code translator that we did. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am currently attempting to learn a very easy language called Morse code.It was a set of dots and dashes created for the transmission and receiving of long range communications between land points.It was originaly sent by electronic signal thru the air.later for convienience telegraph used this code for its telegraph wires line.

Morse code is used mostly these days by the Amatuer Radio Operators to send communications around the world to other licensed operators.The license is easy to obtain in most free countries.The frequencies are regulated for the sake of conformity to a standard.That is,so every one is on the same page when it comes to communication.If this standard was not in force,a chaotic bunch of non-regulated signals would never be found as useful.TV channels are a great example of regulated signals.Amatuer or Ham radio frequencies are the same.

The easiest  of class license  can be obtained by a simple knowledge of electronics and learning the Morse code at a very easy level can get you conversing with people from all over the world.
Radio transmissions like this can carry to places around the globe with very little power and only a few components forming the transmitter.Building a transmitter is a real challenge for anyone.Kits include all the parts and plans to start you on a new hobby

There is nothing so fulfilling as hearing a friendly voice from acrossed the world on a bunch of wires and tubes or silicon chips.Voice transmissions are later and need more training to obtain a more advanced radio operator class.Think of how much will be learned from those you share mores code with.

When the power goes down in bad weather,your cellphones don't function and all the internmet is to crammed with users,That morse code unit will still have the ability to "talk"to those like yourself.
You will have an avenue above the rest of civilization.It is like a special batfone for you and you alone.You will have become an elite communicator for thr world.You will be the newest "HAM" operator.Try it and find yourself in a lifelong world of making friends in places that only have a solarcell and car battery in the jungles hooked to a tiny morse code transceiver.That is all ist takes to run many morse code units with a long antenae attached.

Information on Amatuer Radio can be found in the local library or on the internet at American Radio Relay League's website.Radio operators are always looking for new folks to increase their Hobby.

If You do find yourself on the radio frequencies one day,give me a QC(First time lesson,find this definition) and say howdie neighbor.
I am going to be a while b4 I can get that far along,but I will prevail oneday soon.

The ARRL has been breaking down barriers for a hundred years as individuals and then as a organization.

Take care and talk to you soon.
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Normal May Only be a Mere Concept of Societies Imagination

Okay,It is now T-minus whatever days to the alledged end of the world.I am as usual putting off my packing and saying my fairwells to the people I know.Procrastination is: avoiding the things we should,would and probly could do now.I have no assurance of the end ,so I will put it off all till the trembling of earth,streaking earthward of comets,or super storm begins building in the distance.

If the end is going to start in a few days that is.The preparers of doomsday will be so embarrassed to find another false end day happen.In the meantime,there is the declining ablility of the human race to
maintain a patient state of mind regarding that end of time event.Some would wish to excel the end by their own efforts.Read on that I may explain abit.

The News casts have a tragic and un-needed crime in the boadcast or front page.Some one shoots a mass of happy shoppers.These are "random"victims that do not even know the shooter.The mind that has taken the non replacable life of these people has not the abilities to see Their values. That mind is  clouded from the selfish persons loathing and self pity.The dark and sinister forces are in complete control of the "shooter,Jumper,etc".

This time of year brings about the best and worst of a human.The animal kingdom pretty much is cruising along at the same pace as usual.Christmas is a thing of the "modern"age.At least the commercial part.The human created stress,anquish,expectations,depression,longing to be with others etc,etc.etc. is not a part of the normal animal kingdom.It is MAN MADE!

We make up our own
little bubble of dispair for self destuction.The world  has not changed.Nature is at a constant pace and standard.The catalysts that brings about a "shooter" or suicide is created by the person themselves.Looking for the world to self destruct like a b rated movie won't solve any problems.
If it were to happen the "shooter" personality would probly be horribly satisfied to take others with themselves.When it does not,They simply add to their own miserable mental processes.The ill state of thought builds and the situation becomes overwhelming.

The flip side is the wondrful things that never make the headlines.Families that are at wits end to bring a happy holiday to their loved ones.Being Happy,Healthy and together should be the best of times to remembers.Some folks don't have family to share with. The families that are giving to others the gift of happiness.

The organizations that donate to the homeless and shutins.the elderly that have been encarcerated for the crime of living far to long.Thousands of years of life experience that are imprisoned till they die.Thousands of  lifetime experiences wasting into death.Their holiday will only be what they can remember.Forgotten by the world they loved and lived in.The past and labelled ancient societies left the elderly out in the wilderness to die.We modern folks are much more suffisticated.We lock them up,feed them puried grewl that looks like regurgitation and isolate them so the mental facalties rot into babbling.Yeah,we have come a long way from those primitives of long ago.Personaly I hope to be able to wonder off into the wilderness near the end of life.

The people who are labled abnormal by the other normal?(What is Normal anyway ?)Example of What is the norm for  "normal" folks.Convincing not so dumb children that an obese and ancient magic man looking like a cleaned up vagrant can slide down a 6inch chimney without setting off burglar al;arms.Then sliding back up said chimney to fly off in a reindeer drawn sleigh.ETC,ETC,

The Rotary,Lions,Elks,VFW,Odd Fellows,Catholic Charities.Many Church organizations.To many organizations to list. Are active in  helping families to get through the Holiday season.The people that are quietly in the background of greatness.These folks enlighten the burden of people that would not have any holiday.They are always doing quiet and wonderful things throughout the year for others.The efforts are increased for the holiday season due to demand of the season.

The soup kitchens close for the holidays.Homeless folks simply have no holiday.Those that have fallen through the social cracks have nowhere to go.They have nowhere to sleep.Nowhere to share with family or friends.Holidays are a matter of survival from the cold and just making it till things open again.These people are absolutly in the arms of the Angels.They are the Untouchables of our western societies.People avoid them due to the bad elements that make the news like the shooters.
There is millions of unemployed,homeless persons that are living beneath the social radar in the USA alone.These folks never are in the news and would only be there if they adapt the mindset of the shooters.Desperation without reason of thought.

The thing that I wish to state here is that these people have hit a level of existance that the Shooter has not even approached yet.You rarely hear of the homeless,who have nothing,nowhere,no one,rarely  get arrested for much more than petty(survival) crimes.Is there an excuse for the "shooters"to justify their actions.

I would wish those reading this to keep a calm mind this season.There is always a peaceful solution to problems that accur.If nothing else go somewhere and sleep on it.when your rested,the problem may look better.Get away from the source of agrivation and rethink how to find the cause of it.
I once told a student I was teaching to go outside and scream at the top of his lungs till he felt better.He thought Me crazy.I later heard a loud shreak outside and it was him screaming again and again.He walked back in,slightly hoarse.said you were right.I feel better.He became my best student...
There is better ways than blaming others for your self made bubble of dispair.If I may echo my favorite qoute:
Within you lies the power to seize the hour and live your dream.You have that power,if you chose to use it.

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Yearo you.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Personal Drones and Who Is Watching Who

The technical magazines are running articles on the availability of tiny personal drones for sale.These tiny model airplanes are equipt with cameras,radio controls,solar cells,
sound recorders,etc.Some are able to be controlled by cellphones.Others are controlled by model airplane frequencies.The possession of these are for recreation and entertainment purposes.I have been reading about the military use of the various drones and the horrific death that they bring to civilians by no military decree.

It no doubt is very easy for the powers to be to give a KILL order for any target,real or
imagined.The incident the can easily be said to be "a Suspected Threat".That would pretty much cover anyone that just needs to bring virtual killing out of their video game time.This is all top secret and easily hidden in then mistakes file that WE THE PEOPLE will never be Privy to.The daily goings on that citizens never see or hear of.

The questions for us with a private collections of drones follows:When will the privacy
factors become mute.When will we not be able to avoid the camera of a personal drone. Cameras are already not allowed inside many shower rooms and public places.
a fone left on can get you a preditor label for life.A nasty label that means a death sentence if ever you go to jail.Some kind of honor among convicts or whatever.

I cant see these new adult toys becoming weapons in the conventional sense.The only
way the danger is presented is in cases like the royal family recent video of a sunbathing Kate and the peeping tom that snapped a photo.Drones will make crimes
far more do-able than long range lenses.A fly over intrusion to present a conpromising
video with sound.Blackmail,divorce,political arm bending.It is the beginning of many
arguments in courts around the world.

The technologies developing for future use will be far more intrusive than a model airplane with cameras.There is developers working on units the size of a bubblebee.
or imitating a cockroach.The personal privacy we have enjoyed in the past will never again be ours.We will be subject  to invasion of every aspect of our lives.Imagine the
effect of a world leaders love life being threatened by such monitoring.The lives that we have enjoyed will be video-d and digitized for inspection and review.

The military mechanical dogs(Look up Mechanical Wardog Robots)and drones already have enormous advertised and un advertised abilities that make us all observed and monitored subjects.An Arizona Sheriff Department has already become the first civilian use(known Use) of drones and their Technologies.Border Patrol is said to have
a few in use.

The future is always predicted by the Imaginations of writers and futurists.The time period between the imaginative thought and the existence of the idea is becoming shortened by human abilities.Whether we become a totally monitored society or
become the machines that we use and fear taking over,is up to us all.We already allow machines to sustain threatening life situations such as Kidney machines,Pace makers,ETC.Machines plan our days and weeks,figure our expenses,run our lives and entertain us.It is just a matter of time before we decide to merge more completely with the feared bionics to become our nemesis.drones will then be common place as they will either be the enemy of our imagined terminator types or they will become who we are in the future.I hope they will never become the tools of common invasion an murder at the push of someones demigods finger.......OR IS IT ALREADY TO LATE?

Till next time dear friends,lets tear down the walls that make us separate people.Together WE THE PEOPLE ofn this world can join together and make this world a place worth the effort of the dreams we all share...

Till next time