Monday, November 11, 2013

National I.D.Cards and the Now infamous National Health Plan,Fats,Sugar,Tobacco,Seatbelts n Helmets,More Plans to Protect us From Ourselves?

Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christm...
Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol (1938) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Prison 2
Prison 2 (Photo credit: planetschwa)
This Week  and for many weeks before,The folks in the good Ole U.S.A.have been embroiled in another knock down,drag out fight to further control our freedoms of choice.

The news may be a little discomforting when you hear all the arguments both pro and con.The pro and cons are as confusing as to which is which as the health bill reports. It started out to be a real piece of pie promise that would revolutionized health care.

The 2 Political parties began to puff and prance for the cameras.Much as mating Pigeons might be seen to do.Each speaker issuing a long and boring speech that soon put people to sleep While trying to figure it all out.

The weeks of trying to out do each others hot air further complicated and confused the facts of what exactly  the facts were of a forced health care.The countries that have such High priced Health care have always been called socialized medicine.The Taxes eventually have to be raised, and anyone not in the party is criminalized for the need to lead a more independent life.It used to be called freedom of choice for those not reading the Constitution lately.

Many jails and Prisons around the country are asking for funds to build bigger and better places to confine people.I wonder if the requests are a specter of thing yet to be.

The Christmas season seems a strange time to Give the gift of No medical coverage to millions of TinyTims that  will no longer be able to afford that operation. The fines for not allowing Dad to be able to get proper insurance has been decreed You see the government will take all of the money that would help little Tim and .blow it for unaudited federal pork fat uses.This will leave the already  money strapped Tims dad and the Mrs.sorta out in the cold.Perhaps quite literally.

I wished there were Three spirits that would visit the opposing armies of politics this Xmas season.
Bring Joy and good cheer to them.The spirit would show them the error of their ways,starting with the results of those around them planning to grab all their power after they commit political suicide.

The next spirit might appear and show them what  poor Tiny Tims fate would end up as.Having a parent transformed into a criminal from not being able to pay astronomical fees for forced insurance.
Then prosecuted for not  having the additional funds to pay for the said forced insurance.Then perhaps Tim's  dad will be further brought up on charges of child neglect,avoiding a government mandated program.Then if we have the spirit look further the death of Poor little Tiny Tim from not having anyone who give a damn enough to stop the madness.

The last Spirit would appear and take the combatants to a dusty old  gravesite with the name of their political parties boldly chiseled into the granite head stone.The spirit would tell them it was the possible "things that may be".Perhaps a few thunder claps and lightning flashes for dramatic effect.

 Political   sweat beads would roll down Faces and pleas for mercy for unrealized thinking would be heard.It falls on a spirit that stands firm pointing at the stone.The thunder crashes once more and the lightning blinds all.

I wished this last scene was also in the remake of this old Christmas Carol.The scene of a child without medical care in a manger long ago.That child has no governmental insurance.That child was a dependent on his mom and dad for protection,from the then government of Rome.The Roman Legions prosecuted those who did not follow their laws.Those laws also were for the protection of the people under Roman Law.All Hail Casaer?

From those of us who will have family and friends effected by the doppelganger of med insurance,I would say the following as I voted straight Democrat and am now an Independent."ET TU Caesar,
Et TU???.

I am sure the Story will never have a happy ending where all the folks effected will get a free turkey for the holiday and end up with a more spirit filled political system that will share all the best of this Holiday time.I am sure the machine we have built has no emotional attachments to us mere mortals that it will kill by neglect.The wait for a Doctor in Canada and the UK can be Months.

I Lost an older sister to the bureaucratic crap of the current system a year ago.The system had sapped all her insurance and forced her to go onto Social Services.The Brain Cancer had been fought to a
standstill and she only needed one more kemo treatment to kill the cancer.The bureaucrats stepped into the picture and said she would have to wait 30days to have the red tape clear.Even after several Doctors contacted the Social Service folks.My sister was denied treatment.She died waiting for treatment.The cancer killed her in a hideous and brutal way.cancer is as brutal as the effects of this chaotic Health plan will be.We will all be waiting to get Medical care that will never be there in time.

Either we will lack the funds to buy the plan, or we will die from those who would take what little money that will be left for our lives...all from the safety of a jail cell for the first time...
Think it over folks.....

Can you imagine how many will die when no one can get medical help, and few have the ability to save a loved one.The present system is far from perfect,but it usually is usable.The deboggle that killed my sister does happen often.Had WE THE PEOPLE,been able to tweak the current system maybe the people who depend on it would not fear the chaos coming in the future. 

Yours  as always

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Friday, November 1, 2013

The Elite and Uncaring Bureaucrats Will Strike Out at the Poor and Down Trodden Again in a Few Days.Dictators Always Cut Employment,Food,Water and Meds to Control the Masses .

Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo?
Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo? (Photo credit: cosmocatalano)
In a few days from now the U.S.Government which created the job shortage will now cut benefits to those that most need the assistance.The cut is from the reserve  that is used to feed families for awhile during hardship times
Without any forethought  of the political suicide they are committing when elections arrive.

People will be cut by many usable dollars,from an already depleted way of life.Those making the laws and cutting the least able to defend themselves are not feeling any drain on their families or lifestyles.They just tap whatever the perks they enjoy so much at the cost of those people getting hammered by the cuts,extreme taxing and just the general crap of our elected officials.

People are being pushed harder and harder into a corner into hardship,while the elite bureaucrats eat Lobster Newburg and enjoy lavish vacations and shopping sprees.The children and families living in their car or tenting by a stream on private lands in the cold are subject to arrest.The cost of the perks is all on the backs of the least able to afford it.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the jest of things in this world if we band together and force those in Command???(is there anyone actually in command these days or has Chicken little and friends taken over)?Running around yelling that the economy is falling.Maybe if it did hit them as it does us...Never  themselves seeking  a solution.WE THE PEOPLE,however live in the trenches of our economy and must always budget our incomes with our expenses.Sometime we may even need to go to brush up classes for a little more upgrading on economizing.Perhaps we should send those in"command" to a class or two.
It would just become an argumentive disruption with classmates.Again nothing would be learned or accomplished.

I have just registered as an Independent.I think the only way to stop the Bull**** going on in this country is to completely tear it down and start from scratch.No...Not grabbing you guns and retreating to a cave to fight off the invaders.That is stupid strategy You are out numbered,outgunned and general screwed before you even begin

.Our fight is at the ballot box next time.We need an alternate choice from the so-called "Two Party System".

All the 2party system has done for the past
decade or so is degrade our Constitution,Schools,Laws,and moralities.The fix is not with a broken and nonredeemable present system.

WE THE PEOPLE have the same situation as those who broke away from England so long ago.
They had a dream and what we have become is a futile Nightmare for many.Many died from the hardships they encountered.They were determined to build a land with Faith that it would be long lasting and a promise to all who lived here....

What happened is history.The children who had not
had to work for the success could not see the purpose in their forefathers an mothers hard work.
The way was lost to the children like a business that fails after the parents turn their hard earned business over to their spoiled kids to run.Many times the business fails shortly after the change...
We need a change before its to late.

There is another of my Blogs that tells of a 31day plan to save
our land.It is tough and it is radical....Maybe I don't agree with all of it,but at least it is an idea to start with....The forefathers only had a rough draft to begin with.

Think about it and please explore the 3rd party solution.It can not be any more fubard than the current people supposedly running things,(into the ground).

Till next time dear friends,remember:
Only YOU can prevent gridlock(paraphrased from Smokey the Bear).


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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spooks and Goblins , Have Become Torture, Cannabalism,and Gross Hollywood Movies,What Happened to Scary Fun n Trick or Treats

Hannibal Lecter
Hannibal Lecter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hollywood Monsters
Hollywood Monsters (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Halloween season has always been an opportune time to bring out the worst in kids of all ages.
Pranks that have been original to those now pranking on the unsuspecting few.Deviltry done by humans, blaming an entity for being undisciplined themselves.

The little ones going from house to house,all dressed up as spooky goblins and home made monsters.Little princess's and dragon slayers,cowboys and Vulcans. Or good old fashioned pirates.
That is my memories of Halloween or All Hallows Eve.My folks were very strict on their childrens behavior.My older sisters always accompanied the younger ones for protection from bullies and weirdos that wander on that night looking for children...

The Monsters were disguised as nice people
inviting children for treats.That type of monster still is rampant in our society.Hundreds of thousands of children are victimized each year.Some simply disappear without a trace forever.

Innocence stolen and destroyed forever for  reasons that the monsters can't even explain when confronted with their evil deeds.The devil made me do it,just does not cut it.The Professionals that protect and defend such actions  are strangely the same folks that call predators sick and in need of help.Kids should be taught to spot the things that are used by monsters to lure the innocent.

Hollywood has produced a plethora of  gory  bloody graphically sick movies that depict mutilations and torture in high definition.One does not have to use the imagination of the old Black and white monster movies that scared the bejeebers out of us.We had to see in our minds the werewolves deeds
You saw only the shadows of attacker and victim..Dracula were a shadow that attacked with hypnotic efficiency.

The monsters of the past were not teaching us how to be Hannibal Lector or Jason or Freddie Krueger.There is manuals for the followers of such antiheroes.

Demonstrating how easy it would be to mass murder human beings without retribution.The police are
never around and if they show up then they are added to the body count.The monsters in the movies are brought back to "life?" again and again to murder some more.A reward for the evil.
Demonstrating the ease of  creating mass murder for no reason ,but the shear evil of the acts.

The real monsters/ predators of humans should never be allowed to remain in human society.
Our children should be able to walk the streets without fear of such things.Predators are a virus in our world.It is not a sickness that tells one they are thinking contrary to what is moral.It is a matter of poor judgement and an inner belief that they will get the protection if they get caught that the victim was denied.

Protection from punishment by the very social structure that they prey on.Predators prey on the children and innocents that are helping and living in that same society.The "catch 22" is that predators are protected by the very folks whole they consider the hunted prey.Even animals would never protect the stalkers of it's children...So why do we?

This Halloween I hope and pray that we all will be a little more civilized as it may go.Please guard your little ones well and examine the goodies for nasty surprises from evil folks.Have the predetermined common sense to go with your loved ones or at least know who is keeping them company.They are irreplaceable to this world not one of them can we afford to lose.They are precious .
As to those who know of the hidden monsters waiting to hunt on this All Hallows Eve.If you stay quiet to the beast,may you hear the voices and see faces of the victims you did not protect from your monster.It is only a matter of time till the monster turns on you in fear of your exposing it's terrible secret.DO AS THOU WILT,HARM NO ONE...8)

Happy All Hallow Eve. readers

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Hush Llittle Baby,Don't Say A Word,IgnoreThe Noise You Heard,It's Not The Boogie man Under Your Bed It's The Drone Coming To Make You Dead

English: Weapons of mass destruction by countr...
English: Weapons of mass destruction by country. ---- Português: Armas de destruição em massa por país. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile, 1945-2002.
U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile, 1945-2002. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have not written anything in accouple weeks.The reasons are many.

Our traveling fugitive has found refuge in what that country calls Mother Russia.The so called secret autopsy on our late

 President Kennedy was released to the general Public with the usual ghastly photos and detailed descriptions.Done with all the gore and unneeded details anyone with a sick mind would savor.
The man was an American President that does not deserve the degrading that the media has done.We once called the Whitehouse "Camelot"back then.

It was a time when the world nearly accomplished the ultimate goal of mankind. To completely wipe itself from the face of its meager existence.The usual maniacs were poised to use weapons of mass destruction 50years ago.The nuclear missile was in fact the first tool of robotic termination

.The first  mechanized "King Mega-Drone".The principal was real simple:1).find a target way over there some place far away and safe from those launching the death dealing 'computerized Robotic killing machine  2).launch the robot with precision computerized GPS coordinates,3).wait a few minutes for the pretty flash on the screen,and 4).remember that you now have enough time to see the blossoming launch lights from the place you just FUBARRED.

You now can sit in the self assurance that you still have time to pour a stiff drink,dance in the sheets,and then maybe have enough time to bend over and kiss your  butt goodbye!All before the world is turn to a stinking burning cauldron of rotting screaming meat.Your Momma would be.....mortified by your act.

AHHH,the good old days.when the termination toys were so deadly that no one wanted to push the button ending Gods world in an infantile act . Taking you to Your creators throne to answer for your stupidity.Possibly to find that you are god and not GOD..

.Now,all that has changed.We have allowed the powers that be, to create limited killing based on someones idea of who or what is the enemy.Same scenario,same old reasons to push the button.In fact the whole idea has been cleaned up to be quite  legit now.see the target way down there and just push the button.It doesn't light up the world as nukes would do.It simply sends 6000rounds of flesh disintegrating munitions from thousands of feet in the atmosphere.OR: a lethal cocktail of various flesh scalding chemicals that simply rend the living flesh from the bones as the 
individuals breathe the final soul wrenching breathe from itself.

The target is just a bunch of nobodies that will be missed by a few relatives that have no avenue of complaint.Who would listen to a nobody anyway. Peasant&,pawns do not die,because they have no value to those pushing buttons in the control rooms so far away.

How far we have come from destroying the entire creation to the precision killing of the peasants that are so very expendable to this earth and will just end up as useless eaters and breeders...Breeding more eaters and breeders...The world is so much better after they are gone.Who will even know they have been eliminated if all transmissions are blanked out while the termination process is going on.

After all....If a peasant dies and no one can witness it or if no one can hear them scream..or if  a tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it fall...did it actually happen?

I really hope those who read this article will realize that this is a possible future that would benefit no one.It is a hell on earth that we have already allowed to be instrumented into the fabric of our world as standard operating procedure

.Videoed and viewed as a form of Television entertainment for the masses at news time.That's entertainment,watching those nobodies dance to the tune of 50calibers!MA deuce speaks,or just disappearing in a red slimy blood spatter.What a sight from the safety of your front room.Real people dying in hideous ways and you don't get prosecuted for participating..So whats next televised gas chambers..

Ole Adolf would have loved the programming.
It is a world where a few elite controllers who hold life and death over the rest.The ability to chose and eliminated anyone or any thing that rocks the status quo.

Do WE THE PEOPLE really want or really need to have such a world that would regard people as pawns or subjects or even targets of opportunity .Then you better stop and look into your acceptance of what is happening in your lives.

Even your accepting the views of the evening news.Perhaps if you are so fascinated by the drones
dance of  death ,you may be able to volunteer for a dance card soon.If the future looks like the present,

then do not worry my dear reader....the drone will find you to dance with...and the Drone always leads .Your audience awaits you dear reader...

Yours always/ RJP
Sometimes you just need to retreat and regroup in the world or in your mind...
Remember that progress is a matter of finding a way.Over,under,around or through...There is usually a way when you fall back,regroup and see the situation from a different perspective./

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here We Go Again folks,WMD Are Rumored to Be Used on Civilians,Those Who Fail to Learn From The Past Are Destined to Repeat It,Crank Up The War Machine..AGAIN

Why is it the people we elect can't seem to let our youth live in peace?To live a life that allows the to just remain living in peace watching there children grow up.Living without broken minds and broken bodies.Soldiers returning home are never the same people that were taken away from their lives at home.They are men and women with deep mental and physical scares that may never heal.

We waste more lives that could be creating positive things for mankind,had they been able too.The old TV commercial stated that the mind is a terrible thing to lose.I believe that any life lost in war is a total waste of a future cure or discovery.It is a waste that no one seems to worry about.

Recycle glass,watch carbon footprints,clean up the air......OK,so how do we recycle a broken mind?How do we give back the body that is permanently dismembered?How do we fix the battle hardened soul that feels they have killed and maimed people they would never have encountered in peacetime?Finally How do we repair the broken families that find the once loving and gentle pardner is now an explosive and violent monster inside by conditioning of war zone environment.There is one never to happen way..

The best way the leaders could
set an example for actions might be to volunteer for combat duty at the front lines.In the words of President Teddy Roosevelt'"Bully"!I think I am correct in saying the charge up San Juan Hill was the last heroic leader to commit themselves to possibly being butchered in battle.He lead by example,now days war rooms, thousands of miles away are more convenient and much safer.Boots on the ground don't have that luxury.

There's the missile attacks at first,then headlines of insurgents,then we call on allies,then we send in military trainers,then we send in troops to protect folks that would or couldn't protect thier own grandma from a pigeon attack,ETC.ETC.ETC Yadda Yadda.It is already decided beffore the curtain goes up on the charade of discussion....The war Machine needs more money and it always gets its way.The machine is a greedy monster that will someday consume the whole world if WE THE PEOPLE allow it.WE fight the wars and demand to find ways that are more peaceful.The snake that loses it's head can't continue to poison people....There was only one Adolf Hitler & with his death the world began to rebuild it's fractured world.....What if DA fuehrer had suddenly died in 1936?
The loss of the one to save the many.

It is always the same pattern to the chaotic madness of the Great War Machine that cuts the best of a societies youth down and makes billions of bloody dollars for the few that are at the controls of death
producing insanity.

There is an old 1960's song that goes ,"when will they ever learn,when will they learn".
I was 18 when the war in Vietnam had claimed many of those I new,by death or dismemberment.
Battle madness from horrors never meant for human psyche to bear on a soul.

Those who create the hell that we make pretty by giving it a nice name or a loosely justifiable cause are simply the war machine and all it's minions finding reasons to make massive money by massive
deaths.The nice label for this is the casualties of war.

The results are the same.The world and humanity continues to create havoc and chaos without realizing the energy and lives wasted to destroy instead of research and build.
What tremendous cures could 100 billion dollars find to ease the suffering of things like cancer and other wicked maladies of the human condition?What wonderful cities could we build on earth,under the ocean and in the vastness of space.

The calculations are incredible indeed.It's only a dream of a dreamer,I hope that I am not the only one.Join me and help make the world as one....It's never to late to give peace a chance.

Till next time time my friends,May that which gives you strength and faith hold you in the palm of its hand.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Russian Senator Vows to Raise Funds for Snowdens Pursuit of Freedom and Possible Asylum in Russia

Figurative fugitive Snowden has found an ally in his current refuge. Russian Senator Rusian Gattorav  of the United Russian Party.The Senator has started a move to raise money or funds to assist the currently stalemated Snowden in his run to be free from a worldwide manhunt to punish him for airing out political dirty laundry.Those who have long waved a fist at democracy have also turned away from this mans search for safe haven.It was once called "Santuary".The Churches Used to be a source of that Santuary.I guess that GOD has left the building.

The rest of the world sits quietly as this all plays out to whatever the end is or will be.It is said that the Lord works in mysterious ways.I would like to believe that things of this nature can only open up the portals of truth for the world.Not just in the worlds most powerful Countries,but the whole world.

We need to see more honesty in leaders around this globe.Can you imagine the free world reading the actual paperwork on everything from flying saucers to what actually went on at the last meeting between leaders.The aforementioned "Churches" Have re written the truth so many times that I guess they have reason to not want to get involved with truth and those seeking it.
Perhaps more openness would be a good start.

There would be no need to spend tax dollars to hold free men hostage to "Secrets" and chase them around the world.The Former Enemies turned tentative allies,would not have to be involved because the situation would never exist.

I would love to see a point in my life where I could see complete transparency of the leaders and countries to at least the folks that are voting for them.Freedon is what the population makes it.
The choices are of the simplest nature really,What price would you[not the person on your right or left] Place on the truth that would set you free from that which decieves you with falsehoods.[Also known as lies].

WE THE PEOPLE run this world when we put our minds in fear and fight for what is right and truthful.
Freedom is like a garden,if you don't take care of it and weed it the weeds take over....
What's in your garden my friend?

What is all for now my friend,still working on my survival index which is yet to come.

Stay safe and keep the dream alive while you still are able.


P.S. Cuba has since denied entry by Snowden.I thought Fidel and his clone didn't agreewith the USA?Fidel II must have a soft spot[somewhere near his spine].

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why Mr. Snowden is Running After Airing a List of "Secrets" That To This Day Has Not Destroyed The World

This is a most perplexing story for me.The soldier that stayed in the USA and faced his fellow countrymen is under the most stringent times of his life with absolutely no one else going down the toilet with fingers pointing at him like children on the playground.You know,that kid that isn't quite as popular as the rest.

The fellow who showed that we have something more than rumors of political dirty tricks or dirty laundry has been chased half way around the world.A high profile chase  in the same fashion as a Hollywood action film.Bourne Supremousy,The Web ETC.Big Brother in the Orson Wells flesh.The population of sheep just allowing it to happen and watching contentedly,uninvolved.It isn't my problem and does't involve me.Go ahead and eat my brother Mr. wolf.He was foolish enough to step in front of me,so eat him instead.

The people who have exposed the truth are being held as wanted fugitives on the run and fearing for their actions they felt was right.The right thing to do as long as the power structure can run without dirty little secrets being let out.Heaven forbid the secret clubhouse password or secret Knock get out and let the girls into the all boys clubhouse.

Sorta sounds like the stories of incarcerated prisoners learning of a "snitch" and targeting that prisoner for death.There isnt much difference here.The guy who tried to do what was best for all the people is now publicised as an outsider.He has the propaganda machine cranking out reams of negative information as to what,where and when he is.If the population can kill that person to hide the secrets for letting the cat out of the bag then it will make it all better.Better for the feww that run the power.IE:The Matrix[any version].

I really have not been in the news loop lately and I truly hope these gentlemen have some kind of backing so the world will know their stories.Most folks that are listed as enemies of the state are locked into isolation for the remainder of their lives.An Island prison,solitary confinement ETC.
We never hear anything more than the occasional propaganda release or a news flashback in the future.

Is no one in this world  curious as to why these 2 people can damage an entire nation with so called secrets? Is there no one asking who else in this fiasco is the source of the people being chased information?and who does the background for this type of employee?Moe,Larry,And Curly???I have gotten onto the different so called websights that release these secrets.Anyone can if you just search for it.Wikileaks ETC.The released documents  are filled with the same personal opinions and gabby gossip about other leaders that old ladies pass over fences everyday.Without Bringing nations down...

My Dad and Mom used to tell their children this:backtalk hurts people when they find what you said behind their backs,so don't do it or it will come back to bite you .I guess politicians didn't hear those wise words.I rather doubt it really is National security thats at stake. It is more likely the embarassment of people plotting and planning over that old ladies fence deal.Politicians speaking backtalk in the shadows we out here in the world are privie too 20-50years from now.

A fine example is the Deaths of Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedys along with other suspected Deaths/Assinations in the past decades.I am not a conspiracy beleiver,If the actual truths were released instead of crap thaat denied everything,bent the truth,or just out and out lied about thing that
should be told to those of us out here in the real world.Think if we were able to read of the deaths in factual articles of things like Roswell,The actual religious facts hidden for centuries.The story of our nations told as truthful facts and fiction deleted .Just pure facts to enlighten and enpower us....

Enpower us,Hmmm.Let me think this one though abit.To enpower the masses would free them to make decisions based on factual truths.Based on things that would stop folks from arguing and fighting over mindless gunk filling our heads.Enpowerment would mean WE THE PEOPLE would hear about phoopahs that are done now in real time and not after the fact.Enpowerment would us to enable our governments to run more efficiently and cut out the extra curricular money that is being flushed down the political toilet every minute we live and breathe.
WOW! Enpowerment would give us complete control of our lives and government....The Masques would be off the politicians and the political machine all over the world would revert to the people who now pay thru the umm,err, [Fill in the blank].Politicians and the machine would finally have
direction,destination and brakes to sloww it down before it crashed.

Enpowerment,that would mean the release of  truth as it happened,Facts replacing mindless crap.People telling & believe in the true does not make you an outlaw or a fugitive.Exposing wrong doing by those doing wrong does not make you a criminal.Remember your childhood heroes that fought against corruption and were hunted as criminals because they did so.Robin Hood,and so on.

Perhaps we should protect the people that do not think lies and deception are the standard for a Nation of One people under God[By whatever Name You have for God]I rather doubt God would agree with that persona for any Nation That preaches freedom and faith and country out of one face and protect the beast thru the other.There was a  God  Named Janus who open his gates in time of war and closed those gates in time of peace,Janus was a two faced God.Perhaps our current political system is similarily two faced.The truths power elites know and the stories WE THE PEOPLE know.

I guess the Empowerment is a dream that people talk about as long as the wolves are chasing other sheep and not .....

Till next time my dear friends take care of each other before your world is chaos from  the not so pleasant dirty Laundry fragrance of politics.



Thursday, July 11, 2013

Are Medical Professionals Dumping Hippocratic Oath Replacing promised Compassion for Compensation

Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
The past 4years have been a real course in reality for me.I am writing this from a personal point of  experience

In 2011 I was rear ended by someone texting at 80miles per hour in a 50mph speed zone.3Months later I had refused to file lawsuits on the person responsible.Lawyers had found she didn't have a pot to pee in and I see such things as nonsense.
I was fired from a really crappy trucking company based in Lowell Arkansas.

I had endured months of abusive treatment from my dispatcher(good Ole bill A.And his buddies].

I found myself unemployed and for some reason not able to find a job for the first time in 25years.I ended up with my health insurance running out.My life insurance cancelled with 1million on it.

For the next 17months I lived as a homeless man with an education,profession as an over the road trainer for the new drivers of tractor trailers.My hobby and secondary education was Artificial intelligence.

I had no chargeable accidents.I had no wants,warrants arrests,or anything that would legitimately  deny my rehire.

I became ill and felt that I was going to die.That I would die.I went to the emergency room.
Doctors were more interested in how much money I had in my pocket.I think a group of hookers would have been more caring than the so called professionals I encountered.
The reason for Emergency room care was the following.I didn't have an address.I had a drivers license .That got me into an ER for treatment.Obama care would have been of no use as I would be a criminal without the ability to buy.The more things change the more they remain the same it seems.

The problem turned out to be gallbladder attack. Canned food is full of Mega amounts of salt and fats.That  type of food is easiest to keep when a fridg is not available for the price involved.
It's literally a long term death sentence.. I was surviving with a time bomb inside check and discharge followed after treatment ,pain killer and antibiotics were administered.

Shelter and Charities(God bless them for their kindness],use the castoffs and food they are donated and share with those such as myself that are inking out an existence.The food at shelters and soup kitchens are given by volunteers who are all heart normally.

The First Lady Michele Obama has served in soup kitchens in the past.Bless her for that kindness whether PR or heart felt.That food means another day of life for the many.Foodlink and other sources are dwindling from lack of donations.The food is what is available to homeless or anyone that wishes a modest meal with down on their luck high in spirits human beings.The last true hardcore survivors on this planet.

Many of those homeless folks are unable to obtain medical help.Obamacare will not help those people.In fact it will make them all into criminals owing money to the government  they don't have to even feed themselves or get back into a life fit for humans.

For the 3 severe winters and  wet steamy summers I survived with no arrests and no help from welfare.I showered and shaved regularly at the YMCA so I would not appear  disheveled.It helped to get me into places that a homeless,unkept person would not be allowed.

My sister  knew of a doctor that might help me.

I went one day when  my health became more complicated to that family doctors office.I was greeted with a smile and told to fill out papers for my first visit.The mood was friendly and cordial till I handed in the papers.I sat in the waiting room filling out the papers for care.

The only thing looked at by the blond bimbo behind the window was the insurance blank.She said,"You did not fill out your insurance carrier".I replied  "I don't have any, yet but social services.says I have to wait 45days,but they will back pay for 3months.......She cut me off, as she slid the window shut she said come back when u have $200 or insurance.I was obviously very sick and felt devastated .I knew I was ill.I could never have imagined just how bad it was.

Flash forward 3long suffering months:Same doctors office at my sisters urging.I was really ill by now.I went into the office and there to the same blonde bimbo[sorry, but I do hold grudges on uncaring airheads of either sex]sat there like a little princess.

She said fill out these papers,I do and fill in the insurance blank.I had finally obtained social services by using my sisters address.Many homeless folks find fake address,s just to get help.I was accused of being too honest by many.I hand the clipboard back.She smiles in an over whitened toothy smile.Have a seat and we will call  next you.

WOW!!I feel privileged I am finally an excepted Human being worthy of treatment
Holy Cow[sorry,no disrespect  2 those worshipping cows].I managed to get another appointment and numerous tests.I even got another appointment.Talk about feeling special.I am finally up to human being standards by people who spend years learning to save lives and then have a callous blonde bimbo shooing patients away to die.Go home and no loss of sleep from them.

The next appointment  was dramatic.I had a gallbladder attack in the waiting room now armed with insurance.The same blonde calmly sat there and ignored me as I sat holding my gut and asking for help.She opened the window and said,what is the problem.I thought I was having a heart attack.She said I can't get the doctor because he is out to lunch.For 1 hour with doctors offices all thru the building I waited in agony.The blonde secretary told me the doctor was out to lunch and she was not going to bother him.She closed the glass and went calmly back to her work.When the registered nurse finally came out at the urging of my sister,I was taken in and accessed.They rushed me to the ER again

.After about 50minutes of agony and a minimal examination by a nurse,
 I was being wheeled out of the doctors office when the Doctor arrived and told me that the tests had bad news.I went out the door on a gurney once again to the ER..

Xrays ultrasonics,MRI scans.all  the fluids and workings revealed.

After a night of medical probing in the ER,I returned to the doctors office.Same blonde bimbo behind the window.The glass slides open and she gives me the same lights on,nobody home look.

(I get the strange thought that in a different life she might have been called Bubbles the exotic dancer in the Boom Boom room)

.She says what do you need.I say I just need the doctor to finish telling me what he found out.I  then got a  very familiar qoute .She says,"sorry,Your insurance was canceled last night,unless u have $200OR INSURANCE.....I have no idea as to why but leave to explore the reason.
A glitch in insurance paperwork is found.

I had to  wait for another month to finally see the doctor,I had been canceled by the social service worker because she did not know where I was living.I had left my new address and a phone # to reach me at. when I told the social service office about this problem  I got a new worker.That Social Worker had simply not felt it was needed to process my pappers and kicked me out of the system.My insurance was reinstated.I could have died from a bureaucrats inability to process a verifiable application plainly written in printed form.

I was sent for more tests and referred to a neurologost later to a neurosurgeon.It was and is serious.

This story is personal. I rarely write about my personal life.There is far more important things to write about.That is till you realize that the current medical system is flawed to the point that people die everyday from bureacratic red tape death sentences.When you can not do better or are temporarily
down on your luck,The kind of crap I went through is minor compared with those passed up for cancer treatment or transplants or any other life saving process.People are sentenced to death every minute of every day in the most advanced country in the world.

The homeless period of my life ,was desperate and enlightening for me.All the stories that I heard  happening to those folks that were not homeless, but on limited incomes.All treated in the same manner.With no dignity,no consideration,and basically as if you are the culture of untouchables found in India and other places.The insurance loophole will not be fixed by obama care.The folks that finally have insurance will pay through the orafice for the care they shoulf get anyway.Our Taxes would do a great deal more if they were used for things such as saving lives inastead of building machines to track and kill at 6000ft.Maybe we could at least try to build that fairytale place of Utopia.

The folks without Insurance in the future will be hunted by government for the inability to pay for insurance.
The medical services will not cover as it once was able to do.I am back to having no insurance now as my insurance company says that as of the first of the year they can not cover  for insurance.
Social Service cant help because I am drawing retirement.That is unless I can pay about 700dollars a month for that insurance along with my own meds which are not covered.

I am told that I can purchase insurance from the Internet after "shopping around". The insurance lobbyist sure won that boondoggle over the American people.

 Doctors don't follow the original oath they supposedly took when becoming Doctor's It is now more profitable to only see the folks that drive expensive cars and live on the lake in a big house.The insurance poor are also welcome.Just as long as there is cash in their bank account.If you die,well then you didn't have the money and that will decide who lives and who will die.Medical professionals and insurance companies cull out the undesirables unable to feed their lifestyles.

An axe murderer is probably the mindset,but The axe murderer doesn't get away with it for long. why should anyone?If a person has the expertise to save a life and refuses isn't that the same as intentionally killing them?

2days ago my sisters cat fell  ill and we called all over the 2counties area looking for a veterinarian that would help a person on disability retirement to pay on time.The same deal as people apparently goes for animals.The  cat was at the mercy of non feeling machines that only had concerns for how much money they were going to be able to make before the cat died.

The old vet we normally took the cat to had died of a heart attack.That vet was a kind hearted lady that would go out of her way to help u if you  ask.She used natural medicines and was really the best one I have ever seen.I know she had a heart from her actions and how she died.Heart attack...We will miss her.

The final vet that we took her to .said the routine $200 or die.we said can u tell us what it looks like at least. not unless u pay.Can u say if the cat is treatable?not without the money.This lady could  at least have a   feeling for the animal.She said that the doctor wouldn't talk, see or have anything to do with us without money.We said that we didn't want the cat to first.Okay,what about putting her down?Tears in eyes.
$43or  take it and bury it at home.We walk outside and talk.we manage to put 43dollars together and
return to the desk.we agreed to return in 3hours to pickup the carrier.Unlike the Vet we could see the suffering.We headed to the bank for money from an account I had.

We return after the vet secretary calls and leaves the following message in a sarcastic voice,"The doctor has said that he does not want you getting money that you probably don't have anyway and says don't bother to bring your other cat here.We don't want you to come back here.We had the money and were on our way back from the bank 15miles away.

When we arrived this woman ran out of the front door and handed our carrier to my sister.
Did u get my message.Yes we did .Well the doctor does not want you inside the office and said don't come back.We did put your kitty to sleep an hour ago.goodbye.She strutted but inside the building leaving us with 200dollars in hand,an mt carrier and memories of the beloved cat now murdered.

The same treatment for humans as for animals these days.As long as the systems are in place to allow the legal and authorized willing murder of living beings we are all responsible.Obamacare Will soon show us the wedge being devised to separate the population.Those able to obtain the finest care and those that fall victim to a death sentence from bureaucrats, insurance companies and doctors that value money in preference to a living being.I have a word for it I call it The Red Tape Death.When paperwork and cash mandate neglect that causes death.My oldest sister was a victim of this last year.
so I have a personal problem with this system.
The Hippocratic oath perhaps should be replaced by the updated  hypocrite oath as follows:

                   Hippo critical oath regarding what I consider YOUR life is worth

We will make the most of our golf days even to the cost of life

life which we have figured into our own life as the cost of not being an elite

An elite with the power of life and death based on who is able to pay the most

This will in time leave only those with our values and the holy dollar

to support our lifestyle and promote our children into our elite lifestyle

other children and people have no real or significant life value beyond the money they posses

to the last dollar they can provide our lifestyle even onto their last dollar at the last moment

.we will sell their blood and use their body parts for our own specialized profit

We will charge them from the the moment of known conception

onto the final moment that we posses their carcass in our morgues as chattel for sale

we will  put ourselves and our families in the elite circles and refrain from assisting,helping or
 providing live saving procedures without maximum compensation  taken unmindful of their suffering

The pain of the masses is of no consequences to those of our elite circles of life

we will extend the people lives as long as compensation is available,without cure

Cures are never to be offered when compensation can extend  a lifetime of symptoms treatment

symptom treatment is the oil that will fuel our elegant lifestyles as judges who determine life and death of non elites
so it shall be written and followed all the days of our lives and of ours

Yeah it is only a cat and me,But as I speak with folks contacting me,
it happens everyday in many places

.Compensation has replaced compassion in our society.
The old time doctors are pretty much gone to their rewards
to the big clinic where I truly hope they can enjoy paradise .if it pleases them.

Think about it folks.This will happen to you or your loved one soon.The Health Phoopah  is a huge wave coming into the shore.Like a tsunamis it will recede to look harmless, then rush back in to engulf you as you are standing on the beach.

This is a cryptic and sinister article from my usual writings.It is an update from a past blog that I wrote.
After my ill health  experience and the death of my father in a horrible nursing home.. My older sisters death from an insurance company denying a final cancer treatment. This caused her excruciating death...Even after her death

There are few medical professionals I have much respect for.With a couple exceptions more recently.
I received a letter from a lawyer a few days ago that was the gallblader surgeons was an offer to sue the insurance company on My behalf to recover $17000 for 15minute galbladder seurgury  and requested that I sign it so that if the insurance company won the case I would agree to pay court costs and the $17000. Insurance covered and paid $498.....   
I rest my case dear jury...

Again RJP
Stay Healthy my friends for the meat wagon awaits us in another time and place.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day Will It Be Our our last celebration of a Free country or The Reawakening of a Sleeping Giant

I watched the People sitting in a little restaurant with family yesterday.The place had a few patrons sitting around and talking.The conversations were about the weather and the mindless TV programs they sit in front of as the curtain of our lives covertly slides down.The strange thing  about this was that I had not realized the mindlessness that many folks lives had become.Family,finances,enemies,conflicts and food.Many were just the average person wearing off the rack clothes and dressed in casual manners for the tropical weather we have had this summer.Laughing and joking as folks should when relaxing.The scenario was very hometown.

I had just watched the largest parade my hometown had put on in many years.There were firetrucks from many local communities and marching bands.The Boy  Scouts rode on a float they had made Everyone threw candy to the kids along the street.The children giggling and running to gather up a few goodies.

The local Martial Arts DOJO[GYM] marched proudly in their uniforms ,along with the new Japanese Steakhouse and a red and colorful Dancing dragon that winked it's eye flirtingly at the crowd.

The WWII veterans were represented by the local VFW.There are still a few valiant soldiers from the war that kept me from living under an Evil  entity from that time period.I did not see anyone from the Korean"conflict" or the Vietnam "police action". We are getting selective on our memories.Then there is the  MIA/POW's.The lost Ghost warriors still waiting in the mist to be... welcomed home.Waiting to finally find peace in time  with honor for giving all for the political insanity of  that time.

I later sat and watched the Beautiful 4th of July  Independence Day Fireworks.Truly gorgeous and patriotic .I thought.Just like the rockets red glare,bombs bursting in air,But is it still proof thru the night that our Flag is still there.Is it still the constitution as our fore fathers intended.Do WE THE PEOPLE still have our privacy
to live our lives in peaceful existence.Are we still able to raise our children as we were taught with our families individual moral values.Is it that our lives have become  complacent that we are as a gazelle that is so terrified of the Lion in front of us that it is able to silently creep up so near as to overcome us.The gazelle can easily outrun the lion.
Yet the fear paralyzes its senses and it becomes helpless and is victimized to it's death.
The question,My top of the foodchain friend is this.Which would you rather be...The focused lion or the mesmerized Gazelle? Is  that glorious flag still waving in the ramparts as our Earths only true freedom emblem our do we sell out our ancestors dreams and just forget all that patriotic.

Have we become as deer in the headlights?frozen by the approaching  freight train of those covertly hidden
powers that regularly are reaching into our private lives without cause.Are we all spellbound and left mindless?

I could not help remember overhearing the chatter of those folks talking about fictitious gobbledie goop over their meals.People in our country seem to be under some spell that leaves them in a half awareness of what is going on with the country they live in.The reality that is ever changing before their very lives.

Our stores are closing and megastores are running in any manner they chose.Our factories are becoming bombed out,vacant shells.Our stock market bounces like a yo-yo gone astray.Our children have no direction and find only fantasy to live in.our movies and entertainment teach only violence and destruction.The alternative is nonsense.Families,when they do sit at a meal don't even know how to communicate anymore.
It is not uncommon to see texting,,or talking the  phone  in a loud and boisterous manner for all to hear.
I have my own idea of what our world will become if we don't wise upor at least wake up before we have no ability to change the world for the better.

The future is going to be run by folks living their lives in a trance till that lion finally has their teeth in their throat strangling them or by you dear reader.
It will take only one of person to start the changes.That choice is yours and mine.We either out maneuver the lions or fall victim to the kill.

Which  will you choose to be? There is no bystanders in this.The lions may not get you this time as you watch another gazelle fall to the lions.The next time it will be your turn.lions always want more....

Perhaps we should add a little more reflection on our current flag by adding the Union Jack in a corner to remind all of us that it is still a symbol of WE THE PEOPLE.We made serious changes in the past with only 3% of the population causing those changes...Time has not changed our abilities.....yet!Lion or gazelle??

 That is all for now dear friends,

Independence means freedom to be creative,believe what you are comfortable with,to worship in a non destructive way,and to find the peace and harmony in life that makes it all worth while.and so much more.
It is precious and irreplaceable if lost to tyranny.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sequestering and Its Effects,A FEW Suggestions to Bring Washingtons Elite to Their Senses

The sequester in Washington  by our beloved politicians has effected many parts of our country.The military has lost funds to run it's bases,support our troops and families.
The freeze has effected the abilities of returning soldiers to get veterans benefits for college,health care,and retirement benefits.The militaries abilities to keep our country safe has been compromised by taking funds meant to guard and protect us from threats.The soldiers themselves have been cut to the bone for the things that are needed by their families to have a good life.

The TSA has been hit by cuts,Even with all the bad reports about their ideas of searches and what constitutes legalities.They have made a difference.I decided never to take that first flight for this reason.The freeze is an opportunity for a security slip and a real threat to get through.I do not want to be on that particular plane...

When it does so.

The border guards have been cut on the money to run the safety of our nation.Those walls won't hold determined entry.Lack of border guards breeds the vigilantes that destroy lives.We need those border guards till we hash out how to allow freedom for those who are not harmful to those who are citizens.Most Americans can identify with what freedom means to us.ut we still need to weed out the thugs and gangsters
killing and shooting up Mexico.Again we sort out terrorist threats from the good folks who just want freedom.

Housing and the support for the aging,homeless and disabled.Those are the people that are easiest victims to
disenfranchise.There isn't the organizations thee once was to speak on behalf of them.It is not seen as profitable in this day and age.They are the ones left behind when the column moves on.Once called the walking wounded.They were left behind in this sequester column.

The recent lavish vacation to Africa is the front page news.It has taken front and center in most news papers of our world.The president and the first family will cost us around a hundred million dollars for all the special equipment and security.$100,000,000.I wonder how may families with out of work parents that would employ?I wonder how many homeless it would feed?I wonder how many people dying without insurance that would save or at least comfort?How many small companies would continue to run and employ people
with that much money.How many food cupboards would stay open and feed the hungry.i do not deny nor would I deny anyone in this position of responsibility.But responsibility may be a key word here.I can understand returning to your Roots and showing your children from which your family sprang.The middle of
a job that all your assets of everyone else is hardly a good time to do is a judgement call you may be reminded of often by those effected in your retirement years.There will other  more prudent times in the future

We have a crisis in this country and around the globe.The world is monetarily struggling to survive for the next 100years of social development.Without a little restraint by our leaders in power,it will become chaos.
A world ruled by the folks who merrily dance through life with not a care for anyone but their own.I believe
 our country once had a group of folks not regarded as anything, but property to be used as income labor.
The elite prospered at the expense of the workforce.nothing was shared of that prosperity from above.
The situation had been serfs and Kings till it changed a couple centuries ago when a tiny group said ENOUGH.WE THE PEOPLE are the descendants of those folks.

I suggest we raise money by selling all federal lands not used by military,or commercial companies.
next I believe Those in a position to find a solution should share our sequestering effects.That would be
done by cutting those responsible to work part time at half their wages and have them donate any other
income from bonds,investments, a fund.That fund being like a Swearing jar.
A swearing jar for those unfamiliar,is a jar that you place an amount of money in each time you cuss.
 It helps to raise household money and breaks a habit.
I next suggest the IRS  be held to the same persistence they have held the Americans to.All of the property,
assets and anything of value be confiscated and sold at auction to help the economy.It is only equal justice after all the years of destruction done by this entity to people that were broken by them.

Next we must hold the politicians feet to the  fire.They need to be reminded of their promises to us,the voters.And yes I am a voter.Very sad for the present situations going on,but a wiser man for it.
For too many decades,we hear of the proverbial Chicken in every pot promise with that chicken turning out to be Crow.

History shows us that the only way to save a nation is to Cut the fat at the top.That nation found leaders that would charge up the hill as an equal citizen when the chips were down.No people can stay as we are for long.This kind of let the eat cake speaks louder than words.If we don't support the infrastructure of our great
and floundering nation,This nation will fall as others have in the dusty annals of the past.

Those who fail to learn from the past,are destined to repeat it

For now that is all I have to say.You can appeal to the politicians by googling their E-mails and politely asking 

for a clear explanation of hats going or demanding a change to save your countries.We in the USA are not the only struggling people.The Worlds People need to pull together before we have nothing to work for work for.