Monday, May 13, 2019

New York Association of Psychiatric Recovery Services To Meet Once More In New York's Beautiful Countryside in a New Place And with An Agenda in Mind

"NYAPRS"  is to meet again this year in New York State. This is a huge deal that normally addresses the services offered to the folks that are looking to having some interest in Mental health.
The people have either a work-related compacity or have been a  person affected by some aspect of problems in their lives which created a need to know.

My story is in my past blogs that are free to read. The people that put these together have many involved interests due to personal experiences or knowing someone who does. They are dedicated to making people first in recovering their lives from the years past

Last Year had many workshops to enhance one's experience adding knowledge. There were many different things to learn and do, Hundreds of people with provided meals, rooms and activities.
I signed up for several workshops that looked interesting.

A couple that I remember was a workshop on social security and disability. The gentleman who was the instructor took his time and explained how the SSI disability system was set up to serve people who had the misfortune to be disabled. I later spoke with him extensively to clarify details of the program. It was a real learning experience.

The other workshop that I remember was not so pleasant at all. I went to this workshop to learn. I got something else. As is the case these days, older people who are willing to listen are finding themselves ostracized. We are often being singled out for being very much traditional in our thinking.

I listened for much of the workshop while photos that I have used on my blogs showing a male afro-Americans back. It was deeply scared of a severe whipping. Then another foto of Japanese internment camps with detainees standing inside the fences. I have used the same foto there also on my blogs. The Instructors tone was caustic to anyone who differed in her opinions. She told one person that her family was interred in a camp. She told the workshop she was half Japanese. She seemed intent on blaming all the wrongs of this country on "White males who have all the privileges"

This struck me rather deeply since I have worked hard from the time I was in primary school. At age 5 my sisters taught me to make potholders then took me around to sell door to door. Age 16 saw me with the largest Democrat and Chronicle newspaper route in my town. I have held jobs from washing tubs in laundrymats to learning to bake to running million dollar presses to make auto parts.

The secret is when you make up your mind to move ahead, Tell yourself I will, not I am gonna. I will say to your subconscious that is going to happen, Gonna, means someday if I can. Educate yourself for the job and move to learn everything you can in life. That is what I truly believe. I have proven it many times. You are your own worst enemy if you believe there's no way to succeed. That tells your mind you are already defeated in your own mind first. Pigmentation color is a door other's close. The saying goes like this: when one door closes, Look for the other two that have opened.

I raised my hand and asked a very simple question, I know that things may not be perfect in life. Don't you think the positive would help here? If people talk they can work together better. Hostility never did anything but create more hostility. She immediately called on a lady across the room who said she was organizing rallies to protest the past. I was not allowed to ask any more questions after that. The instructor said if you want to change "This Kinda thinking you need to take it into the streets and MAKE them hear you"I wondered exactly who "THEM", were?

  I wondered how it was ALL MY FAULT for those in the room who were quite obviously full of hate and discontent. They actually Physically turned their backs to me.

The way to help another understand is not that way. They did give me a fairly good understanding of why far-right groups rise to up and recruit folks who did not have those thoughts, to begin with. That workshop did make me understand what it might be like to be the only Black person at a Klan rally. It made me sorta feel like the only White male at an all Black church. It is as I have said in the past, Racism goes both ways. Fear and hate have no particular preferences. There certainly was enough in that room.

After the workshop, I walked up to try to ask why this workshop even was set up to be an exploration of the differences of our societies, She said that "people like me would never understand". I realized a large male was now approaching me from my left and a bit behind. He said,; "The class is over and we need to leave, Thank you for your comments but the workshop is over now. I left with that in my Heart and mind still. It definitely changed me. I sincerely hope that kind of "workshop" does not return. to the coming NYAPRS.It was a first in my experience and this will be my last if it continues to develop into a hatefest.

On a happier note, the social security workshop helped me to point several people to more precise areas and information I got there. I truly wished the NYAPRS folks could bring in a representative from the Social Security Retirement people. There's a Huge amount of retired folks who gather there yearly. It would be so helpful to get the information to help folks through the labyrinth of rules and legalize that is involved with retirement.

another problem that has been solved is the place NYAPRS is to be held at.while its an hour farther from NYC, its more towards mid-state. That's slightly more convenient for more upstaters. I suspect that alone might increase attendance.

The hotel last year has since gone outa business so it is rumored. The new one is, bigger, more modern and from the internet photos are gorgeous, More elbow room all around. There is more information on the net at the NYAPRS website. It's worth a look.

The workshops in past years have been fun, and extremely informative. People have a chance to tell their stories of their past. there's plenty of time to make friends and communicate with those who can help or just listen. There's a comfortable room to retreat and reflect at days end.NYAPRS feed you like a king. The place bustles with folks communicating and learning.

I truly look forward to attending this year if I can. It is always a learning experience to hear others speak. Sometimes it is a bit hard to take if it can not be explained. If reason escapes into anger and hatefulness. So bring your best ideas of why learning is what you need and a positive mind if you show up. This is a changing world we live in and every one of us is an important part of those changes.NYPRS has helped many with information to help themselves.

How I became connected with NYAPRS is a short story in itself.

My health crashed 8yrs ago and was on a collision course with a nursing home due to a blood clot in my brain. It gave me the symptoms of Alhiemers. That was the most frightening time of my life. I felt alone, Homeless, and helpless to go on. I lost my ability to write. Blogging became nearly impossible. I could get lost in a place that I  lived all my life. The skills that made me happy became a task filled with frustration.

I was taken to a "club" for people recovering from physical and mental problems. I refused at first to admit to even having a problem. As time went on I began to realize that the people there were all there for the same reasons to try to recover what had been lost in their lives. A little dignity.A little bit of what they no longer could grasp. To feel less vulnerable when around other people. In the words of the old singing group "The Grateful Dead"To give me just a little light.

Years have passed now. Surgery and some medical magic from Some truly fine people have me back on my feet. If I were an old car<I would be firing on all 7 of 8cylinders.Nobodys perfect!My first visit to Nyaprs was A fuzzy memory due to illness. I do remember the people there were kind and caring to everyone. The workshops gave me hope to maybe to get back someday to where I was.

That's what NYAPRS is really. Its hope fired by information. Its people who are using the system to pull themselves out of a very dark point in their lives.It is also people who are improving that same system by the voice of their experiences. Working with those in charge to fix and tweak all that might be not quite right in the systems. Those systems that are set up to aid those in need of a boost back up.A system that is not perfect by far. It is made better by the voices of those who have been there.

If your someone who is in distress from a mental or health issue NYAPRS might be something to look into. Google it and find out if you or someone near and dear to you could use the dear people at the organization to help out. The folks are sweet and helpful for anyone needing information or direction. The support of that information can help to rebuild lives. There are mountains of information which leads to more doors that you can open. You just need to follow the information path.

Contact them on their website for information on a ton of informative helpful ideas and directions. Also any activities and things to attend in New York or elsewhere.You will find that It will be informative.

Remember this regarding my experience with the workshop that I mentioned in the beginning of  my blog. Sometimes when your thinking has been shaped by your personal environment, the views of others seem alien. You do not feel a need to think in any other way. When you find yourself in That which is alien to you, You become the alien.

It is a form of tribalism. The feeling I got in that workshop was alien to me. I could not identify with those in the workshop, so the tribe turned their backs on me. You may have other thoughts on this.I believe I learned a very interesting lesson. I may not fully understand what That lesson was,I do know this though, It is deep in my psyche. The workshop did change my thinking and thats what they are there for. TO MAKE YOU THINK

Please look into NYPRS even as a thing to know. It is a worthy bit of information to put in your brain for future use.

That is my story and I am sticking to it.NYAPRS is worth the efforts to find and investigate.Theres many facets of the Organization.Its kinda like a diamond in the rough.It might not be interesting till you start working with it to increase its value to yourself and others.

Till Next time Dear friends. WE THE PEOPLE have the power  to change our world for the better. That better is a matter of our perspectives and what is right. Keep the faith.


Thursday, May 9, 2019

Children,Politicians,Socialist What common Denominator Exists

Remember when little Bobby and Ralph couldn't seem to play nice on the swings. They always seem to be at odds. Both kids were in the same classroom, Had the same teacher, went to eat in the same cafeteria. All the great facilities that made up their education and provided for their lives were identical. So why couldn't, they share what was there. What made one kid's Ideas so much more important than the others. So much more than it leads to conflict. Why couldn't they just"get along"? That playground was the best in the city by most standards. Why? Flash forward to adulthood.

Let's look at these kids after they are grown up and into a lifestyle. Let's say they become Oh, I don't Know...How about politicians as one example.Not too hard to be. Kiss a few  Um, Er, Babies, Yeah that's it and get people to believe in your overblown ideas. In reality, they are pipe dreams and deep down you have no real idea how a distant future will reflect those pipe dreams but they worked on that long past playground to have it your way. There's no teacher to but in and mess it up. Those kids that stood and watched are still only standing by and watching.

This brings up an interesting question. That playground is transferred now into that which pounds our very souls and centers. Every day we hear the same old irritating fighting in the nations Playground of  Um, Er, shall we say the Baby kissers, who are sounding more like those brats on the playground who feel their ideas are more important than others,

The coup that has been and still is being attempted has led to our infrastructure suffering, our political enemies made emboldened by the subterfuge in our government. This all due to the same playground antics that kids play on that long past juvenile playground. It has to stop.

The United States is one of a kind in the world and in history. It's not perfect.No where that humans exist has ever been recorded as utopia. That's an observation and not an opinion. History regardless of how much it's polished and the images are destroyed. History and hard facts will never change what actually happened. This country has had mass exterminations of original populations.

This country was built partially on the backs of slaves. This country has had concentration camps for citizens. This country has had separate exceptions for some people. We are not perfect. We will never be that utopia that hundreds of thousands invade our borders for. That's because it is a dream that does not and never will exist.

The only reasons that this country has remained that dream is the fact that our leaders have at least tried to work together as a team. The President has never had Press who drone a mantra of the negative dribble. Propaganda like a third world communist party threatening an attempted take over. I remember listening to Radio Moscow and various shortwave radio stations as a child. The situation in this country is looking like that in the future.

The separations that lead to great empires throughout history falling only to become the domain of the vulture culture who stand by and watch the carnage like those on that playground.

I remember the voices of those who begged for help on those last free amateur radios to save their freedoms from the socialists who were killing them if they didn't conform. Then one day those voices stopped, The newscasters who had been whipping up the public to join that socialist movement went silent or was each day giving a script of the party propaganda.then they too fell silent,

Many became slaves of the state, others were simply killed along with their entire families. Still, others who attempted to flee with their lives either made it to safety or were captured and killed. Some serving years in re-education camps, A living Hell instead. Russia used gulags in Siberia where many were tortured starved and never seen again.

The propaganda that allowed the rise of those socialists were folks like you and me losing the fact that once in power "they" had already taken control of travel without special ID.The freedom to come and go as one would please. They had already taken control of things that would and could make life better. What you eat, what you say, what you think,

What values you hold dear, The ideas and dreams that make your life worth living. every aspect of your otherwise normal life. How you think, what words you can say, what your children are forced to learn in school, and what God you're forced to pray to if any at all. Many places will Kill you for any of the aforementioned things. Is this what WE THE PEOPLE want for the land of the free? Think it over carefully. Your lives and the lives of the future citizens/your children depend on that.

The Washington Playground Bullies scuffle continues adding more nonsense to what crap in already in the media. Were this a Socialist country with a more politically prejudice population, That population would be clearing their troubled children into the room (gulag, Prison, Re-education center)of regretful conduct. Oh wait, That is our wannabe socialist party thats doing just that to OUR political environment, isn't it?

Written awhile ago during Last "impeachment" Idea that didnt worrk.Proving that this Congress has Got to Go Next Election.We need to get our Priorities in line.What Play ground do you want your children to play in the future?What kind of country do you feel free in.

Once again friends

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Will The Opiod Crackdown Denies Insured Suffering From Cancer and Surgery Recovery

A close relative of mine recently underwent surgery to repair a rotator cuff. It involved repairing damage from the muscles tearing off the bone and the pain is incredible. Every movement, every effort to get any comfort sends pain of incredible intensity thru her body. The nerves are all inflamed to the point of no sleep and no rest. There's no way to ease the pain for short.

A specialist did the surgery and was well spoken of in his professional abilities. Everything was very thorough and professionally done.

Two non-metal screws were placed into the bone to help secure the new materials in place,The surgery went well and was done in just a couple hours. Medicaid paid for the surgery,

We walked out several hours after surgery hoping this would turn out well. Hoping that she could heal up, and return to normal life with the after surgery limitations usually advised for such recovery times.
The after surgery instructions said no driving or any stressing of the arm or shoulder.The surgery folks actually immobilized the entire arm and shoulder

I drove her to the Pharmacy for the prescriptions that would ease the pain and keep infection down.
The pharmacist tried for over an hour to fill the prescription for her without even giving a reason it wasn't going thru.

Medicaid was refusing to pay for the needed ability to kill legitimate pain. Not from a dope fiend or user, but from a patient in actual pain from a medical procedure. The surgeon, Pharmacist, and patient have all but begged Medicaid to help out. It all falls on deaf, unfeeling ears. Medicaid finally said the pain meds can only be gotten with paperwork and more forms so they can then say the meds are needed.

I remember them refusing to let my oldest sister have pain meds or treatment to fight the brain cancer she was finally going to drive from her body.THAT sister died a horrible Painful death, begging to die from the pain of cancer which quickly overtook her in days. The insurance companies there too were acting as God to decree treatment or not. They could care less if we had to watch helplessly'

The Pharmacist finally said we will try to fill a few pain pills for you if the Medicaid people allow it.

She is to be healing for the next 6weeks. The pain of therapy and healing will take the next 6weeks.
Medicaid gave her 24 pills to be taken 4-8hours. That's 3to six days of comfort. The pharmacy said the script that should have been filled was for a little longer to take her through some of the therapy pain.

I can understand the precaution of these times for those who would abuse controlled substances..
I rather doubt that cancer patients and post-surgery patients with open wounds are in such a category of dope fiends. Denying meds to the sick and injured is the cruelest a bureaucratic cold-hearted of practices.

This so-called opioid epidemic sweeping the country is peculiar in its doing, to say the least. I remember the war on drugs some time ago. Evil Pot was the beginning of mental ruination.dimentia was imminent. Remember the photos of those poor run down souls that had succumbed to the evil weed?

The beginning of crime, degradation, morality. It was touted for a shear route to Hell and Damnation. Pot is being legalized to buy over the counter now in as many forms as is possible. Even PepsiCo is waiting to infuse it into the products.

Legalized growers and huge companies are making tons of money while those in the past who did the same thing rot in prison or are denied for life to ever do what they did best. It was their calling made a crime until big business could legalize it and reap the profits. America, Land of opportunity as long a the suits run the drugs behind the law.Sooo....what about the folks who desperately need legal those drugs?

 Even Wall street tycoons are getting fat wallets from pot sale in the stock market.No street corner, patrol car,jailcell encounters.Its all so very safe.

This all going on while the lives of those in desperate need are denied proper medical components by the Jack assed suits sitting comfortably in an air conditioned office dictating who will live and who will suffer and die.Its not right.Passing out permission sheets to be filled out and put into a pile while the go out to have a smoke of whatever, on break.That patient waiting in agony for that paperwork.

The war on drugs is chalking up innocents along the way.People who are being caught in the line of friendly fire between the insurance companies and government burueacrats looking to keep it all stirred up for personal gain at others expense.The public mezmerized to hand in perscriptions and turn in grampa for keeping his old meds just in case.Maybe,just maybe Grampa knows something that might be past expeirnce sometime about 1929 orso.I was called proabition.It didnt work,but thousands were caught up in that rediculous reality.

I have a suspicion the next government promo for the drug fight might be,

"Drug cartells need to stop cuz we in insurance and government hate competion.

Or how bout this:"Drug cartels,if you cant beat them,join them and make it legal,if the dugs dont kill ya,the bureaucratic Bullshit, will"

The needs of people being treated for medical care should be the priority and not a check on a ok paper by a non professional in an office,They have neither the skill,education nor presence of mind to deem a doctors care of any patient situation.There needs to be a group of medical professionals to over see the insurance companies decisions.Those insurance decisions that cause pain,suffering or death need to be held responsible for their actions as much as a someone who would murder that same person/patient.

Human nature has a tendency to over look the pain of others when not connected to that person.I remember the lady murdered in plain sight of others on a street in NYC.the crowd either watched or walked by.Those Burueacrats  are no different.We need to rise up and replace them in their comfort zones or just  simply hire overlords who can not except gratuities
to make sure torture and killing by paperwork no longer takes place without someone explaining that decisions consequences

Till next time friends please tell you friends about this blog,positive or negative its something to look into.Take care till next time.


Sunday, April 28, 2019

New European World Order Law, All Those NWO Conspiracy Theories come True?

Everywhere on the net is the chatter of the new European Internet laws that is, for the most part, are in the long run unenforceable on the rest of the world. It is pointed at the giants like Facebook and Google who collect terabytes of information on every aspect of our lives. Our interests, curiosities, and use.

Their control is as a blanket covering the world of technology. The details collected regardless of what has stated in privacy writings go far beyond what is commercially useful. For decades this information has been collected and stored for uses that most of us can only imagine. If one was to think for much time, They would probably begin to sound like  paranoia was setting in

I have tried to fathom all the legalese that has been written but I quit when One article said there is over 4000
arguments that make up that law. Another article said it was 4000 Pages that even the makers of the law were not sure of. Then another article said it was unenforceable and would drive small web companies out of business or bankrupt them.

My question is this in the light of Europe invading the rest of the worlds Internet, What has happened throughout history when Europe (one dictator or another) Decided we needed to be brought under their control? Read your history books for that update. It won't work...Never has and never will as long as WE THE PEOPLE stand together.

I hate the fact that My life is pried ed into by the Internet giants. Every time I log in to an entity that was given to THE PEOPLE by the U.S. Government to use freely. As time went on we had more and more of our personal control taken away by the mega-giants that came afterward. Soon every electronic ear and anyone who knew how was pecking away at our private moments we searched in the netherworld of the wire.

Nasty malicious people were trying to destroy our machines with the virus'. Our business interests were hacked, Medical and financial facts were stolen. Let us face it, folks, the nets have gotten worse than the wild west.
There's really no controls on much of the net. So Europe is telling us they've had enough. Enough?

I have personally experienced European hackers on a friends computer being filled with aware, and other nasty items that completely stopped his new computer. I had to completely dump his hard drive and reboot from basics to clear it out. His computers brand new hard drive was left with damaged areas that will never recover.

So is it a bad thing that someone somewhere, no matter how sloppy a law it might be, is bad?
I wished the Powers that made this law would have asked any one of the millions of people who have been with the Internet for ideas. I have known folks that have been on the net since 1984.

I bought my first computer then. Internet was a mind-boggling 300Baud on dial-up Wired Phones. For the newly uninitiated, That's slower than a snail crawls. It would take hours to download a program in Basic.

The Internet does need some parameters slammed on its invasive practices for the safety and welfare of those who don't know how to protect themselves from intruders. I am just disappointed that this sort of law will no doubt hurt the Small business using the info to generate business flow.

Maybe good, will come of this if it does rein in the Giants and get conversations to create better laws to work for everyone benefit. Either way, our lives are about to change in ways that once again we have little say in
Either way, The united nation's laws have arrived to dictate over the people of the United States. Perhaps The entire world. Except for China, Russia, And others who already have an Iron fist on their Internet people...

Those countries are fine examples of where the free Internet can end up. Try to get on Australia's Internet from where you are. Or China Then looks at the new laws just passed allowing our sensitive information to be sold like we were slaves being held to be ogled like fresh meat in the market square.

We, free people of the world, need our own Internet again even if we have to create it from scratch. There are an estimated 400million people in the world capable of banding together to create the fastest, most sophisticated system that would be completely independent of what's going on in the present Internet around the world. Okay dreamers and geeks, Where do we start?

We have people who are forging into space independently. Building private owned spacecraft to go where few of us will ever be able to go.once built, a satellite to use the free Internet is a path to Earths Orbit ... We have people finding discoveries in just about every field you can Think of.

Think of the advantages of an Internet owned and run by the people of the Earth. A free and open source system. A raspberry Pi sorta  Internet system that anyone can improve as time goes on.....Anything is possible if you join forces in peace to combine the power of thought. It uses the strengths of every brain to improve the idea. and any idea is possible if enough effort and will are put forth to accomplish that goal.

It's an idea that needs to be manifested. The present Internet Giants started those "giant" Corporations in garages and some in college dorms. The smartest people in the world working to build a better Internet...It takes dreamers with a common goal...everyone who thinks is capable of creating. There are only people who have not applied themselves or taken enough time to solve a problem. Many minds working on a problem will make the problems much smaller...

Every dream has its share of hurdles to navigate. This one would take time and yes...Money.I wonder if this sort of thing would meet the donation/investment status of the Kick starter/go fund me type of setup.

Can you imagine a series of satellites up there that just ordinary folks financed, designed and built? the being fired into orbit. A historical first.The first private freeware satellite BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.The WE THE PEOPLES internet system.

Everything that would go into such a project is currently available to the hobby builder. People are coming up with all sorts of experiments to send up to the space station. Why would a satellite powered by the sun be any different than anything else sent out into the void of space?

It's do-able. Boards such as the Arduino and the Raspberry are a riot to play with. I have experimented with both of these. Arduino is a controller for tons of projects and Raspberry Pi the CPU to program whatever your imagination can dream of within its abilities.

I think tiny single-board CPU units each backing up and monitoring each other. Artificial Intelligent monitoring and overseeing each function also adjusting and maintaining the satellite.working in synch with other boards. People have already created Stacks from these little boards. Why Not a satellite that runs itself?

The circuit board sizes of these boards are getting smaller every month. Those tiny CPU units pack an amazing amount of ability in that small size. The tiny boards also draw almost nothing for power. They are cheap in price. They really don't require much to run and they seem to last for ages if used properly. The perfect combination of a remotely located satellite.

There's more advantages to these little boards in such a mind-blowing endeavor though.

Each board has its own sensors and utilities for a vast amount of self-diagnostics .all the system requirements to create a self-testing, self-analyzing and maybe a self-repairing or self-repairing unit

Maybe a worldwide contest to see which group will be the first to build a successful satellite and then who will build the best design, which satellite stays in operation longest, ETC.

We already have robots battling it out in areas. They were built by amateurs with a dream. It is time for our own open source space program. The peoples open source"Enterprise" No pun Intended. Okay, Pun Much intended. But why not?If Europe or anyone else didn't like the free satellite Internet, Its an option to not use it.

It's just a thought. Parts are available, Designs are whatever is needed by people who are interested. All that's needed to build such a dream is people who have enough will power to make it happen. Where there's a will there is a way.No delusion of grandeur involved, Just shear tenacious will power.

To own such a system is to truly be free and open source. Millions of folks running their own system free of all the gunk being used on the net today. The dark web for all its mystic is really as cluttered up as the visible net.
I have been there and it is gotten to be a real mess compared with all the hype the media would tell you. Cloak and dagger stuff is real, but it is said that 95% of the Internet uses the Dark web. Hospitals with chain bit coding and Law enforcement with encrypted data.Drug companies and Drug pushers,

Sites that also are there that would make a  goat puke they're so bad.Probably true. It's just a matter of time before someone starts demanding you run your web life according to their little whims.

I would love to see the ability to use such an open source system like Linux has with computers. I would love to see that idea of open source applied to a satellite for all people who could manage to find their way to use it. It's just an Idea, for now, But just imagine the advantages of a system run by decent free people of the world without all the crap we find on the net today.

Please Take care of each other out there in the changing world. One day I fear the virtual world of ours will be controlled and used to create George Orwell's hellish 1984 world Manifested. We are already looking at our freedoms being High jacked by foreign powers who don't seem able to run their own back yards for the moment while telling the rest of the world how to live and think. Stand your ground or someone else will take it from you.


Friday, April 26, 2019

Impeach,Disgrace,Deny,Congress Obsessed

Is it the fact that the last election has brought the USA to the closest thing to Coup De Ta by the losing opposing political party or is it just those in my silent majority that speak of it?

By all that was set up in the process of election, it was done better than most places could be said to happen.No one was shot, beheaded, exiled, or bombed out of existence. Instead, the howling mutant mobs have since run up the castle path with torches and pitchforks to burn down the leader and his family. Chanting in synch a locked step mantra of self-convincing hatred. A leader who so far has made the kingdom begin to become prosperous again, regardless of what people may think of him.No one has to agree or even like him to see the progress for the countries economy.

Those who are holding the pitchforks have ideas of giving all that 'gained' prosperity to what amounts to incoming hordes of invaders pouring over the borders .to re-enforce the seig. Those who would storm the castle would seem to resent the fact that the kingdom has begun to grow. To prosper after decades of faltering. Without the mobs' archaic ideas to tear it all to the ground and changing everything that has things motivating again.

 It would regress that prosperity into the stone age. living in a degraded life much like the many parts of the world living that way. (or nearly so). after all, the idea is not whats accomplished. It's the power to destroy in the name of philosophy. In the name of my morality, lifestyle, history, education, etc over all others. I can't believe we have fought wars for centuries over such things. Those who fail to learn from history...Even the statues of historical value for good or bad are being destroyed.It was evil when isis did it, It's apparently okay and just fixing things in the USA. My tribe over other tribes, I guess.

Anyone who does not agree with the mob is deemed against the mob and targeted. Often argued or yelled down to force cowering to discussion or debate. Reason and opposition. It all resembles a lynch mob peer pressure replacing reason with the power in the mob. There's another part of this rarely thought of though...

After the castles burned and the people inside are killed or destroyed, vanquished., After the mob has done its dirty deed, the ones who stood by will be the next ones who are targeted by the mob. After all, is done and over its, the witness's that cant be left to tell. It's the power of the mob..the law of the mob rule pushing those who normally would normally protest, into submission.

you may be thinking this is all disconnected thinking, Bear with me and read on because it is not.

The last election whether anyone liked it or not was the average person finally saying, "okay enough children, This is as far as it's going".They were not being argued down and attacked for just being traditional in the USA. It will be that way when the election sweeps the entire system.

I once walked through a convention looking for the Men's room. Looking up to read the appropriate restroom label, I hear this "I can go in there if I want to and you can't prevent me from it"My eyes dropped to see a short fat, bespeckled individual with a brushcut and obvious breasts, angerly staring me in the face. Piercings everywhere that was noticeable. I looked around to find no one else even close to me. I was shocked by the attack without reason as I had not even noticed this Person till that point in time. this is the same attacking methods used to force the impressionable to go along with the mob.

I used a basic rule of engagement. It was simply to ignore someone who's the problem was obviously more inside that ones head and not with me.its the same with all those who try that.stae your ideas if you must, but its the election that will settle all the arguments.

This situation will indeed be corrected next election as its not a castle siege, these days we in the silent majority speak with a very loud ballot. We need to stop the flow of people who are unknown to their past lives. We need to acknowledge that our past human history is not pretty. Here or anywhere humans have walked. We need to look at history for the last million years to see the climate is ever changing. It is the worlds weather cycles that wipe out one world/Dinosaurs and allows another/mammals to survive: Ice Age.

Humans can evolve by co-existence or we can destroy each other, change the past to make it look uglier than it was to build the intensive hatefulness so we can rewrite our children's school books. That way it is easier to mold that youthful mind into mob oriented thought.

That next election decides our freedoms. Freedom to think, speak, play, live, raise our kids, go where and when we need to live where we educate for our interests. To protect our families. To protect our country like our forefathers of the past. They were human and far from perfect.

The whole point of this article is this: this country has done too much to not rise above it all.
We can spend the next years in this gridlock crap while other countries build space programs and conquer space, build technologies to advance their people as we in the USA continue our headlong blind rush to destroy anyone not agreeing with our narrow-minded ideas to dominate the silent majority. But at some point, they will overwhelm voting all those out of office those now looking to continue with blind sighted ideas.

WE THE PEOPLE will have the final word in the end.WE (The Silent Majority)can fix the craziness that addicting our country no matter what arguments arise, keep it in mind that you can change it all at some point by getting the nonsense politicians out of office when the time comes.VOTE!

Glad to Have you here, Say a quiet Prayer for those in the castle.

Update: The Castle is still standing with the howling mob still in a frenzy outside the castle gates. Battering ram/legal ploys have not worked. belligerence has not worked. convincing the people inside to take over and open the gates have not worked. New a new tactic is employed. Demands to turn over the secrets of the castle. Tell the people what great secrets you have hidden from the siege bringers. Help the mob to bring down the castle.

The kingdom is prosperous. Foreign invaders are streaming into the countryside. Strife is rampant in the kingdom. The dark force that is outside the castle driving people to blind rage is still manifesting in their minds.

Summary: WE THE PEOPLE must rise up once again to make our congress stop it's splitting our country. Write the Whitehouse. WRITE YOUR CONGRESSPERSON and tell them to stop all this insanity. Let it go and move on with running our country. The Elections coming.Suggest you might bone up on the words of General Sun Tsu.
Our country is not a castle siege in a fantasy far, far, away. It is our country that's fighting like undisciplined children on a playground.

If the people of the united states don't step up to the plate now, We are going to regret it soon.


Monday, May 7, 2018

WANTED: People With Interests in a Website That Shares Ideas on Living Naturally Using Hitech Methods Read on Please.

There has always been in the back of my mind the folks who live as the Amish who are living by the sweat of thier brows.They live and eat extremely healthy lives. Many living into the old and elder(ly) age.I love the food and find many to be quite pleasant people in thier own way. I often shop at the many area places they run.

There are other folks,such as myself that love our hi-tech toys.I still have my first computer which was state of the art then.It is a timex sinclair 1000 with a whopping 16k memory,The addon memory is a huge 16k.  Of course it has a  printer which uses cash register paper.That was a mind blower in its day.But I digress.

I like to begin the brain storming of a website to unite High Tech people and those who love a good home canned jar of "whatever" on the table.People who know how to grow healthy things with state of the art knowledge.I remember My Parents generation even building whatever they needed to progress.We dont do that anymore.I dont know whether its because we have gotten dependent on the system to support us or whether its thinking its all too old fasioned.

Ok,your sitting there in front of a keyboard reading about living differentlty.If I am a dreamer then I'm not the only one.(John Lennon)
Welcome My Dreamer friend to a new world order you wont have to shoot your way out of.You would be outgunned and under manned to begin with.Wrong aproach to begin with.Violence never proved anything and always bring tragedy.

My dream is to find people with a similar dreamfrom all walks of life.  Building a society of folks who are not looking for the end of the world.Grabbing your armory and running for the hills to live in a hole till its over.The "IT" being whatever some have looked for since the first eclipse darkened the earth.Hopefully if that is a future reality then either no one will have time to kiss their backsides goodbye or, you may  have time to do something  leaving  a grin the undertakers cant  pry off your face. Just Sayin..

Read on Dear reader theres method to my madnessEach day you drudge through the routine just to pay for the priviledge to do it tommoro.With enough like hearted people the following is very much possible.So read on and consider the following thoughts.Let it roll round in your brain with each moment you take a breathe and let out the stress to think of the possibilities for your future and your loved ones...

 There are ways to built a home that need for nothing.Not piping,wiring,tubes,hoses,power or anything else making it dependent.I have read so many articles over the years on how its possible to make super insolated homes from straw bails.I saw one on my travels out west.You would never know it from a conventional home.home made concrete for sidewalks or just about anything.

I was invited to a friends home in the midwest a few years ago.I was so apprehensive because he told me it was a house of straw bales.All I could think of was the big bad wolf n the 3 lil pigs story.But I was polite about it.I felt this is my friend and maybe this is the best he could do.

Yhe house looked pretty much like any other house on the outside,so I looked at him and said with a grin,"straw house HUH?"He gave me a stern look and replied yes it is,come inside please and I will show you.The front door entered a short hallway into the house.The inside and out side walls sandwich compressed bales of straw.Wall to wall,top to bottom.

That is till you walked inside and it had a tiny fireplace and was 72degrees all over the house,Those walls were all notty Pine and smelled wonderful.,

The super insulation is the reason for a tiny firepace and the warm temps.Behind the house in the acre lot,  They had dug the field up when the house was built to bury tubing three feet under the ground.The earth itself carried 62degree cool air in the summer and 62degree air in the winter.the super insolated home needed only small fans to force the air into the tubing or into the house.

The fans powered by a battery charged by the sun.The straw is packed so tight it has no air to burn.The inside and outside of the house is finished as any other house with 3feet of insolation.they grew their own food and canned it with the fall tasted great with no artificial things to slow kill a person.this all under many electric lights.

The people who live there had built electric generators that used the wind and a nearby stream which also provided water.The water passed thru a filter and was so fresh I wanted to take a gallon with me,Which I did.The roof water gathered in a barrel and was used on the garden and grass.its called Grey water.

The woods out back was shared with another house for firewood.This home only used the fireplace for company.also for cozy fires on  very bad winter days.To sit and read or watch it snow out the huge triple pane window.

The telephone used in this house are cellfones and skype..computers are satelite.Tv is from antenae or the satelite.People share the harvest,the work,the tech (open Source).Its so great that neighbors get along like that.There is no wires,Pipes power, water or sewer into or out of the house.truly Democracy.

About the sewers ladies...You probly are imagining that cold dark trek to that drafty lil back house with the lil half moon in it.Sitting there listening to all the critters hooting and carrying on...:)
sorry that isnt really needed.They had a modern toilet that after use you close the seat and push a button.there a bit of a noise inside and the poop, its gone.It locked the lid and turns everything inside into ashes.No fuss,no mess,No smell.This is so Hitech sterilization and chic.No pollution.

My website will be  for everyone whether you believe as I or not.Mother earth has been my idea book  since it began.but theres tons more information out there.If your interested Mother Earth Magazine has a thumdrive  now that has every atrticle they have published since 1970 orso.worth the looking its $25 for 40plus years of natural living .hard to beat.not affliliated or paid by them just a long time fan.Its an excellent reference for beginner or pro.

wouldnt it be great to live in a community that was self contained,no bills,efficiently constructed,Maybe in a no tax state,maybe where they understood what was trying to be promoted by those folks.all the money that goes out to every Tom,Dick,And Harry,Sally Francey,Or kawazi,would stay in your pocket to help your family with education,health,and whatever came along.

Such a community could explore all kinds of scientific,social,religious,Health and educational things.
A community of thinkers,independent minds in an atmosphere beckoning to the free thinking spirit of freedom and independence.not looking to bend the will of anyone.not looking to overthrow anything except maybe be a living example of how great people can live.

There are such places in the world.The problem is that everyone must walk in the exceptable footprints to be excepted.EI.Davici almost was killed for not bowing to the church.Tesla was overpowered by the wealthy.Just a couple of free thinkers.

Wouldnt it be great to hear people talking in a logical civil manner about things that can get you shot dead in some places. this website is to find those who are ascended enough to  do just that.
I actually have heard two women arguing at a fair once about whose pie in best.I hate to say it but I tried both pies.....I think they were using the same recipe....They just refused to acknowledge it.This websit hopefully wont be for that type of person.Everythings good in the right perspective.You just need look at it from different viewpoints.

Well think it over dear friends...will let you know as soon as my web people finish.


Monday, April 16, 2018

How Old Ideas Can Reset Your Present Life when you didnt think it could

This article is a long time coming. The world situation can easily grab you and carry you away like a terrible storm. If you survive that force then you may look back in regret to have gone along willingly with that force. You may look back with a sense of acceptance. You may also look back with mixed emotions that you made a bad decision which wasn't as bad, as that overwhelming force seemed to make it at the time. The point is, no matter the thought you survived. I too have allowed myself to be carried along these past few months with so many others. Not using my brain but just going along to prevent arguments.

The news media are still hounding Washington as the show goes on It has gotten extremely old. Each day someone who we would never hear about gets his or her 15minutes of fame by another attack on those in office. I stopped listening to most of the hounds of hell and their continuing howl. I will tell you why.

While the news howls up all the dirt and crap that will not amount to anyone in a short time there are more pressing and terrible things that need dealing with.At least from my own point of view. People are dying all over the world for no good reason what so ever.It is powered by greed, shear simple adulterated GREED.

We see war is going on and spreading to parts of the world that is generally peaceful.attacks on innocents is becoming more common to even the United States by its own people.

One in a million disturbed individual. That's all it takes to inspire more nut-jobs, insane or not. And how do you measure that insane person's competence? I read today there are machines that can read the signals of the human brain to run machines. Its already being laboratories the science newscaster states. Can you find a way to prejudge the insane with such a machine? we watch each night as we sit comfortably in our little worlds and watch the carnage.

I spent some time in Elpaso Texas
a short time ago. The bridge was being closely watched because they were looking for an individual. The people who flee from the states are looking to escape. Those in the middle east are crossing borders to escape. Those in the Korean and Chinese lands deemed Communist are trying to escape.there's people in the USA who are trying to escape. Escape from the chains of human slavery and the demons of the drug culture.escape from the torment of cults and corrupted religious ideas. Escape is the key to chaos in our world powered by greed and power itself.

There are radically different reasons here to escape. Wide gaped reasons to escape drug cartels and poor economies. Reasons to escape the horrors of madmen who rape, rob, butcher and kill in the name of whatever excuse they are gullible enough to except in that pea sized brain. Or escape the stress that overwhelms many in the social order. Even that of a country like our USA.

Keeping up with the Jones can kill you. For some, escape is from living in continual stress brought on by this heaven on earth demands to live as we do. Escape from that' place can leave you needing to escape from being hungry and outcast in the elements to die. Not heaven but it is if you were worse off before.

there is an escape in our USA also those many would see our world as Heaven on Earth. I imagine that would be true to those above as mentioned were not so bad off where they are. The human race is being pushed further away from living to find peaceful ways to live.

I doubt God will save you if your an idiot out there killing his creations. Trust me on that. I would not pretend to know Creator's innermost thoughts.I know I would not have that sort of understanding for such an act.

okay, so your a no believer. You know what the first thing most nonbelievers yell when shot"Oh my God I'm shot!so much for that.

WE THE PEOPLE of this old world could do so much to change things a little at a time. Our countries need borders to protect us from brainwashed people who cross with bad intentions in the midst of the good people who just look for better lives Border laws make sure we are at least somewhat safe. That brainwave insane machine does not exist and I hope never in my life is it perfected. I might be labeled by a machine for all the wrong reasons. Blessed are the peacemakers it is said. But peaceful people who can't defend their ideas usually end up slaughtered in a ditch or worse.
No one deserves abuse.

The answer lies not in walls but in building societies that are safe and prosperous for all people to live as simple and independent or as chic as they wish. There is a need to find a way to negate the power of the greedy. those who invade, kill,use abuse and profit from that which is imagined to have value. The only value worth keeping is the power and minds of all people to find harmony in this world and in their personal lives.  

Most of our books on philosophy say that everything we will need is on this earth for us to use. Many things are already gone forever. War just takes away more and more.

Marching in the streets simply states: if I yell loud enough n hold up my sign or trash someone's property then someone else will do the deed for me. I have watched that drama all my life and seen more bloodshed and violence from it than good. Just listen to the people arguing in the next place you hear it. one person attempting to dominate another. Watch people driving cars...

This year lets all find a way no matter how small. It will make life a little better for someone and tell them to pass it on. WE CAN change the world in our lifetimes. Not to reach stars or the depths of oceans.We can reach a place that is the breadth and depth of the human conscience. Somewhere we should be headed instead of where we are going. There is no FATE but what you make.

I was directed to a singer that I loved when I was Dating a Beautiful Native American gal way back when. Josey introduced me to The singer Buffy ST. Marie. Her latest song fits my is titled "War Racket". Excellent piece of music for our times.I still have all her records, yup  I said records.

till next time dear friends, May God keep you safe in the palm of his hand.


Saturday, September 30, 2017

New York Association of Phychiatric Rehabilitation Services Convention in The Catskill Mountains

Nyaprs for short.I attended the convention for the third year to see what I could learn from the folks.The people are from all walks of life.They arrive from all over the world to hear the workshops regarding Mental and physical health.The atmosphere is always light and friendly there.The workshops are generally for those who have had a hard road out of some mental or physical situation that effects them.Many are like myself that have fought ourselves out of a very dark place in our lives.My own story is one of a physical nature.I had a blood clot pass through my brain and temporarily

Blinded my sight.The time before that is for a couple years sorta a blur.I was to the point that I didn't remember where I was.I would be a mile from home in a car someone else was driving.I was headed for a nursing home soon.For the first time in my life I was truly terrified that I would be locked up in a place they put people waiting to die...

For the grace of God go I.The Clot broke up and made itself known.The doctors put stents in my heart and opened my arteries to clear out gunk.I am still balancing on a very narrow tightrope.The changes in my life lead some friends to arrange my transportation to my first convention looking for ideas.That was before my clot broke up.

My younger sister went with me as she had been a member for years.Her background in social services and elder care was known by people at nyaprs.I didn't want to go out of both fear and embarrassment.Hey I said to myself,"hey those people have some real problems,I am not like them".

I arrived to some warm and loving folks who were understanding enough to tell me I had need for fears because everyone there was fighting their way back from something.

Pop foreword to my trip this year.
I went with a clear mind that has still some problems that won't let me come out of a forced retirement do to that clot.But I walk without my cane most of the time now.I still have to catch a ride but I have learned to ride public transit so it is not so bad.

Enough of why I attend.Let me tell you what I learned.Did you ever wonder why you were afraid of things your parents were also afraid of.There may not have even been a life experience involved.
or perhaps abuse from your parents in childhood by their parents transferred to you?
Okay not to say your being compared to rats but that is where the discovery came from.

Lab rats were fed what they loved most,Sweets.They loved those sweets.The scientist then connected a tiny electrical charge to the sweets.Now every time the rats would try to grab some sweets they got zapped.Well after awhile the rats would not even try for the sweets.Even after the charge was removed the rats wouldn't touch or go near the sweets.Conditioning like Pavlov's dog you might be thinking.Perhaps that was also the scientists thoughts till they went abit further.

The shocks in the past would have been called conditioned.Pavloks dog got a treat each time a bell rang.The rat got zapped.Incentive and reward.Reward/punishment.Conditioned reflexes...?
The scientists ran test to determine anything else that would be showing up.They were surprised by what they found.

The rats genetics had been changed by the conditioning from fearing the sweets.The gene that craved the sweets was switched off.It was why the rat no longer wanted the sweets.That was very surprising to those researchers til the next series of tests came back to the lab.

Not only was the test rats gene craving sweets turned of but so was the rats offspring gene turned off.
 They also found by further tests that the gene can in time be switched back on in the future.It did not explain how.

you may be asking yourself how this is anything to do with mental illness and I will explain in a tiny example.

Any condition that a human goes through for a period of time the researchers are discovering has a direct effect on the human genes.That is the same for sweets,violence,abuse,trauma,stress.A list that would never end if it were even tried.

Those researchers found that our very genetics are effected by every point in our day and night.Every point of our lives.My trigger as lifestyle and stress.I have changed my life to hopefully switch that death dealing gene off for as long as possible.Life is tough even the strongest of people haven't made it out alive.

The stress and craziness around us is changing us each heartbeat of our existence.The more we learn about whats going on right there in front of us behind our backs,The more we should look at changing our lives.Changing our ideas to take away stress and violence.It is being sewn into the very genetics of our being.

That has seemed to be the our destiny till now.Our job as humans who claim to be the top of the food chain.The top of the intellectual totem pole standing on all other things,is to find a way quickly to switch those genes that are the nuclear trigger of existence the triggers that can finalize our chances of any future for ourselves.

That is what I learned at nyaprs convention.The damage or switches that are either our friend or Nemesis is within us all.we have the power to change even the very genetics of ourselves simply by re-enforcing the things that need to be changed.No electric shock required...

WE THE PEOPLE  can change the world if we just start withourselves first.



Friday, September 29, 2017

Limited Research on the Polar Icecaps Melting,Versus Studied Documented Proof

The arguments about Climate change and the Ice melting all over the world has become more balanced lately. The popular ideas of a man killing the environment are Partially true. Technology has a marked imprint on that which is from natural origins. I would give the argument that amount of agreement. It's obvious common sense from any side of the argument. That's the main problem though...
Read on and hear me out for my reasoning to this.

There is growing evidence of the Redwoods effected. Evidence after an oil spill.Evidence in cancers that carbon and other things cause. There is much wrong with how humans need is to rush forward without any idea of what compound effects will be created by that new technology.

There is also much research coming from a very different direction to support another common sense reason. This planet called Earth has spun in the void called space for who actually knows how long. Things of one sort or another have been here for eons. Whether it is you believe it be a God, Goddess, Dragon aliens, your monkey's uncle or a distant amoeba relative. The growing data and ancient finds we chose not to have hidden or destroyed by mindless military mutant minds are showing us Long Hidden Truths. We may not wish to see or hear about Those facts but, It won't change the data only blind us to the truth.

There' a few places to start your quest that I have looked at that lead me to others. It is only a tiny glimpse of the Planets History. Science Daily has some really informative things on studies with real facts. The journal called Science is another good source of information on different facts. I also have found information at Universities. Cambridge has some facts and figures on earth climate changing for various reasons.

There's a good article found by simply searching for the evolution of ocean temps. Another is the timeline of earth climate from 1.5million years to present.What's this good for you may ask. Read on to read a different mindset of ideas. Their discoveries that I am reading about involve observations resulting in those climate changes and the short violent history of our world before man arrived. Also after man moved in and there went the neighborhood.

I believe the Earth has long been on a cycle of Very tropical and very cold points in history. Its all based on what I read of our studies in Earths best science research journals. This research goes back to even cave paintings with the various now extinct creatures we humans wiped out trying not to freeze to death during the ice age. Dinosaurs could not live in such cold planets. People have recorded centuries of changes but were adaptable to that change.

Earth has changed on its the distance from the sun, tipped on its poles to the sun. The earth has even possibly changed the north and south magnetic poles at some point. Those are just a few things to keep in mind. There have been many changes as the Earth is never in a stalemate of change. Planets age. Planets evolve. Things do have a grand tendency to run in cycles or even circles. Planets or climates it's the same.

I also can see that many of those changes have brought extinction to species discovered proven to ever exist or not. Volcanoes, floods, meteorites that caused massive destruction from the heavens.
Those changes were not man-made. Droughts that changed the massive grassier plains of North Africa into the  Sahara desert. These happened from climate change naturally. The planet evolved. It is still evolving. Nothing can stop that natural cycle.

Now here is the kicker to this all. Mankind comes along at some point in time. Depending on your particular philosophy that blinds one to other realities of course.The moment a wild card like a man is added to the mixed that change will find a different path to evolve. The lack of these little varmints running around and changing things makes ma nature sorta disheveled, Like your mom when you bring the neighborhood kids inside to play shoot m up around her breakables.

The advances of fire simply meant lightning didn't have to burn forests, Filling the air with toxins.But re-energizing the ground with nutrients. Flint and steel did it.
Rivers didn't change with time to produce new magnetic flows from moving water. Damns did that. The natural magnetics of the flowing river changed the environment. The earth evolved...

Other devices produced more magnetic noise. Explosions from mining, building, engines, machines in general. All produce sound or magnetics. The very devices that we have used since we appeared on earth by whatever means are not of natural means. We are not of natural means. We don't live by natures rules we create our own. That in itself is a source of earth evolution. It is not the only one.

For millennia of time, the entire endless void of space and the tiny objects that crash at blinding speed through that void evolved changed. The Earth has been no exception to that change. Therein scientific evidence, We who are called "humans" have been here far longer than we will admit. Far longer than all the stories by all the philosophies would have us believe. In the tiny pebble of our human time on Earth, the planet has seen all the things Evolving, could throw at the Earth.

Autos and machines of any kind have been around a very tiny fraction of the recently found 1.5million-year-old skulls owners time. Still, there is a worldwide consortium that would point a monetarily focused figure to scold and cajole us into thinking the earth will heat up because of our technology.

The timeline of history says quite another thing. The dinosaurs need tropical weather to live. Plants needed tropical weather to provide food for the dinosaurs over the millions of years they existed.
Even the meat eaters needed the plants. Meat eaters ate the plant eaters...The weather and climate changed to cool down. Dinosaurs died out. Some animals evolved with the earth. The earth evolved.

The point is that this world will change as it has for millenniums. That's just the way it is and the way it has always been. The cycle will change with things either evolving with it or dying out like a dinosaur.
I do agree that technology has pushed the accelerator to speed up those changes. Unfortunately, like a kamikaze pilot, there's no reset beyond the point of no return. We are already seeing that point of no return. The question is this among many questions that should be asked is this: Will we choose to adopt or join the dinosaurs?

There's not much time. The Ice caps are already melting with a global temperature rising daily. Oceans and lakes are rising over damns and dikes. Adaption or extinction?

Till Next Time Folks,
Anyone interested in some tropical real estate in Antartica. Buy cheap now and avoid the rush. Plenty of running pure glacier water on ice.Land that may never be walked on by man.Just like the pioneers of old.Small population, no zoning, no laws, no IRS. Firearms are mandatory. I once saw a cartoon somewhere that made me laugh, the scene showed a man and their family in pajamas holding a flashlight on a burglar coming into their home through a window. The caption read, "don't worry about not having a gun, I brought my own.


Media Showing a Much Lighter Opinion of The United States President Lately

I have been noticing something a little bit unusual in light of the past few months media conversations. Everything including suggestions by various radio and television media of removing the President of the United States by whatever it takes.Nothing has been agreeable or approved that has been tried.I have seen several things myself that might have worked with some miner changes to the whole idea..But changing it is.

Recently though the hardcore conversations have toned down much of the, over the top comments on the performance and abilities of that office. Unless you listen to the stations catering to those who would be screaming in the street instead of lobbying in the senate or congress.That street screaming violence lost an election awhile ago.The hardworking silent majority spoke with a loud undeniable roar.Even those who lost the election have agreed with that.Lets call it the "Roar" heard roud the world.

Had the election gone differently the losing factions  would be running rough shod over us all.We would be totally independent on the government to support us.Dependent as much as the steel-belt,coal miners, mom and pop business' all over the country now find themselves being forced to do.Welfare is a very hard pill to swallow for those who have worked all their lives. People  who now wonder was it for nothing.Their own government forgot they were the ones who helped get officials to that ivory tower  to look back down on us.

In the past 20plus years the U.S.Government placed the rest of the entire world over the lives of it's own people.The USA was systematically sold out to the rest of the world.Our lifestyle was compromised by stupid untested ideas that whittle away at our lives.The world economy became our milstone pulling us under.

Our former enemies and present enemies were far more important an investment.We even dropped Huge shipping crates of cash from helicopters in the middle east.People in the USA were being given pink slips at the steelmills.Veterans and families were eating in soup kitchens.Billions was shipped overseas in crates to hand out to every tom,dick,and abdula.We are still fighting there...Where did thier money come from to buy arms?hmm!We gave them the guns and money to keep the war going? Strange but I remember that same similar scenario involving Mexican drug cartels and a drug lords getting guns from the USA.
I have traveled this country to see the steel mills sitting idle.People dirt poor with thier signs saying need food for my family.Will work for food.The wife and child sitting a distance away on the curb.Single parents truly slammed into the ground by the system.

Countries that just run commercials every so often with starving babies to help boost a world area that never seems to get on its feet.Media led the charge to our fall.There has always been a rule that you must raise yourself before you raise some one else.You must first help yourself before you help others.It is just common sense to do so.Then you help each other.There are however those that may never able to recover again if left to long.I have no answer for that person.

Regarding the last election win...
The longtime USA values would be gone after such an election . It has always been Get an education or goto work.Work hard ,pull your weight to succeed.Instead, in that world We would all be labeled  what ever label worked to beat down those who built the nations mainstream America.

People  who came from every walk of life,once worked hard to build what is now crumbling down around us.People who live in this century instead of not dwelling 150years plus in the past.We must build from this point in time or live in the past forever.156years ago we were killing each other. No one in thier right mind wants to return there for what ever reason.

Every inch of non-progress in the past 15plus years has brought our country closer to the third world status.We still are above some,but falling below others in industry,education,and healthcare ,rails,to mention a very tiny handful.Infrastructure is falling very rapidly. Political bickering has not been set aside by the few who live above the rest of the mainstream folks.They have very little in comparison to mainstream America yet feel their own changed/corroded ideas speak for us.They sit in Governmental session refusing to participate like spoiled children.

WE THE PEOPLE,who struggle to support families on a failing system with very little.There's nothing when the work is gone except each other.There are many who work But,do not earn enough to have  a savings accounts.Living day to day is a way of life these days for so many families.Still we are told our values of the past have no relevancy?Those values saved us from tyranny.Saved us from famine.Allowed us to have books that were not burned.These days there are books once again being banned.These values gave us the choice of learning a language by choice not doctrine or conquest.The flipside of this is Our new values allow us a medical insurance to have a sex change without question but do not allow a cancer treatment to a patient who could suffering.That patient dies waiting for that same quality coverage loaded with such terrific pain, morphines can not touch.

Does anyone realize the conflict and hate that we witness in the media.The crud that we see and hear as entertainment has been a boom to the stations and channels that are broadcasting 50year old programs on tv and radio.A time when entertainment was just that.ENTERTAINMENT.That flash back trend is driven by the media.People seeking something more mainstream they can identify with.
From the first morning show to the daily talk shows for those at home during the day into late night.
They take us back in time to places and people that just wanted to make viewers smile.There is no sales pitch about what your lifestyle, sexual habits or continual political propaganda for  any cause that isn't mainstream America.All the characters were Identifiable.Example:Much as I disliked Archie Bunker I could at least see the reasons of what made him the way he was.The Jeffersons,So many others.These days you can forget Family night.It doesnt exist.

Those same daytime slots now days have seen overly plump and extremely wealthy women or guys that dress like lawyers attacking guests and others for everything from their ideas to why they even exist.That's not entertainment.That's crude people that have forgotten where they came from.That is if they ever were where many Americans are today.It is also abuse to those guests.That mindset transfers into actions some people copy into their home life.Tranfers to life situations...Have you seen the attitudes of driving in traffic lately?

Crude and mean natured is the idea today.If it's in anyway crude then put it in the show.Can you imagine a show where the actors/actress are always talking about how many sex partners they had or a"woman"built like a linebacker was always entering like Jackie Gleason.Just turn on the tv and you don't have to even use your imagination.

How about a guy who's only task in life was to have sex with as many women as possible.Then the watching public gets wind he has actually given multiple partners crotch rot.Oh boy! thats entertainment.Yech.How about a program with an actor who is a serial killer as the hero.You wonder why kids are messed up?Where did that mass school shooting idea come from you ask?Just swith to the right channel.You'll find it.

I wonder if the people on the news ever ask without agendas or bias,across America just how people felt before the election.How bout at present.Then I wonder if those peoples opinion would be broadcast without an angry mob carrying signs and looting after them in the streets.The Presidents Stats have increased to the positive so they say on last night talking head show.They look at each other and they don't know how.Thats because they don't live in the rest of reality.They live somewhere in a different reality away from the working class.Or what had been the working class.They live away from the silent majority who are being berated,bullied by people who do everything to make them feel guilty and ashamed for values they believe in.

The silent majority are normally quiet peaceful folks who try to believe the system will keep what is traditional on the table.It's rare to find them marching in the street.They have families to support when they can do so.unlike some,they have responsibilities at home

Those who would make the working class feel guilty have forgotten how it felt to be one of those being attacked for who they are or what they believe.Forgot what it felt like to trade what they need for something they would enjoy.Not out of choice but out of necessity because you can't afford it.  We're just not taking  care of our people today.Do I buy my meds or the children's school clothes.What would you do?They'd rather debate who has different whatever fill in the Blank      .Bet they don't attend church much or if they do so...
Perhaps that only counts when they pass the plate on Sunday.

On the news later is just how much the government isn't working together.The media and their programming against mainstream America is what lost that last election for that view. Constantly complaining how things are,but not pointing out how to fix-it.Never looking at the stores that WE THE PEOPLE shop in.We shop where we can afford to buy what we need.They need to climb out of those ivory towers.The gaggal of folks would see that we really are in a shit storm bigger than the Texans are experiencing.That's dreadful enough.

I pass through areas on my travels that are completely empty of once thriving offices,banks and stores that now set empty.Homes that sit small communities and huge metropolis areas.People are reported to be off the welfare and unemployment lines.Pretty good reason for that really.The jobs gave out.The benefits ran out.The people could not find jobs.The lines at the welfare and unemployment lines shortened from no one now qualifying to receive those benefits.

On paper the statistics look great but,That family is now living under a bridge.Problem solved Media person.Statistic are the most unreliable thing.Based on whatever is added or subtracted is what the outcome is.For short you can make the outcome anything you want based on what you choose to use as facts.VERY useful to fudge over such things as poverty.

We live in this dying place and watch helplessly as we struggle to hang on while things are outlawed to make us more dependent on the handouts.Each day that passes we see the proud owner of some established old business fail.Then the long time resident loses the car.Finally the bank kicks them out of their homes.If they can't payupthe law comes,tosses thier worldly goods out in the street.The people stand in the cold watching thier world destroyed with the help of those who protect and serve.The lesson here is the newly homeless are no longer tax payers.Welcome to the afterlife...

Big cities are looking in places like Detroit, like war zones.City blocks vacant for miles.Business failing do to no people living there.Try to sell your household goods at the local flea market.regarding survival and bartering after things crash.

You will need your social security card to give them for taxes before you can sell there.Salt on the open wounds from the tax folks.try to give or sell that now homeless family a weapon to hunt for game...see where you end up.feed them in the park and watch the overstuffed rich swarm out to have you arrested.

In some states where its a deadly sin to even talk about survival you will find them in the worst politician/media self created poverty.Hunting is frowned on,Self protection has been outlawed.Don't worry the campaign to outlaw guns worked there.The media sorta forgot to tell the no weapons supporters,"that's okay...Muggers and rapists will provide their own guns cause we can't regulate thier guns".Afterwords the police will tell the now victimized persons they couldn't do anything till victims become available.What a system we got here.

The Plump TV hosts are obviously not going hungry.Their clothes obviously didn't come off a thrift store rack as many of ours did.Still its entertainment we are presented....Why do we watch? 
Those who would attack their guests would also attack your ideas and make it the law.There would be no more compassion for you who did not believe as them anymore than ISIS or any fanatical group.

In their dream world only those they excepted as their people who are all neglected after applying for those programs specifically designed for only them."Their chosen people" as the last 8to 12 years in this country has shown would rise above all who disagree with them brow beaten down by propaganda and created pseudo guilt.There would be no equal anything but to those "chosen" people.ISIS is a very good example of that type of philosophy happening in the world. This what we want in the USA?

You might take a hard look at the various folks who preach about giving ALL children and People the tools to rise.Then start looking closer at the organizations and who is being supported.I support ALL people rising again in the USA.The special supported interests/places would better be called THEIR PEOPLE...Many deserving people are left out of that group.Many of the supported Organizations are not even helping our people in the USA.We have to help our people first.YEAH our people ALL the people like they are doing in Texas right now.Watch the videos in Texas.They are not sorting out THEIR PEOPLE to rescue.Everyone's being rescued.

The average person who could do better would find themselves better qualified but denied the job.Motivated to do the job but passed in the street because you don't deserve a home.un able to defend themselves and family when the mobs in the street decide to rage again for whatever.
The only legal people  would be those who were not.Their rights as non Mainstream  would pre-empt the others.Think about the laws that were attempted by the usual faces in the papers in the past 12years.Think of the laws and how they would have effected you personally.then project the next step to back up these laws.One state(California) passed a law to force everyone possessing a clip 10 rounds of ammunition to turn them in or become a felon.None were ever turned in.How much money went into debating a law nobody wanted.The law was discontinued.Another cost waste.These are the ones who would be king?

Rights...would be based on Race,sexual preference,Party you belong to this what we are looking for as  the future of our Country?It is said that when Rome burned that Nero fiddled.The one story that a teacher used to tell the history class I attended was that the emperor Nero had, had enough of the different and poor people living around his place and cluttering up his view.He sent his soldiers out into the peoples homes to set fire to their homes and shopsin the dead of night.The fiddling helped drowned out the screams of the people as they burned.Nero never thought anything could touch him...He was wrong. 

The President is getting to be better known and the media is backing off because they sense that they have fiddled far,too long and the flames of the silent fire is nearing.The next election is coming.

I would hope the winds of change are not as severe as those in the south.WE really must support things that have been neglected far too long.We are Americans who must defend our borders with compassion.Many of the legal immigrants have become our best doctors.Do it right the first time and you won't have to worry about it later.Anarchy rules where there are. no rules.Tyranny rules when there is no true equality.Nations fall when there is no opportunity or incentive left to be patriotic about.

My own family is comprised of numerous nationalities all here legally. The combinations of our countries problems the USA face are ones that have brought down empires in the past.Do we actually want our nation to lose it's identity in this world?Should we change everything to suite a hand full.I would not like the 3rd world as my home country that I grew up in.For all that is may have been it is still our best choice.

Till next dear reader stay positive.If you feel the need to kneel these days let it be for a short prayer to help us all to fix whats broken and mend what we can before its too late