Saturday, March 15, 2014

Solar Energy and Windfarms Are The New Age Clean Energy supposedly being promoted By Governments,Why is Swateams Arresting Folks Converting to It

English: The , also known as the Green Mountai...
English: The , also known as the Green Mountain Energy Wind Farm, near . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Fresh vegetables are important components of a...
Fresh vegetables are important components of a healthy diet. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Healthy Food For Life logo
English: Healthy Food For Life logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For the last 50 some years the whole world has preached about the environmental effects of irresponsible over use of our earth resources.We are constantly bombarded by all the pollution and greenhouse theories.Anyone that feels that the world needs to be better taken care of is ridiculed,laughed at and generally labeled a tree hugger,hippie,crackpot and a host of  other ,stupid labels. Heaven forbid if you disagree with any of the drum beaters stating there is a crisis if we don't recycle etc.

Most of the drummers demanding we get a better program of earth care practices are located in the good Ole USA.Recycle and restore, the drummers chant.Live with organic and healthy food they chant.We know whats best for you.Listen to our chants,follow along in lockstep.We are the experts on how you should live healthy.

The chanters say to Eat fresh and wholesome garden veggies.Live without chemicals and use the recycling practices that are available to you.Live with solar and wind energy and purified water from natural sources.Recycle and use compost for better healthier food.Fresh air for your families
This mantra just goes on and on.YADDA,YADDA,YADDA!The following is going to just blow you away to hear.Much this I do agree with in some proportion of good reasoning.But I am reading articles from all over the country I live in that has me a little more than confused..Let me look at my reality checklist:I live in the land of the free and brave someplace known for genius and innovation.
Somewhere that has published articles years back on how to to be independent etc.

A Florida women has  been told that she violates the law by living off the grid.She has been sited
on zoning laws and currently is fighting to save her home from the same people who are the chanters.
She has lived healthy for years till she started telling folks how to be self sufficient.Now she fights for her way of life.Place a popular label on her and it would change the whole story.But self sufficient folks have been label as kooks and weirdos that want to live as primitives in a cave.

Now The great state on Texas,where I have(scratch that)Had plans to move to,has sent a swat team into
a settlement near San Antonio to arrest the occupants,Men women and infant children.The warrant presented stated that it was a drug search.No drugs were found.Armed invasion by the law.All the inhabitants were cuffed and abused verbally as though they were hardened criminals.

It turns out their crime was a severe one indeed.They had supposedly violated a number of zoning laws.The punch line is this...The folks had been there for years,owned their land and were not criminals.A warrant for a very old  violation was the reason they invaded the place.The zoning people had got wind that these folks were just trying to teach people on the Internet to be self sufficient.To live off the grid and do the very thing the chanters always drone on about.They were also searched for fire arms of which there was none.

I have a particular interest in this type of story for a very real reason.For quite some time,I have been
talking to people interested in building a community using Tesla's principals of free  energy and living off the grid.Not as hermits or any other stereotype isolationists. I remember the issues of a Magazine called Mother Earth magazine.It was much more in the 1960's and 1970's.I saved those issues for the "hippie"culture ideas.Home canned food as my folks did every year.I can almost taste moms bread and butter pickles.How and what to run a wood burning stove.Now outlawed in many places.

The articles were geared to the do it your selfers.Build a tilting pedal powered trike,Plant a full garden in a 1/4 acre.Plan your tiny homestead for free food.Oh yeah,I remember such priceless information.Tons of other great books on the subject of taking care of yourself and maintaining a healthy INDEPENDENT LIFESTYLE.Uncontrolled by any bureaucracy.It was not need then or now.
A lifestyle that harms no one....

Apparently living untethered from the money sucking,organizations and eating homegrown,home canned healthy food.Without additive,excess sugars,excess salt,excess fats or unpronounceable crap that should in itself be against the laws.For If nothing else than endangering the health and welfare of humans.Snake oil ingredients of the 21rst century.

So where are we to turn now that we can buy all the things to make our lives independent.The catch is that we must by mandatory rule be hooked up to a power line and a waterline even if we have no use for it.We must have a new computerized electric meter on our house or it will be placed there while you cool off in jail.(Chicago Area last year).Even if you do not need the meter.The meter monitors every use of your house.What you watch on cable,how long and also is easily tied into any other electronics in house.Fridg,Radio,Bedroom Computer camera.....

Raw milk in many places is now outlawed.Didn't kill our ancestors,but that to could be bartered or bought w/o monitoring.Meat products raised on home farms for meat and that egg omelet is being outlawed in many places.Again it cant be monitored.My grandfather supplied my dads family with his hens eggs every week.I don't remember anyone dropping dead from a breakfast omelet
 and an occasional glass of whole milk.

I guess that we "common?" folks  just want a simplified lifestyle will in time all be considered outlaws.The jails are already opening the doors to past and convicted criminals.Those same chanters are even going to educate the ones left inside.I can only guess it will be prisons filled with those people who actually tried to live according to the mantra chants  telling everyone one thing and then sending the swat teams dressed like storm troopers out of some b rated scy fy movie afterwards.Will the Amish be sent to jail?They don't have such gizmos installed.The world is not what we had in the past.The food and lifestyles of our parents allowed them to live free.My great grandfather lived into his 90'sGrampa into his late 80's and dad was 94.Their diets would make them all outlaws now.
All had the products that are being scutinized by people not even a twinkle in their grandparents eyes In grandpas time.Who are they to say that WE THE PEOPLE can not live as those long lived folks did.

Truly the chanters  are far more advanced in their knowledge of the lifestyles by folks that probably would outlive them all.Time will prove that theory.

Google it folks if you love the organic things etc as these folks are trying to live with.One day soon you will also be monitored if you don't speak up and say it is wrong to be so controlled......Or you can just sit there thinking you have no reason to have the Swap team and black helicopters approaching your home and family.....The experience will no doubt be.....Enlightening.

Take care dear readers and guard well your freedoms while you still can.It is precious indeed.


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Is it the Worlds Media Escalating The Warring Mentalities of the Human Race Or is It Something else Deeper that is Feeding into our World

Death of a viking warrior
Death of a viking warrior (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Battle #12
Battle #12 (Photo credit: Dave Pearson)
Human skull on Noctua pronuba head
Human skull on Noctua pronuba head (Photo credit: Lee Nachtigal)
The article states that the man is dressed in the traditional garb of the Viking Warrior with a tremendous sword over head and running at you with a scream.This man is part of a faux belief in historical warring societies.The Samurai lore is growing also with its Katana swords.Greek and Roman Battles in Movies are reflecting historical battles of the mythical type with people flying through the air to swoop down on the enemy.Super heroes that seem immortal to their foe.Hacking their way through endless enemy combatants.

Reading the headlines today seems to be the extension of the imaginary worlds  calling to the human yearning for carnage for whatever reason.Military video games to imaginary worlds and spec ops to
imagined destruction and collateral damage without blood and gore.All in a neat and tidy video screen.Dispensing with the smells and scenario of the  slaughterhouse.Not to mention the vis oral ground under foot.

Those who yearn for the days of the Sword and battle Axe seem as delusional for the realities of war as the ones playing video games. I am no exception to enjoying video games.I simply know when its time to stop.I also know the price of war is death destruction and chaos.No one actually wins when a war ends.A majority of the time wars are when one or more humans decides the future of " those
 other humans without asking what they want the future to be.Much as inflated egomaniacs have forced on others throughout history. the days to come and as this worlds future unfolds,we will watch as this world continues on its historical cycle.The world of clashes between those who have no business trying to tell folks how to live and those resisting the unwanted intrusion in their lives.I honestly believe this world of humans and human type beings have cycled many times.It now happens even inside our own governments.

There are ruins from South Eastern Africa that are said to be 100,000years old.No one seems to know who was last there or when.There have been discoveries all over this world of such ruins yet to be explained.

The Ocean has whole cities on the sea bed that were there so far back that no one even has a name for those cities down in Davy Jones Locker.They have been there longer than humans have a memory of.
Have we been here in cycles of rebuilding for longer than we know?For a moment,put aside the programmed ideas you and I have ingrained in our spiritual hard drives.What if there were some force or cycle that was looping around for the earth.A cycle not unlike our seasons.A season to kill off the old system.A season perfect for regrowing a new growth.A season of nurturing that grown in the spring.Then a season to create a seeding to start after a cold season that kills off the crop.
Spring,Summer,Autumn,and winter.A time for every season under heaven as the saying goes...

Are we humans incapable of actually developing a stable world without acting like mindless apes?
The apes that were thought to be so peaceful have been recorded to attack other groups of primates.
They then torture,dismember and eat the victims. Well we have managed to stop short of eating our enemy.That is until you read of the headhunters that killed and ate Michael Rockefeller in the Smithsonian Magazine.March 2014 issue

Perhaps it is a cycle that we have repeated so many times that we would not know the difference.
Birth,growth,death,recycled materials and spirits.Maybe re-incarnation and lots of other ideas came from the tiny suspicion in some distant part of our being has the smallest spark of recall.

Perhaps those who try to make this world fair and equal for the many are know as boat rockers.
The Peace that would apparently be so unnatural as to stop the recycle of growth It would make humans reset the game and play a more productive strategy...Perhaps it is not to late if WE THE PEOPLE of this world unite beyond borders,beyond beliefs,beyond the blindness that we seem set to repeat forever if we do not see the destructive patterns we are living.

Unite and reset,Do that which has never been done before.Change the program and unite.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

News Video Coming out of Ukraine Reminds Me of Descriptions of the Texas Alamo When Surrounded by the Mexican Army

The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, USA {| cellsp...
The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas, USA {| cellspacing="0" style="min-width:40em; color:#000; background:#ddd; border:1px solid #bbb; margin:.1em;" class="layouttemplate" | style="width:1.2em;height:1.2em;padding:.2em" | 20px |link=|center | style="font-size:.85em; padding:.2em; vertical-align:middle" |This image was created with hugin. |} Alamo pano.jpg (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Human Rights Review
Human Rights Review (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The news articles stated that the Ukraine was invaded by Russian Troops for their own good.Mr.Putin has defied the whole world with his military shenanigans.The KGB Czar of Russia has decided that like many other leaders of countries these days that he has their best interests in mind.He will help them,even if it means running tanks and armored divisions over them to prove it.

Many of the Ukraine Military have held their ground and are still loyal to their country.They must still have a dream of remaining free from Russian mandates.Meanwhile the diplomatic shuffle is danced in the usual way as we watch the usual goings on.The Diplomatic Shuffle is done when a slick trade is in the wind that needs to be sorta hidden out of sight.

In the next few days or weeks,a deal will be made that will give Russia a firm grip on the Ukraine in exchange for something politicians really want to get their hands on....Wonder what that trade will be?Let me think here,Hmmm.The usual sabre rattling is always good for a bit of distraction.
The observers won't be let in to see human rights violations,

The Human rights folks will be blocked from getting phone messages as this is the way other dictators have done. Internet is already blocked and monitored all over what was once the free world.Did you see the Snowden video from Russia.

Oh,wait a minute that was not Russia censoring was it?My mistake..forgot where growing up had gotten me.Off the subject,was George Orwell a prophet or a fortune teller?I could  have sworn he wrote fiction. but I digress.You decide that one.

 Those brave Ukraine Soldiers have tried to hold back the Russians with Small arms in the street.

This reminds me of the Nazis just rolling into France in the beginning of the second war.Historical fact that the world sat wringing their hands then to.The leaders had  spinal problems that did not allow resistance.The people thought otherwise.French underground used guerrilla warfare to harass the Nazis. The  rest of the world  did not get involved till   bombs dropped on their worlds.When it looked like they might have to start learning to speak German  or Japanese inside the discovered Concentration Camps.

There is a way to slap down Mr.Putin that will stunt his popularity a lot.
Bring our space program home to this country and pull out all the money siphoning into Russia from The USA and its allies.The Hill folk have a saying that has been the butt of many jokes but it fits here.That would separate the chaff from the wheat as far as who is our allies.
Either Yer fer us or yer Agin us.

Oil is not a problem in the USA.Isn't now or in the future.We have more under our "assets" than the rest of the world.The will to find it and carefully drill for it does not have to be in the Oceans.

Many states have been under a boom of oil for quite a few years now.There is much more without ever touching the Oceans around us.We need to find it and plan carefully .WE have become much to dependent on outside out of house suppliers.Dump them and look to home before some wannabe  little czar decides he can hold the rest of the world for ransom.We need to show that he was not able to even hold a good wife let alone a world  hostage.

The photo in the news article I saw was about 2dozen Ukraine troopers with small arms in hand trying to hold their Embassy  from Russian troops with armored vehicles and other arms.No one was being allowed to enter or leave . Armored,The kind of weapons not used to guard people,but to intimidate and overwhelm people.Those Ukraine  soldiers and folks were standing their ground. Hoping for a miracle from the rest of the world.It reminded me of a very expensive lesson we here in the USA learned a long time ago.

A time when our Heroes faced several thousand seasoned troops that had just returned from fighting professional soldiers.They were well equipped.The odds in proportion to the defenders were tens or hundreds to one in favor of the invaders that surrounded them. The re enforcements they prayed for never arrived to help them.The battle was bloody and in time,took out all the defenders there.The Professional Army was victorious to win this battle.

As a broadcaster used to say,the rest of the story goes like this,The defenders were volunteers to that battle.They never asked to be invaded by General Santa Anna.They knew that they had to delay the huge army for as long as possible till help could arrive somewhere to help.

Santa Anna was defeated a short time later By more volunteers that went to Texas  to stop a man with dreams of conquest.He was found dressed in  peasant clothes trying to escape when he was discovered and captured.

The Mexican Troops must have known they were doomed.When ever the Texans and Mexican fought,There was a cry that was echoed above the battle as it raged.

I truly pray for a peaceful end to the occupation of any free country under siege.Any place that there is overwhelming odds an people who are oppressed for nothing they did.

We need to needle those in power and the united nations to do something through whatever channels they can open.The Embassies of those involved will perhaps aide in changing the hearts of those involved.
Google the embassies of Russia to ask for peaceful resolve and the Ukraine for support  to the people.

Pray for peace and freedom friends

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This Kind of Corporate Medicine MakersCold Thoughtless Greed is Where Our World is Headed If We Sit Back And Do Nothing

Death and the Maiden #2
Death and the Maiden #2 (Photo credit: CapCat Ragu)
English: Alovudine is an antiviral agent
English: Alovudine is an antiviral agent (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This article is a deal that is very close to my own heart.Read to,it may so be in your life as it was in mine.

The growing ability to cure is because the new technological Machines make Analyzing and Calculation of both disease and cure faster.The super computers being built to spy on folks cost billions conservatively.They serve only a tiny fraction of our world to spy on its entirety .

The use of such computers are being used to create a file on the entire population of the modern world
The fastest,most advanced data system ever built.Truly many times the state of the art processors used to research death causing virus and diseases that cause endless suffering to the entire world creatures.Creatures of human and animal species.

I read of a fine example of such selfish & uncaring corporate greed.A situation that places our most precious stage of human life at the mercy of adults who really don't give a damn.They put in their time at the job,get paid massive amounts of money for meds to the wealthy who can afford the best of the treatments.Those corporate people are no better than the drug dealing pimps who have the fix for
those who become victims.

I was reading the news today and stopped at an article.A video actually of a 7year old child that was the survivor of kidney cancer and its horrendous treatments.Not once or twice but numerous times.
That's is a lot of shear Hell for and adult to bear.My oldest sister went through cancer treatments for months.

Like this little child,the medical Professionals extracted all her insurance and then waited for her to die horribly.Without the drugs and treatment that would cure her....

This little kid doesn't deserve to be sentenced to death.No child in any part of the world should forced to suffer and die when there is a life giving alternative such as this.It is cruel and unusual punishment for anyone to know the life saving meds are available.In 1939 my uncle died of appendicitis.The drug to treat it was available,it simply was not in his area till news that he had died was published.Then several weeks later it became available.I wished he was allowed to get that medicine...I would have liked to have known him.He was 19years old.

The video can be found on the Fox News website.and is quite detailed about the situation
The drug company Chimerex manufactures this child's saving drug named Brincidofovir.
The child's name is Josh Hardy

This is the Punch line to this stupid American nonsense.It is happening all over the country now.
People are dying for greed and selfish reasons.Medical professionals are putting income ahead of life.
Yeah...they[med pros] have lives to support.but this is not a cast society with untouchables.Ship them overseas to help 3rd world countries and  watch them glory in helping for the sake of doing the right thing without charge.Posing  the repaired child for the donations...Smile kid.

This is history repeating itself in the ugliest manner.I remember that the inventor of a kidney machine died on the steps to a hospital.Some one stabbed him and he lay there till he bled to death.People stepped over him and ignored his cries for help.You see it was for  a [Back Then] reason that was expectable for  people in the Southern USA.He was Black/African American  he was asking to be helped at a Whites only Hospital.Thats as far as the mortal wound allowed him to go.This growing trend of medicine is no different than that.

The Chimerex Company received 72million Dollars last year to develop this drug.The manufacturer has released many up front doses of this to "special"? patients to save their lives.This Child is apparently not so special to some big shot.Not enough money for them or....Why not?

This child has no immune system as a result of the treatment to fight his terrible cancer.Without this drug he will die a horrible death very soon.This is a time critical situation that may mean this child's life.There are millions of people of all ages at this writing that such medical companies are simply letting die.Tied to insurance companies that have grown so big that they control our every life function.From the cradle to the grave.

I would urge you to get in on this and Email the drug maker on behalf of a little on who can not.They are literally ignoring the pleas of his mom to help.You see,They do not feel there is any need to hear the cries of those not in their circles.....They don't have to watch them die suffering till the end.
this drug is a lifesaving antiviral agent for  diminished immune systems .Cancer treatments destroy the ability to fight off infections.Death is imminent without it.

The website for Chimerex is the following:.
Joseph T.Schepers Executive Director

This is your chance to speak up an kick these guys in the backside and make them see reason.
This will save just one child from execution by medical neglect.I call such a situation,"Redtape Death" The decision by bureaucrats to kill an individual by denying or neglecting proper medical treatment to that individual

You can see that I am very serious about this type of callous "professionalism"

Please fill this places Email box and Phone till this little guy becomes important enough to them to help this helpless kid live

Till next time
This is an update to this little boys brave battle to have the cure he needs for a very rare disease that only hits 15children a year.ONLY 15 CHILDREN???Are these children expendable to our civilization?

Michele Obama is always visiting the hospitals of children and asking for our participation in healthy living.I truly wish she had some influence in the health of little children who could die waiting for the FDA to wait for all the bureaucratic bullshit to lubricate the gears of issuing the cures to those who may die horribly while they piddle with red tape.

I really feel bad for the people who lie dying knowing full well that some "special"folks have been saved by an experimental treatment while they being of a lessor god wait to die.
I really hope we keep hammering places like this who use the excuse of testing periods to hide the fact that it's just great business for medical professionals to suck all the insurance money out of patients before the cure is proven..Joshes Doctor went through the red tape to apply for what is called compassionate exceptions to get Josh on the list for the miracle drug that may save his life.

The poor kid has been through Kemo treatment,Had Kidney failure and heart failure so far with the crap this company has delayed the treatment for him.How much is a little seven year old supposed to bear before he is given a chance to live.Can imagine a seven year old spending his only childhood years in and out of his life constantly being at deaths doorstep?
Never to just go outdoors and run and play.Never to dream of growing up to be something special as most children.

I wonder if the director telling these fine folks they are on a list that they may just get this drug after 2016 orso.Other children have already had great results and it worked.
Perhaps dear readers we should direct our 90million letters so far that request this treatment for Josh to the FDA or to the Justice Department,since it is something tad amount to premeditated murder.Withholding that drug will kill this boy...with malice of forethought perhaps?Maybe the President could speak and get the ear of the company to listen or the FDA to make exception.

I do not know this family personally or professionally.I only know that there are millions of children this day that are suffering from lack of meds.cures,and proper care by bureaucracy.
WE are the most advanced country in the world.Yet we allow our children to die while a bureaucratic institution sits with feet on the desk for years as our loved ones suffer terribly and die without a thought from those being paid to sit and do nothing.

The information above may be changed or out of date,I believe it would be real easy for anyone to hunt the new information down.Google the boys brave story and join the revolution to bring our world some very good changes.Lets start with one little boys life being preserved from something I have labeled The"Red Tape Death sentence".Or death by bureaucracy without cause.

Come on folks theres 90million signatures pounding this company,lets start beating down the FDA's computers to act on helping before they get away with killing another of our children with no one saying a word  about it being wrong and immoral
 yours Again

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dear Mr. Putin,Regarding Putting Innocents in Front of Your Invaders,This Aint Your Daddys Conflict&Drones Can Attack Behind Those Sheilds

English: THE GRAND KREMLIN PALACE, MOSCOW. President Putin with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami. Русский: МОСКВА, БОЛЬШОЙ КРЕМЛЕВСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ. С Президентом Ирана Сейедом Мохаммадом Хатами. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
The headlines being printed today are just so rosy and light.Putin invades a sovereign country when one of his puppets strings break and then he[putin]has the audacity to thereaten to place the very folks he feigned concern with in the line of fire.Now our KGB hero is stating that he will place those said,same innocent folk in the line of fire?I rather thought The recently separated Mrs.Putin saw something or knew something we could not prove...till now anyway.

I am no expert on the rules of warfare.That is saying there still are rules to what is death,destruction,chaos and general mayhem mandates.Isn't it against the  so called rules of warfare to use human shields in combat situations?I think I remember the leader of one of those Muslim countries doing so in the past.I believe we attacked his domain and hanged him,did we not?

I also have read reams of articles on robotic operants in a battle situation.Does our outdated and obviously not worried about rules Russian leader realize that we don't have to send boots on the ground to spank him...Those robotics are getting better and better as time goes on.

I am not a fan of killer robots and covert ops.The only hopeful thing if there is any at all,is that Those folks can be differentiated from the troops in the rear.The troops  hiding behind the skirts of innocent women and children.Lets throw in some old folks just for effect.

The big question here is can the robotic warriors be so precise as to hit only what is targeted or is there just splatter patterns?Can the High tech sights lock on to the shivering/quivering humans in the high boots crapping their uniforms in the rear[no pun intended/ahh heck pun intended anyway] .

The so called free eastern block countries will all, at sometime be the subject of our antiquated KGB
hero.There was never a time that Mutha Russia had it in mind to let those people free for ever.

They at some point in time will all fall back under the Hammer and sickle of Russia.It is the leaders dream to have a Russia like he grew up in.I recall a leader swearing he would bury the USA and its allies.HE is dead and buried.We are struggling to stay a free country as those who lead stray from the original ideas of freedom.But we are still free as compared to the Ukraine people.

I would like to see our space program be brought back onto the United States shores.At least place our technologies where it would be less able to be compromised by a man who is obviously out of control.This not a Qaddafi,ETC,ETC.This a man from a former?? enemy land that once was ready to annihilate the rest of the world just to prove a tainted philosophy.
That mans country is a major nuclear power and he has conquest in his heart and mind.Do we really want to see just how far he will dare to go with that idea?Obviously our  ideas are not of any significance to The Russian President who must believe he has become invincible as the Russian Leaders of old thought.

Where is the great and powerful United Nations that most generally attempts to talk their enemies into submission before sending supplies that can end up hijacked.Where is the Nations that talked up a storm when it came to  East block Nations breaking away to what they thought would be freedom.How many nations are involved with the united nations now?Just curious how many united Nation Countries does  it takes to screw in a light bulb.One to veto against helping and the rest to hold the ladder....It is an old joke,but it sometimes fits the scenario.

This world needs to come together as a whole.The nations that are able to work together need to
push forward into the future and dump the deadwood nations that are stuck back in the cold war era
WE THE PEOPLE are not just  the USA.We are folks that just want to be free to build a better 
free  society for all to live in.The censoring of our INTERNET.The deprivation of people around the world is a good cause to fight against.The holding back of things to make life better.

WE THE PEOPLE need to speak up and let our thoughts be known.Our leaders may be good but i do not believe they can read minds yet.Write neat and thought out letters to your leaders.The more we
involve ourselves,the more we can change the world we live in.Even a little at a time is better than nothing at all.

Regarding mr.Putin and his dream of world monarch,There is only time that fixes things.
If you believe in a deity,Pray for change.I personally think The creator has set into motion a mechanism like a pendulum.Good on one side and darkness on the opposite side.The pendulum  swings to the dark side for awhile until it can go no more then to equal the motion,The pendulum
must swing to the opposite side for the same amount of time.You might test that theory if you use a timeline of warfare in history..All things work this way similarly.Mr.Putins world is temporary at best.

I think if we work together,that pendulum will have a little help in the time and momentum of its travel....All together people 1,2,3 PUUUUUSSSSSHHHH.

till next time Dear readers,Kind and open mind and a song in your heart.

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This is Possibly Your Last Chance to Observe A Ghost Deer,The Most Uniquely beautiful creature Since the Unicorn of legend,

The Last Unicorn (film)
The Last Unicorn (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
White deer
White deer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many legends of the White Unicorn throughout history.Biblical accounts and mythical writings of the gentle magical creature.Many times the unicorn is pictured proudly standing or playing in a wooded area with the milky white coat standing out among the velvety green living forest.The legends all agree that this creature is pure and good amongst a world that is contrary to that trait.It should be enough to stop this here but that is not the cause for such magic.

The goal is to catch or kill the last unicorn to steal and use the alleged magical powers supposedly possessed by the death of this stunning creature.Man"kind" seems always to feel a need to extinguish that which they are not or do not take time to understand. That in mind there is a creature that you may never have see before in a single forest in upstate New York.

These creatures lives are going to come to an end soon.The Army base that supported and took care of them was deactivated and sold to a Corporation and the area people apparently do not want these rare and unique creatures around anymore.These creatures are Called The Ghost Deer.
The coats are pure white which makes it fatal to be out in the wild and outside the old army compound.They have no natural protective color to allow them to hide.Like the Unicorn they are not albinos.They have brown eyes and are labeled leucistic.Which means they simply lack skin pigment.

These majestic creatures are absolutely stunning to see.I journeyed there this last fall with the same sorta thought you have at a carnival side show.The  phrase,"yeah right,white deer"!
The sight of these creatures took that thought right out of my head.I was breathless as I watched them in silence.If you search for the sight of White Deer,there are pictures to prove what I say.If only to see
something that shortly may be gone forever.

The Army folks that took care of the deer are all gone now.The new owners apparently have now plans to help or support the small herd of Ghost Deer.The fate of the last white deer is on the table.
A handful of noble people with limited funds are trying desperately to find people that would like to
support this threatened species of wonderment.Would you have saved the unicorn if you could?
This is as close to the mythical creature as you will ever find yourself and it is doomed...

There are 10,600acres of land these Ghosts roamed during the Army Base Days.Now the locals are attempting to limit the acreage to less than1800 acres.This will in effect leave the deer open to hunters/poachers and predators.They will be penned in an area that Denys them  a large enough to run and hide.Remember that that the smaller space makes hiding impossible for something living with pure white colors.IE:the unicorn found standing in the green forest.

This scenario is a shooting gallery
setup.This would be akin to the so called sporting ranches where rich Neanderthals who have no ability to actually hunt in the wild,Pay enormous dollars to go and Slaughter a confined and helpless
Animal.That bozo then has the corpse stuffed and mounted  to later tell what a great white/Whatever hunter he/she is.Please note that I have hunted for survival and use what little I am pushed to kill.
I would never hunt endangered creatures or unique things a these...It would keep me awake at night to realize what I had done.I have not hunted in many years though.

If these deer are not protected,then once again the legends of the noble Unicorn will be only a story to read to your children.The difference is that as you look into the eyes of that child,you will have to
hide the fact that:

Once upon a time in a place safe and protected from evil and danger lived a few  mythical creatures.They played and raised their young amid the magic woods that were nowhere else in this world.The man things had worshiped them since before memory.This protected them and allowed their beauty to radiate from them in a snow white vision.

They were called  Ghost Deer.That is what the man things called them.This was long ago when The man things had skin like the color of  a dark leave in the season of antlers.The time when proud bucks grew antlers.Now the man things have many colors of skin and no longer worship the forest.They no longer worship the Ghosts of the forest.

Pure white radiance was not important to the new man things.They did not worship or care for that magnificent magic creature.The ghosts was no longer thought of as  magic only"useful". It came to pass in time the man things who only knew how to destroy and kill.The Ghosts were  hunted in the safe and magic woods.

They were  hunted to the last Ghost Deer.Till they were no more White and radiant magic ones left.The beautiful coats would never be seen again anywhere.Like the legends of the Unicorn before them,They would be gone forever.The picture of the creature standing in the velvety green woods is an empty  strangely silent place now.The man things can only remember what they could have saved...They didn't see what would be lost forever.

I would urge you to see these truly magical Animals while you can.There seems to be a few folks working hard to save the last  herd of these Ghost Deer.We need to see more folks that are interested in saving  part of nature that comes only once in a lifetime.

When you see them there in the natural surroundings  it is the closest you will ever come to what you imagined in childhood to be a unicorn.
You may be saying that there never was a unicorn.Since There is no evidence there ever was one.
That is probably true but,Will that same thing be also said about the Ghost deer  disappearance   in a hundred years .You decide...Its your earth too.

                                                        Ghost Deer Prophesy
                                             By The Le nape Tribe Native Americans
It has long been predicted,That there would come a time ,When a white Male and female  Deer would be seen together.
That would be seen as a sign for people to come together.

Please take time as my last couple blogs have to get  away from all the manufactured stress of the"real"world and look around yourself.It is later than you think and we have only the moment...

Google the Seneca Army Depot in New York State,
The Seneca White Deer Inc.:Working to save the Ghost deer from falling victim to the man made modern world.Contact them if you wish to help and find out more about these noble and fading mythical Deer.

PS.Update:These magnificent creatures are once more in the news.The next year(2015)is a deadline for saving a endangered animal.There are only 200white dear in the world like these.This next year the Army Engineers pull down the protective fence surrounding the ten thousand acre.The old military base is closed and sold to an industrial coop.There will be no where safe for these creature.There is also 600 normal colored deer on this land.

A man name "Money"has a website try to save the deer from slaughter.
Please help us save this land as a park or refuge or anything that makes them safe from extinction.


Update: I have been out to the site of the White Deer. There seems to be a sudden change in the deer I used to see grazing behind the tall fences in this huge enclosure. The gates that once safely held those beautiful creatures inside were left open for weeks. I have not seen any white deer in many weeks inside or outside the fences. I would urge the readers of this article to pursue the answer as to what has happened to the once plentiful rare and endangered White deer. Have they been exterminated like many other victims of short sightedness by humans.

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Friday, March 7, 2014

Now a Blog for the Positive Side,A Moment Away From The Mindless Robotic Killing on Orders From the Darkening Shadows

Protein crystals
Protein crystals (Photo credit: orinoco14)
English: World oceans
English: World oceans (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was surprised when I went to pick up my Taxes that had been prepared for me today.The tax  person had gone to the computer to print out a hard copy of the final forms that I would have to sign and send for the IRS to process.The lady turned around and seemed to be in a state of shock from the look on her face.The entire file had disappeared from Their computer with all other folks files still intact.All this in only a single night...Good thing I don't believe in conspiracies.

I explained that it was not a surprise as I had heard of such things happening to folks who had differences with the worlds Political Circus.This would normally mean my entire Tax record would have been lost.I guess it shows that like National records....We really need to back up all paperwork with a hard copy that is kept indefinitely.It is simply good practice to do so.Draw your own conclusions regarding this and reflect on your own records and important papers.If they were to suddenly Vanish without a trace Where would your life go?Natural or fabricated,similar results,same
outcome,same preventions used.

It is very important to preserve things that are irreplaceable in our lives.There will always be those people that prefer to be willingly ignorant of that fact simply for the sake of attention .There seems always to be that dunderhead in the crowd who feels a need to try to beat down a noble group trying to do the right thing for this singular earth biosphere.We have yet to prove any other actually exists.

This Blog is for another reason and a greater cause for certain.
I am a greatly devoted believer in the fact that we don't seem to understand  what we truly have until it is gone.Then it is too late.Not unlike closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

Awhile back I wrote an article elsewhere stating the Seas and Oceans should become a priority to mankind.The farming of the ocean and preservation of species is mandate to our worlds survival.
There is species in the ocean that we do not even know about.The Poisons that kill from different
jellyfish,stingrays and others are being experimented with to create powerful pain killers and anti toxins.

The billions of krill and crustaceans are rich in protein.Enough to feed the ocean life and all of the world if we just farm the resources.We are the keepers of the world,if we continue to bicker and fight over the trivial virtual differences in philosophies we are lost.The fighting over territories like dogs
is  destructive to our human futures.Regardless what you believe as to how or when we were on this planet,we are all destined to journey into the future together.

We can choose to scream,fight,gouge,kick and claw at each other in the name of [fill in the blanks]
The truth is this;
If you believe in a God or Goddess or whatever,That deity has its own time line and its own idea of what will happen.I would imagine since I am not one of those gifted,it has its own intelligent plan for humans.

I envy those who are so gifted and advanced spiritually that they have the ability to out think or at least think for that deity and tell the rest of us mere mortals what is in the divines mind.Imagine having a  Private and singular line into the creator...WOW!

Getting back to Planet Problem..
The food seems to be inexhaustible till  remembering a certain oil disaster in the American Gulf of Mexico and others in the past.It is limited and potentially finite.Many land creatures are already extinct from the lack of disciple to preserve what is there.Nothing destroyed has  ever returned.

Experiments with cloning has had ugly results.Sheep are short term lived.The carrier pigeon project to restore the bird was ill fated and failed.I read where a type of extinct gorilla was chosen to be brought back from extinction and was a genetic monster that disappeared  shortly after its last page publication.

Shellfish was scarce for many months in the USA.Seafood Business's based in the USA shutdown.Many other Fish and eatable delicacies were not fit to eat.The nuclear mess in Japan poisoned the oceans in radioactive amounts flowing out into the oceans much  worse than a bomb blast from the most powerful terrorist attack.
It will effect the entire planet in some manner.The constant flow of poisons into the water table is
sooner or later going to effect us.

The recent analyzing of  Ancient Roman cities now in ruins tell
of the kind of ignorance that lead to slowly kill civilizations.The water ducts that made the Romans cities so Hi-tech for that historical period contained the heavy metal called lead.A substance still   used today in paint.The resulting damage to the human anatomy is the same.It disables and kills slowly.The saying ,"It is something in the water,makes them that way."probably came from that time.
Oceans poisoned and empty would mean the death of  everything on the planet. We cant bring it all back.

The people of this earth would have a new world to explore without ever leaving this planet.The Aqua-farms would provide fine Hi-Protein food for the entire world.Starvation could and would be
a memory like the plague of the dark ages.A terrible memory that is feared no more.

There are some hurdles to get over and walls to knock down along the way.They will bring out the
very ignorant as I described above.Those such as the Australian Bloke that continually attacks the Sea Shepherds Group for trying to force the laws to be followed on the high seas.The guys name is moron or moman or whatever.A fine example of the ignorant.Hate for the sake of hate with absolutely nothing positive to contribute.Just insult an more fermented mental excrement. The good efforts of those doing the hard work on this planet just to hope we see the possibilities before it is too late.

All the billions of dollars being spent to fuel human misery is dark and evil.The same billions could easily be funding cures for everything.The food and comfort such an effort would provide would make this planet a paradise instead of a commercially lucrative Killing ground for a few in power.
I whole heartily back the earths groups who preach peace and prosperity.Please note that I have never Hugged a tree or swam with a whale.I do not have to conform to a stereotype to realize the value of survival in a delicately balanced Biosphere.

WE THE PEOPLE are the only hope for such a world.To live and flourish in the Vast Oceans.
To Tera form, not the moon and other desolate places in hostile space out there someplace.
But to use what we already have here under our own skies.This little blue marble in space as the program used to say. The commercials on the TV show the folks starving in 3rd world countries.What a wonderful thing if one day they were not on TV.They became prosperous and started growing excess food to tide them over into the next hard times..What a change from skeletal baby's and concentration camp flashbacks.

Lets try hard to support the many organizations that want to change the worldwide Killing fields into
the fields of grain and laughing children who are of all ages.Brothers and sisters that have grown to
get along and prosper.I will try to list some of the ones that I am aware of below.You will have some you like and I really hope that you spend a little time investigating  to discover for yourself.

Human Rights Org.
Charity Water
Girl Rising
Monterey Aquarium
Cancer Research
Pencil of Promise
NIMH-National Institute of Mental Health
Citizen Effect
Fragile Oasis

The Case Foundation
National Wildlife Foundation
The trevor Project
Teaching Tolerence
Discovery Education
 National Geographic
US Army Corp of Engineers
Global Action
Human Rights Watch
Global Citizen
Sea Shepherd

This list is a very short list of Organizations the world has to offer.There are thousands to be found and yours to add to the world efforts to stop the insanity.
Start building a better world.
Join us in the effort and never walk alone again.

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Are You As Curious About The Intelligence Communities Interest in Your Thoughts And Activities?Read On For Your First Resource

Profiler (TV series)
Profiler (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: This is the Electronic Frontier Found...
English: This is the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) booth at the Security Expo at the 2010 RSA Conference. This picture is also available at: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I had a friend that was looking at the Face book Postings.They brought a most interesting article to my attention.It was a posting from the Group Named Films for Action out of Kansas USA.The site was very interesting and informative to any citizen anywhere in this world of changes.

The site has many video explanations regarding documents that were hidden from sight.The particular article that caught my eye was the one about the Psychological Game Play that is or will be used to study INTERNET social  web sites.

The Profiler type report is to outline a system to profile and categorize people.The purpose is so each person can be placed in a file to which weakness and strengths can be used.You may be asking the question,"used for What?"Read on to hear and find the website if you are interested.Knowledge is power you know.

It listed numerous things to look for in other human beings.It was 54pages of flowcharts to categorize
profile and index all the weakness and strengths of an ordinary human being.

The pages went on to explain that this profiler would  or could be used to exploit any person for future control.By knowing the points of weakness in a persons life their Protective mental shell could be broken into or manipulated to be used by....By whom???and for What purpose would this be done?

This could make one appear very paranoid if it were not for all the documents now flowing out of the black abyss of certain agencies these days.I seem to recall those so called paranoid nut cases on the late night radio spouting off about secret Governments and black ops inside nations....

Maybe it was not something in the water they drank? Maybe it was some that just wanted the spotlight and, "15minutes of fame" to quote Andy Warhol.Maybe it was guys that tried to warn us and this program was already in use.Maybe they deserved a small listen back then....Maybe?
That,we may never know.

Please goto Facebook or to this site and profile the profiler program for yourself I personally Do not know how much info is authentic these days..We can only look to the likes of Organizations like EFF and the Guardian Newscasts.The Human Rights Organization for worldwide people reports.There are honest organizations if you look.

There is hundreds of dependable organizations out there.You need only to sort out the ones that seem to be a sliver in the authorities butt as they slide down the banister of history.I personally hope those non governmental organizations who are watchers are remembered as the most annoying and festering slivers.Some one has to keep the hidden ones looking over their shoulders.That is what we seem to have to do these days.
It is only fair turn around,isn't it?

Those who are the watchers are now being watched themselves.It is really a shame that nations are becoming a frighteningly real version of the matrix mixed with the Space Odyssey, Terminator and  liberal dashes of  numerous other movies thrown in just to be dramatically interesting.Reality copying fiction to dark and sinister future.

That being the case,Morpheus...should we take the red pill or the blue pill?

My own thoughts of all this is that we each need to do a great deal of study when things become available.If nothing more than to see things for yourself.It will give you a heads up on Future Laws,events and things that very much effect everyone of our lives.

To be fore warned is to be forearmed.Stay informed for your own state of mind.
Ttill next time my friends,please search for the truth.It can set you free.

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