Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Washingtons Elite Sending The Disabled People A ,"Let Them Eat Cake"message ,Forgetting Marie Antionette fate

This route is wheelchair-accessible
This route is wheelchair-accessible (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The funded housing in this country is far from equaly distributed to folks.The system favors the families,soldiers and those documented by medical professionals.tho,some of those doctors are looking for long term returns on folks needing insurances for their "treatments".

This leaves people who really need help with honest doctors that don't dare state a real disabled persons condition for fear of their license.

If you need Section 8 housing and watch those who get the voucher,you may notice that among the honest folks who need the help is those 3rd and 4rth generation "families" who don't have a man living with them.The same "ladies"?still manage to be able to add pregnancies about every year.
Yup...another tax deduction and hundreds of dollars more to support the growing investment.

The housing rules prevents a person from transfering a voucher to another certifiable disabled person.
They can be terminally ill and homeless.It does not matter if the main office bureuacrats have selected certain "chosen"to get help.The system is brken and no-one is willing to step forward and say,"We need to throw out the old garbage system and anyone in office that sits on their useless fat dariairs with only their own posh life in mind.

I have a few suggestions to kick this movement off,so brace yourself,cuz here it comes....

To get us out of National Debt:sell off all the federally owned land to American Citizens as Homestead Properties.Providing the settlers sign a note for only a finale year of governmental support with a communal type educational program to develope and manage the property.
After that year they either are in a positive or negative position.Positive is theirs clear and no strings.
Negative returns the land to someone elses care to try  again.End of governmental care for life.

Politicians are elected by direct democratic ballet on home computers.
Politicians have the same requirements as settlers.Screw up after election and find a new carreer.You can not be elected again.It would also help to serve as a part time politician.If they had to grub and
worry about how to pay rising bills and few{er} services with the same crappy jobs many are forced to take thease days .I can see Mr. Politician working to flip burgers to send that pampered kid to the private school.They are safe there from colunbine type violence.

I saw a cartoon with a jackass and elephant beating each other with paddles as their canoe went over a waterfalls.This is a great depiction of our now crashing society while politicians enjoy meals of lobster theradoor dinners,a few hundres yards from homeless that are huddled out of sight in the elements exposed,forgotten and hungry.They are the people that may have served as soldiers.they
may be the terminally ill that will never see the same care as politicians or their favored kids.

We need to radically change the social system before the revolution mind takes over.The 1930's found the disenfranchised camping on the parks in Washington till U.S. Troopps moved in and started Killing the so called Undesirables....Those who fail to learn by history are destined to repeat it.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the future or anything we united to change in this world.let us unite the people of the world and bring about change for the better.There is no need to be taxed,go cold and hungry and fear for our lives...

Till next time my fellow friends,See you in the pre revolution.keep it peaceful and follow Ghandi's examples.


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Housing Has Been frozen From the Washington DogFight of Politicians

Yesterday I wrote about the Crackdown in Russia by the re-elected President Putkin and his Crackdown on anyone that disagreed with him.Today I was Informed that our own USA government has been frozen in many areas that provide help for those that were put out of work and are homeless from the economic situations.Housing benefits are frozen throughout the country and no one is reporting it anywhere.WHY?

Our economy has become financial Quicksand,dragging us all down into stressful degrading places.The Homeless folks are those that have no way to recover after exhausting all their options.The government has always been a last option for many folks to regain their lives.Till now that is.

The constant wrangling in the halls of Washington's playground we call the Capital has in recent years a list of people unable to play nice.They all seem to believe the whole world revolves around them.The Citizens that are getting hit with the Fallout from their shinanigans are never seen or thought of.They are just the casualties of their constant warfare made civil.People who apparently don't believe anyone beyond their own ideas in  life is of any importance.So they continually bicker and argue while the people that voted for them burn...

Right now the freeze has an effect on hundreds of thousand people in the USA.They are the ones that have signed up for government housing  and mandatory emergency benefits.Patiently waited in line with many others Some for a year or more  to simply have a safe place to live.The freeze stops that . Many will have to restart the year waiting process all over again.This means they will remain out of the social circles that allow them to Have an address,get a job,Return to school,and rejoin those people who are not yet effected by the economic crash so many are experiencing right now.

The single people w/o children are easiest to survive and the hardest to restart the process of getting into society again.
It is sorta like this:Single men who have lead a responsible life(Legal Citizens,No children by unwed situations,No arrests,no bad things in the background checks,)are the least capable to get government help.Strange as it seems If that same individual has a prison record,many fatherless children and poor education,He has many open doors.
I have seen an ex-con come out of prison and be placed in a very nice Hotel room for months with food,money and transportation for months while he planned his next caper.Gotta love it he used to say...

A single female with children has funds for as many kids as she can have,Shelter etc.The Veterans and elderly
disabled are at the top of the list as it should be.They just need to prove by endless paperwork that they actually have no legs,or are totally blind and their dog is not a prop.Children  put in Foster homes rarely can actually be checked for abuse etc.Those kids would have to return to those Foster parents if they told.

I may seem a little bit angry that this is one of many governmental things that are out of whack with our own government.The Homeless in any country are the "unmentionables" that everyone wishes ,would just go away.That is till they become what they ignore in their present social status...Homeless.Billionaires ride the backs of the workforce.They would never be able to survive long as a homeless person....NEVER.

The truth is that yesterday I also viewed a video that was by experts that tell of billionaires selling all assets from the USA as fast as they can.They are predicting a major economic crash in the future that will involve the Primary Countries of the World.We have heard of these rumors for many years by fear mongers and religious folks.This is Billionaires that for all due purposes run most of our finances of this Capitalized world.
But it is with our labor those Billionaires have their Imaginary power.We provide the work and they live on that labor.World leaders are the same and Putkin Knows and Fears it.

WE THE PEOPLE are the only ones that can work together to change the worlds problems.We are the ones that talk,work and see our lives as it happens.The people around the world are coming into an age where information is more obtainable.Both constructive or destructive in nature.We can talk to anyone from anywhere to anywhere else on this earth.The Space station has also been added to the Information Highway.
The information is scaring the Bajeebers out of the leaders of the old ideas of dictatorship like The Russian President.He fears the Freedom of information that is developing the rest of the modern world.It will let people see his country is still behind the Iron Curtain in the 21rst century.He fears it will bring changes that will free his people forever.The Homeless people and Putkin...How are they related you are wondering.Read on

Putkin has a country where even those that live in homes are without the rights or availablity to be free and speak their minds.He fears the social freedoms of respected citizens of Russia should have been earned.They
work,play and dwell in the social structure of that country.Yet he fears their voices speaking out and asking
The most difficult question a Parent will ever be asked of their 5year old child.That question is,"WHY is that?"

The Homeless person is avoided,frowned on being anywhere around.They are seen as undesirables.
Still they are more free in this country to speak as they will than the residents of Russia under Putkin and his
minions of oppression...That is the saddest state of all.The most powerful man in Russia in fear of those he believes are his subjects...He Knows that one day soon He will be forced to enter the same situation as another Russian leader who threaten to"Bury his enemies"That never happened either...
The American Homeless are more free than the Russian citizens to speak their minds and communicate with the world.I think the President of Russia is a bit confused by all the technologically savvy people in this world.Perhaps he should look outside the walls he has lived in so very long.To both Presidents of  The USA and of Russia I say....
In the words of Former President Reagan,"Mr President,Break Down Those Walls.
President Obama,Please Free up those much needed funds for the needy.
President Putkin,Free up those people that you so fear for the ideas and speech they need to express to you.
Neither of you will regret the act of  generosity that comes to your people.They will see you as a true leader
of the people.You will stand out in the political battleground as a hero.

That is all for now my dear readers.take care to guard well your freedoms.once lost they will become someone else's that does not have to abide by the same rules.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Russian,s President Putkin is Persecuting A Major Corruption Exposing Blogger

You May want to read the Hidden article of the blogger in Russia that is going toe to toe with Russia's President.This man is exposing the massive corruption over there in that country.It's made him the target of a future trial that may send his fact finding self to Prison for more than ten years.

He has still been blogging and keeping a strong heart about the whole thing.One blog even lists what he hopes to bring to prison.He has bent a lot of corrupted officials political noses by simply doing what is right.

Tellin g the true about what goes on in his country.

I wrote a past article on putkin and his rather primitive ideas of freedom.They could not publish my blogs for over a month there.Can you imagine the flak if I had been a citizen.

Google this brave guys name and blog the crap out of this before he is sentenced and the truth gets buried in a goolog forever.We have to fight for internet freedom when it is trying to break thru the walls of corruption

Google the name of ALESEI A.NAVALAY  and read his Blogs.

We can make a difference if we stick together.


Thats it for now friends
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Friday, April 19, 2013

Last Civilized Womens Religious Organization in the Catholic Church to be Stepped on By New Pope

English: Christ Handing the Keys to St. Peter ...
English: Christ Handing the Keys to St. Peter by Pietro Perugino (1481-82) Fresco, 335 x 550 cm Cappella Sistina, Vatican. Ελληνικά: Λεπτομέρεια από την νωπογραφία του Πιέτρο Περουτζίνο, Ο Χριστός Παραδίδει τα Κλειδιά στον Πέτρο, 335 x 600 cm, Καπέλα Σιξτίνα, Πόλη του Βατικανού. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I read an article in the paper that the New Pope has continued to prevent Nuns from pursuing the many new situations that are being created in this evolving society.

I am not a Catholic.I have No affiliations with any particular Church.I can speak as an independent for things such as this from a point of what I observe.That in mind,this is my blog.

for many years regardless of the fun people make of the order of nuns and the churches bad PR lately,The Nuns have served to provide guideance for those who have fallen and those who need help.
Soup kitchens,battered womens shelters,homeless people have often gotten vouchers to help out.

The Catholic church has often been the brunt of jokes and such.I have seen them help out even those that are not believers in their church.The nuns are not as public as I remember them in growing up and the order is smaller these days.

I would not be the first to throw stones at another persons belief.I think all people neeed the space in their lives to do as their spirits direct them.These ladies are only as capable as the power that directs them.I only wonder if that power is from a human or his creator...I wonder.

I would hope and pray that the order involved does not  chose by orders from  a human mind,but spends the time to find the true answers to the choices that need to be called on.
The original Rebel was also not in good favor of those in Rome,and still made a lasting difference these last 2000years.

Keep the faith ladies and please don't stop your wonderful charities and works.We really do need the Churches and Charities.We need the guidance and understanding when no one  else is there.There are many wonderful Churches and charities that give of themselves to help others in need.

 Those that rarely say how much you are needed these days,still appreciate what you are doing for them.

A special Blog for the 56000Nuns that are being stepped on by the New Pope in these United States.
I do not draw lines on people with organizations that help others in trouble...We need to speak out for those would be told not to do so....They had hoped for a little more compassion from this new Holy man to help their noble causes they hoped  from the viewpoint of women.I would never hope that any male in any position of power would or could believe they could think as a women could think.It is the other side of our energies.the yin an yang,in and yo,positive and negative,masculine and feminine.
Please note:If History is correct,the first pope was female...Google It if you do not believe this.

Take care dear readers and respectfully write an E-mail to His holiness at the website Vatican City
to politely ask him to reconsider on behalf of these ladies that surrendered themselves to helping others.Remember Sister Theresa and Bernadett.

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Hollywoods Fantasies Have Become Our Realities in a world that doesnt need more chaos.

Car chases,bombs,grenades tossed at police in pursuit.Automatic arms fired by  foreign agents.
Exploding Fertilizer Plants.(An Ingredient for powerful but crude explosives) in the great state of Texas.Homeland Security hunting people on our shores In manhunts front house to house in Bostons suburban Cities.

The future is upon us with a vengence that seems to say we are under direct attack by insurgents from elsewhere.People that became citizens and swore to defend our freedoms.

I am watching the  very efficient workings of our people that are living in the shadows of our world to find those that would do us harm for reasons unknown.The reasons for the things happening are without explanations.
The bombers that killed are being hunted by law enforcements and others have locked down the areas that are under suspicion.The other bomber is refusing to surrender and will probly go down the hard way.Fanatics are rarely individuals that think beyond their own brutal acts.

Please stay calm and watch for anything that may be out of the ordinary.WE THE PEOPLE are
the only eyes that know what is Going on in our neighborhoods.The people doing these things to our
country are the enemies of our lives and people.We are the only leads that the Officials have to say what is  ordinary in our neighborhoods.We are the eyes and ears of our freedoms.If we allow foreign agents to run rampant in our homeland,then we are as much the blame as they are.

Lets protect our freedoms from those that would jeopordize the things we love and treasure.

If you see anything  and save lives,it makes you a heroe and there is no harm in trying to do the right thing.It is easier to apologize for trying to do right,then to ask permission ands fail to save a life.

Lets protect our freedoms and keep our eyes  open to the events that are shaping our new and disturbing realities.

Much as I hate to admit this,Maybe we do need armored vehicles inside our country for just this
kind of thing.I really do hate the thought of our country becoming and developing into a armed camp
with martial law at the drop of a hat.That is a trend that will never revert once it begins.
Or perhaps breaking down that wall will be when mankind realizes how foolish they have been with their brothers and sisters....Or perhaps it will be to late for all of us.

Thats all for now I am watching the events now unfolding around our country as many of you are.
The world is watching us to see how well we continue with life.true allies will root for us and true enemies will glory at our lossses.We must persist and overcome the fear and chaos they intended to create among us.We will overcome as DR. King once said.WE THE PEOPLE will overcome those that would terrorize our lives.Lets pull together.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Terrorisim Hits Our Homeland Again,are not Bombs Illegal In This Country,is it Another UnEnforcable Law?More Lives Lost to Evil Minds

Monday A great many people were spending a day at the best of sporting Events.The Boston Marathon.
The Marathon is a test of endurance for the people who love to push their physical abilities to the max.It is an event that truly is beyond most peoples abilities only because their minds have never been pushed to that mental barrier that says ,

I  can do that, the mind says .These are very special people that have overcome many mental walls that many of us will have a lifetime to try the same.They have broken down the walls of their minds...Their Spirits have broken the barriers of limitations.

The Runners in this Marathon are the people that set examples for us on how powerful a will can be,to overcome the bodies laziness and resistance.

The Runners were aproching the finish line.I would imagine they were near exhaution and focused on seeing their loved ones that waited in the cheering crowds.Only moments to the finish line and another of lifes dreams for the runner

.Suddenly their lives were completely devestated by the deafening explosion and blown off their tired legs by the compression of a madmans bomb that detonated only yards away.

A little boy of only 8years old was killed and a little girl was severly injured.Many others were also injured and taken to the hospital.

There Are laws that monitor and prevent the building of explosives in this country.These Laws have been in effect for decades.There are checks and balances that monitor the ingredients to collect and build bombs.There are agencies that keep tabs on the people that have Fanatical ideas that would pursue the death of innocents.There are federal and state laws to prevent the distribution of information to build bombs.Heres the problem in a nutshell.(Absolutly No Pun Intended).

The youth of most countries are indoctrinated into military and taught how to Qoute:Blow s**** up and Killed whatever moves.The information is taught by those who have been invovled in warfare to others.Countries around the world have training camps that teach  warfare.

There are organizations that believe anyone disagreeing should not exist.There are those that believe Genocide is ok if you don't except their complete thoughts on life liberty and their ideas of happiness.
The societies,clubs,fanatics camps,and generally warped minds that sorta skipped the parts of rules for living , corrupted by folks like themselves.

You may have heard of rules that say we all belong to the same creation and really should see each other as brothers regardless of our appearances or philosophies.

The Laws of mankind are only as functional as those who that are willing to follow them.There are just too many in this world now that simply are so twisted mentally that ,to keep order is impossible.
We are reading in the Papers and on this net that even  polical leaders at many levels are bending to corruption and bribery.

It is predicted in the philosophies of long ago by those much wiser than ourselves.Those times were no different in terms of the people and ideas of bigotry,philosophical oppression and weapons capable of chaos ,killing and mahem they caused to innocents.
It is just that the technologies have made our lives far more easier to spread violence and death around in the 21rst century.

WE THE PEOPLE are the controls that enforce the safety and freedoms that make life more worth living.Those injured by what is said to be a bomb that spewed out shrapnel and Nails into living flesh and bones are changed forever.They will always be the victim of the maniacs that thought of,planned and constructed a devise that does not belong in this world.

It is no different than the landmines still lying in wait in countries that wars have  left decades or days ago.The bomb waited and was the evil hatched in the mind of some one that had no regard for those folks that were challenging theior own abilities.I doubt the bomber was even capable of understanding those  runners in the Marathon.I further doubt the bomber,when found will even minutely measure up to the last runner to finish at the finishline.

I hope the people are tried when caught in a place that all of us can see that justice prevails and not behind closed dioors where deals can blur justice.

I am currrenty looking to see where the readers of this can help the victims to cope with the terrible medical bills that will try  to rebuild their shattered lives.

The shame of it all is that those of us that try very hard to stay in line with the rules set down by law makers are the same ones that were caught in the bomb blasts that occure daily around the world.
The weapons that are used do not have the capablilities of building themselves or carrying out a plan of attack on inocent victims.Children which seem to be the new lambs to slaughter in the country.
That has come home to us in the USA.We are no longer a long ways from the mental midgets that
find some stupid reason to destroy lives and kill for their own paramoia delusions of reality.

Our laws to restrict the ideas of the bent minds are not going to save us from those who have no regard for those same laws.Society is breaking down in corrupted bytes of order.

I wished that I had read of some master plan to revamp our world from this sort of thing happening.
So far there are only Ideas and counter argumnets that go nowhere except to more chaos and frustrations.Maybe we should backwards look for words from a much more distant past....We
still faced the same madness with fewer folks and laws to protect them that only good people followed...... More can be read on historical laws if you wish to check it out.

We are the only controls that we we can truly look for as a way out of the chaos plaguing our world today.WE THE PEOPLE are the ones that can keep our world safe from those that have no regard for
laws,beliefs or anything else that exists in our troubled world.
WE are the problem and WE are the solution......Which one will you become as time forms our new reality.

That is all for now my dear friends.Please monitor this and other situations to see if you can help or send support to thes people that became victims on a day they only wanted to see a dream realized.
The Bomber was the only broken mind that wanted nightmares....Problem or Solution,That choice is yours....You decide.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Have You Checked Out The Videos Childrens Homemade Weapons Lately

Second Edition, 2010
Second Edition, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was cruising the internet yesterday and found myself looking for information on my future website/blog for homelessness and survival.I found many useful articles from all over the world.Human inventiveness is astounding when its unleashed to its full potential.

The motorized bicycles,camping tools made from junk.and the ways in which people can turn junk things into useful products. Other people pay hundreds of dollars for stoves and fancy utensils.The world is going to be quite useful when this site starts pulling it all together in one place and I am very excited to get going on it.I have preached about the Tribes of Mankind having no barriers but what we build...There is one thing that I am really bothered about.

the freedom we have is being tightened by acts of terror and chaos by children gone wild and evil.
The amount of endless videos on how to build very primitive and deadly weapons are rampant.
There is endless instructional Videos on building pretty much anything you would or could imagine.
The creators are the children we are no doubt  going to read about in the not so distant future.

I remember my own fascination with the weapons I was forbidden to have as a youngster.My own
experimenting with such things back then is a cause for mixed emotions on this subject.Is it natural for the young "warrior" to experiment with such things.

My own parents would have had a great deal to say about their son making deadly weapons for what...?
The internet was very young back then with a mind boggling 300baud rating to the singular internet carrier.
I can not even recall that carriers name at this time.I do remember that it would have taken all day by dialup
to even downloaded a DOS based program.Today is like stepping into a SCI-FI movie of that time.

The books written like the weapons online by these "kids" are outdated now.The poormans James Bond,ETC.these kids have built guns,knives,garrots and a host of other nasty things.I have no intentions of
writing as a person going against the freedoms of the internet.i am writing to ask this question:Where are the controls on those computers these kids are using?Where are the parents and the responsibilities that they carry as parents?Is it any wonder that the children we have committing the hideous things we read about are not known about till they try out the new toys?

I think the weak link is not the children acting as curious and inventive youths.It s with parents that have forgotten that they too may have had ideas as youths.The internet has opened the available window to provide information of all kinds.The user is trusted as a responsible member of the net community.

Final question might just be as to why the parents of these "Kids" are not asking what the deal is that's running through their inventive minds.Do we want them building weapons or focusing those creative energies
in a more productive way.

A final question for you my treasured readers is this,Will you want your child to built weapons to be in the newspapers around the world because they had never had enough direction for positive ideas from you?
Do you want your "kid" to grow up and perhaps be awarded  a Pulitzer for a wonderful humanity,or do you want them to create a world filled with chaos,killing and hell on Earth?That decision is in your hands right now.Are you to busy or to timid to pay attention to your children's dreams or will you wait till they create your nightmares.....?You have the ability to save your children's future from themselves.Get involved while you can.One day they may understand when they have to deal with their own genetic extentions.

That's all for now folks.Take a peek at the Youtube Videos of all those kids and the gallery of creative destruction they portray....
I am working on the future website and sorta get sidetracked with the Blogs right now.but I will write as i can
.The research is very intensive and much of it is hidden in the masses of information.But soon...very soon :)
May You find peace in your day.
personal Footnote to Vietnam Veteran Bobby Pickering:Welcome aboard,The honor is mine Sir.
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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Muppets Creators Have Been called to Perform in The Royal Courts Of The Most Powerful Leader

The very sad news of Jane Henson Passing away was blinked acrossed my screen this morning.I have
been a huge fan of the Muppets for ages.The antics of the characters made me laugh even on the darkest of my days.

Kermit the humble frog,The ever sexy Miss Piggy who showed that even such a  sex symbol can have a tough side.Fozzy Bear,the  struggling standup comic that never got called by any late nite host.I guess he would have eventually been a shoe in for Jays or Daves job.Conon would have been replaced....The professor and his assistant.And sont forget the greatg band that had my favorite drummer,Animal of course.

Jim Henson passed awhile ago and now the show must go on as it has always been in showbiz..
The wonderful imagination has filled a lot of those of us with a childs heart with delight each viewing.

The Henson will be missed by all of us that hoped the muppets would once again make the big screen
for a final Big show to end all shows.

That is till we have stopped and thought about the missing Muppeteers.I believe they have been called to do an encore performance with the most high and Royal Leader of all time.The Most Powerful Leader in All the World and Beyond.A stage call that will be their best and greatest show.

Today the Angels in The Heavens Will observe the best of all muppeteers will perform for them.
So do not morn the loss of our childhood friends,Cheer them on so we join the applauding and cheer them with ENCORE!BRAVO!BRAVISIMO!MORE!,MORE!

Goodbye old Friends and May the Angels Sing Thee to Thy Sleep.
Another zemanta nonfunctional failed items that has denied me many items that would help you find this article.
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Friday, March 22, 2013

More Cyber Crooks Use Homeland Security Scam 4 Money

Oh man!Here we go with another scam by more jerks that are just too lazy to work at a real job.If they were not so cleverly stupid,they might realize that they will serve enough time in prison if caught,to not be worth the income.I figure the yearly intake will be about $15.00 a month for the next 20 or so years.The high points of this will be the benefits.like The Killer Agents on Rocketmail.com,these morons will no doubt have the most modern recreational events to look forword too.

I will quickly mention all perks that these folks will have to look forward too.

First an all expnse paid vacation with prepaid stays at the finest federal holding cells in an undisclosed location.next we find the winners of the losers competition eating the cuisine of the best chefs in the system.
People have commited hideous crimes ,just to supp on the food in these places.The folks patronizes these places are the elite of their societies.The finest felons,rapists,forgers,and a host of others.All professional in their fields.These establishments also have the occasional sex offender among them and the child molesters,
which for some reason have high fatality rates.I doubt it is from the meals though.

Our winners will then be taken to their snug and secure rooms where they may find Their live in companion.
A huge and lovable cuss nicknamed"Bubba",Killer,Sue or whatever...The establishment would ask you to please coperate in keeping the peace as much as possible.Your Roomie is a little touchie about which bunk you sleep in,(or if you sleep alone).He has been know to get very lonley and may have be short a few cards in his deck.Not to mention the fact that his last roomie sorta fell down (numerous times)and broke hiself in various places one night while sleeping.Mysterious and terrible thing.Bubba was broken hearted till the winners of our contest were rumopred to arrive.

The activities that can be expected are the following:
Daily balanced meals with the rest of the rec-reactional hall
intermingling will the elite society of a guarded and walled community environment
controlled and monitored activities to maintain  the communitys social doctrines
The best health care when those little accidents do happen from the conflicts that happen in such places
last,but not least,there is (in the event of sudden and unexplained) death,a plan of funeral arrangements are provided.
While at the establishment, a program of voluntary work exercises are provided to help to pass the time.

Finally if our winners find God and repentense while at the Penaten....ERR I MEAN,our vacation paradise,
We will provide a preacher of our choice at absolutly no cost to our winners.Holy Books will be free also.

So You clowns that are sucking the life support from folks that actually worked for their life to be better,We will all feel bad when you are caught by those you think you can pretend to be.I could almost forgive them if they also throw in a little waterboard sports for you.It is people like you that make our lives on the internet more oppressed and difficult.

Anyone that has the ability to find these guys would do us all a favor by shutting site like this down...
Anonymous.....You could really get some great PR if you.....

LOve the internet and those I have come to know...I would hate to see it become a virtual palyground for those we ignore and except as just one of those things we must deal with.WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT!!!

Please take care of yourselves and get involved to keep the net free and positive for those that are at home here.All of us live in the virtual Neighborhood...


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100,000 Juviniles Tortured in American Prisons?

Prison doors
Prison doors (Photo credit: rytc)
Solitary Confinement
Solitary Confinement (Photo credit: BohemianDolls)
I am reading in the media about children that are serving time in prison as solitary confinement prisoners.The practice is being considered as torture by some people.I can not think of anything worse than a young mind that has nothing but isolation to live with.The hours of empty sensory input ,no learning from human exchange or the human intervention of minds.

Well,I cant think of anything so terrible till You begin to remeber the life among the adult general population of prisons.a place where it is the life of hardened criminals that have very little regard for life.Where there is not any passions that are not corrupted and bent from that which the humans society would embrace.minds that are so dark as to defy reason and logic.Minds so callus so as to have no regard for anything good and right.

Prison is a replacement world for societies worst people with those folks that were unfortunate enough to actually be innocent.Those folks whose only crime was not being able to afford a better,more learned and devoted lawyer.There are actually innocent people behind bars that have only minor infractions that the system builds on until the victim is not able to escape all the extra garbage charges placed on them.They are securely trapped without hope as a fly in a deadly spiderweb.Children are few exceptions.

Those few exceptions to this rule though.What do we do when those sociopathic Killers,Rapists,and perfs.are children?What do we do with those who are not controlable by their own designs?Children killing Children,Children that kill Babies,Parents,Animals to see the suffering creatures for "fun"....What do we do with this Social Abortions that lived to kill.That kill with no regard for any more regard than the monsters that are housed with them.

A final question is what do we ask ourselves when the source of responsibility is our own society that fails these children.Who should we place the blame on for the lost children,lost to themselves and society.
Where could WE THE PEOPLE have failed to notice a blatantly disturbed child in our midst.Where does the line start to see a child that is behaving with malicious intent and out of control and act to correct the
behavior.Who has failed to correct that situation before it developes.perhaps all those that could have.

There is always interviews with so called people who knew the perpetrator.They are ask what that person was like before the incident happened.They give all kinds kinds of ideas and opinions while acting the innocent bystander.Perhaps the newsman should ask the following.If you knew about it,what did you do to prevent this? Did you ask about the odd behavior?in hind sight,Could you have done anything to prevent this
disaster?I really doubt the momentary media fame would be so popular anymore.

Children in solitary confinement in the United States Of America....Who would think this possible?Who would till we realize the laws that penalize a caring parent that would correct the bad social actions of a brat!
when was the last time you were trying to enjoy a meal and the Family at the next table had kids running all over the place .Screaming and yelling like little animals.The parents are scared to death of doing anything but
verbalizing threats.Those little monsters have no fear or regard for authority as children.What do you think they will grow up and develope into..???Perhaps children that we dont know what to do with them.

I was alway sitting at the table at the right hand of my dad.Do you know why?Dad was right handed.
I grew up without the need to prove how "BAAAAD" I could be.Dad was a praticioner of tough love long before it was commercialized and then criminalized.Think about it.There is a very old saying in a very good book and I quote:spare the rod and spoil the child,end qoute.Not beat the kid with all manners of tortue devises,use the hand and the back side.It worked for dad and his six kids.none of them have an arrest record.nor his grand children or great grand children.......imagine that of just one mom and dad!

Another blog is done time has come to signoff and off I run.See ya Friends and may you find a peaceful place to eat .

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Time For a Worldwide Library Survival/Reference For The Homeless

English: A homeless person on the streets of S...
English: A homeless person on the streets of Shirley, New York, or at least somebody who is forced to resort to living like one. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A homeless person sleeping on a street in Clev...
A homeless person sleeping on a street in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless man in New York with the A...
English: A homeless man in New York with the American flag in the background. Français : Un homme sans domicile fixe à New York. Un drapeau des États-Unis est visible en arrière plan. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
The news today has announced the fact that the billionaire mayor of New York Has 50,000 people sleeping on the streets each night since being elected.Thats far more than before.The food stamp program is stretched to its limits now and costing over 1.5billion dollars.The homes in NewYork state are going up for sale as a  result of economy and flight to states that still respect the Constittuion of The United States.The biggest problem is thenfact that there is no manual or place that many people could go and either learn the art of survival.Perhaps the homeless person would even find how to reboard the now derailed life they once had.
Each night that these folks spend on the street with no-one caring for them.Each night there is a chance that they will become a victim of a terrible crime.The statistics are quite clear that the homeless person is more likely to become a victim of a crime than commit anything more than just vagrancy.Vagrancy:the crime of not belonging anywhere that society cant see and hate you for not reminding them that they could be there at any time themselves.The folks who look at the downtrodden,believing it only can happen to "those people".!!
The refernce would provide a place to find specific information on how to find shelter,food,medical help,whatever they would need in the place they travel to.the reference might be divided into states,cities,Federal and stae Burueas ,Charities that assist,shelters that are rated by safety and availability.
I would also add to this reference a lot of things to make the best of natures abundant resources.I read a while ago about a family that found mushrooms growing in the woods they camped in.The Asian family thought the mushrooms were like those in their homeland.The poison in the Mushrooms killed them all.
The Information in the reference would contain pictures,information on finding,testing,and preparing it to use.
How to build a shelter,How to handle social situations the street person faces.The reference would be upgraded weekly to include income/job places.Shower facilities,soup kitchens.Clothing places for barter.
The reference library could be reached from any smartfone or computer.Wifi is free in most places and those places would not find a person that was blending in the crowd.Many disenfranchised persons are smart enough to hang onto their electronics or use a library.Those who are alcoholics,drug addicts or mentally afflicted.The dark side of the homeless persons are those that prey on the helpless and like being homeless.
They live under the radar and use their homelessness to commit terrible things on newbies that just hit the streets.The law inforcement in many places add to this problem sometimes brutalizing those that are already
in a world of trouble.Who do you call when a cop beats you up with a club?The homeless can not usualy carry anything to protect themselves.being homeless,armed and without any representation in an invitation for
"Resonable Cause".The usual routing being ask for ID.No Id,Run the name and social security,address,etc.
A disarmed person living on the streets are as vulnerable as if the lived in the woods.The coyotes are with
4 and 2 legged variety.The reference would clue anyone into how to stay out of the spotlight for trouble.
The centralized library would serve different regions as it grew and would ask for contributions of information
from those both in the system and out of the sytem.The sites like the HOBO.com and other places joined together would serve to unite the resources of many worlds.
It might even create a foundation for those who want better for themselves and their families to regain a foothold on the lives they still dream of.
The dark side followers that prey on others would also have a place to have their pictures shown and short writeups of their nefarious natures.
The final article would be a place to show those who have come up lost  in a world that can destroy anyone that is not determined to over come anything they negative incounter.councelors would have a place to
work on the most lost in our society.They now live in a world those counselors would have to live in as street folks do.They could never understand the emotions and isolation till they live it.Challenge to the High end
counselors:leave all your credit cards fancy clothes,bmw or whatever,and take a bus to the biggest city you can.Then trade your nice clothes to a salvation army store.leave your fone home.buy a cheap used lapptop and a new prepaid fone.(no contacts for a month).You must become lost to all those that knew you.If you were
broke,those friends would leave you anyway after awhile.Then start to learn where to sleep,eat and live as you grow more more desheveled.The look will take about 2weeks and the clothes will too.
This is a pseudo reality,this will be purely an experiment for you counselor as you know that a warn home and a life still awaits you,back there....If it were real in your life,that would never be certain...Good luck councelor,may your experiment become an awakening of the world of the fallen and forgotten,the shunned and forsaken by all but God.
I am going to start that website in the next few weeks to get this idea rolling.I am going to have to learn how to manually link sites together.It is a worthy project.any Ideas would be wonderfully excepted

Well I am once more finding myself at the end of a Blog.Please take a moment to think of those sleeping (some with
Children )in the cold tonite.Many do not even have blankets for their children.If you can donate or lend a hand ,Please do so and God bless.
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