Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2013

National I.D.Cards and the Now infamous National Health Plan,Fats,Sugar,Tobacco,Seatbelts n Helmets,More Plans to Protect us From Ourselves?

Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christm...
Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol (1938) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Prison 2
Prison 2 (Photo credit: planetschwa)
This Week  and for many weeks before,The folks in the good Ole U.S.A.have been embroiled in another knock down,drag out fight to further control our freedoms of choice.

The news may be a little discomforting when you hear all the arguments both pro and con.The pro and cons are as confusing as to which is which as the health bill reports. It started out to be a real piece of pie promise that would revolutionized health care.

The 2 Political parties began to puff and prance for the cameras.Much as mating Pigeons might be seen to do.Each speaker issuing a long and boring speech that soon put people to sleep While trying to figure it all out.

The weeks of trying to out do each others hot air further complicated and confused the facts of what exactly  the facts were of a forced health care.The countries that have such High priced Health care have always been called socialized medicine.The Taxes eventually have to be raised, and anyone not in the party is criminalized for the need to lead a more independent life.It used to be called freedom of choice for those not reading the Constitution lately.

Many jails and Prisons around the country are asking for funds to build bigger and better places to confine people.I wonder if the requests are a specter of thing yet to be.

The Christmas season seems a strange time to Give the gift of No medical coverage to millions of TinyTims that  will no longer be able to afford that operation. The fines for not allowing Dad to be able to get proper insurance has been decreed You see the government will take all of the money that would help little Tim and .blow it for unaudited federal pork fat uses.This will leave the already  money strapped Tims dad and the Mrs.sorta out in the cold.Perhaps quite literally.

I wished there were Three spirits that would visit the opposing armies of politics this Xmas season.
Bring Joy and good cheer to them.The spirit would show them the error of their ways,starting with the results of those around them planning to grab all their power after they commit political suicide.

The next spirit might appear and show them what  poor Tiny Tims fate would end up as.Having a parent transformed into a criminal from not being able to pay astronomical fees for forced insurance.
Then prosecuted for not  having the additional funds to pay for the said forced insurance.Then perhaps Tim's  dad will be further brought up on charges of child neglect,avoiding a government mandated program.Then if we have the spirit look further the death of Poor little Tiny Tim from not having anyone who give a damn enough to stop the madness.

The last Spirit would appear and take the combatants to a dusty old  gravesite with the name of their political parties boldly chiseled into the granite head stone.The spirit would tell them it was the possible "things that may be".Perhaps a few thunder claps and lightning flashes for dramatic effect.

 Political   sweat beads would roll down Faces and pleas for mercy for unrealized thinking would be heard.It falls on a spirit that stands firm pointing at the stone.The thunder crashes once more and the lightning blinds all.

I wished this last scene was also in the remake of this old Christmas Carol.The scene of a child without medical care in a manger long ago.That child has no governmental insurance.That child was a dependent on his mom and dad for protection,from the then government of Rome.The Roman Legions prosecuted those who did not follow their laws.Those laws also were for the protection of the people under Roman Law.All Hail Casaer?

From those of us who will have family and friends effected by the doppelganger of med insurance,I would say the following as I voted straight Democrat and am now an Independent."ET TU Caesar,
Et TU???.

I am sure the Story will never have a happy ending where all the folks effected will get a free turkey for the holiday and end up with a more spirit filled political system that will share all the best of this Holiday time.I am sure the machine we have built has no emotional attachments to us mere mortals that it will kill by neglect.The wait for a Doctor in Canada and the UK can be Months.

I Lost an older sister to the bureaucratic crap of the current system a year ago.The system had sapped all her insurance and forced her to go onto Social Services.The Brain Cancer had been fought to a
standstill and she only needed one more kemo treatment to kill the cancer.The bureaucrats stepped into the picture and said she would have to wait 30days to have the red tape clear.Even after several Doctors contacted the Social Service folks.My sister was denied treatment.She died waiting for treatment.The cancer killed her in a hideous and brutal way.cancer is as brutal as the effects of this chaotic Health plan will be.We will all be waiting to get Medical care that will never be there in time.

Either we will lack the funds to buy the plan, or we will die from those who would take what little money that will be left for our lives...all from the safety of a jail cell for the first time...
Think it over folks.....

Can you imagine how many will die when no one can get medical help, and few have the ability to save a loved one.The present system is far from perfect,but it usually is usable.The deboggle that killed my sister does happen often.Had WE THE PEOPLE,been able to tweak the current system maybe the people who depend on it would not fear the chaos coming in the future. 

Yours  as always

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Rand Paul is not alone in a Fight to Keep Freedom ,Our American Liberty Is At Stake

Libertarian Party Logo
Libertarian Party Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
No Dogma
No Dogma (Photo credit: seriouscher)
I am in contact with many people during the week,Gun rights people,Human rights people,I received letters from Michelle and President Obama during election.Among the people writing me in the past have been Madeline Albright,,Al Franken, Vice President BidenMany Libertarians,Rand Paul on a daily basis. ,The Daly Lama joined my friends circle.PBS is there.For a relatively unknown writer who loves the quiet life filled with travel and freedom,I am  really quite blessed by the friends and company that I keep.

I lean more to the Libertarian ideas.I voted for Mr Obama for  personal reasons that is self evident in my writings.It is better to have a situation powered by people that do not  answer to the Dogmas and Doctrines of obscure Ideas that is not of  mainstream society.I think Mr. Obama might disagree with my personal philosophies while we sit and sip our hot coffee and wear what WE deem to be the proper clothing.I won't be thrown out of the club if I disagree with my Elders.That in mind and  using this set up as my template,I will continue...

I really wished that the Libertarian Party could start with and independent running now for the next election.
Grabbing someone at the last minute to try to place under the spotlight is a complete waste of time. WE would need to begin to setup that person with a gradual rise to activity and hold them there in the midst of the
Baptismal fire till 2016.I think there maybe someone out there who has that true  grit.That person needs to be honorable because that has been something built from lifes tempering fire.We need someone that has a honest track record.To many false gods have opened their mouths and proven themselves.

The next person to run should be able to keep his pants on and actually "not have sex with that person".

The next presidential candidate really should not be a member of any so called "secret society that drinks from human skulls robbed from Native American War Chiefs graves.We don't need Secret societies..They are walls that are designed to separate and demean others.The next president should be (along with the other government offices)should only be part time positions.Those folks make more at a lecture or gathering than most working people make in a year of labor and worry.

Next I hope the person would balance the budget by cutting out all the,pardon me but...all the crap we pay for in taxes.I read of a grant to a group that were developing remote controls costing severalmillion dollars to remotely control cockroaches.I could have saved them millions by directing them to a few roach traps in the cheap stores..

Do WE THE PEOPLE actually need an agency that is so powerful that it can not be governed by anyone or any judicial branch of the United States Government?Do we really need remote controlled cockroaches.Incidentally,The magazine "Make"put together a remote controlled cockroach for about 20bucks orso.Worked real good and cost a lot less than a million bucks folks... 

 My older sister was being treated for cancer of the brain a year ago.The insurance was akin to feather and bone dancing treatments (the useless pretreatment for pain etc.b4 the stuff that may actually be effective is used .)had laid waste to her insurance.The state of new jersey(YEAH I know!does not deserve capitals!)denied her the final treatment that may have saved her life.

The doctors wrote the state insurance,still denied the treatments by a greedy medical professional and a fat assed bureaucrat sitting in a cubicle and murdering people by red tape death decrees.

Bureaucrats that deny life saving medical attention to critically ill people should be held responsible for those deaths.They killed those people with the same flippant mindset of a concentration  camp gas chamber guard.

These people need to mandatorily visit the sick they are working with and sign in at their bedside.That signin would only count if the doctor signed it with the bureaucrat present.Just like they make the patient do on paperwork if it did not get done then that bureaucrat would have to do it again till it was one.

Last on my list is a land settlement act or New Homesteaders Act where the wasted federal land that is laying idle and doing nothing in the millions of acres would be assigned on a land sale to American Citizens to develope on a yearly improvement agreement similar to the old land rush rules.This would also make the land management helicopters and the storm troopers attacking American citizens without cause no longer needed.See you in the unemployment lines...

Yeah,we in the general population would enjoy having you in for a meal at the local soup kitchen.You will no doubt find people(ounce prosperous )who knew you in your prior "life"?

The children of Mexican and other illegals could vouch for their parents who could live on their childrens (born in the USA)land till they got Citizenship.This Act would open up millions of SO CALLED Federal acres of un-used and wasted land that would otherwise sit as wasteland.Low income folks that just wished to escape the killing zones called inner city or those that dream of a  place of their own.This land sale would increase our food,decrease urban population,and stop much of the violence of crowding too many people into The concrete jungle.Trillions would be made from the food production increase and unemployment would become nearly nonexistant.Feed a man for a day and tomorrow he again will hungry.But teach him how to farm or fish and he will never be hungry again.
The excess food production could be used to feed the hungry all over the world..Everyone comes out a winner.

The revenue over time would be much more than our national debt.Industry incentives  added to this would boost that revenue with even more dollars for growth.

It is worth a thought.We are headed for a cliff  over which our fine country will  be thrown into what experts and crackpots alike agree on one point.It is that WE THE PEOPLE have a choice to either make the government work for us by being  ever alert to our future laws and rulings.we will plummet to a point of no return if we fail to stand up for what we believe is right.

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,If you fail too protect it,your opponents willleave your world in the dust.

Taxes were not paid by those that did not vote before the 1900"s.then politicians found how eassily the citizens could be fleeced without firing a shot or kicking down doors to get the EZ money since then WE THE PEOPLE have become we the" money machine".

Not to many of us at economy/income ground zero are taking lavish vacations and flying all over Gods Creation to just chill and hang out.Open your mind and look with new eyes at what is happening in the greater picture

That's it for now my friends,I have been having problems with writing blogs.It appears that the WIFI places are now censoring things that we write.I have been two days just trying to get this one out due to wifi saying I am on line,but without accessability.Its already begun in our country....Give me liberty or.....

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mr.President Please Don't Defeat Our Confidence in You

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration B...
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration Building (Photo credit: jimmywayne)
United States Marine Corps Memorial
United States Marine Corps Memorial (Photo credit: Adelaide Archivist)
The past few months have so very traumatic with the events of the mass killings that we seem to have fallen into a world written by some Hollywood Director.It makes no sense to the average intelligent thinking creature.The the only thing for  sure is the fact that  insanity has not what got a preference for victims.That is what the media is pedaling anyway.It is just not any place for the things that would be just beyond our realities.The the things that kill are not unknown to our species,It is ancient and unforgiving.It is unredeeming .
It has no regards for life in our realm.

There  are events happening around the world that are important to those close to the event.The Souix Citizen that was at the Pine Ridge assault by Federal Agents Has served 30+ Years His Name Is Russell Means You might research all sides of this case to draw your own conclusions.The evidence that this man Killed agents was at best now conclusive.Anyone But a NativeAmerican might have the modern resources of the latest forensic DNA,etc.would open the case to find truth.Orhave we forgotten what equal right mean?

The otherthing you might be interested in is the US Marine that was told by  Customs authorities if he could
take an ancient Firearm  toCosta Rico.He was detained and is still being held in prison by the Mexican Government.His Life is being threatened and there is no one from the USA that seems to give a damn.This guy has fought for this country.I think we need to sign the petition at the Human Rights Organizations website.

We need to move on with the things that can be fixed."Crazy" folks is just an undiserved label to those folks that never did anything but struggle with task of living.What is going on is a strong case of  evil.Yeah I know its redundantto say.Guns dont kill,Mentally effected folks don't kill....The dark places of the mind kills from influences we have yet to admit the existence of.

The people that died are an undeniable loss to history and our world.They can never be replaced.Their deaths are undeniably a question we have noanswers for.We never will have any thing but theories.None of the theories we come upwith ever be accurate.There are no answers for the darkness of the possessed mind.

We can work to ease the loss of those lives fractured by the Unreasonable losses from that which kills without reason or rhyme.

Taking tools from those us that have the control of our minds and souls are never going to work.The people that are effected by that darkness of mind and soul are undetectable to our world.There is no solution to outlawing  all tools when we have them.If this were possible ,we would already have no use for the nuclear arsenals that dominate the political arguementsof the worlds population. Youcant close pandoras box,once you have let the evil out of the box.Like Pandora,All we have is hope left inside thebox.

Live Like it is your last moment of life.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monsters Who Dwell in Our heads Hearts & Souls

Newtown (Photo credit: jdolan)
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengean...
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengeance (Nemesis, right) are pursuing the criminal murderer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are morning the loss of our children.Little ones that  began their morning looking forward to a day at school with the friends and teachers that would grow up with them.Teachers that would bring the world of wonder to their little worlds.The little ones that would dream of Alice in wonderland.Their world was so full of wonder and great joys.

The breakfast mommie fixed,The lunch snack that was so special for that important little boy or girlfriend in their lives.The bus driver they had gotten to know so well.maybe the janitor that always spoke to them as they walked to class .The day was just about to begin in the bright and
innocent lives of a new generation of American children.

The lights of our future that would lead us into a future of hope and prosperity.They could not know the monster that waited not in the closet or dark that stalked their beautiful and sweet lives.The stalking evil monster that was enroute to destroy that which it hated so much because it could never be the innocent  loving creature that it hunted.

We lost a great deal more than our youngsters today.We lost the idea of safety in our lives and in our schools.The place that once harbored the bullies have become the hunting grounds for the hellish monsters that hate and hunt that which can not defend themselves.We have lost our trust in the system that once gave our children the future education and social background to become productive citizens.

The monsters that hunt children and innocent people are the product of evil and corrupted minds.Not worth the protoplasm that a gob of SLIME has.There isno excuse 4 anyone to commit such a hideous and dark crime.

There is also the loss of teachers thaat gave their lives to protect these children that most called "my kids".we can not replace human loss that 1 insane maniac that went beserk, destroyed .we need to design an electronic unit into firearms that can use artficial intelligence tomake it inoperable if pointed at a human.It is technologicaly possible.

Guns will never be taken from our lives.I own a couple of them.I could not bring myself to kill a person only to protect my loved ones.I pray that day never happens.I once hunted when things got financially touch.I hated taking life to live.I hunt with a camera now.I keep them for securty and target shooting.the lesson of these mass killings prove it is a world of chaos.We need to protect those who can not protect themselves.Those teachers that layed down their lives by taking a bullet for the innocent,are angels i transit.
surely that outcome would have turned out much less costly if armed adults were closer at hand.Hard working as law enforcement people are,they can't be everywhere.They are usually there after the dirty deed is done.
We need to be proactive.Blood can not be put back into a body.spirits are fleeting.......

Drug war didn't work.Prohibition didn't work.opium wars didn't work.There future war on guns,worldwide wont work either.It will just drive the owners underground , making law abiding,citizens fear becoming criminals.that will only  put thousands of people into prisons.Then after a generation or so,guns will be legal due to peoples need to protect themselves.The criminals will have had guns.Booze was never,drugs and guns,prostitution have been outlawed for  centuries.Laws do not change the industrious criminal mind.It is even more difficult to outlaw a determined mind that is twisted by dark and evil thoughts.A mind that is so far from what is mainstream normal,even remorse,regret or life means nothing.

we need better controls on the minds that could pull the .Triggers cant act on their own..Guns,knives or whatever tool is handy and become a lethal weapon have no ability to do anything,but layon a shelf.The mind is what planned, stalked,and killed all those future Doctors,Presidential possibles,The future teachers,moms,dads,soldiers and a host of wonderful beautiful imaginative dreams.

Sandyhill is a sorry example of your politicians pocketing funds to monitor the mentally jill.The places that were once there to provide help were un-funded and later get what you pay for folks.Turning the criminally insane out in the street will [and is]going to return at some point to bite us.They just don't assimilate into the social scheme and get well. Even with constant supervision,they may be dangerous to themself and those closet to them.Ie:your over protective mommie......

please note a loved one,or whoever....if you see someone acting or talking of a violent threat to another person talk to authorities.It may save you the burden of remembering that oumay have preserved 28 formerly living precious lives.

 keep the faith and may the good Lord bless and protect you and yours,

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama wins again,It is no surprise,He is A Winner

Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character
Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well this last 9 days has been a very interesting experience for me.I have been in contact with people that carry far more fame than I will ever have.Far more money than this currently unemployed man has.I have been deluged with campaign wanna-be's asking for donations that I don't have to give.Each campaign worker seems to have the delusions that They can get more donations from the same people that the other campaigners are bugging for change.I feel like a person going thru a Hollywood movie with every other person panhandling for a hand out.I help by blogging .That is my donation,Period.People like me are the drummerboy at christmas giving as much as we can with what we have.We are the old lady at the temple that gave pennies and got heckled for being cheap til it was pointed out that is all we have.

Mr.Obama will win this election.It is written in the Akasha records of time.It is something that must happen for the things ahead to take place.We will see a time of war and a time of peace ahead.If this seems mystical then I guess I might have you join together and sing kuhmbya.Roast marshmellows and sit in a circle under the stars,while holding hands.

Unfortunately,It is just the way the world has been since mankind could pick up a rock and throw at his fellow man to cause hurt and suffering.It's not a crystal ball or voices from the magic haunted woods.
we chose the best man for all of our benefits and hope that they can find their way into the fog of time we call history.It's not rocket science or magic.Just a cycle of social spasms we call civilization.Civilization is such an oxymoron term.Even our elections have to be demonizing the other guy.anything goes to prove we are superior.It trickles downs to every member of the political mudfight.Everyone trying to out do the other.even the donation collectors try to panhandle from the other campaign workers.It's like vultures fighting over a rotting carcass.

If I seem a little off key on additude,I will explain.Last week I had my laptops linked to do some updating as a net.When I tried to use them,Both had been virused and crashed.I am a distance from libraries and such.I took a few days to gather junked home computers and parts out a working whole Dell,Hp,Sony/Litewriter/Etc.mongrel of a unit.It works faster than my new laptops when they work.It had a hardrive that was locked out from whoever had it last as administrator,I have spent a number of days hacking a dead desktop to free it from administrator bondage.This is my first attempt to catch up on my blogs in maybe 9days.I have not used windows XP in years but this unit has it and I will endure.I actually have been turned down so many times for employment that I could attend a Halloween costume party as a bed sheet.I wouldn't even need a costume.

I hope to have my blogs back on line soon.

If my friend from the Russia is reading this Please note that I did try to return your leter and it wouldn't go through to you.Thanks for the picture.I made it my desktop background.I will try to respond to all the people writing to me.I got way behind when life crashed last week.I will as I can.

That is all for now my friends and thanks for your patience.I write these for my own pleasure although my experiment with google adsense has earned me a huge amount of money.I was paid the astronomical sum of .02 for 30 days of writing and showing ads.That's right folks You to can get an online income of 2cents.and if you order now,we will send you absolutely nothing for your efforts.Grrrrrr!!Internet income my daryair.

The puch line to all this is the E-mail I returned to9 impotrtant mail and 147 yutzes that wanted momey to fund campaigns.The Prez and Ms.I like mail from.makes me feel like I really might be a hope to climb out of the grave with the ends kicked out I have fell into.It is called a rut.

I will in time excell.gather my army of the disenfranchised and build the city called Shangrala.out in the desert.
The only rules are the following.No Lawyers,no troublemakers,no bullies,no laws saying I can't be denied eating ,drinking,smoking,farting while staying 25feet from anyone,There';s no helmet laws,seat-belt laws,insurance is from everyone's pocket,taxes don't exist,pedifiles are sent to live with those defending them.and politicians lose points every time they cause rudeness to accure.

Yup,that is my city of Shangrala in the desert.Move in and we all pitch in to build your house.Just the way we are.

It is a beautiful dream.Keep it in m,ind while the political babeling is in your face for the next few weeks.

Keep the dream alive and hope out in front of your visions.

PS Happy all Hollows Eve my friends
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Terror is Still With Us as We Begin to Brace 4Voting

English: President Barack Obama talks with Chi...
English: President Barack Obama talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao during the morning plenary session of the G-20 Pittsburgh Summit at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: busines plan
English: busines plan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It has been a few days since my last Blog was written.They have been filled with getting out of the Hospital for something called septicemia or blood poisoning as it it known.I stepped on a couple of rather ancient/rusty nails in an old board.I had the attention of several lovely nurses and all thethe antibiotics a person would need to kill just about anything...I am really not accustomed to drugs of any kind,so that was an experience I hope to not repeat.I apreciate you out there being patient for me to resume this  Little Blog in my small corner of the world.

I did get a great deal more television time in while I was getting poked with sharp objects,and tested for everything.That too is unusual as I find my computer can do all my electronic needs and entertainment.The Hospital does not allow internet or computers in rooms.It can really mess up the hospital computers just by proximity to those instruments.SOO...I lay there and watched the great morphine for the masses,called TV!

It seems that the riots over seas have spread out into "friendly???"countries because there are very fragile people/fanatics with no abilities to laugh at themselves.I once had a vice principle of my high school give me some lasting advice.He said that if you can't laugh at yourself a little,the world will make you their joke.

These sad examples of humanity even have one of their religious leaders wagging a bad boy finger at them.What's a religious leader to do???Guess he should have had that fatherly talk with them when they were younger.Oh....Yeah! I really want vacation over there in the land of people that riot and kill on command.Yup!

Next of course is the election that is raging across America like a television supershow.The show Dallas was huge when it aired.The U.S.A.elections have grabbed the attention of the whole world
Because its outcome will effect the whole world.We sit in awe at the goings on during speeches.
We wonder how anyone would say so many words that really amount to nothing.How can a person that supposedly stared and run business's have so little in the way of an explainable plan?The best
business person will tell you that no business ever gets backing without a written business plan.
is politics different than that?Would you start a pardnership with anyone that has not explainable idea of what they need to run that business?

The thing that is strange is that I have read pieces of the Obama Plan.It is really a beginning solution to a world wide problem.It isn't perfect.It isn't a solution.What it really is....Is a first idea.A first effort of a man trying to stem a Great country from repeating the mistakes of other nations.That Idea,needs the thoughts and efforts of many minds to evolve it into a solution.Like a series of batteries powering a motor.The more electricity,the more power to that engine.Think of the Obama plan like a electric motor.The minds are the batteries in series to power that Idea.The more minds that are joined together,the more powerful the idea and it's development.The election is the same principle.
The more voters powering the idea,the better runs the election...Makes sense to me.

Anything can be compared to this scenario in life.The more effort,the better the outcome.Think about it...We can change the world if we just join together to break the down walls that separate sane and civilized humans from  a better world.We can change the world if this tiny principle is applied to
our life's problems.Lets network our strengths and minds to that effort.

Well I will be talking to you,my friends.You folks flatter me so much by reading my articles.From the U.S.A and all over the world.I have people from Slovenia,Russia,China,Germany,the UK,Netherlands,Brazil,Argentina,Malaysia,Sweden,Africa,Columbia,Ecuador,Canada
It is truly humbling to have you as my friends...Take  care my friends,talk to you later.


P.S.Gosh I miss those nurses tucking me in at night....:-)
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