Sunday, May 10, 2020

They showed the freezer cars being loaded with Bodies of the victims.....

Workers wearing white hazmat suits and protective gear were taking the bodies from various sights to the freezer units, The bodies in body bags had a person on each end of a portable canvas unit with poles affixed to each side. There were other such workers waiting with many more bodies at this site. It appeared to be one of many such freezer units line up as far as the eye could see. It obviously was a terrible plague of some sort tearing through the area...Then I changed the channel from the andromeda strain to the news.

For a tiny moment, I wondered if my set was not changing anything, That was my first day to realize that reality is stranger than fiction. It is the day my world ended as I had known it to be this many decades. These last few months have been un "needenly"(My word).stressful.I stood outside and beside an elevator waiting to go to my floor to my apartment.

A person pushed out on a walker and said wheres your mask and stand behind the line. I think I said B***s***. The sign clearly said beside or at the line in front. My N95mask had just popped its rubber band n my ears were still stinging. I had already faced a lady in a store parking lot that was 50feet away and yelled such demands. I was surprised to see a rather old well-dressed man who thought she spoke at him. I won't repeat his reply, The lady muttered off to her car. I have no virus nor apparently did I.

This Virus has a second enemy which is its greatest ally. Most are not aware of it because The Nightly news uses it to increase it, viewers. It creeps into our minds every waking hour we live now.
Each time we turn on our favorite radio station. Each time we watch our favorite show it squeezes in as commercials. It seems that every single moment of our lives is wrapped in the feeding frenzy of this virus.

I wonder how many people have developed health problems from the constant flow across the bottom of the screen of death. It is like the media just bathes in the carnage. Reveling in the darkness of the moment. I know they have a job to do. But is it so important to smother us in the situation like crepe hangers?

I went to the park to hopefully get a mental change of thought, yup the people were all cloaked with a mask reminding I figured I would go get a nice warm soothing cup of coffee maybe jazz it up with cinnamon. Sign on the door: no one admitted without a mask. Reluctantly I put on my mask and went inside. I was pleasantly surprised to find Myself the only customer wearing one. I got my coffee and made it to the counter to pay.

I looked for the stand behind tape on the floor. Missing! Thank you God, I am back in America. where when the politician says crap, I don't have to say where and what color sir. But again I digress. I ask the young man behind the counter who wore a rakish bandana to match his pierced bottle cap ears if he knew how to tell the good guys coming I from the bad guys since they all wore masks. He said he did not know.
I said the bad guys wear ski-masks. We laughed. A moment away from the durge we are now living.

I don't mean to diminish the weight of the situation. There is a point in time where the stress of the overload is going to bust lose all our self-control. People can not remain in isolation . Locked into a situation that makes us watch all we have worked for crumble into dust. Our families become stressed. We start having arguments based on our own fears of what's to happen next.

It is that fear that has the equivalent destructive power to bring down our Nation. It is the constant droning of harpenture of death and destruction that is doing as much or more damage than any virus

Even those like myself who probably won't get the virus are bombarded with the constant volleys of
statistics that we are starting to hear are vastly exaggerated. I guess that movie I was watching won't be so interesting in the future just to Jazz up the death and body count. 

 I am hoping we can one day get some other things to once again not hear the beating drum of the death count every minute of the day, In my youth, the media plastered the Vietnam war and the body count. Every day we were told of the losses. In the Irag conflict/war we had the same thing. Now we are in another war.I truly hope it is not the war to end all wars because we all become extinct from the childish bickering of our elected leaders, Maybe Leaders is not quite the word for them right now,

Many who are suppose to be working on solutions to keep our country running are home hiding under their beds with their stash. Safe and sound.

Please contact your congress member and your senator to voice your ideas start a partition to voice your do have the power to change the madness. Funnel all that fear and rage from your loss into action that is useful. Get people talking about getting us out of this rut. 


That said dear readers, It is still WE THE PEOPLE who must survive and overcome, whether someone sitting in the safe warm taxpayer home they have with food on the table.No doubt looking out the window and saying, they are hungry and have no bread, let them eat cake.

Whether we live or die in the coming days, everybody dies at some point in time, if You have your choice of hiding and dying in Isolation low on food nerve-wracked from worry with kids left behind and ignorant, then hide under your bed and pray like hell when your world explodes.

I prefer to be free to fight this from a standing position. Death is a fact of life just as birth is. You can fear it, you can sometimes cheat it for awhileBut it is always, always inevitably patiently waiting.
Have faith and don't fear, live for the moment you are in and to the fullest you can. tomorrow is promised to no one. It is just the way it is.

Till next time friends, Keep a lite thought in your heart and a prayer on your lips.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Why Mr President Are You Blaming The Postal Workers We are....

The postman or person is always working to deliver your mail. You see them trudging through the snow, rain, wind, and whatever comes along. They are harassed by dogs, irate citizens and a host of other problematic situations that most will never encounterFew ever complain at the listed and unlisted problems that come along.

The last few months have changed our society, actually our entire world forever. There are a few things that have hardly changed. The postal worker's job is one of those taken for granted jobs.

There is no time that the postal worker delays his quest when humanly possible to arrive with that mail delivery. That through snow, rain and dark of night is correct. A new verse needs to be added to that oath"Through fears of death by virus pandemic or social shut down of nations."

During this shutdown of all other services, the United States Postal Service has carried on with the work of delivering packages and the mail. moving our great Nation Commerce. Those checks being sent by the government are brought to folks by the Postal Person. Postal workers are not immune to the virus sweeping the country. I have heard on the news that there have been some who have also fallen from the virus.

For such a profound sense of duty, we should all be grateful that our life has one constant in it we can still get letters and mail in the old fashioned personal touch. Some would say the post office is outdated and obsolete. I completely disagree. I still find getting a tangible card or letter to be quite nice. You can not put an E-Mail in a bird cages bottom when that car ad for the car you really didn't win arrives.

So whats this article getting to? The people in the USA are all getting checks for whatever they need. Up to $75000 or so. Many are hiding in the house under their beds only to come out to eat expnsive ice cream or use the TP they hoarded earlier this month. Postal workers are not.

The schools are closed so sitters are a mandated cost. Banks are closed except some with drive-thru windows. Mine does not even have a window. I didn't contemplate a day I would need it The stores have gone totally paranoid. The local Walmart has guards at the door allowing only one person in at a time when one person leaves.its in case ya got the plague. Monty Python"s Holy Grail
Revisited I think.

The Governor of New York has made draconian laws that have made people joke about his bladder control during conferences his decision on making his 6ft apart rule stick. I digress.

So why does the President throw fertilizer at these folks who are not to blame for the way the Postal Services are run. There is no one working behind the counter that calls the shots at the top. There's no one behind the counter or in the mailrooms that can change things. That job is definitely above their pay level               MR.President.

So why throw stones at people who may just pay you back at the election in NovembersThat"s a huge workforce that is as they say, "is either fer ya or agin ya"I would ask you to reconsider your view. Postal people who have hung in there even after your Tv verbal bashing of them awhile ago.

They have been just as at risk as any other American citizen with not so much as a thank you. But with all due respect, they did get a solemn "kiss My Ass" from you, Sir...

The hard times like this are when people remember who has their back Sir

To my readers, please urge the President to include postal workers to be included in the payout. You depend on that mail to send and bring things to your step. You must think of what your life would be if that service had to stop for the months it predicts our country may shut down if reinfection happens, You can google the White House. Men in Black Have better things to do than knock on your door. It will express a point of view the president needs to hear. Considering the voices he usually hears it might be a refreshing change.

Till next time folks be kind and humble, help out where you find it most useful,



Coronaviris is Not the End of The World or Even Close to It

-The news of the day and past days has droned on in length about this latest reason to Acoust our minds with another media drama. Hour after Hour we are drilled with epic tales of the fatality numbers of people dying.Newscasts showing the results of cities clustered into small areas. This scene could be from third world countries.

Generations of mindless planning a new project to add to the clustering of places to live and work. It just proves that those who refuse to learn from the past are destined to repeat it until they learn the lesson properly (to Paraphrase).
People building living quarters on top of each other with streets jammed with moving bodies of humans. It is not a third world country at all. These cities are in 1rst world countries with modern technologies. These cities boast the most modern things to make life good. These cities for all their modern things still have people living in ridiculously close proximity to each other as was the case in the dark ages.

The most populated areas of Europe in the dark ages were desolated by the Black plague. Fleas on rats which ran rampant after cats were deemed evil by the Catholic Church. Many cats were tortured and brutally killed to appease the Pope's whim. The rats took over and were uncontrollable. Plague ran rampant. People were ignorant. Most were not even able to read or write at that time in history.

The difference I draw here is not the people's knowledge or is the fact that there are too many people living into small space. The chance of a major pandemic is getting greater as these cities grow into Megacities.

Imagine a future city of 100Milion people. They are at the peak of technology. They have developed a society of peace and prosperity unknown to mankind's past. One day this technologically condescending city is struck by the tiniest living thing known to man, A virus. Able to mutate as nothing else imaginable.the technology would not be any difference between the dark ages and the modern or the future.
A virus is a virus is a virus.

Our cities are just too big to prevent thousands of people from contracting and killing each other. Our world has gotten too crammed together to prevent this type of disaster from happening. It will accure again, Perhaps in a more mutated and deadly form.

We must prepare our world for another more deadly virus whether or not it happens. The option would be to spread our cities out over the empty places in the world. That is very unlikely to happen any time in the future.No habitual places on this earth are not owned by someone or something.

The only preventive solution is to power up the ability to mutate a deadly virus to a helpful virus, Perhaps genetically engineering the RNA to be more adaptive to other causes.make a negative into a positive. I would hope to be studying what makes a virus so very deadly in the future. It seems to be a weak link in our genetics. It is a problem that may kill us one day if we don't find a solution.

There is one index that I have to solve the problem of big companies stalling to find solutions to our problems. During the COVID-19 lockdown, people from all walks of life got together and manufactured facemasks and worked on homemade ventilators in home workshops.

How about a Seti type research network that will work on disease cures.Home computers working in off-hours as one mass processing unit to work out solutions to our threats that are becoming our daily routine. Seti has not found intelligent life yet to my knowledge, virus infections are not intelligent life as we know it. It sure is giving our lives a run for the money.

Till next time friends.
May God Smile on you and yours.

My Past Two Virus Fearing Days of The Lockdown in New York State.

This is from a person who may not be a little fatalistic sometimes through faith in God. I was brought up on the stories of Daniel in the Lion's den. Noah and his Ark when others laughed at the crazy mans prophesies.  Stories that inspired me of Jesus when he was surrendered up to the mobs by God.

The Plagues that hit early man were thought to be everything from witchcraft to God's punishment for some nature of man. This virus named the Corona-19 is deadly to some. Yes, I said it is deadly to some. The experts are finding some of us have a natural resistance to the little bug, I know many people who have not encountered anyone else who is even sniveling. Not bragging, just saying that the people who are getting this virus may be just exposed to it longer than others. A tiny percentage are dying to those surviving. Media makes it sound like the world is collapsing on itself from a virus. To those exposed it is a world-changing life event. There is one thing in the news that has grabbed my attention through all the other news that will no doubt be soon forgotten. Buried literally, with the victims who began as victims way before this virus was a popular news item. Everywhere we could normally go to escape the media madness.

I wonder if anyone has done a study on what these victims had in common. Heres a place to start that line of thought. Do you know how many elderly persons were lost in your local nursing home? Do you know the reason they were left to die in secret. Hippa laws you say? perhaps and keep an open mind to think forward a bit. Investigate how much you cant find out in documented facts. Look for even a small news item beyond the media showing New York City freezer cars holding hundreds of toe tagged nameless human beings who have not even been notified their next of kin.

Now let us look a little closer to home. This virus, after all, is targeting everyone but specifically the elderly. Millions now in so-called "Nursing Homes".

The ill equipt Nursing homes that claimed so many of our beloved elderly to this virus. I am basing this story on the terrible conditions of the nursing home my Dad was in. It will speak for itself. They are neglected, left dirty, speed fed so they can be whisked to a place at the end of the hall away from the nurse's station. That speed feeding has resulted in a medical term called aspiration I believe. It is food getting fed so fast the patient inhales it into the windpipe.blocks off the air and they die.The home simply writes it off and refills the bed.

That was the Ewing Centers practice. Dad died there. A prisoner of the "home" The legal system holds the elderly prisoner by law to protect them from abuse. It then does nothing to actually help them avoid abuse and neglect. The ombudsmen are a totally useless organization. They warn the facility ahead of time on an investigation, the "home" scampers around to fix it all up till the ombudsmen leave then those patients who had concerned for a resident are totally ignored by the entire staff. The mass deaths of those who "DIED OF VIRUS" makes me wonder. Autopsies are forbidden and bodies quickly buried without observation.  A very convenient situation indeed,

I will never let them forget my dad's mistreatment or the orderly we found to be a very bad alcoholic he left lots of bruising from abuse. We still have the documentation and photos. The lawyer who we went to get help. never did a  thing. Later we found his dad was a member of the board for the nursing home. Who do you call when the cops are the criminals??? No other lawyer would help because it was a conflict of ethics to their lawyer pal. How many loved ones will face the same after this is passed?

His falls were blamed on him, His bruises from abuse by the alcoholic were all his fault. The charge nurse whom my family nicknamed "Nurse Cratchet" after the movie character in "one flew over the cookoos nest" years ago. She would rush into his room just before the family showed up to badger my Dad till he signed a confession that it was all his fault. We would find My Dad who was the strength of my childhood, in tears many days because of this,

You may be asking how this ties in with the coronavirus? The general public found out about those poor elderly people after the bodies started being hauled off using forklifts by the dozens to tractor-trailer refrigerator cars like meat from a slaughterhouse. It brought back memories of the conditions and cover-ups from dad's shit hole nursing home.

The relatives of those newsworthy "homes" were not notified, did not know when or where the body of their loved ones was taken. Many were not even told they were previously endangered.
They were apparently not even told that person was dead. I would like it when this is over one day to look back to what the conditions were at each of these nursing homes to subpoena the records and use the Democrat's tools of investigation to find out what the conditions actually were there. That would truly be a good reason to use the power of the courts to investigate a long-neglected not to titillating, terror provoking newsworthy item. Maybe the incarcerated elderly would have a chance of not dying like in a fish kill from unprepared, "it is just a job" second rate institutions. Wheres, that huge amount of money going from insurances and medicare. Does Medicare actually care?

Hippa Laws prevent people from finding out information about a patient to protect them. It also prevents loved ones from helping a patient/loved one finding out facts that would uncover neglect and abuse.

Professional Ethics is also a protection for misuse of others who can,t fight back. These laws need to be modified. They are made by those who hide information as ethics? Hippa.That change would be like asking a politician to take a pay cut to feed the homeless. Probably will never happen as long as foxes guard the henhouse folks.

Hippa laws both provide and prevent many important protections for patients. They also are used by these institutions to hide massive abuses and short thoughted ideas to save costs while ripping the life saving for those already in no position to protect themselves from those people who are supposed to be caring and protecting them.

The other little item which plays into those bodies being dragged to the icebox is the thing called  Professional ethics. as near as I can find in the plain out the language it is a law or rule that is put into place by a group of professional people to protect their asses when they make a really stupid mistake an knew better. It does not allow those who would normally have a sense of decency and right to report on another who does not possess that same sense of right and decency.IE:Mr. Edward Snowden is a very good example of that situation.

We need to use this COVID-19 virus as a means to change many things. This is just one of them.

Stay healthy dear friends. Hopefully, our lives will return to what will be our new normal one day soon. Meanwhile, stay strong, Be innovative, help your fellow Humans and prepare yourselves for whatever the future brings you. May whatever you believe in, bring you the strength to endure.
Remember: Anything you can survive will make you stronger.

till next time

Friday, March 13, 2020

China Threatens The United States With Biological Warfare

China in the last few days has made statements accusing the USA  of making the world turn against them. They then followed up with accusing the USA of creating the coronavirus. Next, they(China), threatened to stop all EXPORTED MEDICINES WHICH UNFORTUNATELY IS MADE IN CHINA!

That is one mistake the world has made with China. Dependence for vital supplies from  a Communist/Socialist dictatorship. A country much like the Democratic Party has been so intent on making the USA,

The Democrats in their massive wisdom, are trying to add all kinds of extra crap onto the laws that would bring support and medicines to our dying countrymen with the coronavirus. As far as I am concerned it is the same as dropping a biological bomb of the deadly virus on the Worlds Population.

There is no concern for the rest of the world from China or its people. They, whether they accept it or not are the source of the world's viral curse. They have opened Pandora's box and no one at this point in time can close it. The only thing from that box is HOPE. Without hope, we are lost. Some would believe our country falling would profit them also. But there's no one left to save with the world in a grave.

It is a real shame that the Chinese Americans business is being hit so hard just for having ancestry from such a country as China. Those folks are like the rest of us. They are Americans and also Chinese. I happen to enjoy Chinese food once in a while. Those folks are also Americans. Important to remember they came to our country to escape the philosophy of the homeland, Just as most of our ancestors. They are no more responsible for the virus than your family is. That is unless you have it and go wandering through crowds. Then you are for certain.

They are not the enemy and we as Americans must stick together until this Pandemic passes. We must fight the Virus as if it were an alien invasion like in the movies we have watched for years.

The coronavirus is the ultimate enemy alien invader, It has moved across parts of this world faster than most other diseases. If we don't stick together and abide by preventive procedures we will lose many elders and people with health conditions. A so-called world village suffering from a contagious Deadly virus.

The Democrats are demonstrating a very basic pattern of human behavior throughout history.
That, being the following: Whenever a crisis happens There always seem to be those who want to profit from human suffering. Those perpetuating that suffering to bring about things that would normally be unobtainable by normal means. In some places, it would be called EXTORTION.

IE: China who is ground Zero of the world's current tragedy. China would extort what it can outa our suffering. fueled by years of a stupid free world belief in a peaceful ever utopian world village. It is not possible when humans are involved. We would have to first find a cure for the seven deadly sins that are part of the human persona. I once believed in such a wonderful fantasy world. It is against human nature.

IE2: Democrats lead by Ms.Pelosi again sucking up the limelight, Basking in the footlights for a foto op. Appearing again with her faithful twin Brother of another mother (Schumer)  Standing close by cramming junk into a bill that supposed to saves lives with self-perpetuating additions which would build their great socialist platform for their future dream Empire. They seem bent on just killing this virus for trading their cause of tax bloating and domination.

The junk additions have nothing to do with the cure or treatment of coronavirus. The virus affecting lives apparently a not too important, backburner issue to the Democratic Machine. Just like china during its red guard years. I read Mao's little red book back in the 1960s or so.

I learned how seductive such philosophies could be. Not my cup of tea. Taught me what I would lose if I believed it. Shortwave told me of those WHO DISAGREED  WERE skinned alive and dipped in saltwater or butchered as torture by those who were using a situation like China is now. People didn't matter to the cause. I was just a child and it scared the Hell out of me.

This virus is a true test of  American's will to survive a disaster. We should remember China for its disease it passed around the world. Remember those loved ones who died as a result of that virus. Remember the threats to allow our people to suffer a terrible death from that virus. Remember to correct the exporting of our most effective devices to fight off another deadly attack. Remember those in power who had a more important agenda

It should be very easy to do if we also remember the Chinese Leaders callus state of mind, His threats to let us all suffer and Threatened to deny millions of humans the medicines to survive.Hitler did that and we call him a monster. When you think of that loved one who will no longer be there when they were alive....REMEMBER.

There is just one more thing to remember in all that's going on. If socialism ever becomes our countries political scenario, China may well become the mindset we inherit.

We are already sitting on that edge of reality. Those in our Congress would have us indebted to such countries as China. It should serve as a real eye-opener. Look at the past Presidents to find how we got in this Threatening situation. Our votes made that happen. We asked for this to happen when we voted and supported those who gave away our abilities to take care of our family's health and welfare.

WE THE PEOPLE must join in a common fight to hold onto our people's abilities to protect ourselves from the smallest virus to the most threatening philosophies Or the words WE THE
PEOPLE will never again mean anything but a long-dead distant dream.

Hunker down, get your supplies, be smart with your germ preventing skills, pack in some supplies. Realize propaganda is just that when it is politically motivated.
Lastly, folks Don't live in fear, Live for the moment you are in. There's no cure yet, it is just your abilities to avoid the virus which may or may not be in your neighborhood. Even if you hid in a 1950's bomb shelter Even if you grab your gun and head into the deep hills, there no hiding from something we know nothing about. We each may live or die in the next minute, day or year.

You can spend time in perpetual worry and fear or you can make the most of it while others worry themselves sick from worrying itself. There is a cure for this type of (worry) sickness. Be careful and take the advice of our medical professionals.

I bought a plaque many years ago. It stated the following message:

                        Why Worry?
Why worry, either you will be healthy or sick.
if your healthy then you have nothing to worry about.
If your sick then you only have two things to worry about.
either you will get better or you will get worse.
if you get better then you have nothing to worry about.
if you get worse then you have two things to worry about.
either you will go to heaven or you will go to hell.
if you go to heaven then you have nothing to worry about.
if you go to hell then you will so busy shaking hands with friends
you won't have time to worry about things.

Just a little humor to help calm the terror that pervades our lives these days.
News folks are not helping in that regard.

Keep the Faith, My fellow Humans. .We may yet have our problems ironed out. Be careful around others. Avoid crowds for a while if possible, prioritize hygiene, eat a good diet, Say your prayers and believe there is a better time coming for us all.

Our President is doing his best to keep it all in balance when others are playing political games to support an agenda at our expense. Support our President even if you have a problem with him.he is the one with the power to turn it all around and get us up and running again.

Let us ALL pull together as the phrase WE THE PEOPLE was meant to be thought of.

Till next time folks, keep the light on, stay warm, stay inside, eat right, pray for us all for courage and strength get through this coronavirus pandemic. Its only 11miles from my home There is a ban on gatherings here of 50 people or more. I am told.

Believe 1/2 of what you see and little of what is rumored.double-check whats told to you to keep your mind free of worry.

Above all stay calm and stay focused on what you need to survive comfortably viruses or not

May the supreme force ( God/Goddess or whatever) you believe in keep you safe till it is all safely passed.


Friday, February 14, 2020

Can WE THE PEOPLE Stop The California Coup of The United States Government

These Past Three Plus Years Have Brought Many Changes to our USA lives. Changes that of American Citizens may never recover from. The Political Atmosphere is charged with Hate, discord, and inuendoes By those who have come out of the woodwork. Wannabe Leaders who I Have never heard of before.Question: Whoever heard of what his name Schiff??Who now has the power to deny others in Government the right to freedom of speech. Who is this individual who has the power to disrupt the American Election System for the power grab of his party? Who is this Peter Loree/Ugarte Looking Character? I have heard little of these basic questions. How is it that the American voter has not had any say over the circus that has all but stopped this country's general law-making process?Obsessive/paranoid thinking at best. Perhaps some kind of Delusion of Grandeur.

Then there's Nancy Pelosi, whose antics would normally be associated with someone who is in need of compulsive disorder medication, not to mention talking like a deranged person to her invisible friends using chaotic body antics. Then there is her possible age problem that some elderly people have. This is a problem affecting the homeless who wander alone in her city by the bay unnoticed by her till their minds give out from the hardships caused by starvation and loneliness.

These are the conversations from Many of those of my fellow voters who I speak with these days.
There are far more important questions that are often brought up. It's this: Why isn't there a Power that Can stop this NONSENSE that is going on in Washinton from the California and New York City politicians? Perhaps New York City should also become an independent state. They're primarily Democrats. Meanwhile, the rest of the state has been Republican until recent years. Schumer would have his very own empire to oversee as would Cuomo and his twin brothers of other mothers.

Further Questions Are the Following that has been discussed by my friends whom I talk with are these:
1). Why was there no actual line to a single crime committed by President Trump?

2). If any Intelligent Human Being was subpoenaed to speak before these inquisitions would they actually believe that no one would remember them in the future functions?? I think not.

3). After Congressman/Torqamata Schiff and the would-be queen, Mutha gets done with his holy war against a National Election coup Using His New Public power Trip to bend the will of the nation.  How will this affect the confidence of American  Voters in 2020? The fiasco will be remembered by voters for everyone who SAT in the Congress section in white.

4). Whether there is a problem or not, we should get to the point of the matter at hand and stay the course if it proves real. We should also see if those who produce discord are gone after elections take place. Republican or Democrat.Dump them out of office and get this train back on track.Mr.Trump has started to raise our country out of the world's dumpster.

5). There are many people who look at Mr.Trump as dark in his Ideas and dealings. On this point I say, The Japanese after WWII stated that the military war was over, But Business in the future is also war. Trump is not a politician. He is a Warrior. For numerous years the USA has been sold down the river by countries around the world through  U.S. Politicians and kiss ass corrupt practices. If indeed Trump is corrupt, then he is being accused of bettering those who came before him and doing a better job than they did of the practice. Politicians hate competition as much as big government does.

There are huge differences between the way business and politics are run. Both can get down and dirty at times. We have a businessman in the white house. All business people have good years and bad. Business is bursts of prosperity and downtimes of struggle and worry. Anyone who has ever had a business would be aware of that fact. It is a Given Fact.
There will always be greater and lesser people with abilities. My dad used to tell me that when the world seemed to try to beat me down.  That has always given me strength when the going gets rough. I hope the President has read Sun Tsu's rules of war. I would bet he already has. When surrounded and outnumbered....attack or retreat and regroup.

I am quite sure that when the election takes place and probably before, the political hyenas that run in packs will retry the bringing down of a powerful foe. It's the way of creatures that normally would not have the cajones to hunt alone. I can see the Senate herd already beginning to turn on the leader to help the scavengers bring him down. That will be their swan song next Election. Voters Vote to help The one who has made the improvements that make their lives better. I AM A VOTER!Mr./Ms Senator stick with your President or pickup your pink slip at the front office. The Democrats will hold your place in line. You will be among friends there.

This election will be a pivotal point in my adult life. Retired, fallen slightly due to that fact but Comfortable, living on a tight budget. I now manage money more closely. I find my interest in what helps my life is of more interest. The politics each election either takes or gives various things to consider
here are a few items.

The world has changed even more strangely than My Parents spoke of. As they spoke of the horse-drawn milk and Iceman delivering Ice to the front door. Seeing the first airplanes for the first time. Watching television for the first time in the1950s. My world is a world of some believing in master races of pigmentation or belief. Being convinced as youths that they were mistakenly born as different or wrongly born. Youths are now taught that to win is taking advantage of others which means those who can win are taught to shun their own progress. Maybe that's why many who fall from social grace prefer to simply slide through life. Living in an invisible world of those homeless souls freezing to death on the streets...BEEN THERE, WATCHED YOU WALK BY, I Remember It When I Vote Now. Feel sorry for queen Nancies homeless. Let them eat cake...

This Pivotal Point of my life that I speak of...I started my voting life as a devoted Democrat when Democrats were folks who just wanted to help those who were the working backbone of our country. Nowadays, Democrats appear to be people who don't believe you learn from history. Don't believe in pulling yourself up by your own efforts. Don't believe that effort to achieve is the beginning of success. Don't believe in freedom from governmental overlords. they pose themselves as people who have forgotten or think the past as a huge conspiracy theory to confuse their lives and control them.

Of both ruling parties, only one has been congratulated for providing proactive striking on those who would kill us in mass. The other was demonized. His power to protect us is to be taken (if they). They, being Democrats and a few turncoat senators, have their way. Voters can prevent it if they try. WE THE PEOPLE are after all the children in the senate and congress bosses. Let's write and call them/Email them and tell m to suck it up and get busy.

There are things left to mold and rot in the system during these last few years of wasteful comedic drama.

The military whose families still have to live on welfare. Governmental pay pretty much sucks carbon. For the folks who dodge ballistic objects in motion, this is a crime not seen by congress while trump has helped with the V.A. and the troops. The pay scale for those putting life and family on the line, the pay sucks rocks.

The blue-collar families which I am a proud member of.Those who were not quite blue-collar who were fighting to move up in status. There were so many more that The brothers Kenedy John N Robert often spoke of.Mr. Roosevelt saved my SSI which did not actually put any money in a savings account or I would really be on easy street. Over the years it was pittered away by the government for other "more pressing things" Old age and retirement would be fixed up before anyone got that age.I know folks that are living on $800.per month. Try that out and see how well you do. Mr. Trump has promised to save Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.I hope he finds a way to fix and improve it
Some suggested Mr. President on those of us in the after-retirement phase of life.
SSI: pass a law that our rents cannot be based on after SSI payment each month. Many of us would appreciate selling hobby crafts or selling our homes to use the money for other things. If we could make a little change after the SSI check we could afford our meds to help keep us healthy. That brings down med costs for everybody. If you truly want to help older folks, find a way to break the inability to retire and make more money along with our SSI. Most people have worked all their lives only to be mini managed by those who could care less for our welfare,

This country, which some who are misguided now threatens to undo my Uncle Lee Stahl's brave death in Italy during WWII. Fighting against fascists, and Nazis. a host of other nasty individuals bent on commandeering the choices of the world. Democrats and those who agree as followers would trade all those brave souls' deaths for ideas that jeopardize the freedom to live as we choose. They would rewrite our Constitution to suit some hodge-podge construction that would strip all Americans Now and the future of any right to pursue our lives and strive to better ourselves. Socialist societies appoint people to careers no choice you work in a tractor plant until you die. Then your son or daughter takes over till they die.
 Countering those who have died to bring freedom to so many parts of the world. They now, with media blessings, dare to spit on the graves of our fallen heroes. They preach in support of those who have attacked and killed many of our fellow Americans. I do not think of supporters of such a philosophy as true Americans.

Even now, as I write, our society cheers for keeping those few in our own congress who apparently think brutalizing or beheading is a great idea if someone disagrees. How did creatures who spit on soldiers' graves and openly hate the country that allowed them the freedom to live here in safety reach their governmental office level? There has got to be something nasty in the water in those states that are known for their Pioneering Scandinavian ancestors. Or has the influx of disgruntled immigrants 5th column replaced your common sense? Maybe those folks need to get out and see what's happening to their world.

I digress. After many years of being a Democrat, I saw Rand Paul run for President. When he cut and ran out leaving his supporters in a hole, I voted for the only other candidate I thought able to be President...Mr. Obama. I would have voted for him again if he had run. Though I did see him as rooting for some, more than others. I had worked out of Texarkana during the Clinton rein in Arkansas.Not a chance of a vote there.Not a chance.

Mr. Obama had personally helped my sister when I wrote that social Security had cut off all her retirement as well as her life-saving daily meds. I heard them tell her it's just too bad for you. Her sin was that our dad had left his home to her after she gave up her wedding plans to take care of my mother who had lymphoma and my dad had a stroke trying to care for mom as well as taking care of his home. Sis stayed and was a live-in caretaker for many emotionally painful years. She never took a penny for it from them. The majority of the family pulled together but we all had our lives distance from the homestead.

I was so angry that I sat down at my beat up but trusty laptop and did something I would normally never do," wrote the one person whom I would never bother with my small problems. I had lost others to bureaucratic, cold people before and this was not going to happen again.

If you need a family member's life threatened or taken by that sort of thing, then just wait a while. it will change in a New York weather minute. Pre-emptive is better planned. I got lucky. Trump, Like Mr.Obama, isn't all bad no matter your ideas. We do have a better economy, and I just wish more of that trickle-down effect had more effect on all of us more often.

Then-President Obama had Federal inspectors investigate and fix the problem that very day. The next day my sister got a fone call from that SSI office again (on speaker). The voice from The SSI office said, "Is this(My sisters' name). She replied yes. Who in the hell do you know who knows the President of the United States? She looked at me and said, "My Big Brother".The woman told her that there were Feds all over them and the SSI office about this and jobs was at stake. My sister said, "My life is at stake". SSI hung up. 2days later a note from SSI said you had been restored. Another call from the White House asking if it was restored. My sister went and got her meds at the hospital.

Mr. Obama did care to help if he knew a problem existed. Earlier that same year, when my oldest sister was denied treatment in New Jersey for cancer by Democrats in power policies, it was medical insurance written by state politicians. I had no say in it. I would have lost them both. She died in agony without the last treatment, cancer went into overdrive. I believe this President is the same if he knows a problem exists. The differences are in the personality and cultures of different people.

There's also one other major difference between these two men. One had the press and trending social media grabbing the coat tails of the 1960s rallies that burned and destroyed in major cities around the world back then. The guilty, conscious persona of those things many of the last 3 generations had nothing to do with. My family immigrated from Europe legally and became prosperous farmers until the banks crashed in 1902 in this area.

The days of the 1960-1970s are well documented in the videos that supported them much as mainstream media does now. If you feel a need to succeed now just act like late-night shows which many no longer watch after the Jay Leno show ended. I did till peer pressure changed them all to the same shit. The daily bludgeoning of our leaders, ideas and things many folks hold as to what should
I remember the scene well out the window of my building 10 floors up. burning, looting, smashing parked cars, attacking innocents who were only passing by. It was all everyone else fault. We should all feel ashamed. Especially if you happened to be unfortunate enough to be a single middle-class American Male. The press was right there telling us how we should have a guilty conscience for the societal wrongs of those long dead(still are doing so). Remember the Chicago Democratic Convention. Very good Historical example of what's wrong now. The more things change, the more they remain the same.

A popular idea now that must be indoctrinated into ever broadcast, commercial and written work must include the words or inference of DIVERSITY. Yet I don't see included the Aboriginal folk, the Native American, The Primordial Dwarf, The amazon Jungle Tribes, they certainly are left out and God knows they have been less helped than anyone I could think of. There are many more who never get a mention or recognition in passing.

This brings me back to the point of this whole speel. I just registered to vote as a Republican. My Grandfather would be proud of me. He was a life-long Republican. There were many lectures on me being a Democrat. He predicted this day of discord in the Democratic Party in the late 1960s when everything that I witnessed above was going on. I like many now, did not see the wisdom of age as useful. I am glad I did hear it.

I don't always agree with Mr. Trump, but he has brought some better things to the table. We have China's agreement on the table. We have a known enemy of our country on a slab and in the dirt. The Democrats and media would apparently invite him to Sanctuary in New York, hand him Food stamps and a driver's license (I needed a birth certificate as a citizen and resident)wonder if It woulda been easier to just tell them I am an immigrant. would I need an ID? after any crime or infraction, don't worry though, in New York if you get robbed if you don't carry a gun the robbers, thugs, and gang members will bring their own firearm or machete. You will be arrested if you defend yourself. the police would just give him a court appearance ticket and cut him loose. Good ole Uncle Cuomo. What is on or in his mind many people are asking themselves.

But if you look into the last few years of both Kalifornias and New Yorks oddball Laws, it will give a very clear and straight forward look at your country in the future.

That, in a nutshell, is why I  re-registered as a Republican. Bernie's a guy with a bad ticket. Come near that myself. It would not be a career move I could make in that condition. There's no such thing as a little heart problem in a regular job, political stress kills absolutely..

To those who still think my prior thoughts are wrong, I leave you with these last thoughts.

In some parts of the world, there is mass genocide. It is based on tribal affiliations of the following religion, color, race, religion, sexual preference, food, and survival, wealth vs poor, and a cesspool of other stupid Ideas to fight and argue till some jughead starts the killing and other jugheads jump in "jus cuz ahuh A Yup! Ima Gonna Jump right there and mix it up uhuh"

I would hope the last 3years have not made unthinking idiots out viewers watching all the crap that has passed as entertainment on TV. To paraphrase an intelligent actor/comedian: go up on stage grab your award say thank you very much and get the **** off the stage. I Don't watch any of those shows anymore. I don't enjoy the indoctrination or the suggestive mind games.

If Bernie wins, he will more than likely have his bad heart given out and we have no idea who or what will replace him. His ideas and direction will no longer be followed. our country will tailspin into what we fear most. Observe who is his traveling companion. Elizabeth Warren Democrat hasn't a chance to win an I believe will probably drop out soon. Klobuchar is putting up a good fight.time will tell how well. The major of new york.....we will see if money buys Washington. The seat of American Freedom.if he succeeds then we also will lose All that America Has Gained. Not because of his money so much as our abilities to run as long-shot candidates.One more thing people like the other  Democrat candidates would never win again as long as there's one person who can buy in late to a running election in progress.

Till Next Time People, Remember that whatever WE THE PEOPLE watch or hear it is up to all of us to study how these changes after the election will affect the world around us and that will affect us all, China was so frightened that their people would rebel out of control when the deadly coronavirus started that a thousand people are dead, millions are contaminated. That's a fine example of socialist and communist societies.something to keep in mind. Not scare tactics, it is the last two weeks of news headlines with hard questions being asked of China's officials who Jailed and hid the doctors who tried to warn the world. How many Chinese People Died as A result of that government and their socialist/communist ideas.

I hope the world does change for the better one day. It is truly amazing that humans try to think of themselves as higher than wild animals. These days we still fight over territory. we are known to kill over mating rights. we still fight for dominance and domain. Then we humans elevate ourselves in our ever omniscient minds to believe that we are a privileged species above the rest.
Then perhaps we set in on a political rally or better yet the Assembled Congress/Senate these days.

A final thought The thousands year old human bones were found in a cave in Europe. Germany I think if I remember correctly. The slightly larger bones belonged to what was discovered to be Neanderthal man, the bones were male, female and child along with those bones were modern man's skeletal remains. There was a marked difference in those bones. The Neanderthal had scrapings on the bones from being carved, The modern man did not....

Till next time dear readers, keep an open mind to keep what freedom we still have just that.FREE.Its all we got and if lost, it never returns



Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thousands of People are Fighting in the Streets to Keep Thier Freedoms

Decades ago there was a tiny coastal city of many different peoples.They lived together and in time those people weathered wars and rule,revolution purges through out history as do people.
Peace was brokered with the major country where this city was located.For a period of 99years this city would grow and flourish in relative peace to great prosperity.A mixed batch of humans in a booming mega city.

Fast forword to a few years ago.China reclaims Hong Kong with the promise not to change the lifes of millions of folks.People of all walks of life,working,playing and living in peace.Such as the word peace can mean when so many crowd into a small area.

The huge giant Dragon is a deceptive looks authentic,but it  has the nasty habit of burning the very things it wants to dominate.Hong Kong is a gold mine of progress in most every way. That dragon is not as  docile as it would appear.A rather inscrutable

China would dominate the world if it could,the freedom loving Hong Kong people wont be going quietly into that dark night without a fight.its not tennemen square there.Theres not just one brave soul in the street this time.Its thousands of people who fear losing that which there should never be a price to sell out and quit. That is thier Freedom at stake.

If the Chinese mainland succeeds in taking all those little freedoms that generations of HongKong citizens have long enjoyed there will be no turning back again.It will be like the mainland with its re-education/brutality centers.Can you imagine what the media would do if this happened in the USA.Nothing even close here.People in China who are of a particularly healthy religion  are being hunted down to be caged and used as guinea pigs for the slobs who have been living high on the hog.

No point in taking care of your heart,liver,guts in general when all those healthy parts humans are just wandering around like walking parts stores.After all just  a few more oppresive military  assaults in Hong Kong and theressome more folk/human parts banks available.

Then theres all the money thats been building up from gerations of hi tech people who were not exposed to the very back words communist philosophy.These folks werent placed as farmers with an ability do be a doctor denied by doctrine.These Hong Kong people prided themselves on being free to be whatever was possible.If you work and believe,then anythings possible

The thousands in the street of Hong Kong Believe they will be free of the communist oppression which dumbs down peoples incentive.Socialism is no different in that respect.Both deny the persuit of dreams to become whatever you want in life.I truly hope thier spirit is not broken if the days to come.The city/state should never have been thrown to the Dragon to begin with.The white dragon and the red dragon struggle to win dominence.May the power of freedom ring true for the city.This is a battle of shear willpower.

Let us wish them the best and maybe write the Chinese embasy to ask for the continued freedom of the city of Hong Kong.

Till Next time Folks,Keep the Faith,Sometimes it is all that matters.

Yours as always

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cannabis Druglord System with absolute Protection from Prosecution

It has been for my entire life that cannabis has been called the doorway to hardcore drugs. It has been the focus on the alleged "War on Drugs".The war that cost billions or more of dollars.The war that has cost many more lives to be taken in the name of drug enforcement. Over those long years, I have friends that were caught and convicted of everything from possession to felonies for possession of lots of cannabis or growing it.

Recently there is a push to legalize the cannabis industry for the general use of the public. Several states have legalized it. Canada has made it national legal with its huge producer being Aurora. Also, a prior country that would bury you under the jail for possession. There are thousands of folks who are still rotting in jail while growers kissing the assets of the politicians prosper free as a bird.

This leads to some interesting questions one should ask. Is this new government "Pot" better than the professionals in prison grew for years before this? Was the war on drugs just like the grower's posters of the 1960s? It read something like"if Big Brother can't tax it and control it they kill it. Another poster read "Uncle Sam doesn't allow competition, smoke a joint and got to prison.

So what was the still ongoing war all about anyway? Though I can honestly say I have never been interested in the use of drugs, I understand the monetary need of the growers. I know one who was the best in this area until he got arrested.

He is forever denied being anything to do with pot, Its processing or sale. He loved his chosen profession and is denied it. The laws are changing but how will it affect those who are still under the past draconian laws. This guy lives on a minimum income instead of the wages he might have made if it was legal back then. Basically driven into poverty by governmental control.

President Reagan was all in and even got his wife Nancy to just say no. Presidents since have followed suit. The war has helped the South American cartels. Cartels will simply upgrade to the harder stuff but, I would imagine they are worried about losing the pot crop to North American legal Pot growers.

I guess  I will break out those old 8tracks of Cheech n Chong again. For those who remember what an 8track is. Yes, I still have my 8tracks n player somewhere in the dusty catacombs next to my RCA cartridge video player(pre Laser unit)When cannabis is all legal they will be considered groundbreaking historic figures. Long remembered as a poke in the eye to those shrinking restrictions. Loved those guys, MAN!

In the meantime, would those professional pot growers inside the walls of prisons be able to help the newbie growers? The prisons are full of the old day's weed heads who were pioneers in the dark ages of draconian law. When herbs were EEEVILLL! And the government had not figured out how to imprison the growers and tax the impounded crops for themselves.

A side note: Where do you suppose the Newbies got their expertise? Probably read it in a book? Can't tell you its a security thing weed Havta...Well you know.

Gotta make ya wonder, doesn't it...Just saying!

For those like myself who never messed with fate to do more than medications when ill,
I think that the recreation of the pot is going to cause as many problems in society as alcohol has since the first clay bowl of mead was tasted.

There are always those individuals who get addicted very easily to gambling, Drugs, ETC.
Then there are the other problems of those who abuse the use of substances and end up in the prisons with the former growers.

My friend is a very good example of the idiosyncrasies of developing societies. My friend, the former pot grower now lives a mile from where the state is going to open a multimillion-dollar greenhouse to grow, yup, You guessed it. This facility is for the growing millions of cannabis plants for"medical purposes".

This greenhouse is built with help from grants, loans n, uncle SAM, will be the size of numerous football fields. My friend is mentally devastated because his conviction is only growing pot. He loves to work with the elderly and can't even do that. Past charges denying him both jobs. A drug growing felony for life.

I have only encountered pot smoke a few times in my life because I may be the only person in the world who is allergic to its smoke. I found that out at my first youthful party which ended in a hospital visit. The Doctor Laughed at this small town boy who smelled like the party smokers around him. The nurses and doctor smelled pot on my clothes. Guess God built a safety switch in some of us to protect us from getting busted in youth.

The future is opening doors for some while slamming those doors on others. It is the way of the world as dictated by mankind. I for one see futures for those who don't feel a need to share showtime with a big hairy guy named Bubba in prison. I suggest that the market is safer by buying your cannabis in a new legal market. You won't be hassled by whoever. You won't be arrested in any state or city. The stock market now sells shares in the cannabis industry that is growing in leaps and bounds. There are numerous stocks available with many more getting on board. It's becoming what those in prison have known for years. A billion dollar industry. Folks are getting in on the ground floor of the biggest legal Drugtrain ever.

Even people who have walked the straight and narrow are getting a piece of the pie. It's legal and it's here. The stocks are rising in leaps and bounds at this stage in time. IF is an important word here, IF cannabis is legalized here in the USA nationally, the skies the limit.

For those who are interested in dealing or buying cannabis, I will tell you the exact place right now without fear from Law enforcement of any kind. The stock market with a little homework allows anyone with some cash and interest to grow rich in time while others do all the work. If your dreams were ever to become a drug lord, then this is your chance to do so.No wants or warrants, no strip search, no incarceration. You don't even have to pay enforcers or hit men. You will never have to wear bulletproof underwear to stave off rival drug lords.

Guys like my friend won't be included on the Cannabis train to riches. Politics have made your rise to legal drug kingpin more than fantasy in the movies.

So for those inclined, roll one if ya got em, light up the bong or Dubie MAN. All the works already being done. All you gotta do is invest. Then wait for the payoff. Just like in the movies

Seriously though, if you intend to partake of anything that you can get addicted to, please be responsible enough to be careful and know when you need help for the situation. You only got one chance in life. There are no retakes or resets.

Cordially your friend.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Texas Rep Votes Millions of American to be Left Devastated

The United States Congress has taken a late May break. Foolish bickering in Washington is still impeding the progress of the nation to move ahead even with them gone. Unlikely allies are helping It is a quiet time when the absent Congress is not being obtuse or obstinate

One would think Congress members would be moved by the damaged lives of storm-ravaged Citizens now. They no doubt have been exhausted by the constant efforts to overthrow an elected Administration. Those suffering mid country folk should just keep treading water till the breaks over.

Congress has left for their little vacation from stroking various ideologies and/or enemies of this country. The voices that have occupied the major newsstands are temporarily muted. The nubies in congress with radical and whacky ideas.The coattail grabbers that run with the loud annoying absurd ideas of removed realities.Those who would belittle and demean the majority of us out here living in the working world.

The country, our good old USA is being devastated by major storms. Much of the country now is covered by massive flooding. Tornadoes have wiped out the homes and lives of millions of people. Property loss is on a scale that rivals historical levels. People are without power. People are without homes. People are without food and water.

The livelihoods of millions will take months to return to normal if it ever does again. Many folks now have lost everything they held dear to heart. Many have lost the family members they held dear to their hearts. Lost to them forever.

That is obvious to state. A Republican from my beloved Texas has decided to run with the impeach coup/Democrat/Hillary pack. The Republican from Texas by the name of Chip Roy has stopped a multi-billion dollar package that would go to the victims to help our fellow citizens from staying in a devasted 3rd world situation.HE, after all, is living quite comfortably and need not worry much about the political suicide he just committed. Those people have one asset left.


The people that are up to their assets in flood waters.The voters who could care less if  MR. Chip Roy is a Democrat or Republican. Those people who now have nowhere to live, maybe for the first time in their lives.Those people who have lost loved ones and won't even be able to bury their loved ones.

The farms are under water and tornadoes have no mercy on livestock, crops or people. It Doesn't discriminate, Nature is an equal opportunity chaotic destroyer of worlds.

Still, Mr.Chip Roy is representing his pals in Washington instead of those American Citizens who are in desperate immediate need of rescue. In need of the things he probably never thinks twice about. He knows that based on the past performance of the Pack that they would never endorse the president's efforts to help American Citizens. That is unless it is to suppress the traditional.

Those folks in immediate need for the health and welfare of daily survival are counting on us to help a fellow American with no time to have Congress gender flexing about political differences. Those Citizens/Victims of devastation need help now. It should not matter if Congress is out to lunch still.

I was one of those Truck drivers that relayed the Katrina supplies by Truck drivers awhile ago. That was  A Democratic President (that I also voted for). That disaster was also politicist while chaos and havoc from floods took place. New Orleans never recovered due to the lack of morons arguing nonsense and details that had nothing to do with the immediate problems. Lives were lost, people displaced from their lives.sections of the 'Big Easy' left in desolation to this day.

I would bring this to your attention only because it serves to show that our next election should eliminate those who like to play God instead of Politician. We can't vote for God by whatever that diety goes by. It is a God thing. WE THE PEOPLE can keep a very detailed account in our minds of these past 2 years of the chaos and displaced actions and ideas presented the news, politicians,

Next election when those devastated people you dump on, begin to get back on their feet, They will remember you Mr.Politician for what you thought of them. They will remember you in spades. So run with the pack for as long as it serves you. Save them a place in line. The saying goes if I may paraphrase it: Eat drink and be merry Mr. Politician Politician.....for tomorrow your next campaign turns to crap.

To my readers out there: please help in any way you can find to support those families in immediate need of the needed things to survive out there in what's become the wastelands. They are our people who are in very dangerous situations from major flooding, storms, and flooding. The destruction just keeps coming and they need supplies with anything else you might do to help

One further thing to do is look up our good REP from Texas on the internet to drop him a line or give him a phone call to politely express your displeasure for the inconsiderate applications of his office. Perhaps remind him of the millions of voters affected by his unthinking stopping of those needed emergency funds to help UNITED STATES CITIZENS in distress. Republicans and Democrats are now in danger out there in our heartlands. Here in our homeland.

With our current weather patterns, the next storm may be in your area.wwud?(what would do?)

Till next time folks

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Trump Declares War Sends Attorney General Barr to South America

Fox News reported today that President Trump has Declared war on the brutal gang, one of the most dangerous organized gang coming out of the South American Triangle of countries. Many thousands shave made their way into the United States already.

Their exploits of savagery are well-documented torture Mutilations, with the stabbing of a victim a hundred times. Bodies hacked to pieces. The list of unimaginable psychotic behavior is their trademark to terrorized populations it wishes to control. This gang is what President Trump is attempting to force the countries of its origins from entering the United States.

The numbers of this particular gang are in the hundreds of thousands in the South American countries.
There's no attempt to control such gangs in those countries as far as the comparison to other civilized countries. The law enforcement of those countries is powerless to stop the corruption in those countries.

The President has been trying to tell the opposing hordes that this gang presented dangers in opening the borders of the southern states to just anyone. That has fallen on selectively deaf ears. That is what's wrong with those who live in the fantasy world of the far left. We need to learn the facts before we run with that bunch.

Attorney General Barr is attempting to convince those countries of origin to help eliminate the MS13 Gangs altogether.

The suggested Trump; laws are not all perfect, The recent abortion laws prevent abortions even for incest and rape or other such circumstances. simply being abstinent for any suggestion simply makes it all ridiculous. That's not the way it is supposed to work. WE THE PEOPLE  need to contact our representatives to make known that we are not backing the people who do not work and play well together in this country.

Ms13 is already inside this country in bigger numbers that should be. There are many other gangs of organized criminals that are growing in numbers.MS13 is the worst of the bunch by many statistics.
Those statistics are all over the internet and news stories if you look far enough.

The reason it is not headlining is easy enough to explain when anyone looks AT  the recent headlines. I wonder if it will all be that important when MS13 encounters news people who write selective headline news.

This is the type of threat that is summarily being back paged to place propaganda and agenda first in importance. This needs to be fixed soon. It leaves the general populations of this country at risk.
Anyone who is not informed is at risk of becoming a victim.

A few short days ago, Attorney General Barr was the worst boogieman that could walk the face of the earth, Now he is in a dangerous land trying to help prevent a criminal plague that will grow if not arrested soon.

This army of psychotic gangsters is going in the shadows like an army of cockroaches. The best way of ridding one's self of cockroaches is to take away the nesting area. The best way to stop an approaching invading army is to cut it off at its roots. This is another item that would have been ignored if it was not on the presidents' agenda of repairs to many broken political systems.

I wouldn't want such gangsters is in my neighborhood. Not in my kid's school area or haunting  the malls I shop in. Would YOU?

Stay safe and keep the faith.


PS, Update: I have found 30 articles on this problem describing all the details to enlighten the reader.
the power of the internet is at your fingertips. Use it to open your eyes and see what's important beyond the media's fogged headlines.

Again RJP

Big Bang Theory Emotional Finale Proves that Parting is such Sweet Sorrow

Last night, the awkward geeky friends that I spent so many evenings with, left my life forever. I watched as they progressed from Struggling adult genius kids to the place that many can only dream of. They found acceptance, love, purpose, and goals to push them onwards in life.

The kids who were harassed and bullied in school because of their home life.Because of the influences they had in childhood, Because of their physical or mental abilities.Because they were not the cool kids. The cool kids later in life will probably work in the same building as the geeky kids. Its all to common a situation in life, Big Bang brought it all to life in a tasteful, humorous manner. It made us laugh at the silliness of our ridiculous social interfacing.

Big Bang was a huge success because it styled itself after the top hit comedies of years past.No hatred, No political bickering, no continual inuendoes.

The characters were so popular because we as adults could easily Identify with them. Either we knew those awkward kids while growing up or were one of those kids that were so very awkward.

Every show was a return to the days when life was so different from other shows. It looked into the lives of folks searching for a life that would bring fulfillment and happiness to them. l

It seems that when there's a really decent series that comes to us through the magic of a television show, the time flies by and it's over much too soon. Yes, there the endless re-runs that we can return to in the Wayback channels of yesterday, but it's not the same. I read each day of losing those heroes and sweethearts we loved and hated thru that glowing screen called television. It's over just too, too soon.

The curtain closes, the lights dim and the place is empty once more. Our characters walk off the stage that makes them who we loved so much. They are gone from our lives forever. Another memory to fade as time passes to the next big successful show.

I, as the characters on the Big Bang still love the various SYFY  series that distracted me from my own troubled youthful life awhile ago. Big bang reminded me of my own friends who were Gene Roddenberry fans. Our lives were very similar to the big bang series. Maybe not genius kids with a crack at a Nobel Prize, But each of My childhood friends and I, have found our way in life to some form of success. The characters on the Big Bang series should be an incentive to those children of all ages who struggle and feel alienated that there is hope for better.

Did you know, There are actually people who believe the bantering of the Big Bang series re too risque for young people. I remember the interracial kiss on Star Trek and the wrath of very similar folks wearing starched High collar shirts. I guess that's why it is such a hit. Those stuffed shirts would have to be watching to know the plots. They must be embarrassed. After all, if you didn't know the meaning of those innuendos...Just saying...

I hope The Big Band Theory goes on for Years so all of the people of similar natures have a program that lives in their lives and minds. It is good to know there are all types of programming that occasionally touch the lives of the common folk.

Big Bang Theory will be missed by this watcher of a great Television show. Live Long And Prosper.
Please, everyone, write to them to ask for a reunion program a year or so from now to catch us up on what happened to the beloved characters.

Till Next Time dear friends.


Friday, May 17, 2019

War Mongering Iran Has Been Left Unhampered And Unhindered For Far Too Long now,The Sick Philosophy Has Infiltrated our own United States Congress

When does Philosophy become dangerous? When is the time to rein in a philosophy? Why would any population allow those who would spread dangerous Ideas and philosophy with absolutely no perceived controls?  Why would any country put into any position of power allow a representative of hateful Ideologies? Why would an elected official preach hate on the country allowing them to be in a position of power? There are many more such questions floating around among average working people and the populations today.

This Blog has everything to do with you, your life and what's going to shape your life in the near future. Please read on and be of a clear mind. I hope this blog brings a bit of deeper thinking to those who do take a moment to reflect.

Our world is based on people who can resist those who would subvert our deepest ideas of what is right and wrong. What's socially acceptable to the people who can make it all work for the majority who do not live to dominate and control others. Those people who are in the masses called the silent majority.

We in the United States have watched the newscasts for years as countries have been brought to ruin. Their great peoples and cities raised to the ground. Left in ashes.. The people falling into warfare and bloodshed. Places like Russia and China, sitting as the idiots kill each other with Russian and Chinese weapons.

History books have recorded many philosophies that have resulted in oppressive, deadly beliefs. Whether the dark ages that inspired thousands in the name of inquisition or the Nazi regime that was responsible for the 6 million plus deaths of innocents.Russian Bolsheviks or Red Guards. There have been many more incidents throughout history for whatever reason to control and undermine others.

The history books speak of how the small groups manipulate and persuade others to think in ways they would normally not even consider. The persuasion is by guilt, fear, and twisting of the facts. Playing the victim has been the way. They feel empowered to attack those they wish to dominate.
Many times the people who institute this path of destruction are from broken childhoods. Broken societies, broken minds.Broken pasts.

If enough of the followers can bring others to their way of thinking by peer pressure. It becomes a philosophy that can do great damage to others. The danger is when the philosophy begins to focus the viscosity of that hate onto those. Folks who have had nothing to do with the perpetrators dark believes. Folks who have never had anything to do with the perpetrator's life problems that lead to their best thinking.Folks who are innocents to all that dark past.

This brings me to my point of what this article is all about...
Each day is another opportunity to keep our country safe from such people. It starts in our schools and follows us through adulthood. From the playground to our workplace to our politically charged lives.
That hostile environment is permeating our lives every day. It is everywhere. The constant conflict that is attempting to tear our lives and even our country apart.

Other countries are having their problems with the same type of things. They are not our country.
Democratic Republics with our constitution should not have people in Congress that constantly, for the past 2plus years have tried to overthrow our government's elected officials.has actively used bent politics to deny mega business from providing jobs. Members have aactively argued for the safety of our actual citizens that pay their wages.

when it seemed that the Karma pendulum would swing far to the bizarre Left, it has now begun to a counter swing back to balance the world out from where it was headed.

The pendulum of in and yo, yin and and yo is beginning to swing back the other way. That momentum of politics, like life, will gain momentum with the coming elections of 2020. The political system just cannot continue if it is not based on fact or if it is based on a lie.

Just for clarity here....I never vote for a person based on his or her propaganda. That's because .most of that is just BS, to begin with. I would never vote for anyone of any faith that has hate for the country I love. I would never vote for anyone who thinks to bend a child's mind in our schools.

I believe we now have prayers to a god that has followers who bomb, behead and torture people who don't agree with them.prayers by those who also believe women are property and others are not children of their god. Yes, I am using small letters. not out of disrespect for God.Just for those who would tell anyone they know Gods mind. Such is the mind and practices of our present Congress.

Members who brag about being lawmakers for our country, while entertaining those who would be a nemesis. At the same time gathering as a lynch mob or a street gang together to usurp our protections. Protections that keep our families reminds me of this scenario,  a good person who commits a minor crime then commits more and more crimes to uncover the original till turning back to fix it is not an option.this has been our last 2 years of our United States Congress.

This  Congress is the same one trying to destroy our children's morality the moment they enter our schools' systems. Parents are unable to prevent children from learning things against their ideologies. The same Congress in pursuit of alternate beliefs, for all of us.with or without our permission.

Those representatives in Congress who would open our borders to invading unvetted hordes. containing gangstas, murderers, vagabonds of every description. Then border state governors pull all the protecting National Guard away from the border to allow those invaders easy entrance. Arresting patrolling USA border citizens armed with the knowledge of coyotes/cartel members armed with automatic arms now. Border guards and citizens are dying.

In some countries, such actions we have had to contend with would be looked at as treason and assorted other terms. You don't need to agree with the president or citizens old fashioned Ideas. Ideas like freedom, God, Tradition, Hard work to obtain a for medical coverage.

Just think if those same bickering saber rattling folks in Congress actually could see what's being talked about here beyond the newsrooms that do not even live like most people who live in the real world. WE THE PEOPLE who work harder each day as our infrastructure is just starting to rebuild. Congress could stop the flood of unknowns into our country. Congress could make sure they're members are actually supporting, not verbally tearing our people and valor of our military down,

It comes down to this, Congress has done more to give President Putin free PR. The 2 Year Mon ta null twa with fellow members to obtain turmoil. That turmoil has and will go nowhere. It can't because there is nothing to base it on. If there was or had been it would already be known. It serves only the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese. to watch as our country burns within itself. It just serves those who would see the free world as we know it falls.The other (relatively free) allies fall like dominoes. I wonder if they believe it would be a friendly world for their skewed views

To fix the situation there JUST MAYBE, a coup next election/...There may just be.

Congress needs to be voted completely out of office next possible election.
.Its the only way to finally make those in charge finally pull their brains out of their Backsides. The world community of countries has stopped their laughter. We are wiping their grins off their smug faces with the rising power of our economy. The economy has brought itself out of the rut we were in for so very long. Remember these friends a rut is a grave with the ends kicked out. There will be no one to save with the country in a grave. (paraphrasing).

Our economy is booming. Our people are getting back to work finally. Its never been perfect in this country, probably never will be. Perfections a concept, not reality, The questions this: Why would the Congress do everything they could in lock step to undermine, demean, and force new rules of life and living on the 97% of the United States Of America,97% that is not on their team or ideology. I read and watch the media from all over the world every day.  There is those that walk in lock step with our mainstream media. The smaller less politically correct media(those with no agenda or political/Favors)

WE THE PEOPLE need to regain control of the out of control Congress members. We need to barrage the congress members with letters, E-mails, and Phonee calls to Congress. The address of everyone is listed to the public on the Internet. It's the power of the people.No guns involved!a bloodless revolution the Congress has for two years been orchestrating against our country.

Tell them they need to stop the nonsense and get back to helping to run our country.
I am sick of all the games and whining. Let's just go back to their jobs. Get on with the business of running the country.governing our people and our borders from hordes of unvetted boarders.

That border would be fixed if the energy used for the Failed attempted coup for two years were, or had been applied to the border problem. there now would be a steady flow of new vetted legal citizens to be.the caravans would be parked below the U.S. Border Mexico would be driven to eradicate the cartels doing combat at the Mexican Border

Mr, Trump is our President whether anyone likes it or not. The destruction of our country by any kind of coup would begin the destruction of our country. The members of the current congress is committing political suicide by continuing to pursue the nutty path they are currently running down.

I worked in Arkansas during the Clinton Governor years there. I heard things that were unbelievable.
I could not bring myself to vote for the Clinton's in the last elections. I did vote for Mr.Obama.I vote where My studies of politics take me. Trump won and if we do not find the truth soon, then the enemy wins.

I sincerely hope we at least figure out Where that enemy is or at least who is the enemy. Real or imagined Outside or inside the side or the other. There's a saying that the truth will set you free...Let all the players lay ALL our cards on the table or all the documents from both sides so WE THE PEOPLE can see for ourselves who is the enemy or where the BOOGIEMAN been hiding in which closet. Let's see if the house really always wins in the end. Put up or please just shut up.

till next time