Monday, March 11, 2013

Will You Be Taking a Politicians Luxury Vacation This Year?

English: Michelle Obama served food at Miriam’...
English: Michelle Obama served food at Miriam’s Kitchen, a local non-profit organization that provides healthy, nutritious meals to the homeless in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
identification (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
Senate Soup Kitchen
Senate Soup Kitchen (Photo credit: (Carrie Sloan))
soup kitchen
soup kitchen (Photo credit: chiricahua sky island)
The spring weather is fast approaching and we are all dreaming of a warm spring day that will not require a coat.Many of us are dreaming of the wonderful places we would just love to go.A warm place to sit on the beach at sunset with a cool glass of"lemonaide" and a lovely lady nearby getting a tan in the evening sunset.The sun slowly sinking into the sea as the waves rythmicaly roll on the shore.Ahhhh,the dreams of the average man or woman.Then we wake up and paradise is once more lost to reality
Have you ever wondered what that same day is for a politician.yeah I know...the debates and schedules with everyone and their mommas calling you about the problems in bugtussel USA.The white hair and rapid aging
in less than 4years.being the office of this powerful person  does has its problems.
I was also reading about the perks of political office.Just the other night as one Senator attempted to rally his
 supporters The Whitehouse was serving Lobster Thermador and garlic potatoes,Among other things.
Most politicians travel on extensive tours all over the world and eat dinners such as the lobster meal.The same dinner for joe citizen type  folks were eating Macaroni and instant cheese.prehaps with only a little ketchup on it for lack of cheese or sauce.

Many politicians send out panhandlings for funds to fuel their goals and limo's.
while the man on the street would get arrested for panhandling to buy a cheap hamburger for himself or his wife and child.

Politicians forget the people that are sleeping under a bridge and eating in soup kitchens.

Did you know that many of the so called humanity organizations were actually rather progressive money making institutions.I accompanied a disabled person who has lived on 700dollars a month disability.
This person has their own home,such as it is.It is a 80year old home that has many repairs needed.They were told that An organization called the habitant for humanity hailed as a wonder by former president Jimmy Carter.We walked in and waited our turn to speak with a rep.We were taken into an office and sat in front of a desk with a computer on it.The lady ask how much my friend made in wages and what she could put down.We were told with a condascending tone that poor people under the 14000dollar a year was not elidgable and that they were a for profit organization that was protected.A 400hour sweat equity would also be required for the addition to payment. as well as EZ payments for years.Homeless people need not apply as they had not addressETC.

My second example of the sideways Helping organizations is this:I also went with a person into the red cross
donation center.They provide people with donated things to make life better and tide you over.We hear about The wonderful deeds of the Red cross workers all over the world.I have given to them in the past myself.I was amazed that the person asking for help was required to show an envelope with a current date on it and an active drivers license.I asked if I was homeless could they still help me out.The lady behind the desk snarled the following.I guess that that person had better find another organization because we wont help them.I guess it would be different if that homeless person was in another country with those donated American Dollars.

I have told friends about this and they find it hard to believe till a bit of homework is done.

The katrina victims,and N.J. &Long Island folks lost all their belongings,were homeless and many had no ID due to totally losing everything they owned.The tornado in Missouri.The questions could go on and on,with the same questions asked.Do the same standards for help, stand for all people requiring my donated funds for help stand in other countries as well as ours?For example:haiti has had people helping rebuild that island for  how many generations?countries over seas have been existing on our "donations"for how many years?

Do soldiers over seas require a local address and current ID?Does the countries needing assistance have to sit down with a worker when thier skeletal bodies walk for a day to get help and go through a financial examination?Did the Ethiopians die of starvation a few years back when religious organizations had them on
the television with their starving babies.

It is not surprising that we see the refugees in camps that are starving,and living in filthy shacks.I never knew the key to the getting help was a couple pieces of Identification to reasure the bureaucrat behind the desk.They go home to comfort after a nice hot home cooked meal.

I have lived as a homeless person during the last recession.I have eaten in soup kitchens where you were only allowed to choose a single dessert and 2 breads.the tables are loaded with baked goods and bread.
After everyone picks up the alloted pitence,the preacher says,"ok now grab what you want.The priveledged
people have already grabbed everything but the bread.Man can not live on bread alone...but it is whats left over after the special favored folk pick it over.Heres the topper,After the 15minutes of folks trying to plan what wont spoil or mold,a man picks up the donated food and puts it in his borrowed shopping cart to feed his hogs and goats.Should it not be given to old age homes to suppliment their crappy and degraded existance.Yeah its old,but with the help of a microwave its as good as the animals really need the

Where do the donations go that you give????Is your generousity being dumped down a bureaucratic sinkhole.

I was flabbergastid during my time in the donated society.I was warned not to stay in the local flophouse the social welfare dept. ran or I would be robbed by the other folks in the place.I was warned that no one would recover any stolen articles because of the status of those sleeping there.My social worker liked me and knew that I was not conning her about my life.She left there to go back to college for another level of social work.I wish her well..she hadnt sold her soul yet.

I really believe the organizations that call themselves  benevelent are few.Most are sent up to be benefitial
to only a few and under very limited guidelines at best.I will give the Catholic Organizations a pat on the back.Although I am not of that religion,I found a lot of help from church organizations more so than the conventional places.The soup kitchens are far better run and disciplined than others

Please do not be afraid of the church soup kitchens.They are clean and well run for the most part.The folks eating there are not freeloaders,bums or whatever the imagination can dump on them.many are old,alone and just hoping to eat better than if they tried to cook a dinner only to eat it alone.

Soup kitchen Diners are  people that have come from all walks of life.Engineers that have been hurt,Nurses that are out of work.I remember eating dinner with an ex para medic that was recovering from a back injury.He said he didnt recieve enough money from disability to get by.His family had left him while he was recovering
You can believe that you really get to know your friends when the chips are down.
I challenge you to just dress in your everyday casual clothing and finding a soup kitchen.The food is good and you may find a qualified person looking for that job that you just cant find anyone for...The Homeless
are not elidgable for workforce or anything else that would put you and them together.But a soup kitchen is a unique opportunity to perhaps solve two situations with one fairly good meal and everyday folks to share a meal after prayers together.

If you feel that you are mooching a meal or out of place there,You can always donate after the meal and then it will not be as tough on you.If you find a new worker that turns out to be a genius at his/her job,so much the better.You get a bargain and life is a continual gamble at best..

Thats all for now,and as my favorite journalist,Paul Harvey used to say,and thats the rest of the story.(for now anyway).

Please Note the Lady in one of these Photos is our current first lady working in a community soup kitchen.
whether for a photo op or because her heart is truly pure.She is there and helping.The creator Knows all our hearts and is the only one to judge us.I Think she was there because she truly knows where her heart is.
Thank You for giving those at the bottom of the ladder hope and for not making us feel we need to look up from a kneeling position  at someone who cares.
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Korea,Mosquito on The backside of an Elephant,Sit Simba,Good Boy

English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state o...
English: Shaded relief map of the U.S. state of New York. From the United States Geological Survey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Constitutional Amendments 101
Constitutional Amendments 101 (Photo credit: Village Square)
Dictator (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
The United States has always been a Nation of diverse ideas and opinions.We that live here always seem very near the point of grabbing anyone that disagrees with us and choking the living crap out of them.It always seems that way anyway...The eleventh hour rapidly approches and we miraculously pull our heads out of those regions where the sun does not shine and agree to disagree or compromise.

That comment in mind and other things going on in the world,hear this and do the same.
We have a Whitehouse that many of us voted into office.I remember writing to the President and thanking him for helping my family with a life threatening situation.I said that I would help his election to succeed and maybe it did so in a small way.I also said that I would stand my ground as a person with strong Constitutional Beliefs if things were to get beyond my tolorance levels.I do believe everyone should care for each other with life situations.Health,Elders,protecting our innocent defensless folks.and other noble things to numerous to mention.I beleve the noble things are that which is worth leaving behind when we exit on this material plane.
We are fighting for our Rights to remain that which I grew up with and escape without the revolution for freedom that everyone is whispering about in hushed dialogs.New York Emporer/Governor and friends have decreed that we are to ban sugary drinks and children will never enjoy a cookie from mom without the shock troops kicking down the door and dragging mom off to a gulag education camp.All educational programs will
be supervised by the elite people that send thier own kids out to others to raise.We will all be on modified bicycles like 3rd world countries because no one will be able to afford the hybrid autos that could easily have been our old autos cheaply converted to Hydrogen,oxygen(often known as Water).The guy that built and perfected that process was killed right after he demonstrated the unit by persons unknown.
Robots will see to it that we are behaving ourselves,even if they have to kill us by drones in groups.But dont worry about doing anything the "powers that be" are going to miss.The electronic roach will crawl into your house and listen for misconduct.Retired airport security agents will even listen into your bedroom activities for any activities that might be objectionable.The years at the airport job has taught them well what to look for.HEH HEH HEH The Sex taxes will take care of the foopahs in that department.
Then.....Where was I?Oh my!I have had a glimpse into a future parody...once more I have wondered into the parralel world of what might be.

Isnt it a bit past time to open your eyes to what the future could be if we stop and see what wonderful things technology could bring and not what it is bringing?Korea with a weapon so powerful that a peace of crap
dictator and family is threatening to reopen a horror that we Humans must never allow to rehappen.
The U.S.A.was  the only (Known) use of the nitemare called nuclear bomb.Does China actually think that this little pismiar dictator will not desimate their country?I Do not know why the Chinese dont realize the mutual benefit nutruelizing Koreas maniac would be to this world.War solves very little and nuclear war
would send the world into a firee hell from which nothing will survive.The real roaches would feast on the rotting carcasses of all the fallen.The only earth life left.Perhaps they are the only ones to inherit the earth.
The meek and reviled cockroach may outlast the supposedly top of the intelectual ladder: Homosapiens.

So I ask the countries of the USA,Canada, Japan,South Korea,China,Free and Mainland ,If you want to save the world as many of the ancient stories boasted of doing then this is your chance to be the heroes of legends past and future.

As for the wonderful country of mine called America,Stop the constant attacks on the Constitutional freedoms before we end up with a country,ruled by a dictator that finds Constitutioal Rights a bothersome
and problematic waste of time.That dictator would probly just go ahead and dump a law into being without asking anyone.Why you say?Well my friends,because thats what dictators do.Then the people rise up and kick his dictatrial butt till he sees reason.This country has checks and balances to fight a bloodless revolution.
its a failsafe to prevent the rise of a Dictator or King.

Or....All you folks can just move to the new Emporers,Empire State of New York with its new uncostitutional laws. Even the Native Americans and their Treaties are being attacked here.Perhaps we still have the Genetics and spirit of our pioneer ancestors.We have laws that are far more powerful than any nuclear bomb.Those Founding Fathers Knew from the Dictators they knew of that time period Freedom is worth fighting for.Thousands of our fellow citizens that fought in and out of uniform have died to save our right to live free.If we kick fecal matter in their memories,thenI fear we will suffer the Karma that such thing s deserve.

Lets straighten out our country and take back the Constitutional Freedoms our veterans have fought and bled for.No one has the right to negate those foundational rules of freedom.

Dictators make laws that criminalize the average person to maketheir elite groups look as shining stars to the world, instead of the black holes that swallow the humans soul.It shows a certain isolated ignorance of those they are suppose to be working for.  

I seem to remember the British Red Coats in historical records thinking New Yorkers were lambs to slaughter sometime before the year of 1776.They had Paul Revere,We have Paul Rand....

Till Next time my friends,Please keep the treaties enforced,and the torch of liberty burning hot enough
to reach the heavens.We will need that help soon.Keep the faith and fight the good fight.
The pen is mightier than the sword...

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Man Eating Lions And Tigers And bears,Oh My!Nice Kitty??

There have been reports of people Who keep wild animals as house pets or treat these creatures as one would treat a house cat or dog.The experts that do this have all kinds of respect for the animal and so much trust in the fact that they dont look edible to the beast.Though the big cat etc probly licks your hand to see if the stories are correct,It does taste like chicken.

Lets get a few things straight before I go on,just to set anyone reading this to my animal profile beliefs.
I love animals in the jungle,outside the home and occasionally inside the home,with good behavior.
I particularly love the nature and wild life videos of those beautiful and majestic African scenes.Really love those videos from anywhere.I have witnessed the Elk herds migrating in Wyoming and seen the Antelope on the western plians.The Mighty buffalo that now wander in the confines of a fence in the dozens and never again in the millions in favor of dull witted bovine herds.The African wilderness is becoming a vast and empty place that once held food,and survival as the Great plains and Amazon did.The wooley Mammoth is gone and hunted into extinction by the first people.The Amzon is fast being cleared of anything that looks like maybe it cant be domesticated or made into a hi fashion garment,kill it!Wipe it out as we are not smart enough to see a value in the creature.Maybe we can make it into a nice domestic Pet,Yeah thats the ticket.
A Cockroach that makes a hissing sound and stinks would be soooo kool!It has been around for at least a million years and lived through the nuclear blasts in Nevada years ago.A human would not!Why would anyone want a pet cockroach when people pay millions for the ledgendary roach traps,poison etc.
Why would anyone think that a hissing roach is any different than a lion,tiger or bear.Even a woodchuck is going to take a chunk out of it"Master"??The proportional chunk for those crittters called tigers astromonically more generous(for the critter).Sooner or later this animal will take to it's natural instincts and
be looked at like its the spawn of satan.It is only doing what it is wired mentally,instinctualy to do.It is what those animals are put on the earth to do.Chase things down,brutally kill that food and eat it at leasure unless
harassed by the scavegers,who may chase it away.Whether it is a antelope or a two legged creature that probly is the closest thing to its programmed genetic memory.Even that genetic memory would not walk and play with a carnivore.Monkeys are a little more aware of instinctive eating habits.People and places that keep wild animals will have deaths from time to time because the nature brain of a carnivore is not anything to domesticated as a house cat is and in spite of its size,it will occasionally take a fair size attempt to
claw,bite ponce or just destoy whatever it has in mind at that time.Imagine the multiplied size,instincts,and temperment of its jungle relative.Then ask yourself why we hear of such animals being kept in apartments.
Ohio had a game farm that was a fine example of where wild things fit in our world.Trapped and destroyed
because they are at the mercy of mankinds ideas of where they fit in a world of creatures that no longer have the instinct to understand that creature is called mankind.Mankind is the only creature that does not fit any pattern set in nature.We change nature  to suite our needs.We dam rivers,waste trees,kill our ecosystem out of ignorance and greed.then we try to make nature in our image of an imagined world.Dont believe this?
I challenge you to test this theory of mankind,The creature that does not fit into nature and that is why we destroy it.The challenge is this:leave your clothes and all of your wealth behind.No tools,nothing of the human world must be with you.have someone deliver you to the edge of the deep woods such as British Columbia where Man is not seen for a hundred miles.Then watch them drive off with one week for the pickup.
when you shiver in the dark that night,tell yourself that you are a part of nature..Sweet dreams.dont worry
Theres only Lions ,Tigers ,And bears out there in the dark.....

Please take care of this world,we only have one world to live on and this one isnt forgiving when we make it a toilet...


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is Dennis Rodman Our New Hanoi Rodman

Why is it that popular people have a need to support enemies with hostile intent?

When ever the craziest of leaders developes a yen to attack,pillage,blowup or threaten the peaceful existance of others,a mindless popular person attempts to say what a great guy/gal the maniac is.The awesome kid that rodman refers to is building nuclear medium range missles that can thereticaly land in the western hemisphere.
Does anyone know the coordinates for mr.rodmans neighborhood?Why would a person visit a hostile country where from all the input from around the world,their leaders seem bent on mass death.

The popular
reason is...WHAT???.What would be any rational human being reason for killing huge amounts of population?

I have tried to rationalize that its, beyond the control of some folks to have behavioral self control.
I have labeled it an evil force,A problem in those peoples lives.Leaders without regard to any country have everything we all can only dream of.I must assume its either something in the Genes or in the water!

The mentally disabled in the USA are being blamed for every act of depravity in mind.Take away all the weapons from Americans,Our Emporor of NewYork has decreed that all weapons are"BBBBAAAD"
while way over there  "Fat Wong fu to u" plots the destruction of millions.innocent people that were not even born when the war/police action happened,anymore than he was.

We in the USA are probed,patted
down and scrutinized even on buses.I hope the New York Emporer soon realizes from the peoples reaction to his decreed laws without constitutional considerations is really giving his partys reelect chance.
The same chance as a snowball in hell would have
So while good ole dennis is sleeping or schmoozing or whatever, with the enemy many politicitians are planning to leave us as naked of rights and constitutional opportunities as South Korea has been left in the shadow of a nuclear bomb terrorist leaderWe will have no chance of self defence or freedoms as those in Korea do
We really cant kick the little jerks ASSets in Korea because we are so in hock to China.Even if China wanted to change the situation in Korea,They TOO are now in the shadow of this flea on the back of two giants
So getting back to my original Thought,What would get a celebrity to visit a hostile land that plces their people as pions,slaves to the elite controllers.Perhaps because he has not looked into his own history.
The struggles that allowed him his freedom to even speak about a monster in charge would have served him
up in a much different headline only 35plus years ago.times are changing and terrorists are protected,while good people are penalized for the same reason that celebrities visit hostile countries and support the monsters running them.
Power corrupts,and absolute power,corrupts absolutly.

Break down the walls as we fight for freedom.All people deserve the freedom to live without fear.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

What May Be behind Pope Benedicts Giving Up

Pope Benedictus XVI
Pope Benedictus XVI (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I came acrossed a little published story an hour ago that you can research and look into on the Popes leaving the Papal duties behind.

It is an international event that has been fired by another man of God.Historically the Catholic Church has done many gifted things for people.

I have stories of such gifts of food,clothing and shelter over the years from Catholic Charities around the world.I would never say the church was all bad or all good.I would say that absolute power corrupts absolutly.History has a way of righting itself from all the dark secrets men can try to hide I suggest a glance at the book Of  Hebrews 14.Loosly tanslated states that

You can fool the people,but the creator is more than able to see your true self.that in mind my friends listen to this story and search for yourself for that mystical truth.  The truth is out there    X.

 I am not a Catholic.If that is what you wish to bbelieve then so mote it be,but history is a cruel karmatic equalizer to that which is hidden and the screams of the victims will not be hushed....

A Canadian exiled minister of the Canadian church has brought an International Tribunal with subpoena powers to bear on Pope Benedict and The Royal Families Queen Of England,Along with the Prime Minister Of Canada.Also mentioned for arrest is 6 Catholic Hi bishops of the Vatican city.

It appears those we would call Tribal Native Tribes of Canada have a Gladiator who would right a great many wrongs for the indiginous tribes labeled "indians" by the know it all nebbies that landed on western lands to ilname people they were ignorant of.

Those conquering  invaders then set about bringing the fear of God into these heathens.I bet they never asked if the natives already had a God..Never the less a plan was made by a pope and rulers in England,Spain and other technologicly advanced faraway places to change and convert these savages that had art,language,housing,not much disease(till the sickness was inflicted on them)and housing.The natives even had healthy food to eat and plenty of it.Hard to believe ,but those natives actually knew how to farm crops and traded it for beads and mirrors.Imagine a people that had no concept of land hording and they only wore precious metals and jewels for decoration....they neede control,religion and indoctrination.
The invaders were determined to train the natives even if they had to take the children,starve the adults,and
kill any one that disagreed with the teachers.The church was the teacher...Getting the Picture???

The reverend is attempting to make known the monsterous events and goings on that desimated the populations of natives in Canada.It was condoned by the powers that be and hidden for all these years.
However it is not a long past thing..Indian schools were run and are still run in many places around the world
Where ignorantly educated invaders still use the term.To learn more about the upcoming meeting between the Pope and President Giorgio Napolitano for security and protection of Papal People Goto the Website of : Or at ICLCJ and you may be enlightened by an event that is for you to ponder at...Why isnt it being reported by the Media???Hmmmm.imagine that in this age of internet.Then imagine yourself as a native
at the whim and command of the unsupervised church person who cant be found guilty of abusing a savage who isnt of "our" God.

History records the story of the conquerers and buries the truth in subtrafuge.Perhaps this man will be sacrificed like the Crusader Templer that battles for their belief.I would invite you to read the latest release from the same Vatican regarding the Pope at the time of the Knights Templar throwing the to the wolfs after
the "noble??"kings in charge cut a deal with that Pope.It is the nature of men to default to abominations,when
Faith is not in charge.

Please look at this article and seek out the truth,Maybe a great wrong and many souls can be allowed to finally find peace in justice after all this time.or maybe this man is a complete decide

Lets reak down this wall and let in the true light that brings it all into focus

Keep the faith till next time my friends,
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Is Rocketmail.Com Apparently Supporting Death Threats

Homeland Security
Homeland Security (Photo credit: Phantamage)
I sat at my Keyboard a few days ago inside an Internet cafe where I often go to Have a decent cup of coffee and write my various articles for those publishers I am connected to.I had a relative of mine sitting at another table raise their head with a look that would be reserved for a ghost sighting.

I  thought at first that person who has health issues would need an ambulance.I asked ,"are you okay"?they paused and starred in horror as they spoke these words.There is someone who is going to kill me..What did I do?

The E-mails  sent out on the internet by these punks on killer agents36 @ ,claim to be assasins that are hired by a close friend and have taped the whole contract killing deal.The site says that its "men" are watching and that if the author can talk to the victim they can make a deal so the contract killing will not happen.Otherwise in really crappy broken English the job will be carried out as contracted.

My relative is already in poor health and took some time to recover the shocking event that should never take place.

 The parasite that authored this scam will regret the day they conceved it....I fight hard for should you before its on your doorstep.step up and become part of the fight or lay down and say thankyou sir may I have some more sir??

How many people are going to read this and be struck down by the idea of being killed by a gutless crudball  that apparently is freely running such a site on a domain without restrictions of law..?

Apparently sending such mail to people through Rocketmail is monitored by neither law officers,Homeland security or anyone else that gropes our women and children,monitors the average citizen,denies our Constitutional Rights.I believe that it is still against the law and maybe a felony to threaten another human with
death if they dont pay compensation to avoid their murder....Or did someone feel it was  persons that was not that well connected???just a common citizen with no criminal background that lived a clean quiet life.

I called the local police on the famous 911 line.2hours later a local city cop wandered in and acted like we had disturbed his busy 2AM nap in our tiny 6cop car town.I showed him the E-mail and he said he had no experience with that kind of thing and stated we lived just outside his jurisdiction.He sent us to the local sheriffs office.

The sheriff was maybe 24years old and very interested.He read our printout of the note and
we joked about how bad the English was and that the stupid jerk that authored the note was something of a baffoon in the clumsy wording.He said it was a new possible scam to get money,He hoped.He kept the printout to present to his superiors..We left to pursue the answers to this sleazeballs site..

I have written to the authorities and to the forwarding address that has turned it over to what/whoever is in the circles that monitor idiots with such fantasies.Please note that if anyone you know dies from a threat made that causes a fatal heart attack etc,It is for you to pursue this as rocketmail has already said they have no responsiilities in this matter...This is the kind of thing that will deny you and I the freedom to use the internet for our legal use of the internet for our pursuits and communication.It is the finger on the trigger that will be a cause to shut us down and be the excuse to monitor our lives even more than it is now.We are all going to be victims by this kind of thing.

When WE THE PEOPLE fail to control the predators then we condone their actions.That makes us no better than them.

I personally would like to see this or these individuals prosecuted to the full extent of the law on general principles.They are parasites of the people not able to protect themselves.I have written of this many times.We are our brothers and sisters keeper.

You can stop this by writing the rocketmail people and demanding they prosecute those involved or have the matter investigated for the Homeland terrorists this website is...

OR,....You can sit in your little hideaway and wait till your loved one is sent a little E-mail and suffers a heart attack or in fear ends up paying these rocketmail extortionists their life savings..

Till Next time.

My point is yet to be made to the perpetrator on rocketmail..I only hope he gets a nice cell without a view with perhaps a big hairy guy named "Bubba"that has not seen a Women in a very long time!!!No offense to anyone named Bubba...;-)
No related articles that I would run,all zemanta has apparently is advertisements for Hi Quality FAKE passports and more Fake documents....Wouldve sorta defeated this article if I allowed that.Ain'ta gonna happen there either....but another example of what is happening to us all...
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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rand Paul is not alone in a Fight to Keep Freedom ,Our American Liberty Is At Stake

Libertarian Party Logo
Libertarian Party Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No Dogma
No Dogma (Photo credit: seriouscher)
I am in contact with many people during the week,Gun rights people,Human rights people,I received letters from Michelle and President Obama during election.Among the people writing me in the past have been Madeline Albright,,Al Franken, Vice President BidenMany Libertarians,Rand Paul on a daily basis. ,The Daly Lama joined my friends circle.PBS is there.For a relatively unknown writer who loves the quiet life filled with travel and freedom,I am  really quite blessed by the friends and company that I keep.

I lean more to the Libertarian ideas.I voted for Mr Obama for  personal reasons that is self evident in my writings.It is better to have a situation powered by people that do not  answer to the Dogmas and Doctrines of obscure Ideas that is not of  mainstream society.I think Mr. Obama might disagree with my personal philosophies while we sit and sip our hot coffee and wear what WE deem to be the proper clothing.I won't be thrown out of the club if I disagree with my Elders.That in mind and  using this set up as my template,I will continue...

I really wished that the Libertarian Party could start with and independent running now for the next election.
Grabbing someone at the last minute to try to place under the spotlight is a complete waste of time. WE would need to begin to setup that person with a gradual rise to activity and hold them there in the midst of the
Baptismal fire till 2016.I think there maybe someone out there who has that true  grit.That person needs to be honorable because that has been something built from lifes tempering fire.We need someone that has a honest track record.To many false gods have opened their mouths and proven themselves.

The next person to run should be able to keep his pants on and actually "not have sex with that person".

The next presidential candidate really should not be a member of any so called "secret society that drinks from human skulls robbed from Native American War Chiefs graves.We don't need Secret societies..They are walls that are designed to separate and demean others.The next president should be (along with the other government offices)should only be part time positions.Those folks make more at a lecture or gathering than most working people make in a year of labor and worry.

Next I hope the person would balance the budget by cutting out all the,pardon me but...all the crap we pay for in taxes.I read of a grant to a group that were developing remote controls costing severalmillion dollars to remotely control cockroaches.I could have saved them millions by directing them to a few roach traps in the cheap stores..

Do WE THE PEOPLE actually need an agency that is so powerful that it can not be governed by anyone or any judicial branch of the United States Government?Do we really need remote controlled cockroaches.Incidentally,The magazine "Make"put together a remote controlled cockroach for about 20bucks orso.Worked real good and cost a lot less than a million bucks folks... 

 My older sister was being treated for cancer of the brain a year ago.The insurance was akin to feather and bone dancing treatments (the useless pretreatment for pain etc.b4 the stuff that may actually be effective is used .)had laid waste to her insurance.The state of new jersey(YEAH I know!does not deserve capitals!)denied her the final treatment that may have saved her life.

The doctors wrote the state insurance,still denied the treatments by a greedy medical professional and a fat assed bureaucrat sitting in a cubicle and murdering people by red tape death decrees.

Bureaucrats that deny life saving medical attention to critically ill people should be held responsible for those deaths.They killed those people with the same flippant mindset of a concentration  camp gas chamber guard.

These people need to mandatorily visit the sick they are working with and sign in at their bedside.That signin would only count if the doctor signed it with the bureaucrat present.Just like they make the patient do on paperwork if it did not get done then that bureaucrat would have to do it again till it was one.

Last on my list is a land settlement act or New Homesteaders Act where the wasted federal land that is laying idle and doing nothing in the millions of acres would be assigned on a land sale to American Citizens to develope on a yearly improvement agreement similar to the old land rush rules.This would also make the land management helicopters and the storm troopers attacking American citizens without cause no longer needed.See you in the unemployment lines...

Yeah,we in the general population would enjoy having you in for a meal at the local soup kitchen.You will no doubt find people(ounce prosperous )who knew you in your prior "life"?

The children of Mexican and other illegals could vouch for their parents who could live on their childrens (born in the USA)land till they got Citizenship.This Act would open up millions of SO CALLED Federal acres of un-used and wasted land that would otherwise sit as wasteland.Low income folks that just wished to escape the killing zones called inner city or those that dream of a  place of their own.This land sale would increase our food,decrease urban population,and stop much of the violence of crowding too many people into The concrete jungle.Trillions would be made from the food production increase and unemployment would become nearly nonexistant.Feed a man for a day and tomorrow he again will hungry.But teach him how to farm or fish and he will never be hungry again.
The excess food production could be used to feed the hungry all over the world..Everyone comes out a winner.

The revenue over time would be much more than our national debt.Industry incentives  added to this would boost that revenue with even more dollars for growth.

It is worth a thought.We are headed for a cliff  over which our fine country will  be thrown into what experts and crackpots alike agree on one point.It is that WE THE PEOPLE have a choice to either make the government work for us by being  ever alert to our future laws and rulings.we will plummet to a point of no return if we fail to stand up for what we believe is right.

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,If you fail too protect it,your opponents willleave your world in the dust.

Taxes were not paid by those that did not vote before the 1900"s.then politicians found how eassily the citizens could be fleeced without firing a shot or kicking down doors to get the EZ money since then WE THE PEOPLE have become we the" money machine".

Not to many of us at economy/income ground zero are taking lavish vacations and flying all over Gods Creation to just chill and hang out.Open your mind and look with new eyes at what is happening in the greater picture

That's it for now my friends,I have been having problems with writing blogs.It appears that the WIFI places are now censoring things that we write.I have been two days just trying to get this one out due to wifi saying I am on line,but without accessability.Its already begun in our country....Give me liberty or.....

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mr.President Please Don't Defeat Our Confidence in You

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration B...
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration Building (Photo credit: jimmywayne)
United States Marine Corps Memorial
United States Marine Corps Memorial (Photo credit: Adelaide Archivist)
The past few months have so very traumatic with the events of the mass killings that we seem to have fallen into a world written by some Hollywood Director.It makes no sense to the average intelligent thinking creature.The the only thing for  sure is the fact that  insanity has not what got a preference for victims.That is what the media is pedaling anyway.It is just not any place for the things that would be just beyond our realities.The the things that kill are not unknown to our species,It is ancient and unforgiving.It is unredeeming .
It has no regards for life in our realm.

There  are events happening around the world that are important to those close to the event.The Souix Citizen that was at the Pine Ridge assault by Federal Agents Has served 30+ Years His Name Is Russell Means You might research all sides of this case to draw your own conclusions.The evidence that this man Killed agents was at best now conclusive.Anyone But a NativeAmerican might have the modern resources of the latest forensic DNA,etc.would open the case to find truth.Orhave we forgotten what equal right mean?

The otherthing you might be interested in is the US Marine that was told by  Customs authorities if he could
take an ancient Firearm  toCosta Rico.He was detained and is still being held in prison by the Mexican Government.His Life is being threatened and there is no one from the USA that seems to give a damn.This guy has fought for this country.I think we need to sign the petition at the Human Rights Organizations website.

We need to move on with the things that can be fixed."Crazy" folks is just an undiserved label to those folks that never did anything but struggle with task of living.What is going on is a strong case of  evil.Yeah I know its redundantto say.Guns dont kill,Mentally effected folks don't kill....The dark places of the mind kills from influences we have yet to admit the existence of.

The people that died are an undeniable loss to history and our world.They can never be replaced.Their deaths are undeniably a question we have noanswers for.We never will have any thing but theories.None of the theories we come upwith ever be accurate.There are no answers for the darkness of the possessed mind.

We can work to ease the loss of those lives fractured by the Unreasonable losses from that which kills without reason or rhyme.

Taking tools from those us that have the control of our minds and souls are never going to work.The people that are effected by that darkness of mind and soul are undetectable to our world.There is no solution to outlawing  all tools when we have them.If this were possible ,we would already have no use for the nuclear arsenals that dominate the political arguementsof the worlds population. Youcant close pandoras box,once you have let the evil out of the box.Like Pandora,All we have is hope left inside thebox.

Live Like it is your last moment of life.

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Remember When Xmas Meant Santa Claus Happiness

With the growing madness that we all seem to live in these days,Christmas is a holiday that has caught on wth many people.It is a time when the best of people is suppose to be taking place.When the friends and relatives try to be on their best behavior.For many families this time of years brings the people that really do not get along with any other family member no matter when it is a get together.There always seems to be a person that has a loud nasty state of mind that crimps an otherwise festive occasion.

My advise for when the relatives and friends start to arrive is this.Keep a positive mindset.Let them be the
complete"BLEEPS" that throw out snarling and nasty statements in an attempt to undermine the great time of years celebration.It will show them that they have no effect on you whatsoever!the time will go fast for the goodtimes that will replace the silly dorks


The recent events have broken our freedoms forever

The recent killing spree that has grabbed the attention of the world has effectively crushed the free ideas of the 2nd amendment.The right to bear arms to protect and defend ourselves from the evil that walks this earth in the form of man.It seems that those who would disarm the free citizens of the United States are also those that are pushing the buttons that were not to be touched after election.The President said he would not  attack the armed citizens that were good people.He now hasjoined in on the witch hunt for every gun.
This witch hunt will begin with the "special selection" of military firearms.I would like to say next is...
The truth is,this law also could include any gun that has a larger compacity clip.That would include a small caliber .22 with a large clip.A shotgun with a multiple shell clip.

Australia is said to limit shotguns to 2 shot limited magazine or doublebarrel shotgun.I guess that doesn't apply to bad guys.Please note and take into account the following historical facts.The 1930'sgangsters were not impressed with anti gun,anti booze,anti prostitution laws.The lengendary infamous of  that time were all very well armed.They enjoyed the run of all the vises that the good church going folks did not enjoy.Things like food,clothes,a nip of hard cider etc.

Laws only restrict the people who try to stay inside the ever tighter confines of the social straitjacket.When we realize that we are the normals and the inmates to this asylum called earth are running the place.Maybe we will colonize mars with volunteers or like Australia started
out,with the criminals that were actually the throw away poor that we are becoming.They just didn't fit.England lost the best of the creative force.Is there a lesson here with Australian gun laws
The socially protected elite rarely need protection.The neighborhoods they move to are better patrolled and most bad guys would be out of place in that setting.I have read in the past of a black man visiting a friend in a very elite block.The police stop the car jumped out of their vehicle and threw the fellow to the ground.His arms were pulled back behind him in a submission hold.This can dislocated the shoulders if misused.Later it was found that the only reason the man was there was that someone from there invited him.A good summeritan living nearby saw" One of those black people" stalking around the good folks  homes.Not a Bad GUY.!!

If the politicians continue on this avenue of  socialism,the USA will never recover.The last time people here were being door to door searched and threatened for bearing arms by those elite who were armed was,HMMM!let me see.Wasn't it something about the American Revolutionary war A rather nasty parting of the ways with politicians living in wonderful places while Jack the ripper types stalked the very poor and under educated in Whitehall Chapel.While many of the poor were shipped all over the world to suffer in
places like British Hell west indies,devils Island and other wonderous places.

I have past large  currently un-ocupied places that look a lot like the Stalag structures of old Germany in the
back roads of Kentucky.I would hate to see any image of their use in anything but the imagination.
I voted and supported the President because he said he was at a state of mind  free from preconceived
and nonfunctional party ideas.I believed then and now that tools are not capable of doing bodily harm to anyone.They must be picked up and used by what should have been an intelligent creature.A gun,like,any tool is capable of becoming a weapon.That same tool is incapable of killing unless a human sets it into motion.That may change with the future drones and combat robot dogs now being tested.Add a little anatomy shematics,stir in a maniac at the controls and presto.a true killing machine that learns to TERMINATE!

The Second World War was fought by the French resistance with basic homemade weapons.the introduction of more sophisticated  weapons were supplied by the Americans The reason the french underground were not armed is the Germans and Italians  had,00 You guessed it ,gone door to door grabbing the firearms.I wonder if the USA citizens will be expecting a shipment of the those illegal firearms from the US Government like the one that almost went to Mexico.Or.....Is that where the guns we lose are going.It's probably classified.If you think this is hogwash,please download the Governments newly released papers of the Marilyne Monroe's Autopsy.You will find it an interesting lesson on a murder that was never solved.Nogun involved and no drugs in her system.A human murdered her.The human is the killing ingredient.without that ingredient,tools do not kill.HUMANS DO!

Next blog will bring you a list of things changing without you really being aware of how much your world is about to become the Orwellian Nitemare of control over every aspect of our life.I will give you places to verify my writing.

I am still working to gather this information.It seems to be disappearing from many search engines....
But I will be networking many computers soon to increase my abilities for researching my articles.
Be patient my friends and welcome to my world.Come back as often as you wish.You are always welcome here.

Till next time my dear friends. No one can steal your dreams or your soul,unless you let them.Keep the faith alive and the walls falling between all people.